105 Infos zu Valentin Blomer
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- Göttingen
Infos zu
- L-functions
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- Mathematics
- Mathematik
- Universität Göttingen
- Arithmetic
- Details
- Hanseatische Lebensmittel
11 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Colloquium - Valentin Blomer | Department of MathematicsTitle: Applications of spectral summatio
HCM: Elefant ScheduleElefant Schedule. Venue: Lipschitz-Saal, Mathematics CenterBonn; ... Valentin Blomer: L-functions and Kloosterman sums: 10: :30: Tea …
HCM: Hausdorff-Kolloquium 2014Hausdorff-Kolloquium Date: April 23, July 9, Venue: Mathematik-Zentrum, Lipschitz Lecture HallBonn Valentin Blomer ...
DFG awards Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Prize | EurekAlert! Science NewsThe DFG will present the Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Prize to six young researchers in a ceremony to be held in Bonn on 6 June The prizewinners, each of...
11 Bilder zu Valentin Blomer

4 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Valentin Blomer | FacebookAcademy of Europe: Blomer ValentinValentin Blomer#. Email: blomer 'at' math.uni-bonn.de. Membership Number: Membership type ... Ontbrekend: Hanseatische Lebensmittel"
Valentin Blomer - Mathematisches Institut - Universität Bonnwww.math.uni-bonn.de › peopleResearch. Number theory, in particular analytic number theory, automorphic forms, L-functions, quadratic forms. Selected publications: Bounding sup-norms of ... Ontbrekend: Hanseatische Lebensmittel"
Djordje Milićević, Bryn Mawr CollegeMathematics Department at Bryn Mawr
1 Firmen-Mitarbeiter
Universität Hildesheim | Mathematik, Naturwissenschaften, Wirtschaft...ELementare und Analytische Zahlentheorie ELAZ Conference at the University of Hildesheim, ... Valentin Blomer (Georg-August-Universität Göttingen) : ...
11 Bücher zum Namen
Contributions in Analytic and Algebraic Number Theory: Festschrift...Available in: Paperback.The text that comprises this volume is a collection of surveys and original works from experts in the fields of algebraic number
Contributions in Analytic and Algebraic Number Theory - Valentin...Valentin Blomer (Redaktør). The text that comprises this volume is a collection of surveys and original works from experts in the fields of algebraic number theory ...
Valentin Blomer on Apple BooksPreview and download books by Valentin Blomer, including Contributions in Analytic and Algebraic Number Theory.
The Arithmetic of Squareful Numbers - Valentin Blomer - Google BooksValentin Blomer pages. 0 Reviewshttps://books.google.com/books/about/The_Arithmetic_of_Squareful_Numbers.html?id=m_HGMwEACAAJ ...
8 Dokumente
[ ] Sums of Hecke eigenvalues over quadratic polynomialsAuthors:Valentin Blomer · Download PDF. Abstract: Let f(z) = sum_n a(n) n^{(k-1)/ 2} e(nz) be a cusp form for Gamma_0(N), character chi and ... Ontbrekend: Hanseatische Lebensmittel"
SCHATTENBLICK - MELDUNG/014: Göttinger Mathematiker erhält...Prof. Dr. Valentin Blomer wird mit einem "Starting Independent Researcher Grant" ausgezeichnet (pug) Der Mathematiker Prof. Dr. Valentin Blomer hat für seine zukunftsweisende ...
File:Valentin Blomer.jpg - Wikimedia CommonsFile:Valentin Blomer.jpg. From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository. Jump to: navigation, search. File; File history; File usage on ...
Hybrid bounds for twisted L-functions : Journal für die reine und...Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik. Managing Editor: Weissauer, Rainer Valentin Blomer 1 / Gergely Harcos Department of Mathematics, ...
15 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
DFG GEPRIS - Professor Dr. Valentin BlomerProfessor Dr. Valentin Blomer, Mathematisches Institut (MI), -5, Göttingen.
Göttingen-Hannover Number Theory Workshops - Georg-August-Universität...Webseiten der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Lehrstuhl A für Mathematik, RWTH Aachen [an error occurred...Seminar ABKLS (Bonn) Programm im PDF-Format. Zeit Programmpunkt; 14:00: ... Valentin Blomer (Göttingen), Counting rational points on a cubic surface: …
Thin bases of order h - ScienceDirectJournal of Number Theory 98 (2003) 34–46. Thin bases of order h. Valentin Blomer. Johannes Gutenberg UniversityMainz D , Germany.
6 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Estimates for representation numbers of quadratic forms by Valentin...Estimates for representation numbers of quadratic forms by. Valentin Blomer Universitat Gottingen Coauthors: Andrew Granville. Let f be a positive binary ...
The Second Moment of Twisted Modular L-Functions | SpringerLinkValentin Blomer and Djordje Milicevic. Abstract. We prove an asymptotic formula with a power saving error term for the (pure or mixed) second ...
Period integrals and Rankin-Selberg L-functions on GL(n) : Valentin...by Valentin Blomer. Published September 18, Identifier ... with n-th order twists. Sep 23, by Valentin Blomer; Leo Goldmakher; Benoit Louvel.
1 Meinungen & Artikel
Graduate Blog » Master's Thesis Presentation: Alexander DahlFriday, March 12, 2010,11:10 a.m. – 12:00 noon,in BA 2135, 40 St. George Street Student: Alexander Dahl. Supervisor: Valentin Blomer. Thesis Title: On moments of
33 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Valentin Blomer | Institute for Advanced Studywww.ias.edu › Scholars › All ScholarsValentin Blomer is an analytic number theorist with a strong interest in the arithmetic, analytic, and geometric aspects of automorphic forms. He plans to continue ... Ontbrekend: Hanseatische Lebensmittel"
Internet Archive Search: creator:"Valentin Blomer"Sums of Hecke eigenvalues over quadratic polynomials - Valentin Blomer Let f(z) = sum_n a(n) n^{(k-1)/2} e(nz) be a cusp form for Gamma_0(N), character chi ...
Valentin Blomer - Wikipedia-Personensuchedeutscher Mathematiker
Blomer - Names EncyclopediaDomains Blomer.com - REGISTERED Blomer.net - REGISTERED Blomer.co.uk - FREE Blomer.de - REGISTERED. Writers: Yvonne Blomer, Valentin Blomer ...
Details for Valentin BlomerValentin Blomer. V. Blomer; (2011) · Samuel James Patterson, Valentin Blomer, Philippe Gabriel Michel. S. Patterson; V. Blomer; P. Michel; (2011) ...
Twins of powerful numbersFunctiones et Approximatio Commentarii Mathematici
Valentin BlomerFollowing his master's degree in 2001, Valentin Blomer burst onto the number theory scene by solving a deep and difficult problem of Paul Erdos, allowing him ...
Details: Valentin BlomerValentin Blomer. On the Photo: Blomer, Valentin. Occasion:workshop: The Analytic Theory of Automorphic Forms. Location: Oberwolfach. Author: Schmid ...
Prof. Dr. Valentin Blomer - Stud.IPContact: Prof. Dr. Valentin Blomer Mathematisches Institut Göttingen. Room: Raum 203: MI 203, Gebaeude Mathematisches Institut: ...
Details: Samuel James Patterson, Valentin Blomer, Philippe Gabriel...Samuel James Patterson, Valentin Blomer, Philippe Gabriel Michel. On the Photo: Patterson, Samuel James (left); Blomer, Valentin (middle); Michel, ...
au:Blomer_V in:math - SciRate Search@misc{ , author = {Valentin Blomer, Jack Buttcane, Péter Maga}, title = {{A}pplications of the {K}uznetsov formula on {GL}(3): the level aspect}, year ...
Blomer, Valentin, Prof. Dr. - Stud.IPKontakt: Prof. Dr. Valentin Blomer Mathematisches Institut Göttingen. Raum: Raum 203: MI 203, Gebaeude Mathematisches Institut: ...
Valentin blomer | Spanish TranslatorTranslate Valentin blomer. See Spanish-English translations with audio pronunciations, examples, and word-by-word explanations.
Meeting Details Automorphic Forms and ArithmeticValentin Blomer, Göttingen Emmanuel Kowalski, Zürich Philippe Michel, Lausanne Date: 3 Sep - 9 Sep OWR Report OWR_2017_40.pdf. Organisers: Login for more information. Participants: Login for more information. Lookup workshop in oberwolfach photo collection.
Kuenstlerdatenbank :: Blomer, ValentinKulturbüro Göttingen: Das Kulturportal für Göttingen
p-adic analytic twists, modularity, and strong subconvexity |...p-adic analytic twists, modularity, and strong subconvexity This is joint work with Valentin Blomer p-adic analytic twists, modularity, and strong subconvexity.
EMS - European Mathematical Society Publishing HouseA Sato–Tate law for GL (3). Valentin Blomer, Jack Buttcane and Nicole Raulf. (1) Mathematisches Institut, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Bunsenstraße ...
EUDML | Non-vanishing of class group $L$-functions at the central...Non-vanishing of class group -functions at the central point. Valentin Blomer. [1] University of Toronto, Department of Mathematics, 100 St. George Street, ...
Distribution of mass of holomorphic cusp formsDuke Mathematical Journal
Program of Mathematische Arbeitstagung | Max-Planck-Institut für...Former Mathematical Institute, Großer Hörsaal, . Valentin Blomer. Bounding eigenfunctions on arithmetic surfaces. 15: :00. MPIM Tea Room.
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Valentin
Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Französisch, Russisch): Valentin; der Kräftige, der Starke; Lateinisch (Römischer Beiname); valens = gesund, stark, kräftig; ursprünglich ein römischer Beiname; bekannt durch die Verehrung des hl. Valentin (3. Jh.)
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