313 Infos zu Valeria Luiselli

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64 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Spiegel.de: Kinder auf der Flucht: Im Echo der Canyons

Als besonders viele unbegleitete Kinder versuchen, in die USA zu flüchten, beginnt Valeria Luiselli mit ihrem Roman. "Archiv der verlorenen ...

Spiegel.de: Wie sie die Welt sieht - DER SPIEGEL

LITERATURKRITIK: In ihrem Debütroman »Die Schwerelosen« treibt die Mexikanerin Valeria Luiselli ein surrealistisches Verwirrspiel um Wahrheit und Fiktion.

Artículos escritos por Valeria Luiselli | EL PAÍS

Todos los artículos y noticias escritas por Valeria Luiselli y publicadas en EL PAÍS. Últimos artículos, noticias y columnas de opinión con EL PAÍS.

NZZ: Valeria Luiselli: Grossartige Hommage an die Klugheit der ...

Mit jedem Roman überrascht die Mexikanerin Valeria Luiselli von neuem. Ihr jüngstes Werk ist im Kern ein bitteres Plädoyer gegen Amerikas ...

56  Bilder zu Valeria Luiselli

Bild zu Valeria Luiselli
Bild zu Valeria Luiselli
Bild zu Valeria Luiselli
Bild zu Valeria Luiselli
Bild zu Valeria Luiselli
Bild zu Valeria Luiselli

14 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

Facebook: 92nd Street Y - Very excited for Valeria Luiselli, who Facebook

Facebook: Reading and Conversation with Author Valeria Luiselli

LinkedIn: Valeria Luiselli | Berufsprofil - LinkedIn

Sehen Sie sich das Profil von Valeria Luiselli auf LinkedIn an, dem weltweit größten beruflichen Netzwerk. Valeria Luiselli hat 1 Job im Profil angegeben. Sehen ...

LinkedIn: Valeria Luiselli | LinkedIn

Ver el perfil profesional de Valeria Luiselli en LinkedIn. LinkedIn es la red de negocios más grande del mundo que ayuda a profesionales como Valeria Luiselli ...

1 Hobbys & Interessen

Inprint Valeria Luiselli & Tommy Orange Reading Tickets, Houston |...

Eventbrite - Inprint presents Inprint Valeria Luiselli & Tommy Orange Reading - at Stude Concert Hall, Rice University, Entrance #18 & #20, Houston, TX. Find...

1 Business-Profile

Valeria Luiselli - The Dialoguewww.thedialogue.org › experts › valeria-luiselli

· Valeria Luiselli is an award-winning writer of fiction and nonfiction whose books are forthcoming and published in more than 20 languages.

1 Firmen-Mitarbeiter

Valeria Luiselli at Hofstra University - RateMyProfessors.com

Rating and reviews for Professor Valeria Luiselli from Hofstra University Hempstead, NY United States.

1 Persönliche Webseiten

Valeria Luiselli: Authorwww.valerialuiselli.com

Author of Tell Me How It Ends, The Story of My Teeth, Faces in the Crowd, and Sidwalks.

1 Infos zur Ausbildung

Valeria Luiselli, Robert F. Smith, and Other Alumni in the News |...

Valeria Luiselli (John D.

2 Prominente, Sportler & Politiker

IMDB Filmographie: Valeria Luiselli

Self, Lunas de Nueva York

Die Geschichte meiner Zähne von Valeria Luiselli bei LovelyBooks...

Kurzmeinung von Splashbooks: Gustavo Sànchez Sànchez ist ein Auktionator. Ein ziemlich erfolgreicher, wie er meint. Und einer, dessen Zähne Geschichte ...

3 Projekte

Listening to the Refugee: Valeria Luiselli's Sentimental Activismmuse.jhu.edu › article

· This essay reconsiders their relation in the context of writing about refugee crises by examining Valeria Luiselli's reflexive, ...

HKW | Valeria Luiselli: Die Schwerelosen

Der Internationale Literaturpreis lenkt die Aufmerksamkeit auf die Vielstimmigkeit weltweiten literarischen Schaffens und würdigt zugleich die...


Spanish by Christina MacSweeney), is a slim book, just over one hundred pages, but the ten essays within embody the fine tradition of the flâneur (think of E. B. White's Here Is New York or Virginia Woolf's “Street Haunting”), a form that seems to ...

30 Bücher zum Namen

bol.com: Tell Me How it Ends | | Valeria Luiselli | Boeken |...

-Jeremy Garber, Powell's Books> Valeria Luiselli's extended essay on her volunteer work translating for child immigrants confronts with compassion and honesty ...

Valeria Luiselli: Die Schwerelosen. Roman - Perlentaucher

Übersetzt von Dagmar Ploetz-Timm. Eine junge Frau lebt mit ihrem Mann und ihren beiden Kindern in einem Haus in Mexiko City und schreibt an einem...

Valeria Luiselli: Falsche Papiere. Essays - Perlentaucher

Aus dem mexikanischen Spanisch von Übersetzt von Dagmar Ploetz und Nora Haller.

Valeria Luiselli - 4 Bücher - Perlentaucher

Valeria Luiselli, geboren in Mexiko City, schreibt für Magazine und Zeitungen wie Letras Libres, Granta und die New York Times. Sie hat für das New York ...

4 Dokumente

Category:Valeria Luiselli - Wikimedia Commons

Media in category "Valeria Luiselli". The following 17 files are in this category, out of 17 total. Hayfestival Valeria-Luiselli-stage.jpg 4,

Valeria Luiselli | CCCBwww.cccb.org › participants › file › valeria-luiselli

Valeria Luiselli. Writer and lecturer in Literature at Hofstra University, New York. She is one of the leading voices of a generation of writers who, ...

The Sounds of the Desert: Lost Children Archive by Valeria Luiselliwww.lalrp.net › articles › lalr

· In this article, I examine Lost Children Archive, by Valeria Luiselli. I study the methods through which in the novel, sound becomes one of ...

Read Online The World of Mathematics, Vol. 4

Read Online siemens furnas system 89 manual · The Secret of Hunter's Keep ... http://www.peopometer.com. Read online Faces in the Crowd by Valeria Luiselli.

1 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Author Cloud for rpeckham | LibraryThing

LibraryThing catalogs yours books online, easily, quickly and for free.

1 Video- & Audioinhalte

Valeria Luiselli's Inspiring Speech at the #DubLitAward Winner ...www.youtube.com › watch

· Dublin City Council and Dublin City Libraries are delighted to announce that Valeria Luiselli has ...Dauer: 8:37Gepostet:

19 Meinungen & Artikel

Wikipedia: Valeria Luiselli - Wikipediade.wikipedia.org › wiki › Valeria_Luiselli

Valeria Luiselli arbeitet als Dozentin an der Columbia University, als Journalistin und Autorin in Ciudad de México und in New York City.

Wikipedia: Valeria Luiselli - Wikipedia

Valeria Luiselli (born August 16, 1983) is a Mexican author living in the United States. She is the author of the book of essays Sidewalks and the novel ...Missing: SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT" Valeria Luiselli (born August 16, 1983) is a Mexican author living in the United States. She is the author of the book of essays Sidewalks and the novel ... Missing: SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT"

‘How Do You Address Disappearance?’: A Q&A With Valeria Luiselli |...

Her new novel, Lost Children Archive, spotlights the mistreatment of migrant children, and in the process, interrogates timely questions about storytelling...

Re-released books by Raja Rao, an interview with Valeria Luiselli ...www.neustadtprize.org › re-released-books-by-raja-...

Neustadt Prize juror Valeria Luiselli has been receiving a lot of press recently for her latest novel, The Story of My Teeth. In this new interview, ...

114 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Valeria Luiselli in Berlin

Spanisch und Deutsch Lateinamerika-Institut, Freie Universität Berlin -56, Raum Lesung und Gespräch mit: Valeria Luiselli ...

Ana Puente Flores and Valeria Luiselli - Believer Magazinebelievermag.com › contributor › ana-puente-flores-...

Ana Puente Flores and Valeria Luiselli. Ana Puente Flores graduated from the City College of New York, where she was a Skadden, Arps Legal Honors Program ...

Authors similar to Valeria Luiselli

What else do readers of Valeria Luiselli read? The closer two writers are, the more likely someone will like both of them. Click on any name to travel along.


Description en anglais seulementValeria Luiselli is one of the most innovative and fascinating writers in the Americas and her novel, The Story of My ...

Artist: Valeria Luiselli – Louisiana Channel


Valeria Luiselli Forum

Discussion: Valeria Luiselli. The discussion board is currently closed.

Bolaño’s Teeth: Valeria Luiselli and the Renaissance of Mexican...

DECEMBER 4, ALLOW ME to sell you a book. Item: A lovely paperback and an excellent collectible, Valeria Luiselli's La historia de mis dientes has been  ...

BAM | Valeria Luiselli

The Mexico City-born novelist comes to Eat, Drink & Be Literary.

Posts Tagged 'Valeria Luiselli' - Knopf Doubledayknopfdoubleday.com › tag › valeria-luiselli

Posts Tagged 'Valeria Luiselli'. Let's Keep the Latinx Heritage Celebration Going. October 15th, Happy Latinx & Hispanic Heritage Month!

Valeria_Luiselli | Akademie der Künste, Berlin

Valeria Luiselli. Scroll. Akademie der Künste Berlin-Tiergarten Mo–So 10–22 Uhr Anfahrt Archivstandorte.

At Once Familiar and Utterly Foreign: A Q&A with Valeria Luiselli |...

Valeria Luiselli's THE STORY OF MY TEETH is the most likable book this year. Don't misunderstand: likeable doesn't mean it isn't brilliant or ...

De vektløse av Valeria Luiselli (Heftet) - Romaner | Cappelen ...

De vektløse (Heftet) av forfatter Valeria Luiselli. Romaner. Pris kr Bla i boka.

Shows featuring Valeria Luiselli | Democracy Now!

Award-winning writer and author of Lost Children Archive. StoryMar 08, StoryMar 08, Lost Children Archive: Valeria Luiselli's New Novel Bears ...

Valeria Luiselli - BOMB Magazine

BOMB Magazine has been publishing conversations between artists of all disciplines since

Faces in the Crowd by Valeria Luiselli — AMERICAN MICROREVIEWS &...

Faces in the Crowd by Valeria Luiselli reviewed by Zach VandeZande

Blue Met 2016: Valeria Luiselli is a rising literary star | Montreal...

Valeria Luiselli's third novel, The Story of My Teeth, is a meditation on contemporary notions of value. What is an object worth? What is a name worth?

Harriet Books: Valeria Luiselli | Poetry Foundation

Poems, readings, poetry news and the entire 100-year archive of POETRY magazine.

How Valeria Luiselli, a Great Mexican Writer, Pulled Off a Great...

In Lost Children Archive, Luiselli has written a story that is not only relevant to today’s issues of immigration and family but also evokes Jack Kerouac and...

Valeria Luiselli - Art for Justice Fundartforjusticefund.org › grantee › valeria-luiselli

Valeria Luiselli's novels and essays have been widely translated and her work has been published in magazines and newspapers including the New York Times, ...

ILFU Book Talk: Valeria Luiselli - City of Literature

Mexican writer Valeria Luiselli is our second ILFU Book Talk guest. She is widely regarded as one of the most innovative young authors from ...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Valeria

Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch, Italienisch): Valeria; die Kräftige, die Gesunde; Lateinisch (Römischer Familienname); valere = gesund sein, stark sein; Information zur männlichen Form Valerius:; ursprünglich ein römischer Familienname 'Valerius'

Personensuche zu Valeria Luiselli & mehr

Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Valeria Luiselli und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.