19 Infos zu Ulrike Herian
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- Heidelberg
Infos zu
- Hepatitis
- Volker Lohmann
- Universitätsklinikum
1 Aktuelle Nachrichten
5 Dokumente
Small animal model for hcv replication - Weiner, AmyAn animal model for HCV replication and/or production of virus or virus like particles is provided. The invention utilizes an HCV replicon present in a cell to...
CiteSeerX — Viral and cellular determinants of hepatitis C virus...BibTeX @ARTICLE{Lohmann03viraland, author = {Volker Lohmann and Ra Hoffmann and Ulrike Herian and Ralf Bartenschlager and Volker Lohmann and Ra Hoffmann and Ulrike Herian and Francois Penin and Ralf Bartenschlager}, title = {Viral and cellular determinants of hepatitis C virus RNA replication in cell culture}, journal = {J Virol}, year = {2003}, pages = { }}
Non-Structural Protein 4A of Dengue Virus is an Integral iBrarianAcknowledgments – We thank Ulrike Herian for excellent technical assistance , Francois Penin for helpful discussions during the course of this work, and Uta Haselmann for helping us to learn cryo- sectioning. We also thank Andrew Davidson for providing the DV-NGC encoding plasmid, Progen.
Efficient Rescue of Hepatitis C Virus RNA Replication by...Abstract. Efficient Rescue of Hepatitis C Virus RNA Replication by trans - Complementation with Nonstructural Protein 5A Nicole Appel , Ulrike Herian , and Ralf ...
2 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Beschreibung: In VitroStudies on the Activation of the Hepatitis C...Treffer von 1 für Suche: 'Ulrike Herian'. Sortieren. Automatische Sortierung, Erscheinungsjahr, absteigend, Erscheinungsjahr, aufsteigend, Person
Ulrike Herian – ScienceOpenAn estimated 170 million persons worldwide are infected with hepatitis C virus ( HCV), a major cause of chronic liver disease. Despite increasing knowledge of ...
8 Webfunde aus dem Netz
[PDF] Replication of subgenomic hepatitis C virus RNAs in a hepatoma...· DOI: SCIENCE Corpus ID: ; Replication of subgenomic hepatitis C virus RNAs in a hepatoma cell line. @article{Lohmann1999ReplicationOS, title={Replication of subgenomic hepatitis C virus RNAs in a hepatoma cell line.}, author={Volker Lohmann and F K{\"o}rner and J O Koch and Ulrike Herian and Lorenz Theilmann and Ralf Bartenschlager}, journal={Science}, year={
Production of Infectious Genotype 1b Virus Particles in Cell Culture...We are grateful to Ulrike Herian, Rahel Klein, Petra Premereur and Lieven Verhoye for excellent technical assistance, to Petra Neddermann and Raffaele DeFrancesco for provision of the H479 kinase inhibitor, to Charles Rice for Huh cells and the 9E10 monoclonal antibody, to Takaji Wakita for ...
Transcriptional Slippage Prompts Recoding In Alternate Reading ...8. -http://academic.research.microsoft.com/Publication replication-of- subgen... Ulrike Herian, Jan Oliver Koch, Lorenz Theilmann, Volker Lohmann, Frank Korner, Ralf Bartenschlager Analysis Of Codon Anticodon Interactions Within The Ribosome Provides New Insights Into Codon Reading And The Genetic ...
Replication of Selectable Hepatitis C Virus RNAs in a Transfected...... nat v e rI(o e~pec-.ed C16j/ Volker Lohmann, Frank Kfmsr, Jan-Oliver Koch, Ulrike Herian, Lorenz Theilmann and Ral Bartenechleger* V. Lohrnann, F. KMmer, ...
JCI - Loss of viral fitness and cross-recognition by CD8+ T cells...We thank Ulrike Herian, Natalie Wischniowski, and Nadine Kersting for excellent technical assistance. This study was supported by ViroQuant Cell Networks, Bioquant
The Non-structural Protein 4A of Dengue Virus Is an Integral Membrane...We thank Ulrike Herian for excellent technical assistance, Francois Penin for helpful discussions during the course of this work, and Uta Haselmann
Small animal model for hcv replication - Patent application... virus RNA replication by cell culture-adaptive mutations , Journal of Virology, 75 (10): ; Volker Lohmann, Sandra Hoffmann, Ulrike Herian
TISSUE CULTURE SYSTEM FOR PRODUCTION OF HEPATITIS C VIRUS - Patent...2001, Journal of Virology, 75(10): ; Volker Lohmann, Sandra Hoffmann, Ulrike Herian, Francois Penin, and Ralf Bartenschlager, Viral and cellular
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Ulrike
Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch): Ulrike; Althochdeutsch (Zweigliedriger Name); uodal = das Erbe, der Erbhof, das Erbgut; rihhi = reich, mächtig, die Macht, die Herrschaft, der Herrscher; Information zur männlichen Form Ulrich:; alter deutscher zweigliedriger Name; bekannt durch die Verehrung des hl. Ulrich, Bischof von Augsburg (9./10. Jh.)
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