128 Infos zu Ulrike Binsker
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- Greifswald
- Berlin
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- Hammond
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- Weiser
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- Aggarwal
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- Mila Brum Ortigoza
- Sven Hammerschmidt
7 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Die Veranstaltung soll vor Ort durchgeführt werden. Nur im PEGWebDr. Ulrike Binsker, BfR 12:00 â 12:30 Uhr Modelling Exposure risik for consumers â differences between bacteria Dr. Carolina Plaza Rodríguez, BfR 12:30 â 13:30 Uhr â¦
Nebel-Cup Sprint - Ergebnis:02 2 Katrin Cruse 66 SV Robotron Dresden 19:40 3 Ulrike Binsker 86 Kaulsdorfer OLV 20:54 4 Ariane Berlin
Latest News - One Health EJPonehealthejp.eu › Community › NewsUlrike Binsker, on German meat and livestock may serve as source of ESBL E. coli carrying mcr incx4 plasmids recently identified in humans. Her research is ...
[PDF] 6. Workshop Antibiotikaresistenzwww.p-e-g.org › files › Veranstaltungen › Programm_AMR2022_v4· Dr. Ulrike Binsker, BfR. 12:00 – 12:30 Uhr. Modelling Exposure risik for consumers – differences between bacteria.
10 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Ulrike Binsker | FacebookLinkedIn: Beitrag von Ulrike Binsker - LinkedIn DeutschlandUlrike Binsker hat dies direkt geteilt Diesen Beitrag melden Bundesinstitut für Risikobewertung (BfR) Follower:innen 9 Monate Bearbeitet ...
LinkedIn: Ulrike Binsker – Postdoctoral Research Scientist - LinkedInde.linkedin.com › ulrike-binskerErfahren Sie mehr über die Berufserfahrung, Ausbildung und Kontakte von Ulrike Binsker, indem Sie das Profil dieser Person auf LinkedIn besuchen.
LinkedIn: de.Beitrag von Ulrike Binsker. Profil von Ulrike Binsker anzeigen, Grafik. Ulrike Binsker. Postdoctoral Research Scientist bei Federal Institute ...
1 Business-Profile
Ulrike BINSKER | PostDoc Position | PhDResearchGateUlrike BINSKER, PostDoc Position | Cited by 165 | | Read 10 publications | Contact Ulrike BINSKER.
1 Firmen-Mitarbeiter
Greifswalder Absolventin mit Promotionspreis ausgezeichnetUniversität Greifswald— Ulrike Binsker hat von bis in Greifswald Biochemie studiert und in der Abteilung für Molekulare Genetik und Infektionsbiologie der — Ulrike Binsker hat von bis in Greifswald Biochemie studiert und in der Abteilung für Molekulare Genetik und Infektionsbiologie der ...
1 Infos zur Ausbildung
Alumni - Fakultät - Universität GreifswaldWebUlrike Binsker, 2013; Franziska Voß, 2013; Antje Müller, 2013; Delia Kiachludis, 2013; Tobias Thom, 2013; Viktor Kluger, 2013; Nadine Gotzmann, 2013; Angelika Hohmann, 2012; Denise Kohmann, 2012; …
9 Bücher zum Namen
Ulrike Binsker - Author profileEurope PMCUlrike Binsker. Visit ORCID profile · Visit Impact Story. Share this profile Share with emailShare with twitterShare with linkedinShare with facebook. 2. Ulrike Binsker. Visit ORCID profile · Visit Impact Story. Share this profile Share with emailShare with twitterShare with linkedinShare with facebook. 2.
Annemarie Käsbohrer - Acemap - 开云网页登录sghhindu.comUlrike Binsker · Annemarie Käsbohrer · Jens A. Hammerl. Show All. Source; Cite; Save. Citations (1). Draft Genome Sequences of Pseudomonas sp. Isolates ... Ulrike Binsker · Annemarie Käsbohrer · Jens A. Hammerl. Show All. Source; Cite; Save. Citations (1). Draft Genome Sequences of Pseudomonas sp. Isolates ...
Antimicrobial Photodynamic Therapy: Concepts and Applicationsgoogle.be... Ulrike Binsker , Bianca Haracska , Jan Wesche , Andreas Greinacher , and Suen Hammerschmidt “ Interaction between the Staphylococcus aureus ...
Characterizing and Deciphering the Interaction of Human Platelets and...... and Staphylococcus Aureus. Front Cover. Ulrike Binsker. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät der Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität Greifswald,
13 Dokumente
Novel Purification Scheme and Functions for a C3-Binding ...ACS Publicationsvon Q Cheng · · Zitiert von: 101 — Ulrike Binsker, Thomas P. Kohler, Sven Hammerschmidt. Contribution of Human Thrombospondin-1 to the Pathogenesis of Gram-Positive Bacteria ... von Q Cheng · · Zitiert von: 101 — Ulrike Binsker, Thomas P. Kohler, Sven Hammerschmidt. Contribution of Human Thrombospondin-1 to the Pathogenesis of Gram-Positive Bacteria ...
AMPESAP project coordination: Prof. Dr. Annapurna Kannepalli …Web :30 – 18:00 Ulrike Binsker Occurrence and characteristics of Colistin-resistant Isolates from livestock and their impact on agriculture : Discussion on registration of …
Thrombospondin is a slow tight-binding inhibitor of plasminACS Publicationsvon PJ Hogg · · Zitiert von: 80 — Ulrike Binsker, Thomas P. Kohler, Sven Hammerschmidt. Contribution of Human Thrombospondin-1 to the Pathogenesis of Gram-Positive Bacteria ... von PJ Hogg · · Zitiert von: 80 — Ulrike Binsker, Thomas P. Kohler, Sven Hammerschmidt. Contribution of Human Thrombospondin-1 to the Pathogenesis of Gram-Positive Bacteria ...
Pathogenesemechanismen bakterieller Erreger - FLIWebERREGER-WIRT-INTERAKTIONEN Ulrike Binsker et al., (2015) J Biol Chem 290: adapted from Gámez and Hammerschmidt (2012) Curr Drug Target 13: …
10 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Serotype 3 pneumococci sequester platelet-derived human ...ScienceDirect.comvon U Binsker · · Zitiert von: 17 — ... evasion protein Hic. Author links open overlay panel. Ulrike Binsker ‡ , Thomas P. Kohler ‡ , Krystin Krauel § , Sylvia Kohler ‡ , Johanna Habermeyer ‡ , von U Binsker · · Zitiert von: 17 — ... evasion protein Hic. Author links open overlay panel. Ulrike Binsker ‡ , Thomas P. Kohler ‡ , Krystin Krauel § , Sylvia Kohler ‡ , Johanna Habermeyer ‡ ,
14 EUROPNEUMO - uni-greifswaldWeb10:15 â 10:30 Ulrike Binsker, New York University School of Medicine, USA Immune exclusion by naturally-acquired secretory IgA to the pneumococcal type-1 pilus 10:30 â â¦
Tracing clinically-relevant antimicrobial resistances in ...ScienceDirect.comvon M Savin · — Ulrike Binsker: Writing – review & editing, Investigation. Nico T. Mutters: Writing – review & editing, Funding acquisition. Declaration of competing ... von M Savin · — Ulrike Binsker: Writing – review & editing, Investigation. Nico T. Mutters: Writing – review & editing, Funding acquisition. Declaration of competing ...
Doctoral Theses - Faculty - University of GreifswaldDr. Ulrike Binsker: Characterizing and deciphering the interaction of human platelets and platelet-derived proteins with Streptococcus pneumoniae and Staphylococcus aureus, University of Greifswald, (Dr.rer.nat.)
4 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Einzellauf - SV IHW Alex 78 Berlin eV Abt. OrientierungslaufYUMPU— 20 Ulrike Binsker 86 LTV Berlin 1:23: Beatrice Denk 86 LTV Thüringen 1:30: Kathi Below 88 LTV — 20 Ulrike Binsker 86 LTV Berlin 1:23: Beatrice Denk 86 LTV Thüringen 1:30: Kathi Below 88 LTV ...
[PDF] Entwicklung und Validierung eines Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent ...edoc.hu-berlin.de › bitstream › handle › bahlmannKristin Petsch, Nadine Hoffmann, Ulrike Binsker und besonders Denise Thurmann danke ich für ihre allzeit tatkräftige Hilfe im Labor und Unterstützung!
„Nahmitzer Damm/Marienfelder Allee (Berlin)“ R F TUTWebDr. Ulrike Binsker, BfR 12:00 –12:30 Uhr Modelling Exposure risik for consumers – differences between bacteria Dr. Carolina Plaza Rodríguez, BfR 12:30 – 13:30 Uhr …
(PDF) Genomic Evidence of mcr IncX4 Plasmid ...ResearchGate— ... CC BY Authors: Ulrike Binsker · Ulrike Binsker. This person is not on ResearchGate, or hasn't claimed this research yet — ... CC BY Authors: Ulrike Binsker · Ulrike Binsker. This person is not on ResearchGate, or hasn't claimed this research yet.
2 Meinungen & Artikel
Twitter-Nachrichten: Ulrike BinskerXConversation. Ulrike Binsker · @BinskerUlrike. I am very excited and on my way to give a talk at #ECCMID Image. 6:21 AM · Apr 23, Conversation. Ulrike Binsker · @BinskerUlrike. I am very excited and on my way to give a talk at #ECCMID Image. 6:21 AM · Apr 23,
OHEJP ASM – Celebrating the success of our One ...One Health EJP— Ulrike Binsker, on German meat and livestock may serve as source of ESBL E. coli carrying mcr incx4 plasmids recently identified in — Ulrike Binsker, on German meat and livestock may serve as source of ESBL E. coli carrying mcr incx4 plasmids recently identified in ...
68 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Ulrike Binsker - Postdoc in Department of Microbiology - NYU ...View Ulrike Binsker's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Ulrike has 3 jobs listed on their profile. See the complete profile on ...
[Video] Ulrike Binsker on LinkedIn: BfR-Leuchtturmprojekt 2Ulrike Binsker reposted this. View organization page for Bundesinstitut für Risikobewertung, graphic · Bundesinstitut für Risikobewertung. Ulrike Binsker reposted this. View organization page for Bundesinstitut für Risikobewertung, graphic · Bundesinstitut für Risikobewertung.
Articles by Ulrike Binsker's Profile | The Journal of Biological ...muckrack.com › ulrike-binsker › articlesArticles by Ulrike Binsker on Muck Rack. Find Ulrike Binsker's email address, contact information, LinkedIn, Twitter, other social media and more.
Ulrike Binsker ( ) - ORCID17. Aug · Ulrike Binsker Activities. Collapse all. expand_more. Works (2) sort Sort. Genomic Evidence of mcr IncX4 Plasmid Transmission between Poultry and Humans . Microbiology Spectrum | Journal article DOI: spectrum
ADAPT kick off meeting | DFN TerminplanerWebUlrike Binsker: Ja: Ja: Julius Okuni : Ja: Ja: Yakhya Dieye: Ja: Ja: Sheila Makiala: Ja: Ja: Samuel Owusu-Sekyere: Ja: Ja: Aster Tsegaye: Ja: Ja: Cheikh FALL: Ja: Ja: Cheikh â¦
15. Nebel-Cup MeldungenSV Robotron Dresden 9 Grit Wollenberg TOLF Berlin 10 D19K 1 Ulrike Binsker Kaulsdorfer OLV 2 Ute Boeck
DGHM 2022WebUlrike Binsker. Sortierung nach Typ Sortierung nach Zeit Zeit Art Titel; :15 – 20:15: Poster (Referent) ST131-fimH22 Escherichia coli of poultry reveal a close …
Genomic Evidence of mcr IncX4 Plasmid Transmission …Web4 aug · Genomic Evidence of mcr IncX4 Plasmid Transmission between Poultry and Humans. Ulrike Binsker, Kathrin Oelgeschläger, Bernd Neumann, Guido Werner, …
Acknowledgment to the Reviewers of International Journal of MDPIwww.mdpi.com › ...· Jessica R. Dreistadt, Ulrike Binsker. Jessica Rial-Vázquez, Ulrike Frischen. Jessica Stubbing, Ulrike Gelbmann.
Preisverleihung der DGHM-Stiftung Deutsche â¦WebDer mit 500 EUR dotierte DGHM-Promotionspreis wird an Frau Dr. rer. nat. Ulrike Binsker verliehen. Frau Binsker hat in Greifswald den Diplom Studiengang Biochemie â¦
Autor: "Surya D. Aggarwal" - Prolib Integrokatalog.pm.szczecin.pl › eds › searchTytuł: Neuraminidase B controls neuraminidase A-dependent mucus production and evasion. Autorzy: Alexandria J Hammond · Ulrike Binsker · Surya D Aggarwal
Dr. Mila Ortigoza, MD – New York, NY | Infectious Disease - Doximitywww.doximity.com › States › New York › New YorkAlexandria J. Hammond, Ulrike Binsker, Surya D. Aggarwal, Mila Brum Ortigoza, Cynthia Loomis, Jeffrey N. Weiser> ;Plos Pathogens Apr 5; 8 citations.
3 rd International Conference September Tübingen l Germany....... The repertoire of staphylococcal proteins triggering platelet activation and aggregation Ulrike Binsker, Jan Wesche, Raghavendra Palankar, ...
F3512 | Sigma-Aldrichwww.sigmaaldrich.com › searchResults of 17 · Ulrike Binsker et al. The Journal of clinical investigation, 130(2), ( ). Successful infection by mucosal pathogens ...
Global colistin use: A review of the emergence of resistant Typesettypeset.io › Paper DirectoryGlobal colistin use: A review of the emergence of resistant Enterobacterales and the impact on their genetic basis. Ulrike Binsker 1, Annemarie Käsbohrer 2, ...
Anti-Secretory Component Antibody | Mouse anti-Human ...LSBioImmune exclusion by naturally-acquired secretory IgA to the pneumococcal pilus-1. Ulrike Binsker, John A Lees, Alexandria J Hammond, Jeffrey N Weiser. The ... Immune exclusion by naturally-acquired secretory IgA to the pneumococcal pilus-1. Ulrike Binsker, John A Lees, Alexandria J Hammond, Jeffrey N Weiser. The ... Bewertung: 4 · 1 Rezension · 288,00 $ Rezensionen werden von der Google Suche nicht überprüft
Immune exclusion by naturally acquired secretory IgA against JCIwww.jci.org › articles › viewImmune exclusion by naturally acquired secretory IgA against pneumococcal pilus-1. Ulrike Binsker, John A. Lees, Alexandria J. Hammond, and Jeffrey N.
Antimicrobial Photodynamic Therapy: Concepts and ...dokumen.pubPalankar, Raghavendra, Ulrike Binsker, Bianca Haracska, Jan Wesche, Andreas Greinacher, and Suen Hammerschmidt “Interaction between the ... Palankar, Raghavendra, Ulrike Binsker, Bianca Haracska, Jan Wesche, Andreas Greinacher, and Suen Hammerschmidt “Interaction between the ...
ArchivebioRxivNeuraminidase B controls neuraminidase A-dependent mucus production and evasion. Alexandria J. Hammond, Ulrike Binsker, Surya D. Aggarwal, Mila Brum Ortigoza ... Neuraminidase B controls neuraminidase A-dependent mucus production and evasion. Alexandria J. Hammond, Ulrike Binsker, Surya D. Aggarwal, Mila Brum Ortigoza ...
Journal of Innate Immunity - Submission & Publication Feesacademic-accelerator.com › Publication-Fee › Journ...Contribution of Human Thrombospondin-1 to the Pathogenesis of Gram-Positive Bacteria · Ulrike Binsker · Thomas P Kohler · Sven Hammerschmidt.
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Ulrike
Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch): Ulrike; Althochdeutsch (Zweigliedriger Name); uodal = das Erbe, der Erbhof, das Erbgut; rihhi = reich, mächtig, die Macht, die Herrschaft, der Herrscher; Information zur männlichen Form Ulrich:; alter deutscher zweigliedriger Name; bekannt durch die Verehrung des hl. Ulrich, Bischof von Augsburg (9./10. Jh.)
Verwandte Personensuchen
- Carolina Plaza
- German Federal
- Annemarie Käsbohrer
- Sylvia Kohler
- Ulrike Frischen
- Andreas Greinacher
- Bernd Neumann
- Guido Werner
- Ulrike Gelbmann
- Regine Binsker
Personensuche zu Ulrike Binsker & mehr
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