55 Infos zu Veronika Fikfak

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6 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Application of International Humanitarian Law by Domestic and...

Application of International Humanitarian Law by Domestic and International Courts

Call for Papers: Behavioural Approaches in International Law - Leiden...

A series of workshops at Leiden University and the University of Hamburg will act as a forum in which international legal scholars whose research adopts a...

Damages before the European Court of Human Rights

BLS staff research seminar.

International law as a tool for judicial freedom | Faculty of Law

International law as a tool for judicial freedom. Ms. Veronika Fikfak. Currently submitting her doctoral thesis at the University of Oxford, Post-Doc at Sciences Po, ...

1  Bilder zu Veronika Fikfak

Bild zu Veronika Fikfak

6 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

LinkedIn: Veronika Fikfak - Associate Professor - University of LinkedInuk.linkedin.com › veronikafikfak

Veronika Fikfak. Principal Investigator at ERC Project HRNUDGE. University of Copenhagen, Faculty of LawUniversity of Oxford. Cambridge, United Kingdom Missing: Krefeld" ‎| Must include: Krefeld"

Veronika Fikfak: Bloomsbury Publishing (UK)

Veronika Fikfak is Fellow and Lecturer in Law at Homerton College, University of Cambridge. Photograph courtesy of University of Cambridge.

About Veronika Fikfak: Researcher, ORCID id # X |...

Veronika Fikfak: Researcher, ORCID id # X, Researcher

Veronika Fikfak

The Canadian Race Relations Foundation is dedicated to the elimination of racism in Canada.

1 Hobbys & Interessen

Veronika Fikfak & Benedict Burnett, Domestic Courts' Reading of...

This article focuses on a number of cases in international law in which US domestic courts have produced judgments that conflict with those given by the...

3 Infos zur Ausbildung

ESIL Lecture with Dr Veronika Fikfak King's College Londonwww.kcl.ac.uk › events › law › m...

Monetising Human Rights: Studying the European Court of Human Rights' approach to damages with Dr Veronika Fikfak.

Parliament's Secret War by Veronika Fikfak and Hayley J Hooper

Scott, P. F. (2019) Parliament's Secret War by Veronika Fikfak and Hayley J Hooper. Public Law, 2019(1), pp [Book Review] ...

Lectures - The University of Nottingham

Dr Veronika Fikfak delivered a guest lecture on Just Satisfaction Before the European Court of Human Rights. Dr Veronika Fikfak, Senior Lecturer at the University ...

12 Bücher zum Namen

Veronika Fikfak (Author of Parliament’s Secret War)

Veronika Fikfak is the author of Parliament's Secret War (0.0 avg rating, 0 ratings, 0 reviews), Parliament's Secret War (0.0 avg rating, 0 ratings, 0 re...

Parliament’s Secret War - Veronika Fikfak - Innbundet ( )...

Veronika Fikfak and Hayley J Hooper A. The Role of the House of Commons in War Powers Decisions: An Historical View B. From Discretion to Democratisation

bokus.com: Parliament s Secret War - Ebok - Fikfak Veronika Fikfak, Hooper...

Köp Parliament s Secret War av Fikfak Veronika Fikfak, Hooper Hayley Hooper. Ladda enkelt ned e-boken och börja läsa direkt!

Veronika Fikfak | European Public Law Organization's - EPLO...

Senior Lecturer in Law of Homerton College, Cambridge

4 Dokumente

Protecting Human Rights in Austerity Claims in the UK by Veronika...

In many ways, writing about the economic crisis in the UK is telling a story about the past. Recently, media and scholars have been reporting that a successful

Veronika FIKFAK personal appointments - Find and update company...

Free company information from Companies House including registered office address, filing history, accounts, annual return, officers, charges, business activity

Fikfak, Veronika [WorldCat Identities]

Parliament's secret war by Veronika Fikfak( ) 9 editions published between and in English and held by 91 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Compensating human rights violations - University of Liverpoolwww.liverpool.ac.uk › law › ilhru

Dr Veronika Fikfak. University of Cambridge. Abstract: When individuals are mistreated by European governments, the. European Court of Human Rights is ...

1 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen


... Law on Parliamentary Practice with Respect to the Use of Force – Recent Developments in the United Kingdom Veronika Fikfak, University of ...

1 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Domestic Courts’ Reading of International Norms: A Semiotic Analysis...

This article focuses on a number of cases in international law in which US domestic courts have produced judgments that conflict with those given by the In

3 Meinungen & Artikel

New EJIL: Live! Interview with Dr Veronika Fikfak – EJIL: Talk!

Blog of the European Journal of International Law

Birth, Development And Afterlife Of States LLM Player FMplayer.fm › series › birth-develop...

Listen to Birth, Development And Afterlife Of States LLM 2017: Dr Veronika Fikfak (audio) and thirty-five more episodes by Faculty Of Law LLM ...

Birth, Development And Afterlife Of States LLM 2017: Dr Veronika...

Listen to Birth, Development And Afterlife Of States LLM 2017: Dr Veronika Fikfak and thirty-five more episodes by Faculty Of Law LLM Subject ...

17 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Dr. Veronika Fikfak | Nova24TV

Dr. Veronika Fikfak. Kolumna · Apel poslankam in poslancem državnega zbora k izvršitvi odločb ustavnega sodišča , 9: Najbolj brano.

ESIL Lecture – Veronika Fikfak: ‘Monetising Human Rights: Studying...

Dr Veronika Fikfak will give a lecture on 'Monetising Human Rights' on 13 April at the King's College London (Strand Campus, WC2R ...

Parliament's Secret War by Veronika Fikfak and Hayley J Hooper....

Parliament's Secret War by Veronika Fikfak and Hayley J Hooper. Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2018, 272 pp (£ hardback).

Veronika Fikfak

Dr. Veronika Fikfak is an Associate Professor at the University of Copenhagen. She was previously a Senior Lecturer, Homerton College, University of ... Missing: Krefeld" ‎| Must include: Krefeld"

Veronika Fikfak | Dnevnik

Članki z oznako Veronika Fikfak

Veronika Fikfak | NoLesLawnoleslaw.net › veronika-fikfak

Dr Veronika Fikfak is a Senior Lecturer, Homerton College, University of Cambridge. She holds a Magister Juris and an M.Phil and D.Phil from the University of ... Missing: Krefeld" ‎| Must include: Krefeld"

Home | Veronika Fikfak | Human Rights Nudge | ERC Project

Homepage of Human Rights Nudge, an ERC-funded project investigating human rights violation cases. The project is led by Assoc Prof Veronika Fikfak and is based...

Veronika Fikfak All research staff

Dr Veronika Fikfak is an associate professor at the University of Copenhagen. Until 2019, she was a Fellow and Lecturer at Homerton College, University of ... Missing: Krefeld" ‎| Must include: Krefeld"

Parliament's Secret War - (Hart Studies in Constitutional Law)by...

Jul 13, Parliament's Secret War - (Hart Studies in Security and Justice) by Veronika Fikfak & Hayley Hooper.

0. Introduction to Human Rights after Brexit Podcasts by Dr Veronika...

00:02:11 - Human Rights after Brexit podcast is a series of nine podcasts in which young human rights experts discuss the implications of Brexit for human righ…

International law – Page 3 – UK Constitutional Law Association

Posts about International law written by Constitutional Law Group

Intervju z dr. Veroniko Fikfak, profesorico na Univerzi Cambridge |...

Drugi intervjujanec je dr. Veronika Fikfak, predavateljica na prestižni Univerzi Cambridge Dr. Veronika Fikfak je študij prava končala na Pravni fakulteti na...

Research Panel - Matrix Chamberswww.matrixlaw.co.uk › resources

Veronika Fikfak is a Tutor in human rights law at Oxford University, where she is currently studying for a DPhil in international law. She has worked at the ECtHR ...

Steinbrück Platise, Mateja

... Approach to Damages. ESIL Lecture at the King's College London, Commentator of the research project by Dr Veronika Fikfak, University of Cambridge.

W. G. Hart Legal Workshop: | IALS

... Bastos (European University Institute); Veronika Fikfak (University of Cambridge). Global Administrative Governance and Control: David Law; ...

‎Cambridge Law: Public Lectures from the Faculty of Law:...

This video discusses six issues arising out of the recent statement of Prime Minister David Cameron to the House of Commons entitled

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Veronika

Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch): Veronika; die Siegbringende; Altgriechisch (Neues Testament); pherein = tragen, bringen; nike = der Sieg; entstanden als latinisierte Form eines mazedonischen Namens 'Beronike', welcher wiederum auf den griechischen Namen 'Pherenike' zurückgeht; verbreitet durch die Verehrung der hl. Veronika von Jerusalem, einer Jüngerin Jesu

Personensuche zu Veronika Fikfak & mehr

Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Veronika Fikfak und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.