202 Infos zu Vera Troeger
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Lebt in
- Hamburg
- Berlin
- Düsseldorf
Infos zu
- Political Science
- Thomas
- University of Warwick
- Plümper
- Professor of Quantitative
- Comparative Politics
- Research
35 Aktuelle Nachrichten
How better maternity pay can fix the gender pay gap and boost ...sg.news.yahoo.com › better-maternity-pay-fix-gend...Vera Troeger, Professor of Quantitative Political Economy, University of Warwick. 15 February Working to the wire.
Guardian: Better maternity leave could help universities retain women – study |...Researchers say universities with generous policies employ twice the number of women professors
Bose Speaker Series Presents Vera Troeger August 28th | Department of...Vera Troeger, professor of Quantitative Political Science in the Department of Economics at Universtiy of Warwick, will be our Bose Speaker on Tuesday August...
Guardian: Gender pay gap expert among top professors quitting ...The Guardian— When the EU referendum result was announced Vera Troeger, professor of quantitative political economy at Warwick University, ...
14 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Vera Troeger - leider nicht in berlin. Gutes Gelingen und ...Facebook: Vera Troeger introduces the new journal Political ...Facebook: Vera Troeger is Berlin Summer School in Social SciencesFacebookLinkedIn: Vera Troeger | LinkedInVera Troegers berufliches Profil anzeigen LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte professionelle Netzwerk, das Fach- und Führungskräften wie Vera Troeger dabei hilft, ...
1 Hobbys & Interessen
Case Selection and Causal Inferences in Qualitative Comparative ...philpapers.org › rec › PLMCSACase selection and causal inferences in qualitative comparative research · Thomas Plümper, Vera Troeger & Eric Neumayer · PLoS ONE 14 (7) (2019).
2 Business-Profile
brainguide.de: Vera Troeger | brainGuideSie sind Vera Troeger und wollen Ihr Profil bearbeiten? Dann klicken Sie bitte hier
Vera TROEGER | The University of Warwick, CoventryVera TROEGER | Cited by 2,245 | of The University of Warwick, Coventry | Read 44 publications | Contact Vera TROEGER
6 Firmen-Mitarbeiter
Prof. Dr. Vera Troeger : Professor for Political Science ...Vera Troeger holds the Chair of Comparative Political Science at the University of Hamburg since Previously, she was Professor of Quantitative Political Economy in the department of economics at Warwick University, as well as CI of the Centre for Competitive Advantage in the Global Economy (CAGE).
Troeger ResearchProfessor Vera E. Troeger ... Page contact: Vera Troeger Last ...
Vera Troeger· President of the European Political Science Association (EPSA),. Research Interests. Comparative Political Economy; Quantitative Political ...
Program Committee for the Annual Meeting - Cambridge University ...www.cambridge.org › spm › about-us › committees... Jamie Monogan, Marc Ratkovic, Betsy Sinclair, Vera Troeger, Teppei Yamamoto; 2016: Justin Esarey (Chair), Jeff Lewis (ex-officio), Molly Roberts, ...
3 Persönliche Webseiten
Lecturers - Berlin Summer SchoolFirst Week Lecturers: Keynote: To be confirmed. Ann Swidler (UC Berkeley) David Stark (Columbia University and the University of Warwick) Donatella della Porta (Scuola Normale Superiore) Felix Berenskoetter (SOAS University of London) Hendrik Wagenaar (King’s College London and the Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna) Vera Troeger (University of Warwick) Second week lecturers to be …
About - AcaFemiaacafemia.comDr. Vera Troeger. Kontakt: . Haftungsausschluss. Haftung für Inhalte Die Inhalte unserer Seiten wurden mit größter ...
Contact - acafemiaTo ask questions or get more information please contact Vera Troeger: · .uk. Follow us:.
2 Infos zur Ausbildung
Vera Troeger (Hamburg) : Motherhood, Leave Generosity ...ub.edu— 26 JulVera Troeger (Hamburg) : Motherhood, Leave Generosity and Academic Productivity · Written by admin · Categorised ...
Troeger CVcurriculum vitae
27 Bücher zum Namen
Paneldatenanalyse: mit Statavon Vera Troeger, Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag, 2015, Taschenbuch
Vera Troeger | Autorenprofil und WerkeBeck-ShopHier finden Sie das komplette Autorenprofil von Vera Troeger . Außerdem erhalten Sie Zusatzinfos wie wichtige berufliche Stationen und aktuelle Werke.
Paneldatenanalyse - Mit Stata (German, Electronic book text)undefined undefined General, Economics, Business & Economics, Books
Vera Troeger (Author of Paneldatenanalyse)Vera Troeger is the author of Paneldatenanalyse (0.0 avg rating, 0 ratings, 0 reviews)
6 Dokumente
EPSA Virtual Diversity Network Programcoms.events › data › abstracts › abstract_0001Welcome and Introduction to the Diversity Program (Vera Troeger) Slot 2: 18:50 – 19:35. Meeting Room A LGBTQIA Meetup (Moderators: Stuart Turnbull-Dugarte, ...
Vera TroegerAcademia.eduVera Troeger studies Public Debt, Legislative Politics, and Experimental Methods.
It's All Relative: Spatial Positioning of Parties and ...Harvey Palmer, Leslie Schwindt-Bayer, Zeynep Somer-Topcu, Mary Stegmaier, Randy Stevenson, Vera Troeger, and. Guy D. Whitten for their helpful comments.
Testing Models of Distributive Politics using Exit Polls to ...We are grateful to James Alt, Ciro Biderman, John Patty, Albert Sole' Olle and Vera Troeger for useful comments and suggestions and to Indraneel Sircar for ...
13 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
DFG - GEPRIS - Professorin Dr. Vera TroegerProfessorin Dr. Vera Troeger, Fachgebiet PolitikwissenschaftHamburg
Linkmas Plümper/Vera Troeger/Philip Manow, Panel Data Analysis in comparative poli- tics: Linking method to theory. In: European Journal of Political Research 44: ...
Fiscal windfall curse - ScienceDirect... Raphael Parchet, Sonia Paty, Paul Raschky, Christoph Schaltegger, Stephan Schneider, Andrei Shleifer, Benno Torgler, Vera Troeger, Rick van der Ploeg, ...
Research Comparative Politics Vera Troeger : Vera Troeger …27. Sept · In particular Prof. Dr. Vera Troeger studies the. impact of parental leave policies on productivity, career development, and the gender pay gap, gender in the legislative context; economic policy diffusion and spill-overs of monetary and tax …
7 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Strategic Budgeteering and Debt Allocation - EconPapersEconPapersvon V Troeger · · Zitiert von: 8 — By Vera Troeger and Christina J. Schneider; Abstract: This paper analyzes how opportunistic governments choose between alternative fiscal policies in order ...
Alternativen zum de facto Beck-Katz-StandardSpringervon T Plümper · · Zitiert von: 28 — Thomas Plümper/Vera Troeger. 2. Der „de facto Beck-Katz Standard“1. Paneldatenanalyse weist sowohl gegenüber Zeitreihenanalysen und gegenüber Quer-.
Vera E. Troeger – WikiupVera E. Troeger ist eine deutsche Politikwissenschaftlerin, die seit Inhaberin des Lehrstuhls für Vergleichende Regierungslehre (Comparative Politics) an der Universität Hamburg ist.
Fortschritte in der Paneldatenanalyse: Alternativen zum de facto...Gelegentlich verändern einzelne Veröffentlichungen das Gesicht einer gesamten wissenschaftlichen Disziplin veröffentlichten Nathaniel Beck und Jonathan...
1 Video- & Audioinhalte
Vera Troeger - YouTubeSub 2 me
10 Meinungen & Artikel
Twitter-Nachrichten: Vera E. TroegerTwitter— ... in case you would like to join: wiso.uni-hamburg.de. Semester Opening Semester Opening Political Science by Vera Troeger.
Wikipedia: Vera TroegerVera Troeger is a German political scientist. She holds the Chair of Comparative Political Science at the University of Hamburg.
Wikipedia: Vera E. TroegerVera Tröger forscht zu internationaler und vergleichender politischer Ökonomie ... Vera Troeger : Vera Troeger Comparative Politics : Universität Hamburg.
Higher maternity pay benefits – Mama is an AcademicThe following discussion on the BBC's Women's Hour has just been brought to my attention. From the website:
72 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Research - Tilko Swalvewith Christina Schneider and Vera Troeger. Work in Progress. Safe Secrets? Accountability, Pandering and Voting Rules. with Moritz Marbach. Presented at ...
Vera TroegerVera Troeger. / Direktorium. Vera Troeger. Prof. Dr. Direktorin. Kontakt: . Ausbildung: 2007: Dr. rer. soc. (summa cum laude) ...
Professor Vera Troeger - University Of Warwick | Rate Your LecturerSubmit your ratings for University Of Warwick lecturer Professor Vera Troeger on the UK's number one lecturer rating website.
Vera Troeger | University of Bergenuib.noVera Troeger. Professor. Department of Comparative Politics. ; Visitor Address. Christies gate Bergen. Postal Address.
Vera Troeger's publicationsVera Troeger's publications
Vera Troeger's protocols - Protocols.iowww.protocols.io › researchers › vera-troeger › prot...Vera Troeger's protocols.
Vera troeger uni hamburggretedenekiv.gq › vera-troeger-uni-hamburgVera troeger uni hamburg. Parking zone orange porto vecchio. Turn videos to gifs. Nick farrell journalist.
Vera troeger facebookvera troeger facebook May 11, Verified account Protected Tweets @; Suggested users Verified account Protected Tweets @; Verified account Protected ...
Vera Troeger (@veratroeger)700 Followers, 876 Following, 38 Posts - Vera Troeger (@veratroeger) on Instagram: " love my job. Art Production Services & Production Management Member ...
www.Vera-troeger.de - VERA TROEGERIn Deutschland, rangiert Vera-troeger.de , mit geschätzten < 300 Besuchern im Monat. Klicken Sie hier um mehr Informationen zu dieser...
Paneldatenanalyse, Plümper, Thomas; Troeger, Vera, Gruyter, de...Paneldatenanalyse, Plümper, Thomas; Troeger, Vera, Gruyter, de Oldenbourg | Booky.fi
Vera Troeger - protocols.ioprotocols.ioThomas Plümper1, Vera Troeger2, Eric Neumayer3. 1Vienna University of Economics and Business, 2University of Warwick, 3London School of Economics and ...
Vera Troeger | borromedien.de | Medien öffnen WeltenEmpfohlene Bücher und andere Medien einfach und sicher online bestellen. Portofreie Lieferung in Deutschland. Mit besonderem Service für Büchereien.
Vera E. Troeger - acafemiaCurrently I serve as president of the European Political Science Association as well as on its diversity committee. I am the founding editor-in-chief of the flagship journal of the EPSA – Political Science Research and Methods, and served as associate editor for one of the most highly ranked journals in political science – Political Analysis.
EPSA Virtual Diversity Network Program - coms.eventsEPSA Virtual Diversity Network Program. Slot 1: 18:30 – 18:45. Meeting Room A. Welcome and Introduction to the Diversity Program (Vera Troeger) Slot 2: 18:50 – 19:35. Meeting Room A.
EPSA Virtual Diversity Network coms.eventsJun 23, · Welcome and Introduction to the Diversity Program (Vera Troeger) Slot 2: 18:50 – 19:35 Meeting Room A LGBTQIA Meetup (Moderators: Stuart Turnbull-Dugarte, Tarik Abou-Chadi) Meeting Room B Academia and parenting (Moderators: Daniela Donno, Patrick Bayer, Orit Kedar) Meeting Room C Women* - Publishing (Moderators: Sabine Carey, Jae Jae Spoon ...
GoSee AWARDSVera Troeger Platz der Ideen 1 DE Düsseldorf . Bananas Mambo Patricia Troeger. C // Model Agency. L // Paris. ABOUT // Bananas is a male models agency based in Paris. We discover and represent models according to the various current tendencies. ...
Thomas Plümper, Vera Troeger & Eric Neumayer, Case selection and...Traditionally, social scientists perceived causality as regularity. As a consequence, qualitative comparative case study research was regarded as unsuitable...
EC134 Topics in Applied Economics (1a): Vera E. Troegerstudylib.netVera Troeger 2013: Tax Competition and the Myth of the 'Race to the Bottom': Why Governments Still Tax Capital, The CAGE-Chatham House Series, No. 4,
2012 – Pennsylvania State University – VIM | Visions in Methodology... Science at Penn State. Vera Troeger, Professor of Quantitative Political Science, Departments of Economics and Political Science, University of Warwick.
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Vera
Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch, Englisch, Skandinavisch, Russisch): Vera; die Glaubwürdige; Russisch (Wortzusammensetzung); vera = der Glaube, die Zuversicht, die Religion; aus dem Russischen ins Deutsche übernommen
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