80 Infos zu Ulrika Christiansen
Mehr erfahren über Ulrika Christiansen
Infos zu
- Domus Academy
- Stefano Mirti
- Milano
- Italy
- Pernille Stockmarr
- Institute
- Design Lab
- Elio Caccavale
- Francesca
- Id-lab
9 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Dall’Italia al Qatar e ritorno «Così ho scoperto un’altra metropoli»...Line Ulrika Christiansen, danese, dirige dallo scorso anno la Domus Academy. «Sono stata via sette anni da questa città e l’ho trovata profondamente...
Apparatus 22 in 999 A collection of questions about contemporary ...www.gallleriapiu.com › ... › news from the artists· ... Viola Castellano, Umberto Cavenago, Christia Chamoun, Francesca Chiacchio, Elisa Chiodo, Line Ulrika Christiansen, Maurizio Cilli, ...
«Io, rettrice danese a Milano. Voi italiani siete i più intelligenti...Line Ulrika Christiansen, direttrice di Domus Academy
Domus Academy Launches Undergraduate Programs - Shoes Reportshoes-report.com › Shoe business news... programs and apply our world-famous postgraduate approach to a new audience,” says the head of the Domus Academy Institute Line Ulrika Christiansen.
1 Bilder zu Ulrika Christiansen

5 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Line Ulrika Christiansen | Facebookpinterest.com: Line Ulrika Christiansen114 Pins • 48 Followers
Info über Line Ulrika Christiansen | FlickrLine Ulrika Christiansen. line_ulrika. 15 Followers•12 Following Photos. Doha, Qatar. Joined Follow. Save Cancel. Drag to set position!
Line Ulrika ChristiansenLine Ulrika Christiansen. Associate Dean for Academic Affairs. Contact. + (JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) ...
2 Hobbys & Interessen
ON lineLine Ulrika Christiansen. Line views design as an intellectual activity that lives and operates in the space between critical art and design thinking, ...
Line Ulrika Christiansen - ON lineLine views design as an intellectual activity that lives and operates in the space between critical art and design thinking, learning by doing, focuses on ...
1 Persönliche Webseiten
Line Ulrika Christiansen | Line Ulrika ChristiansenLine Ulrika Christiansen recently moved to Doha, Qatar to fulfill the position as Director of Art and Design Foundation at the Virginia Commonwealth University...
1 Bücher zum Namen
Politica e cultura: per un rinnovato rapporto tra memoria, scelta...La politica soffre lo schiacciamento sulla contingenza e il dominio mediatico: essa non riesce più a occupare il futuro. Il problema è se è possibile...
1 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
_idii03_yrbk_fin2.q_idii03_yrbk_fin2.q _idii03_yrbk_fin2.qxd :42 PM Seite | Interaction
5 Video- & Audioinhalte
BlinkX Video: Touch meInteraction Design Institute Ivrea has shown its work in the Touch Me exhibition at the Victoria & Albert Museum London. Touch Me explores the pleasures and sensations of touch, YouTube
BlinkX Video: Tune meTune Me is an immersive conceptual radio based upon tactile features. The sound (as well as the visual) is triggered by a number of tactile interfaces. The visitors enter the YouTube
BlinkX Video: Pitti CloudPitti Immagine Uomo 67, January 2005, Fortezza da Basso, Florence Word City is the installation conceived for Pitti Immagine Uomo 67 by Laboratorium and the Turin based YouTube
BlinkX Video: This is today. The making ofto listen to ideas. This was our first test, the proving ground Project Credits Adrian Ashley, Massimo Banzi, Britta Boland, Line Ulrika Christiansen, Holly YouTube
3 Meinungen & Artikel
Line Ulrika Christiansen, Director of Art and Design Foundation in...Line Ulrika Christiansen recently moved to Doha, Qatar to fulfill the position as Director of Art and Design Foundation at the Virginia Commonwealth University...
Google Blogs: The Interaction-Ivrea offspring - Core77Interaction Design Lab, Milan, Italy (Walter Aprile, Ailadi Cortelletti, Line Ulrika Christiansen, Barbara Ghella, Franz Goria, Giovanni Innella, Giannino Malossi, Gianluca Martino, Stefano Mirti, Simone Muscolino) ...
[종료] 서울디자인페스티벌 초대 이벤트!m.blog.naver.com › nv_design· 리네 크리스챤슨 (LINE ULRIKA CHRISTIANSEN) '디자인씽킹'은 분산된 생각들을 수렴하고 정리하는 단계를 거쳐 하나의 집중된 생각 즉 솔루션으로 ...
50 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Line Ulrika Christiansen | LinkedInView Line Ulrika Christiansen's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Line Ulrika ...
Line Ulrika Christiansen - SVA MA Design Researchdesignresearch.sva.edu › student › line-ulrika-christiansenLine Ulrika Christiansen is Director of Design Foundation at VCUQatar. Educated as an interaction designer, she worked several years leading projects at the ...Missing: Deutsche Post AG" Line Ulrika Christiansen is Director of Design Foundation at VCUQatar. Educated as an interaction designer, she worked several years leading projects at the ... Missing: Deutsche Post AG"
Line Ulrika Christiansen | Zerozero.eu › Milano › Latest › InterviewsDanese di origine, Line Ulrika Christiansen è tornata a Milano per la seconda volta, dopo avere diretto una scuola di Design a Doha: ora è a capo della ...
Line Ulrika Christiansen – bi_özet – Sektörel Gündemin ÖzetiLine Ulrika Christiansen hakkında editorbiozet tarafından yazılan gönderiler
Line Ulrika Christiansen - Roller i dansk erhvervliv. - Lasso.dklasso.dk › personerSe alt om Line Ulrika Christiansen i dansk erhvervsliv. Se roller i bestyrelser, direktioner og ejerskaber mm. om alle personer i dansk erhvervsliv, ...
Line Ulrika Christiansen (lineulrika) – Profil | PinterestLine Ulrika Christiansen | Brains Only Odyssey Booster.
Marita Ulrika Christiansen (maritaulrika) – Profil | PinterestSchau dir an, was Marita Ulrika Christiansen (maritaulrika) auf Pinterest, dem Katalog unendlich vieler Ideen, entdeckt hat.
Pin op Transfoghigos ideas, Line Ulrika Christiansen, Federico Esposito, Gerardo Del Gaudio, Stefano Mirti — MAF.
Accessory Nerve - Der anziehbare “Klingelton” · FHPA-Nerve started as a collaboration between Ryan Genz of CuteCircuit and Interaction Designer Line Ulrika Christiansen, and continues to be developed at CuteCircuit. Accessory Nerve allows users to communicate with friends through a novel textile visual language, combining smart textiles and telecommunication technology.
Domus Academy Design Talks: Prototyping Ideas - L'Officiel"Domus Academy ha deciso di dedicare un intero ciclo di incontri alla capacità di tradurre le idee in piani d’azione, in strumenti con cui spingere il mondo nella giusta direzione"Line Ulrika Christiansen, la data da 30 novembre a 30 ottobre e nel titolo Line Ulrika Christiansen, Dean della Domus Academy.
Natalie Christiansen Schill (24 år) Helsingborg | Ratsitwww.ratsit.se › ... › Norra Ljunggatan 3· Robert Sajn Se anonymt direkt. Lars Mikael Sebastian Eriksson Se anonymt direkt. Natalie Ulrika Christiansen Schill Se anonymt direkt ...
Line Ulrika Christiansen - Ownr.dkHer finder du information om både Line Ulrika Christiansen´s nuværende og tidligere virksomheder og poster. Se også komplet koncerndiagram.
Domus Academy - Escuela de Diseño en Milánwww.goglobal-colombia.com › domus-academyLine Ulrika Christiansen, Dean. Founded in Milan in 1982, Domus Academy is one of the first post-graduate Design Schools in Italy. With 12 Master`s Programs ...
Festival News - Romanian Design Weekromaniandesignweek.ro › article › romanian-design-...Developed by CHART in collaboration with the Designmuseum Danmark and curated by Line Ulrika Christiansen (on behalf of CHART) and Pernille Stockmarr (on ...
MAF - Museum of Feminine Arts - ghigosghigos.com › progetti › maf-museum-of-feminine-arts... (Gerardo del Gaudio), ghigos (Davide Crippa, Barbara Di Prete, Francesco Tosi), Id-Lab (Line Ulrika Christiansen, Federico Esposito, Stefano Mirti)
Matters - Design Museum Denmark - Designmuseum Danmarkdesignmuseum.dk › Home › UdstillingerAbout the exhibition. Matters is curated by Line Ulrika Christiansen, Institute Head at Domus Academy Milano, in collaboration with Pernille Stockmarr, curator ...
Comfort spaces for stressed travelers – We Make Money Not ArtInside the Re-Lounge space, designed by Line Ulrika Christiansen, the traveler uses a responsive dreamPillow to modify the colored light and ...
De Paris Enrico Tommaso - EduEDA - The EDUcational Encyclopedia of...Editoriale Giorgio Mondadori, Milano; 2007, Line Ulrika Christiansen, Stella Colaleo e Simone Muscolino, Immagine a snow of blue foam...
Des calins à distance ? Où en est-on avec le vêtement technologique ?...Hello ! Déniché sur DreamOrange, voici un petit topo sur les vêtements technologiques ! Voici d’ailleurs un exemple avec ce Hug Shirt, qui propose de faire des...
Nordic design talents rethink materialsnordicdesigntrace.com › nordic-design-talents-rethin...· The exhibition is curated by Line Ulrika Christiansen, Institute Head of Domus Academy Milano, and Pernille Stockmarr, ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Ulrika
Weiblicher Vorname (Skandinavisch): Ulrika; Althochdeutsch (Zweigliedriger Name); uodal = das Erbe, der Erbhof, das Erbgut; rihhi = reich, mächtig, die Macht, die Herrschaft, der Herrscher; Information zur männlichen Form Ulrich:; alter deutscher zweigliedriger Name; bekannt durch die Verehrung des hl. Ulrich, Bischof von Augsburg (9./10. Jh.)
Bedeutung zum Nachnamen Christiansen
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