96 Infos zu Vera Fofonova
Mehr erfahren über Vera Fofonova
Infos zu
- Alexey Androsov
- Ivan Kuznetsov
- Sergey Danilov
- Alfred Wegener Institute
- Zitiert
- Karen Helen Wiltshire
- Polar
- Research
- Laptev
7 Aktuelle Nachrichten
zeit.de: Job Scientific Programmer "Adaptation of the elliptical solver ...Die Zeit— Vera Fofonova (; +49(471) ) for further information. This is a full-time position, limited to 6 months. It is also ... › jobs › scienti...
zeit.de: PhD position in "Dynamic modelling of Ecological Networks ...— Vera Fofonova (; +49(471) ). The position is limited to 3 years. The salary will be paid in accordance with the ... › jobs › phd-pos...
Plume-spreading test case for the coastal ocean models - IndicoVera Fofonova · Ivan Kuznetsov · Tuomas Kärnä · Alexey Androsov · Karen Helen Wiltshire ... › ...
Program | GBT - TUHHTUHHVera Fofonova, AWI & Norbert Hoffmann, TUHH. 16:30 Adaption of steel and concrete structures allowing longer lifecycles. › programme
9 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
LinkedIn: Vera Fofonova | LinkedInVera Fofonovas berufliches Profil anzeigen LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte berufliche Netzwerk, das Fach- und Führungskräften wie Vera Fofonova dabei hilft, ...
LinkedIn: Vera Fofonova | LinkedInVera Fofonovas berufliches Profil anzeigen LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte professionelle Netzwerk, das Fach- und Führungskräften wie Vera Fofonova dabei ...
LinkedIn: Vera Fofonova - scientist - Alfred Wegener Institute of Polar and ...上领英,在全球领先职业社交平台查看Vera Fofonova的职业档案。Vera的职业档案列出了1 个职位。查看Vera的完整档案,结识职场人脉和查看相似公司的职位。
Vera Fofonova | OKVera Fofonova. 32 years old. Current location – Künzelsau, Germany. Connect on OK.
1 Business-Profile
Xing: Vera FofonovaResearch Scientist / Bremerhaven
2 Firmen-Mitarbeiter
MGF-Nordsee: AP 4.1 ModellierungNahrungsnetzmodelle: Ganzheitliche Ansätze und Modelle sind die notwendige Grundlage, um die weitreichenden Auswirkungen anthropogener …
WP 4.1 Modelling - MGF-NordseeMGF-NordseeFESOM-C-Model for the south-eastern German bight (copyright: Vera Fofonova/Alfred-Wegener-Institut). To model physical and hydrographic processes the model ... › wp...
3 Bücher zum Namen
Ergebnis der Suche nach: "urn:nbn:de:gbv:579-opus "Deutsche NationalbibliothekArt des Inhalts, Hochschulschrift ; Titel, Simulation of the Laptev Sea shelf dynamics with focus on the Lena Delta region / Vera Fofonova. Betreuer: Karen ... › opac
AMOC variability and watermass transformations in AuthoreaAuthoreavon D Sidorenko · · Zitiert von: 5 — Dmitry Sidorenko ,; S. Danilov ,; Jan Streffing,; Vera Fofonova ,; Helge Goessling ,; Qiang Wang ,; William David CabosNarvaez ,; Stephan Juricke ... › full
Managing for the Future: Understanding the Relative Roles of ...google.com... Impacts on Coastal Bentho-Pelagic Food Webs and Ecosystem Services Sabine Horn, Cédric L. Meunier, Vera Fofonova, Karen H. Wiltshire, Subrata Sarker, ...
4 Dokumente
Wiltshire, Karen H [WorldCat Identities]by Karen Helen Wiltshire( Book ) ; by Nico Grüner · 2 editions published in ; by Matthias Wehkamp · 1 edition published in ; by Vera Fofonova · 1 edition ... › identities › vi...
Book of Abstracts - PDFKUL.COMThe dynamics of Arctic sea ice decline and consequences for heat and document, and we hope this presentation inspir...
General Geocryology - Under Construction | Home... lena river at the water temperature characteristics of the lena river at basin outlet in the summer period vera fofonova 1, igor zhilyaev 2,.
Simulation of shelf circulation dynamics in the Laptev SeaVera Fofonova. Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Climate Dynamics and Coastal EcologyD Bremerhaven (Building ...
1 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Giorgio Spada - | isidore.scienceIsidore (Isidore)Vera Fofonova · 1 · Xavier Fettweis · 1 · Christian Ferrarin · 1 · Luciana Fenoglio-marc. › spada_gio...
4 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
The inshore zone of Laptev Sea modeling with focus on the Lena Delta...The inshore zone of Laptev Sea modeling with focus on the Lena Delta region. By Vera Fofonova. Abstract. The Lena delta region of Laptev Sea serves as an ...
Impact of wind and tides on the Lena River freshwater plume dynamics...Vera Fofonova ,; Sergey Danilov ,; Alexey Androsov ,; Markus Janout ,; Martin Bauer ,; Paul Overduin ,; Polona Itkin &; Karen Helen Wiltshire.
Folly Serge Tomety - IssuuissuuVera Fofonova, the choice of this project was also a unique chance for me to be take part among senior scienƟ sts at an internaƟ onal conference held in Tomsk, ... › docs
Impact of wind and tides on the Lena River freshwater plume ...link.springer.com › article· Vera Fofonova & Karen Helen Wiltshire. Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, ...
1 Video- & Audioinhalte
FVOM, 'box sill' experiment - Free video search site - Findclip.Net▶ 0:41Published on: Tuesday, October 20, 2015; Source: https://youtu.be/mwv2JDtAp0Q. Findclip.net · Vera ...
2 Meinungen & Artikel
Küstenmeere im Stress - stadtmarketing-bremerhaven.deDie Folgen des Klimawandels in Küstengebieten sind vielfältig und brauchen komplexe Computermodelle
Küstenmeere im Stress - stadtmarketing-bremerhaven.deStadtmarketing Bremerhaven— Vera Fofonova hat sie zunächst das bisherige Wissen zusammengetragen: Welche konkreten Auswirkungen hat der Klimawandel auf verschiedene Gruppen ... › blog
61 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Vera Fofonova | LinkedInView Vera Fofonova's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Vera Fofonova discover ...
Vera Fofonova - 国家哲学社会科学文献中心ncpssd.org› Search
Cauliflower Shawarma Wraps with Green Tahini and Feta. | Sleek short...Автор пина:Vera Fofonova. Находите и прикалывайте свои пины в Pinterest!
CO Meeting Organizer EGU2018Ivan Kuznetsov, Alexey Androsov, Vera Fofonova, Sergey Danilov, Natalja Rakowsky, Sven Harig, Mayya Gogina, and Holger Brix You have already stored your personal programme. Please decide:
BG - Relations - Contribution to a bio-optical model for remote...Vera Fofonova, Igor Zhilyaev, Marina Krayneva, Dina Yakshina, Nikita Tananaev, Nina Volkova, and Karen H. Wiltshire Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. Discuss., hess
BG - Relations - Phytoplankton community structure in the Lena Delta...Vera Fofonova, Igor Zhilyaev, Marina Krayneva, Dina Yakshina, Nikita Tananaev, Nina Volkova, and Karen H. Wiltshire Hydrol Related subject area
HESSD - The water temperature characteristics of the Lena River at...The water temperature characteristics of the Lena River at basin outlet in the summer period Vera Fofonova 1 , Igor Zhilyaev 2 , Marina Krayneva 3 , Dina Yakshina 3 , Nikita Tananaev 4 , Nina Volkova 5 , and Karen H. Wiltshire 1 Vera Fofonova et al. Vera Fofonova 1 , Igor Zhilyaev 2 , Marina Krayneva 3 , Dina Yakshina 3 , Nikita Tananaev …
AMOC variability and watermass transformations in the AWI ...ESS Open ArchiveDmitry Sidorenko ,; S. Danilov ,; Jan Streffing ,; Vera Fofonova ,; Helge Goessling ,; Qiang Wang ,; William David CabosNarvaez ,; Stephan Juricke ... › full
Altmetric – Impact of wind and tides on the Lena River freshwater...Vera Fofonova, Sergey Danilov, Alexey Androsov, Markus Janout, Martin Bauer, Paul Overduin, Polona Itkin, Karen Helen Wiltshire ...
Gale Academic OneFile - Document - FESOM-C v.2: coastal dynamics on...Authors: Alexey Androsov, Vera Fofonova, Ivan Kuznetsov, Sergey Danilov, Natalja Rakowsky and Sven Harig. Date: Mar. 21, From: Geoscientific Model ...
Diverting the Sea Emily Wills 2000... atmospheric forcing, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 118 , 3, 1287Wiley Online Library 1 Vera Fofonova , Sergey Danilov , Alexey Androsov ...
Alfred Wegener Institute. Place&Date - PDF Free Download9 AWI, F, Glashaus Program 9 Place Time Presentation Speaker Coffee pause AWI-CM, local refinement and climate FESOM_coastal Dmitry Sidorenko, Alfred-Wegener-Institute Vera Fofonova, Alfred-Wegener-Institute The Discontinuous Galerkin method for coastal ocean modeling A high resolution Pan Arctic ...
Create a SciFeed alert for new publications With following keywords ...www.mdpi.com › scifeed_displayBy following authors. Ivan Kuznetsov. Alexey Androsov. Vera Fofonova. Sergey Danilov. Natalja Rakowsky. Sven Harig. Karen Helen Wiltshire ...
Consortium - CoastalFuturescoastalfutures.deVera Fofonova, PostDoc, Experiments design and coastal/global ocean numerical solutions with a focus on the North Sea, Website. › index.php.en
Create a SciFeed alert for new publications - MDPIMDPIBy following authors. Alexey Androsov. Naum Voltzinger. Ivan Kuznetsov. Vera Fofonova. With settings. Email: Freq: Daily, Weekly, Monthly ... › scifeed_...
FESOM: Development teamDirk Barbi · Vera Fofonova Ozgur Gurses · Sven Harig · Jan Hegewald · Nikolay Koldunov · Ivan Kuznetsov · Lars Nerger · Thomas Rackow · Natalja Rakowsky
Impact of wind and tides on the Lena River freshwater plume dynamics...Vera Fofonova. Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, Alfred Wegener Institute, List, Germany; Helmholtz Centre for Polar and ...
Water | Free Full-Text | Evaluation and Application of Newly Designed...... Coastal Model FESOM-C, Effect of Variable Resolution in the Southeastern North Sea. by. Ivan Kuznetsov. 1,*,. Alexey Androsov. 1,2,. Vera Fofonova.
FESOM-C v.2: coastal dynamics on hybrid unstructured meshesGale Academic OneFile includes FESOM-C v.2: coastal dynamics on hybrid unstructured me by Alexey Androsov, Vera Fofonova, Ivan Ku. Click to explore. › doc › AONE
Ensemble Mapping and Change Analysis of the Seafloor ...Preprintsvon DS Galvez · · Zitiert von: 3 — Vera Fofonova. ,. A. Bartholomae. ,. Karen H. Wiltshire. Version 1 : Received: 16 May Approved: 17 May Online: 17 May (16:58:50 CEST). › manu...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Vera
Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch, Englisch, Skandinavisch, Russisch): Vera; die Glaubwürdige; Russisch (Wortzusammensetzung); vera = der Glaube, die Zuversicht, die Religion; aus dem Russischen ins Deutsche übernommen
Verwandte Personensuchen
- Alfred Wegener
- Natalja Rakowsky
- Lena River
- Sergey Danilov
- Sabine Horn
- Markus Janout
- Olessja Schein
- Kirstin Schulz
- Paul Overduin
- Benjamin Rabe
- Knut Klingbeil
Personensuche zu Vera Fofonova & mehr
Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Vera Fofonova und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.