86 Infos zu Valentina Cauda
Mehr erfahren über Valentina Cauda
Infos zu
- Politecnico di Torino
- Barbara Onida
- Marta
- Munich
- Professor
- Grant
- Stefano
- Argyo
- Canta
- Chemical
- Christian
- Giancarlo Canavese
6 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Wirkstoffe auf freien Fuß setzen Neues Verfahren erhöht ...Anna M. Sauer, Axel Schlossbauer, Nadia Ruthardt, Valentina Cauda, Thomas Bein, and Christoph Bräuchle NanoLetters online, 8. September Ansprechpartner:
Sito ufficiale della Regione Autonoma Valle d'AostaRegione Autonoma Valle d'Aosta - Sito ufficiale della Regione Autonoma Valle d'Aosta contenente informazioni turistiche e amministrative.
Nanoparticles, a trap against cancer | ERCProfessor Valentina Cauda, from the Politecnico di Torino, has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) for a ...
Piezoelectric Micro and Nano Structures and their Applications | LE...Dr. Christopher OSHMAN & Dr. Guylaine POULIN-VITTRANT
1 Bilder zu Valentina Cauda

5 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
LinkedIn: Valentina Cauda | LinkedInValentina Caudas berufliches Profil anzeigen LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte berufliche Netzwerk, das Fach- und Führungskräften wie Valentina Cauda dabei ...
LinkedIn: Valentina Cauda - Associate Professor - Politecnico di Torino ...professionale al mondo. Valentina ha indicato 4 esperienze lavorative sul suo profilo ...
LinkedIn: Valentina Cauda - Professore associato - Politecnico di Torino | LinkedInVisualizza il profilo di Valentina Cauda su LinkedIn, la più grande comunità professionale al mondo. Valentina ha indicato 1 #esperienza lavorativa sul suo ...
IIT People - Valentina CaudaAbout. Valentina Cauda was born in Turin, Italy, in She received the Laurea degree in Chemical Engineering in In January 2005, she started her ...
1 Hobbys & Interessen
Action CA COSTItaly, Prof Valentina CAUDA. Italy, Prof Gianluca CIARDELLI. Malta, Dr Joseph BUHAGIAR. Malta, Dr Bertram MALLIA. Netherlands, Dr Martijn ...
1 Business-Profile
Xing: Valentina CaudaPost-Doc / Turin / , Ludwig Maximilians Universität München
9 Bücher zum Namen
Nanogaps and biomolecules (Chapter 3) - Handbook of BioelectronicsHandbook of Bioelectronics - August 2015
Handbook of BioelectronicsCambridge Core - Biomedical Engineering - Handbook of Bioelectronics
Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering in Urology - Google BooksUrology is the branch of medicine dealing with disorders or diseases of the male genitor-urinary tract and the female urinary tract. This important book...
Handbook of Bioelectronics: Directly Interfacing Electronics and...This wide-ranging summary of bioelectronics provides the state of the art in electronics integrated and interfaced with biological systems in one single book....
3 Dokumente
(PDF) Heparin-Coated Colloidal Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles...DOI: chem Heparin-Coated Colloidal Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles Efficiently Bind to Antithrombin as an Anticoagulant Drug-Delivery System...
Ni-Cr-Co alloy ureteral stent: Scanning electron microscopy and...Clinical Device-Related Article Ni-Cr-Co alloy ureteral stent: scanning electron microscopy and elemental analysis characterization after long-term indwelling...
Sensors | March Browse ArticlesSensors, an international, peer-reviewed Open Access journal.
4 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
dblp: Valentina CaudaList of computer science publications by Valentina Cauda
Lehrstuhlseminar - Soft Condensed Matter Group - LMU MunichValentina Cauda (LMU) Supported lipid bilayer membranes and polymeric-shells on mesoporous nanoparticles; Mo, Martin Göllner Organic thin film transistors ...
Publications of the Soft Matter Group - Soft Condensed Matter Group -...Publications of the Soft Matter Group C. Aponte-Santamaría, S. Lippok, J. J. Mittag, T. Obser, ... Christian Argyo, Valentina Cauda, Hanna Engelke, ...
5 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
EconPapers: Multi-functional energy conversion and storage electrodes...By Valentina Cauda, Diego Pugliese, Nadia Garino, Adriano Sacco, Stefano Bianco, Federico Bella, Andrea Lamberti and Claudio Gerbaldi; ...
Biofunctionalized mesoporous silica for controlled release...Biofunctionalized mesoporous silica for controlled release applications [Elektronische Ressource] / vorgelegt von Axel Schloßbauer : Dissertation zur...
Nanostructured ZnO Materials: Synthesis, Properties and Applications...Over the last decade ZnO nanostructures were intensively and extensively studied by many research groups all over the world not only for their remarkable...
Handbook of Nanomaterials Properties | SpringerLinkNanomaterials attract tremendous attention in recent researches. Although extensive research has been done in this field it still lacks a comprehensive...
1 Video- & Audioinhalte
Memex - Galileo Materia e antimateria - Video - RaiPlayViviamo in un
4 Meinungen & Artikel
Wikipedia: USERN - WikipediaUSERN prize is an international award, established by USERN which is annually bestowed on ... Valentina Cauda (Italy) in Biological Sciences. For: Hybrid ...
Wikipedia: Ureteric stent - WikipediaA ureteral stent, sometimes as well called ureteric stent, is a thin tube inserted into the ureter to ... Jump up ^ Furio Cauda, Valentina Cauda, Cristian Fiori, Barbara Onida, Edoardo Garrone, F; Cauda, V; Fiori, C; Onida, B; Garrone, E (2008), ...
CeNS: venice-2016Alexander Högele (LMU Munich); Dr. Ralf Jungmann (LMU Munich ... Thomas Weitz (LMU Munich) Valentina Cauda, Politecnico di Torino
45 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Valentina Cauda | LinkedInView Valentina Cauda's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the ... IIT - Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia,; Department of Chemistry - University of Munich.
Valentina Cauda - Google ScholarAssociate Professor - Politecnico di Torino - 引用: 6,981 件 - theranostic nanomaterials - inorganic nanosized materials - sol-gel science - zinc...
Diego Manfredi - Google Scholar Citations... Simelys Hernandez,; Valentina Cauda,; giancarlo canavese,; Stefano Stassi,; Sergio Lorenzi,; Elena Tresso,; Nadia Garino,; Alessandro Chiolerio,; Ignazio ...
Simelys Hernandez - Google AcadémicoPolitecnico di Torino, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia - Citado por - water splitting - solar fuels - photocatalysts - heterogeneous...
Valentina Cauda - TNH LabProf. Valentina Cauda. . phone: + Valentina Cauda is Associate Professor at the Department of Applied Science and ...
CIPSM - Cascaded Photoinduced Drug Delivery to Cells from...CIPSM
Simelys Hernandez - Google ScholarPolitecnico di Torino, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia - Geciteerd door - water splitting - solar fuels - photocatalysts - heterogeneous...
CIPSM - Research Area ACIPSM
NanoMedicine International Conference 2018Science, Engineering, Technology Conferences Organization for Nanotechnology, Biotechnology, Sustainable and renewable Energy, Environment and Green...
Publications Nanosystems Initiative Munich (NIM)Authors: Anna M. Sauer, Axel Schlossbauer, Nadia Ruthardt, Valentina Cauda, Thomas Bein and Christoph Bräuchle. Areas: K. Magazine: Nano Lett. 10, 9, (2010)
Impact of different PEGylation patterns on the long-term...Valentina Cauda, Christian Argyo, ... Impact of different PEGylation patterns on the long-term bio-stability of colloidal mesoporous silica nanoparticles.
CIPSM - Role of Endosomal Escape for Disulfide-Based Drug Delivery...CIPSM
SFB Colchicine-Loaded Lipid Bilayer-Coated 50 nm Mesoporous...SFB 749
SFB Controlling the delivery kinetics from colloidal mesoporous...SFB 749
Ureteric stent - LIMSWikiA ureteric stent may also be retrieved without the use of a cystoscope by means of a magnetic ... Valentina Cauda, Cristian Fiori, Barbara Onida, Edoardo ...
ERC Starting Grants List of principal investigators LS domain...... of principal investigators LS domain institution refers to Last name First name Institution Name Institution Local Name CAUDA Valentina Italian Institute of ...
An electronic platform for real-time detection of bovine serum...We report the fabrication of a customized electronic platform for biosensing, integrating a single functionalized microwire between gold microelectrodes as a...
SFB “Liquid-Phase Calcination” of Colloidal Mesoporous Silica...SFB 749
Oil & Gas Science and Technology - Revue d'IFP Energies nouvellesOil & Gas Science and Technology - Revue d'IFP Energies nouvelles
Coatings | Free Full-Text | Porous ZnO/2–Hydroxyethyl Methacrylate...Marco Laurenti 1,* , Marta Grochowicz 2 and Valentina Cauda Department of Applied Science and Technology, Politecnico di Torino, ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Valentina
Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch, Italienisch): Valentina; die Kräftige, die Starke; Lateinisch (Römischer Beiname); valens = gesund, stark, kräftig; Information zur männlichen Form Valentin:; ursprünglich ein römischer Beiname; bekannt durch die Verehrung des hl. Valentin (3. Jh.) stark, gesund
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