47 Infos zu Ulrich Kauhl
Mehr erfahren über Ulrich Kauhl
Lebt in
- Andernach
- Mainz
Infos zu
- Till Opatz
- Jens Emsermann
- Anja Schüffler
- Eckhard Thines
- Marine Isonitriles
- Related Compounds
- Lars Andernach
- Mohamed
- Saeed
1 Aktuelle Nachrichten
[PDF] Seminar über aktuelle Probleme der Organischen und ...ak-opatz.chemie.uni-mainz.de › › MittwochseminarSS2013Ulrich Kauhl eigenes Projekt. Nicola Otto + Mario Geffe Literaturvortrag // Rhodium-katalysierte C-C-. Bindungsspaltungen.
2 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Ulrich Kauhl | Semantic ScholarSemantic Scholar profile for Ulrich Kauhl, with 2 highly influential citations and 11 scientific research papers.
Ulrich Kauhl - Looploop.frontiersin.org › people › publicationsUlrich Kauhl. Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz. Mainz, Germany. Primary. View All. mini profile avatar Ulrich Kauhl.
1 Firmen-Mitarbeiter
Ulrich Kauhl - Articles - Scientific Research Publishingscirp.org › journal › articles.aspx › aboutus › articlesMaia Tsikolia, Till Opatz, Ulrich Kauhl, Nurhayat Tabanca, Betul Demirci, Saundra H. TenBroeck, Kenneth J. Linthicum, Ulrich R. Bernier · Advances in Entomology ...
1 Infos zur Ausbildung
Novel Potent Antimalarial Diterpene Isocyanates, Isothiocyanates ...journals.scholarsportal.info › 3259_npadiittmschMarine Isonitriles and Their Related Compounds. Authors. Jens Emsermann · Ulrich Kauhl · Till Opatz · ORCID ID. Source Information.
4 Bücher zum Namen
Sabine M. Klauck - Acemap - DDE Scholarddescholar.acemap.info › authorDetailSabine M. Klauck · Chunlan Hong · Jingming Cao · Ching-Fen Wu · Onat Kadioglu · Anja Schüffler · Ulrich Kauhl · Sabine M. Klauck · Till Opatz ...
Totalsynthese und Strukturaufklärung des (-)-Hymenosetins und...... verwandter 3-Decalinoyltetramsäuren: Strukturaufklärung biologisch aktiver Naturstoffe. Front Cover. Ulrich Kauhl. Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, ...
Totalsynthese und Strukturaufklärung des Google Booksbooks.google.com › books › about › Totalsynthese_und_Strukturaufkläru...Ulrich Kauhl. Universitätsbibliothek Mainz, Reviews. Reviews aren't verified, but Google checks for and removes fake content when it's identified ...
Anti-inflammatory dihydroxanthones from a Diaporthe De Gruyterwww.degruyter.com › doi › suppl › j_hsz _suppl_001Markus Rohr, Anna Maria Kiefer, Ulrich Kauhl, Jonathan Groß, Till Opatz, Gerhard Erkel. Supplementary material. Chiral HPLC Analysis.
5 Dokumente
EBSCOhost | | Cytotoxicity of Secondary Metabolites from...Ulrich Kauhl. 2. , Louis P. Sandjo. 2. , Léon Azefack Tapondjou. 1. ,. Udo Bakowsky. 4 and Till Opatz. *2. 1Department of Chemistry, Faculty of ...
Marine Isonitriles and Their Related Compounds - ProQuestJens Emsermann †, Ulrich Kauhl † and Till Opatz *. Received: 30 November 2015; Accepted: 23 December 2015; Published: 14 January Academic Editor: ...
Identification of NF-κB as Determinant of Posttraumatic Stress ...www.readcube.com › articles › fpharChunlan Hong 1, Anja Schüffler 2, 3, Ulrich Kauhl 4, Jingming Cao 1, Ching-Fen Wu 1, Till Opatz 4, Eckhard Thines 2, 3 and Thomas Efferth 1*
[PDF] isolation of potential drug candidate molecules from rumex ...nek.istanbul.edu.tr › ekos › TEZUlrich Kauhl from Institute of Organic. Chemistry, University of Mainz and Prof. Dr. Zuhal Güvenalp from Department of. Pharmacognosy, Atatürk University, who ...
2 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Altersetin, a New Antibiotic from Cultures of Endophytic Alternaria ...www.jstage.jst.go.jp › article › _article › -charUlrich Kauhl, Lars Andernach, Stefan Weck, et al. Total Synthesis of (−)-Hymenosetin. The Journal of Organic Chemistry , Vol.81, No.1, p.215.
Jens Emsermann – ScienceOpenMarine Isonitriles and Their Related Compounds. Authors: Jens Emsermann, Ulrich Kauhl, Till Opatz · All publications. Record: found; Orcid: not found; Profile: ...
2 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
[PDF] Minutes of the Business Meeting of the International Isotope Society ...iis-ced.de › wp-content › uploads › › IIC-CED-Business-Mee...Ulrich Kauhl. Ralf Kiesling. Manish Kothari. Michal Kriegelstein. Jacques Lebreton. Claudia Löwe. Aleŝ Marek. Michael May Tom Mejuch. Serena Monticelli.
Advances in Entomology - oalibwww.oalib.com › journalMaia Tsikolia, Till Opatz, Ulrich Kauhl, Nurhayat Tabanca, Betul Demirci, Saundra H. TenBroeck, Kenneth J. Linthicum, Ulrich R. Bernier ...
3 Meinungen & Artikel
Wikipedia: Isothiocyanate - Wikipediade.wikipedia.org › wiki › IsothiocyanateJens Emsermann, Ulrich Kauhl, Till Opatz: Marine Isonitriles and Their Related Compounds . In: Marine Drugs . Band 14, Nr. 1, 14. Januar 2016, S. 16, ...
The Chinese herbal formula Free and Easy Wanderer ameliorates...Article
The Chinese herbal formula Free and Easy Wanderer ameliorates ...www.nature.com › scientific reports › articles· Thines, Ulrich Kauhl performed structure identification under the supervision of Prof. Opatz. Dr. Sabine M. Klauck performed the micrarray ...
26 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Ulrich Kauhl's research works | Johannes Gutenberg-Universität ...www.researchgate.net › Ulrich-KauhlUlrich Kauhl's 11 research works with 151 citations and reads, including: Anti-inflammatory dihydroxanthones from a Diaporthe species.
Ulrich Kauhl - OCLCid.oclc.org › worldcat › entityUlrich Kauhl. Description. Entity Subtypes. person... instance of. 2 references. Significant Dates Date of Birth. 2 references. External Sources.
搜索页_Ulrich+Kauhl - 中国地质图书馆cglhub.com › auto › search在“ACS电子期刊”中,命中:1条,耗时:小于0.01 秒. 在所有数据库中总计命中:3条. 1.Total Synthesis of (−)-Hymenosetin. 作者:Ulrich Kauhl ; Lars Andernach ...
Untitled DocumentRémy Bertrand Teponno, Jean Paul Dzoyem, Raymond Ngansop Nono, Ulrich Kauhl, Louis P. Sandjo, Léon Azefack Tapondjou, Udo Bakowsky and Till Opatz.
Marine Drugs | Free Full-Text | Marine Isonitriles and Their Related...Marine isonitriles represent the largest group of natural products carrying the remarkable isocyanide moiety. Together with marine isothiocyanates and...
Cytotoxic Tetraprenylated Alkaloids from the South China Sea...Marine Isonitriles and Their Related Compounds. Jens Emsermann, Ulrich Kauhl , Till Opatz; Marine drugs; Excerpts ...
A Double-Blinded Randomized Study on the Treatment of ...www.worldscientific.com › doiChunlan Hong, Anja Schüffler, Ulrich Kauhl, Jingming Cao and Ching-Fen Wu et al. 6 April | Frontiers in Pharmacology, Vol. 8.
Anti-inflammatory dihydroxanthones from a Diaporthe speciessearch.ebscohost.com › loginMarkus Rohr, Anna Maria Kiefer, Ulrich Kauhl, Jonathan Groß, Till Opatz* and Gerhard ... Ulrich Kauhl and Jonathan Groß, Department of Chemistry, University.
Figure 1 from Total Synthesis of (-)-Hymenosetin. | Semantic ScholarFigure 1. Structures of hymenosetin and equisetin. -
Marine Isonitriles and Their Related Compounds - ProQuestsearch.proquest.com › openviewJens Emsermann , Ulrich Kauhl and Till Opatz *. Received: 30 November 2015; Accepted: 23 December 2015; Published: 14 January
Altmetric – Marine Isonitriles and Their Related CompoundsJens Emsermann, Ulrich Kauhl, Till Opatz. Abstract. Marine isonitriles represent the largest group of natural products carrying the remarkable isocyanide moiety.
Moiety Definition und Bedeutung | Collins Wörterbuchwww.collinsdictionary.com › worterbuch › englisch › moietyMarine isonitriles represent the largest group of natural products carrying the remarkable isocyanide moiety. Jens Emsermann, Ulrich Kauhl, Till Opatz ...
Ohne Titellbojn.mitunja.net › xylochemical· Xylochemical Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Shancigusin C and Bletistrin G ‡ Leander Geske 1 , Ulrich Kauhl 1 , Mohamed E. M. Saeed
Ohne Titelpubs.rsc.org › content › forwardlinksUlrich Kauhl, Lars Andernach and Till Opatz. J. Org. Chem., 2018, 83, DOI: acs.joc.8b Genome-Mined Diels–Alderase Catalyzes Formation ...
Table 1 from Total Synthesis of (-)-Hymenosetin. | Semantic Scholar... 1}, pages={ } }. Ulrich Kauhl, Lars Andernach, +4 authors Till Opatz; Published in The Journal of organic chemistry; DOI: acs.joc. 5b
Ohne Titelwww.mdpi.com › scifeed_displayUlrich Kauhl. Mohamed E. M. Saeed. Anja Schüffler. Eckhard Thines. Thomas Efferth. Till Opatz. With settings. Email: Freq: Daily, Weekly, Monthly ...
Sertraline Treatment of Children and Adolescents With ...www.liebertpub.com › doi › pdfplus › capChunlan Hong, Jingming Cao, Ching-Fen Wu, Onat Kadioglu, Anja Schьffler, Ulrich Kauhl, Sabine M. Klauck, Till Opatz,. Eckhard Thines, Norbert W. Paul, ...
Total Synthesis of (−)-Hymenosetinposted on , 16:00 by Ulrich Kauhl Lars Andernach Stefan Weck Louis P. Sandjo Stefan Jacob Eckhard Thines Till Opatz. The 3-decalinoyltetramic ...
Xylochemical Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Shancigusin C ...www.mdpi.com › ...Geske, Leander, Ulrich Kauhl, Mohamed E. M. Saeed, Anja Schüffler, Eckhard Thines, Thomas Efferth, and Till Opatz "Xylochemical Synthesis and ...
Total Synthesis of (−)-HymenosetinTotal Synthesis of (−)-Hymenosetin. Louis P. Sandjo, Ulrich Kauhl, Lars Andernach, Stefan Weck, Stefan Jacob, Eckhard Thines, Till Opatz. The Journal of ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Ulrich
Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch): Ulrich; Althochdeutsch (Zweigliedriger Name); uodal = das Erbe, der Erbhof, das Erbgut; rihhi = reich, mächtig, die Macht, die Herrschaft, der Herrscher; alter deutscher zweigliedriger Name; bekannt durch die Verehrung des hl. Ulrich, Bischof von Augsburg (9./10. Jh.)
Verwandte Personensuchen
- Maria Kiefer
- Anna Maria Kiefer
- Leander Geske
- Thomas Efferth
- Betul Demirci
- Markus Rohr
- Anja Schüffler
- Jens Emsermann
- Stefan Weck
Personensuche zu Ulrich Kauhl & mehr
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