113 Infos zu Valentina Presutti
Mehr erfahren über Valentina Presutti
Lebt in
- Osnabrück
Infos zu
- Semantic Web
- Aldo Gangemi
- Institute
- Duisburg-Essen
- STLab
- Science
- University of Osnabrück
- Andrea Giovanni Nuzzolese
- Bologna
2 Aktuelle Nachrichten
goethe uni anmeldung veranstaltungennextinline.news › Uncategorized, Revised Selected Papers Andreas Harth, Valentina Presutti, Raphaël Troncy, ... Duisburg - Essen das JungchemikerForum Essen - Duisburg gegründet .
VISSW : 2nd International Workshop on Visual Interfaces ...www.wikicfp.com › event.showcfpValentina Presutti, Semantic Technology Laboratory (STLab), ISTC, Italy ... Steffen Lohmann, University of Duisburg, DE * Wolfgang Maass ...
2 Bilder zu Valentina Presutti

6 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Valentina PresuttiFacebook: Valentina Presutti | Facebookwww.facebook.com › valentina.pre...LinkedIn: Valentina Presutti - Researcher - Institute of Cognitive LinkedInVisualizza il profilo di Valentina Presutti su LinkedIn, la più grande comunità professionale al mondo. Valentina ha indicato 2 esperienze lavorative sul suo ...
LinkedIn: Valentina Presutti - Researcher - Institute of Cognitive LinkedInSehen Sie sich das Profil von Valentina Presutti auf LinkedIn an, dem weltweit größten beruflichen Netzwerk. 2 Jobs sind im Profil von Valentina Presutti ...
1 Hobbys & Interessen
SSSW15Portal Web de Ontology Engineering Group
1 Business-Profile
Xing: valentina presutti - segretaria - studio legale | XINGBerufserfahrung, Kontaktdaten, Portfolio und weitere Infos: Erfahren Sie mehr – oder kontaktieren Sie valentina presutti direkt bei XING.
3 Firmen-Mitarbeiter
Valentina Presutti | STLab - CNRstlab.istc.cnr.it › stlab › staff › valentina-presuttiValentina Presutti is a Senior Assistant Professor at University of Bologna. She is also an Associate Researcher at the Institute of Cognitive Science and ...Es fehlt: Kalefeld" | Muss Folgendes enthalten:Kalefeld" Valentina Presutti is a Senior Assistant Professor at University of Bologna. She is also an Associate Researcher at the Institute of Cognitive Science and ... Es fehlt: Kalefeld" | Muss Folgendes enthalten:Kalefeld"
Organisers - International Semantic Web Summer School 2022Valentina Presutti coordinates STLAB at CNR in Rome. She received her Ph.D in Computer Science (2006) at University of Bologna (Italy). › ...
About us – BUP solutionsValentina Presutti (Ph.D.)Co-founder, General Direction. Pioneer together with Aldo Gangemi in the engineering and definition of data ...
1 Infos zur Ausbildung
[protege-discussion] Fwd: Ontolog invited speaker session -...Valentina Presutti on "Pattern-based Ontology Design" - Thu ...
2 Projekte
gate-users Mailing List for GATE... Cimiano (Bielefeld University, DE) Program Chairs Valentina Presutti (STLab, ... USA) Kai-Uwe Kuehnberger (University of Osnabrück, DE) For more detailed ...
18 Bücher zum Namen
Valentina Presutti (Author of The Semantic Web)Valentina Presutti is the author of The Semantic Web (0.0 avg rating, 0 ratings, 0 reviews), The Semantic Web (0.0 avg rating, 0 ratings, 0 reviews, publ...
bokus.com: The Semantic Web: Trends and Challenges - Valentina Presutti, Claudia...Pris: kr. Häftad, Skickas inom 5-8 vardagar. Köp The Semantic Web: Trends and Challenges av Valentina Presutti, Claudia D'Amato, Fabien Gandon,...
Valentina Presutti - Figsharefigshare.com › authors › Valentina...Valentina Presutti. Follow. 41item views. 111item downloads. 0citations. Valentina Presutti's public data. Thumbnail ... Valentina Presutti Showing
Handbook on Ontologies - Google BooksAn ontology is a formal description of concepts and relationships that can exist for a community of human and/or machine agents. The notion of ontologies is...
8 Dokumente
Valentina Presutti presentationsView all of Valentina Presutti's Presentations.
[ ] Pattern-based design applied to cultural heritage...Authors:Valentina Anita Carriero, Aldo Gangemi, Maria Letizia Mancinelli, Andrea Giovanni Nuzzolese, Valentina Presutti, Chiara Veninata.
2022 Human, Soheil, Neumann, Gustaf, Alt, Rainer A Call for ...bach.wu.ac.at › research › organization › restypesIn LNCS, Hrsg. eff Z. Pan, Valentina Tamma, Claudia d'Amato, ... Hrsg. Valentina Presutti and Michael Gruninger, Sydney: CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
2020-January.txt - Index ofmailman.srv.cs.cmu.edu › pipermail › connectionists... Chairs == Valentina Presutti, University of Bologna valentina.presutti at unibo.it Rapha?l ... Australia) * Rainer Unland (University of Duisburg-Essen, ...
13 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
dblp: Valentina Anita CarrieroJul 15, · Valentina Anita Carriero, Aldo Gangemi, Maria Letizia Mancinelli, Andrea Giovanni Nuzzolese, Valentina Presutti, Chiara Veninata: Pattern-based design applied to cultural heritage knowledge graphs. CoRR abs (2019)
Getting the Most out of Wikidata: Semantic Technology Usage in...In Denny Vrandečić, Kalina Bontcheva, Mari Carmen Suárez-Figueroa, Valentina Presutti, Irene Celino, Marta Sabou, Lucie-Aimée Kaffee, Elena Simperl, eds., Proceedings of the 17th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC'18), volume of LNCSSpringer
dblp: Valentina PresuttiList of computer science publications by Valentina Presutti
Publikationen von Pascal Hitzler – International Center for ...iccl.inf.tu-dresden.de › web › PublikationenIn Philipp Cimiano, Óscar Corcho, Valentina Presutti, Laura Hollink, ... of Artificial Intelligence, FAInt-07, at KI-2007, Osnabrück, Germany, September 2007
2 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
A Multi-dime nsio nal Compariso n of O ntology Desig n Patter ns for...Within the broad area of knowledge pattern science, an important topic is the discovery, description, and evaluation of modeling patterns for a certain task....
Presenters/Valentina Presutti - Wikimaniain She then received a Ph.D in Computer Science from ...
3 Meinungen & Artikel
Expert interview: Dr. Valentina Presutti, Polifonia coordinator› expert...
Schloss Dagstuhl : Seminar HomepageValentina Presutti (CNR – Rome, IT) For support, please contact. Dagstuhl Service Team. Documents. Dagstuhl Report, Volume 8, Issue 9 Aims & Scope List of Participants OpenSpace [jpg] Dagstuhl's Impact: Documents available. Summary.
Artificial Intelligence, Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Argument...... Laurent Lefort, Valentina Presutti, Ansgar Scherp, eds., Proceedings of ... at KI-2007, Osnabrück, Germany, September Volume 277&#
49 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Valentina Presutti - محقق GoogleAssociate Professor at Alma Mater Studiorium - Università di Bologna - ۵٬۰۳۵ مقاله نقلقول کرده است - AI - Semantic Web and Linked Data - Ontology...
Valentina Presutti: Buy Online from Fishpond.deBuy great products by Valentina Presutti from Fishpond.de. We use cookies to provide essential features and services. By using our website you agree to our use of cookies.
Design patterns. Valentina Presutti courtesy of Paolo Ciancarini -...Design patterns Valentina Presutti courtesy of Paolo Ciancarini Agenda What are design patterns? Catalogues of patterns Languages of patterns Two case ...
Valentina Presutti — Università di Bologna — Home Page› sitoweb › va...
Valentina Presutti - Institute of Cognitive Sciences and ...videolectures.net › valentina_presuttiValentina Presutti received her Ph.D in Computer Science in at the University of Bologna (Italy). Currently, she is a researcher at the Semantic Technology ...
Valentina Presutti | SEMANTiCS semantics.cc › users › valentina-presuttiCV. Valentina Presutti coordinates the Semantic Technology Laboratory of the National Research Council (CNR) in Rome. She received her Ph.D in Computer Missing: Kalefeld" | Must include: Kalefeld"
Valentina Presutti — After FestivalRicercatore a Tempo Determinato di tipo B
Valentina Presutti: Buy Online from Fishpond.com.fjBuy great products by Valentina Presutti from Fishpond.com.fj
European Semantic Web Conference Harry Halpin and Valentina...European Semantic Web Conference 2009
Aldo Gangemi, Jos Lehmann, Valentina Presutti, Malvina ...malvinanissim.github.io › conferen...Aldo Gangemi, Jos Lehmann, Valentina Presutti, Malvina Nissim, and Carola Catenacci. C-ODO: an OWL meta-model for collaborative ...
Page personnelle de valentina presutti - LIPNlipn.univ-paris13.fr › ~presuttiPage à rédiger... par valentina presutti. Site du LIPN : http://www-lipn.univ-paris13.fr. Saknas: Lehrte b Hannover"
CEUR-WS.org/Vol Semantic Web Applications and ...Enrico Daga, Valentina Presutti and Alberto Salvati; Short Papers with Poster . A Protégé Plugin for Querying and Reasoning on Persistent OWL Ontologies Maria del Mar Roldan-Garcia, Joaquin J. Molina-Castro and Jose F Aldana Montes; LibSwb: Browsing the Entity Context Sven Buschbeck, Stefano Bortoli and Heiko Stoermer; OWL Change Management ...
2014 Jahresbericht 1 - PDF Free Download... Crete, Greece, May , 2014; Proceedings, edited by Valentina Presutti, ... Duisburg-Essen im Rahmen einer NRW-Initiative University Partners -14.
Institut AIFB - DBpedia PageRankIn Valentina Presutti, Eva Blomqvist, Raphael Troncy, Harald Sack, Ioannis Papadakis, Anna Tordai, ...
Institut AIFB - NeOnMarta Sabou, Guadalupe Aguado de Cea, Mathieu d'Aquin, Enrico Daga, Holger Lewen, Elena Montiel, Valentina Presutti, Mari del Carmen Suárez-Figueroa
Institute AIFB - Proceedings3021Published: Oktober Herausgeber: Valentina Presutti, Eva Blomqvist, Raphael Troncy, Harald Sack, Ioannis Papadakis, Anna Tordai Buchtitel: The Semantic Web: ESWC Satellite Events
rdftm survey from Valentina Presutti on (public ...lists.w3.org › public-swbp-wg... [ Next message ] [ Previous message ] [ In reply to ]. From : Valentina Presutti &.it> Date : Thu, 17 Nov :58:31 + Message-Id ...
SEMANTiCS Konferenz in Karlsruhe | InfAIU.a. sind dabei: Willem Manders, Head of Knowledge Management bei Shell, Michel Dumontier, Professor für Data Science an der Maastricht Universität, Valentina Presutti, Koordinatorin des CNR Semantic Technology Laboratory in Rom sowie Michael J. Sullivan, Principal Cloud Solutions Architect bei Oracle.
CEUR-WS.org - CEUR Workshop Proceedings (free, open-access ...ceur-ws.orgEdited by: Valentina Ivanova, Patrick Lambrix, Steffen Lohmann, Catia Pesquita ... Andrea Splendiani, M. Scott Marshall, Paolo Romano, Valentina Presutti
What is Your AI Digitisation Strategy? - Tech TrendsThe keynotes will be held by prominent experts from the US and Europe, among them Willem Manders, Head of Knowledge Management at Shell, Michel Dumontier, Professor of Data Science at Maastricht University, Valentina Presutti, researcher at the Semantic Technology Laboratory of the National Research Council (CNR) in Rome and Michael J. Sullivan ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Valentina
Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch, Italienisch): Valentina; die Kräftige, die Starke; Lateinisch (Römischer Beiname); valens = gesund, stark, kräftig; Information zur männlichen Form Valentin:; ursprünglich ein römischer Beiname; bekannt durch die Verehrung des hl. Valentin (3. Jh.) stark, gesund
Verwandte Personensuchen
- Philipp Cimiano
- Laura Hollink
- Elena Simperl
- Axel Polleres
- Stefan Decker
- Valentina Tamma
- Wolfgang Maass
- Michel Dumontier
- Marta Sabou
- Kai-Uwe Kühnberger
- Enrico Daga
Personensuche zu Valentina Presutti & mehr
Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Valentina Presutti und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.