70 Infos zu Vassilios Bartzokas

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5 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Tag: Vassilios Bartzokas | GTP Headlines

LoveGreece.com and Greek Travel Pages (GTP) have joined forces to introduce influential Greek entrepreneurs to the world in an aim to promote Greece's ...

Vassilios Bartzokas | Exhibit City News

World Summit Speakers Deliver Pure Inspiration. Jul 11, | Europe, Front Page Slider, International, World. The 21st World Summit of the International ...


19:00-19:05, opening remarks of DesignLobby by Vassilios Bartzokas CEO DESIGNLOBBY.ASIA & Stavros Martinos Editor in Chief ARCHISEARCH.gr ...

Interview with Claus Sendlinger, Design Hotels Founder & CEO | GTP...

GTP presents Claus Sendlinger of Design Hotels who outlines his insights on the

4  Bilder zu Vassilios Bartzokas

Bild zu Vassilios Bartzokas
Bild zu Vassilios Bartzokas
Bild zu Vassilios Bartzokas
Bild zu Vassilios Bartzokas

22 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

Facebook: Vassilios P Bartzokas | Facebook

Facebook: Vassilios P Bartzokas - About | Facebook

LinkedIn: VASSILIOS P. BARTZOKAS - CEO-FOUNDER - Design Ambassadorde.linkedin.com › bartzokasvas

VASSILIOS P. BARTZOKAS. Dreamer / Do*er / Motivator / Entrepreneur. Design AmbassadorAMERICAN UNIVERSITY OF ATHENS. Kawasan Metropolitan Berlin500+ kenalan.Missing: Verlag" | Must include:Verlag" VASSILIOS P. BARTZOKAS. Dreamer / Do*er / Motivator / Entrepreneur. Design AmbassadorAMERICAN UNIVERSITY OF ATHENS. Kawasan Metropolitan Berlin500+ kenalan. Missing: Verlag" | Must include:Verlag"

LinkedIn: VASSILIOS P. BARTZOKAS - Deutschland | LinkedIn

VASSILIOS P. BARTZOKAS. Dreamer / Do*er / Motivator / Entrepreneur 지역 Berlin Area, Germany 업계 Design

1 Business-Profile


Project Director / Berlin / Tech and Startups enthousiast, Motivator, Internet and Social Media expert, Creative, Events (Festivals, Positive Thinker, Ideas Generator, Workshops) Organizer and Producer

1 Persönliche Webseiten

vassilios BARTZOKAS Is Associated With 21 Domains

Login with Facebook. 16 Domain(s) Use vassilios BARTZOKAS As Whois Name Contact. Whois History Summary: 10 sites had as Whois name in the past ...

1 Dokumente

Vassilios Bartzokas, C.e.o. at Carteco design centre | SlideShare

View all of Vassilios Bartzokas's Presentations.

3 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

greendesignfestival2010 Publisher Publications - Issuu

GREEN DESIGN FESTIVAL September 23 to October 10 Green Design Festival is an original, open-air, open-to-all event is supported by the City of Athens and...

archisearch Publisher Publications - Issuu



This thesis has studied the differences seen in the planned by the architect design assumptions in the use of space. These changes over time review...

3 Video- & Audioinhalte


INTRODUCTIONGreen Design Festival returns to Athens' squares in September ( ), two years after its successful debut in the Greek capital.Missing: Grin Verlag" INTRODUCTIONGreen Design Festival returns to Athens' squares in September ( ), two years after its successful debut in the Greek capital. Missing: Grin Verlag"

A2 Architects Branding auf Vimeo

When an architect designs a residence, he designs the space that will form the future lives of the people living in it. He designs their feelings, moments and...

Vassilios Bartzokas - YouTube

Teile deine Videos mit Freunden, Verwandten oder der ganzen Welt

28 Webfunde aus dem Netz

My Story by Vassilios Bartzokas

A presentation by Vassilios Bartzokas created with Haiku Deck, free presentation software that is simple, beautiful, and fun.

Archisearch Talks (podcast) - Vassilios Bartzokas | Listen Notes

Archisearch.gr is the leading greek platform for Architecture & Design owned by the Design Ambassador. This channel will explore the way Greek Architects &…

Vassilios P. Bartzokas (vpbartz) – Profil | Pinterest

Vassilios P. Bartzokas | (@vpbartz ) Dreamer / Do*er / Motivator / Entrepreneur | Design, Architecture, Tech & Startups enthusiast | | Founder&Editor of ...

The Vassilios Bartzokas Daily

Eine Auswahl von Artikeln, Blogposts, Videos und Fotos, empfohlen von Vassilios Bartzokas

August | | Eulen aus Athen

4 posts published by eulenausathen during August 2013

Europäische Designer | Eulen aus Athen

Beiträge über Europäische Designer von eulenausathen

Berlin | Eulen aus Athen

Beiträge über Berlin von eulenausathen

Google | Eulen aus Athen

Beiträge über Google von eulenausathen

Griechische Designer | Eulen aus Athen

Beiträge über Griechische Designer von eulenausathen

Vassilis Bartzokas | Eulen aus Athen

Beiträge über Vassilis Bartzokas von eulenausathen


DESIGN AMBASSADOR is a Communication, PR, Events and Consulting Agency with its main focus in Architecture and Design. Services: Design Management & Match...

Microsoft | Eulen aus Athen

Beiträge über Microsoft von eulenausathen

Vassilios Bartzokas - @vpbartz Twitter Profile and ...

Explore @vpbartz Twitter Profile and Download Videos and Photos http://TheDesignAmbassador.Com @archisearch http://TheArchitectShow.com http://ADFF.gr ...

nike | Eulen aus Athen

Beiträge über nike von eulenausathen

''ARKKI SCHOOL'' of Architecture for children and youth | Living...

The Helsinki-based Arkki School of Architecture for Children and Youth is a school of architecture providing long-term architectural education for chi

Arkki vie suomalaista koulutusosaamista Kreikkaan – Archinfo Finland

Käytännön järjestelyistä vastaa Vassilios Bartzokas Vassilios Bartzokas, Designembassador Oy:n toimitusjohtaja ja kolmen lapsen isä.

VASSILIOS BARTZOKAS - Startup Safary Berlin

Check out what VASSILIOS BARTZOKAS will be attending at Startup Safary Berlin


On mahtavaa saada tarjota tällaista koulutusta meidän lapsillemme Kreikassa”, sanoo Vassilios Bartzokas, Designembassador Oy:n ...

CARTECO S.A. - Manufacturer of Bathroom Furniture from...

Manufacturer and Supplier of Bathroom Furniture, bedroom furnishings, Cd Player, Cd Player, Cd Player offered by CARTECO S.A., athens-kallithea, Greece. Submit...

CARTECO S.A. - Manufacturer of architectural equipment, Greece

Manufacturer and Supplier of architectural equipment, architectural materials, Fixtures, Fixtures, Fixtures offered by CARTECO S.A., Greece. Submit your...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Vassilios

Männlicher Vorname (Griechisch): Vassilios; königlich; Altgriechisch (Wortzusammensetzung); basileios = königlich; bekannt durch den hl. Basilius, Erzbischof von Cäsarea (4. Jh.) Sohn des Königs

Personensuche zu Vassilios Bartzokas & mehr

Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Vassilios Bartzokas und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.