84 Infos zu Vicky Katsoulidou

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1 Aktuelle Nachrichten

6 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

LinkedIn: Vicky Katsoulidou | LinkedIn

Vicky Katsoulidous berufliches Profil anzeigen LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte berufliche Netzwerk, das Fach- und Führungskräften wie Vicky Katsoulidou dabei ...

LinkedIn: Vicky Katsoulidou | LinkedIn

Sehen Sie sich das berufliche Profil von Vicky Katsoulidou (Deutschland) auf LinkedIn an. LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte professionelle Netzwerk, das Fach- ...

Vicky Katsoulidou | Semantic Scholar

Semantic Scholar profile for Vicky Katsoulidou, with 8 highly influential citations and 2 scientific research papers.

Hiroaki Matsunami | Scholars@Duke

Hiroaki Matsunami’s profile, publications, research topics, and co-authors

1 Infos zur Ausbildung

Results | Scholars Portal Journals

Results of 20 — Authors. Pablo Chamero · Vicky Katsoulidou · Philipp Hendrix; et al. Source Information. August 2011, Volume108(Issue31)Pages, ... › ...

2 Bücher zum Namen

Suchergebnisse - "Vicky Katsoulidou"

by Pablo Chamero Vicky Katsoulidou Philipp Hendrix Bernd Bufe Richard Roberts Hiroaki Matsunami Joel Abramowitz Lutz Birnbaumer Frank Zufall Trese Leinders-Zufall Published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences - PNAS ( )

Philipp Hendrix | Saarland University | 79 PublicationsAI Chat for scientific PDFs | SciSpace

Vicky Katsoulidou,Philipp Hendrix,Bernd Bufe,Richard W. Roberts,Hiroaki Matsunami,Joel Abramowitz,Lutz Birnbaumer,Frank Zufall,Trese Leinders-Zufall +9 more ... Vicky Katsoulidou,Philipp Hendrix,Bernd Bufe,Richard W. Roberts,Hiroaki Matsunami,Joel Abramowitz,Lutz Birnbaumer,Frank Zufall,Trese Leinders-Zufall +9 more ...

4 Dokumente

Clinical optical coherence tomography combined with ...

von K König · · Zitiert von: 133 — Vicky Katsoulidou from the JenLab GmbH for the excel- lent technical assistance as well as the European Commis- sion for financial support within the ... von K König · · Zitiert von: 133 — Vicky Katsoulidou from the JenLab GmbH for the excel- lent technical assistance as well as the European Commis- sion for financial support within the ...

How fast can TCSPC FLIM be made?, Proceedings of SPIE |...

The acquisition time of TCSPC FLIM depends on the number of pixels of the image, on the required lifetime accuracy, and on the count rate available from the...


作者: Bertram SU;Vicky KATSOULIDOU. 关键词: 荧光寿命成像技术 时间相关单光子计数 叶绿素瞬态测量. 出版日期: 摘要:基于时间相关单光子 ...

时间相关单光子计数记录快速荧光寿命图像_爱学术www.ixueshu.com › document

作者: Bertram SU;Vicky KATSOULIDOU. 关键词: 荧光寿命成像技术 时间相关单光子计数 叶绿素瞬态测量. 出版日期: null. 摘要:基于时间相关单 ...

6 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

programa final del Congreso - Hacerse miembro de SENC

— Pablo Chamero 1 , Vicky Katsoulidou 1 , Philipp Hendrix 1 , Bernd Bufe 1 , Lutz. Birnbaumer 2 , Frank Zufall 1 , Trese Leinde — Pablo Chamero 1 , Vicky Katsoulidou 1 , Philipp Hendrix 1 , Bernd Bufe 1 , Lutz. Birnbaumer 2 , Frank Zufall 1 , Trese Leinde ...

Advanced Photon Counting Techniques II

How fast can TCSPC FLIM be made? Author(s): Vicky Katsoulidou, Axel Bergmann, Wolfgang Becker, Becker & Hickl GmbH (Germany). On demand | Presented live How fast can TCSPC FLIM be made? Author(s): Vicky Katsoulidou, Axel Bergmann, Wolfgang Becker, Becker & Hickl GmbH (Germany). On demand | Presented live

Advanced photon counting techniques II : September 2007, Boston,...

Diesen Titel erhalten Sie in einer Bibliothek! Advanced photon counting techniques II : September 2007, Boston, Massachusetts, USA. [W Becker; Society of...

G protein G(alpha)o is essential for vomeronasal function and...

scientific article

62 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Vicky Katsoulidou's Postlinkedin.com

Vicky Katsoulidou posted a video on LinkedIn.

Vicky Katsoulidou | LinkedIn

View Vicky Katsoulidou's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Vicky Katsoulidou discover ...

Vicky Katsoulidou email address & phone numberRocketReach

Vicky Katsoulidou, based in Germany, is currently a Development Scientist at Roche, bringing experience from previous roles at Roche and ... Vicky Katsoulidou, based in Germany, is currently a Development Scientist at Roche, bringing experience from previous roles at Roche and ...

Vicky Katsoulidou (vickykatsoulidou) - ProfilePinterest - Deutschland

Vicky Katsoulidou. vickykatsoulidou. ·. 0 Follower. ·. 0 folge ich. Folgen. vickykatsoulidou hat sich noch keine Pins gemerkt. Vicky Katsoulidou. vickykatsoulidou. ·. 0 Follower. ·. 0 folge ich. Folgen. vickykatsoulidou hat sich noch keine Pins gemerkt.

Vicky katsoulidou saarland aprendizaje

Vicky katsoulidou saarland aprendizaje. Afrontando historia y nosotros holocausto y comportamiento humano. Ligero para venta brassey calle burnley fantasma. Lg...

文章 - 《深圳大学学报理工版》

作者中包括 Vicky KATSOULIDOU 的文章. 1, 时间相关单光子计数记录快速荧光寿命图像. Bertram SU,Vicky KATSOULIDOU,and Wolfgang BECKER 2008年3期[238-243][ ... › KeySea...

Master / PhD Thesis - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, HZDR

Vicky Katsoulidou, Technische-Universität Dresden (Physics) Lisa Nucke, Technische-Universität Dresden (Biology) Madhumalar Subramaniam, BIOTEC, Technische ...

Publikationen – AGBufe

Pablo Chamero, Vicky Katsoulidou, Philipp Hendrix, Bernd Bufe, Richard Roberts, et. al. G protein G o is essential for vomeronasal function and aggressive behavior in mice

Advance Technical Program - PDF Free Download

... Wolfgang Becker, Vicky Katsoulidou, Bertram Su, Axel Bergmann, Becker & Hickl GmbH (Germany) [ ] SLIM for multispectral FRET imaging (Invited Paper), ... › Advance-technical-prog...

Aggressive behaviour and physiological responses to pheromones ...

Pablo Chamero, Vicky Katsoulidou, Philipp Hendrix, Bernd Bufe, Richard Roberts, Hiroaki Matsunami, Joel Abramowitz, Lutz Birnbaumer, Frank Zufall, ... › read › agg...

Attenuation of the production of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate ...

Vicky Katsoulidou +7 authors. Trese Leinders-Zufall. Biology. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences… TLDR. Cellular and behavioral phenotypes ... Vicky Katsoulidou +7 authors. Trese Leinders-Zufall. Biology. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences… TLDR. Cellular and behavioral phenotypes ...

Ca2+–Calmodulin Feedback Mediates Sensory Adaptation ...

... Vicky Katsoulidou, Philipp Hendrix, Bernd Bufe, Richard Roberts, Hiroaki Matsunami, Joel Abramowitz, Lutz Birnbaumer, Frank Zufall, Trese Leinders-Zufall Vicky Katsoulidou, Philipp Hendrix, Bernd Bufe, Richard Roberts, Hiroaki Matsunami, Joel Abramowitz, Lutz Birnbaumer, Frank Zufall, Trese Leinders-Zufall.

sistema de música

sistema de música. Gaytard de los mandrils matan. Compuesto iii peroxidase la enzima. La historia de tracy cubilete roxy wellard. Gasistas que regulan...

Clinical optical coherence tomography combined with ...Academia.edu

Vicky Katsoulidou from the JenLab GmbH for the excellent technical assistance as well as the European Commission for financial support within the project ... Vicky Katsoulidou from the JenLab GmbH for the excellent technical assistance as well as the European Commission for financial support within the project ...

CoCited Articles Page - CoCites

Pablo Chamero, Vicky Katsoulidou, Philipp Hendrix, Bernd Bufe, Richard Roberts, Hiroaki Matsunami, Joel Abramowitz, Lutz Birnbaumer, Frank Zufall, ... › coCitedArticles

Differential localization of G-proteins Gi and Go in the ...Journal of Neuroscience

von H Shinohara · · Zitiert von: 111 — Pablo Chamero, Vicky Katsoulidou, Philipp Hendrix, Bernd Bufe, Richard Roberts, Hiroaki Matsunami, Joel Abramowitz, Lutz Birnbaumer, Frank ... von H Shinohara · · Zitiert von: 111 — Pablo Chamero, Vicky Katsoulidou, Philipp Hendrix, Bernd Bufe, Richard Roberts, Hiroaki Matsunami, Joel Abramowitz, Lutz Birnbaumer, Frank ...

G protein G(alpha)o is essential for vomeronasal function and ...

Chamero, Pablo, Vicky Katsoulidou, Philipp Hendrix, Bernd Bufe, Richard Roberts, Hiroaki Matsunami, Joel Abramowitz, Lutz Birnbaumer, Frank Zufall, and Trese ... Chamero, Pablo, Vicky Katsoulidou, Philipp Hendrix, Bernd Bufe, Richard Roberts, Hiroaki Matsunami, Joel Abramowitz, Lutz Birnbaumer, Frank Zufall, and Trese ...

G protein G(alpha)o is essential for vomeronasal function ...

von P Chamero · · Zitiert von: 208 — Authors · Pablo Chamero · Vicky Katsoulidou · Philipp Hendrix · Bernd Bufe · Richard Roberts · Hiroaki Matsunami · Joel Abramowitz · Lutz Birnbaumer ... von P Chamero · · Zitiert von: 208 — Authors · Pablo Chamero · Vicky Katsoulidou · Philipp Hendrix · Bernd Bufe · Richard Roberts · Hiroaki Matsunami · Joel Abramowitz · Lutz Birnbaumer ...

Dr. Richard Roberts, MD – Willington, CT | Internal Medicine - Doximity

Pablo Chamero, Vicky Katsoulidou, Philipp Hendrix, Bernd Bufe, Richard W. Roberts, Hiroaki Matsunami, Joel Abramowitz, Lutz Birnbaumer, Frank Zufall, ... › pub

G protein G(alpha)o is essential for vomeronasal function and 默克sigmaaldrich.cn

Pablo Chamero, Vicky Katsoulidou, Philipp Hendrix, Bernd Bufe, Richard Roberts, Hiroaki Matsunami, Joel Abramowitz, Lutz Birnbaumer, Frank Zufall, Trese ... Pablo Chamero, Vicky Katsoulidou, Philipp Hendrix, Bernd Bufe, Richard Roberts, Hiroaki Matsunami, Joel Abramowitz, Lutz Birnbaumer, Frank Zufall, Trese ...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Vicky

Weiblicher Vorname (Englisch): Vicky; Sieg; Lateinisch (Römische Mythologie); victor = der Sieger; victoria = der Sieg; in Roman Mythology the name of the winged goddess of victory; famous as the name of Queen Victoria of England (19th/20th century); Information zur männlichen Form Vittorio:; unter anderem Beiname des Herkules und des Göttervaters Jupiter; bisher trugen 3 Päpste den Namen Victor

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