77 Infos zu Vicky Marissen
Mehr erfahren über Vicky Marissen
Infos zu
- Director
- PACT European Affairs
- Brussels
- Daniel Guéguen
- Aurélie Portalier
- Secondary Legislation
- Commission
- Communication
9 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Abolish backroom deals | Germany’s largest network for Europe on...On 28 September Jorgo Riss, Greenpeace Europe, and Vicky Marissen, PACT European Affairs will discuss “Trilogues and transparent law-making” at the invitation of the EU Ombudswoman. From 10 am livestream from Brussels
In einer Debatte der britischen Handelskammer in Brüssel bringen...BRÜSSEL – British Chamber of Commerce | EU und Belgien: Nur zwei Tage vor einer wichtigen Parlamentsabstimmung wurden...
Mehr Kompetenzen für die EU-Kommission? – EURACTIV.deDer Vertrag von Lissabon sorgt weiterhin für Streit unter den europäischen Institutionen: Eine Reform der Entscheidungssysteme soll die EU-Kommission stärken....
Breakfast Discussion : Future-Proofing EU Policies for SMEs – a Case...Main changes in the Better Regulation Package for SMEs' Vicky MARISSEN, PACT European Affair. Does the Commission involve SMEs in EU ...
1 Bilder zu Vicky Marissen

11 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Vicky Marissen | FacebookLinkedIn: Vicky Marissen | LinkedInVicky Marissens berufliches Profil anzeigen LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte berufliche Netzwerk, das Fach- und Führungskräften wie Vicky Marissen dabei hilft, ...
LinkedIn: Vicky Marissen - Partner - EPPA | LinkedInDécouvrez le profil de Vicky Marissen sur LinkedIn, la plus grande communauté professionnelle au monde. Vicky indique 9 postes sur son profil. Consultez le ...
LinkedIn: Vicky Marissen - Partner - EPPA | LinkedInView Vicky Marissen's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Vicky has 9 jobs listed on their profile. See the complete profile on ...
1 Hobbys & Interessen
Industry Voices Serious Concerns on Single Use Plastics Proposal at...British Chamber of Commerce | EU & Belgium: Just two days before a crucial Parliamentary vote, a debate on the workability of the EU Commission’s
7 Bücher zum Namen
The European Parliament In Times Of Eu Crisis - Costa Olivier...Vicky Marissen. 7 Out of balance? Practical experience with quasi-legislative Delegated Acts Michael Kaeding. 8 The European Parliament's ...
Vicky Marissen ( of The New Practical guide to the EU Labyrinth)Vicky Marissen is the author of The New Practical guide to the EU Labyrinth (3.00 avg rating, 1 rating, 0 reviews)
bokus.com: The European Parliament in Times of EU Crisis - Olivier Costa - Bok...Pris: kr. Inbunden, Skickas inom 5-8 vardagar. Köp The European Parliament in Times of EU Crisis av Olivier Costa på Bokus.com.
Vicky Marissen, Aurélie Portalier – euractiv.skKomitológia v procesoch rozhodovania EÚ. Autorky analýzy tvrdia, že Únia potrebuje demokratickejšiu procedúru komitológie, ktorá nepodkopáva úlohu ...
2 Dokumente
Brexit and cap an in-depth studyFounded in by Daniel Guéguen and Vicky Marissen, PACT European Affairs offers its international clients a unique position in Brussels, ...
Marissen, Vicky [WorldCat Identities]Most widely held works by Vicky Marissen. Handbook on EU Secondary Legislation : navigating through delegated and implementing acts by Daniel Guéguen( ...
1 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
The European Parliament in Times of EU Crisis | SpringerLinkThis book …ses the many changes that can be witnessed within the European Parliament - no doubt, the institution that has evolved the most since the 1950s...
2 Meinungen & Artikel
Vicky Marissen | Financial Services Forum 2015Vicky Marissen is Managing Director of PACT European Affairs, a training/consultancy form specializing on delegated and implementing acts. She has a legal ...
Hinterzimmer-Deals abschaffen: O-Töne und Infografik zu besserer...Am 28. September diskutieren auf Einladung der EU-Ombudsfrau unter anderem Jorgo Riss, Greenpeace Europe, und Vicky Marissen, PACT ...
43 Webfunde aus dem Netz
The 'Europa' vs 'Borschette': appearance and reality don't match ...Vicky Marissen. Partner at EPPA. Hi Francesca, the point of the article is to indicate that true power doesn't always lie where people look the ...
Communicating adequately in an EU context Vicky Marissen - ppt...What is communication? Communication = Clearly explaining complex concepts to the right person(s), at the right time and in the right way in order to make ...
Ms Vicky Marissen - EU AgendaVicky Marissen is Managing Director of PACT European Affairs. She has a legal background and has been active in EU Public Affairs for 15.
Vicky Marissen - Speakers AcademyVicky Marissen is the director and member of the Executive Committee at the Communication, Lobbying, Anticipation and Networking (CLAN) Public Affairs ESL.
Lobbying op Europees niveau Vicky Marissen Brussel, 23 april 2015Free essays, homework help, flashcards, research papers, book reports, term papers, history, science, politics
Vicky Marissen | eppaVicky Marissen's legal background and long-standing experience in European Public Affairs make her the expert capable of assisting companies, trade ...
Vicky Marissen (@VMarissen) Twitter Tweets • TwiCopyMedias and Tweets on @VMarissen ( Vicky Marissen )' s Twitter Profile.Brussels, Belgium.
Vicky Marissen (@VMarissen) Twitter Profile • sTweetlyMedias and Tweets on VMarissen ( Vicky Marissen ) ' s Twitter Profile. Brussel, België.
Vicky Marissen | ExpertendatabankIk ben experte in de Europese Unie, met name het Europees besluitvormingsproces, Europese wetgeving, gedelegeerde en uitvoeringshandelingen ...
EUROPEAN LOBBYING GUÉGUEN. How to be influential tomorrow in...With Vicky Marissen September European lobbying February Comitology and other Committees & Expert Groups with Caroline Rosberg February The Practical ...
Komitologie in EU-Entscheidungsprozessen – EURACTIV.deDie EU braucht ein demokratischeres Komitologieverfahren, welches die Rolle des Europäischen Parlaments in den EU-Entscheidungsprozessen nicht untergräbt. Hierfür sprechen sich Vicky Marissen und Aurélie Portalier vom European Training Institute (ETI) aus.
Komitologie: „Das neue System ist schlechter“ – EURACTIV.deStandpunkt von Daniel GuéguenFundamentale Fragen der europäischen Politik, die in einem intransparenten Ausschusssystem geregelt werden. Basisrechtsakte, die...
The EU and "better" regulation | Communication Director· Vicky Marissen will explore the latest developments in comitology and delegated acts at the EU Public Affairs Conference, held on March 17 and 18 in Brussels.
Vicky Marissen (@VMarissen) のツイート - ツイセーブVicky Marissen(@VMarissen)のツイートやお気に入り、アイコン履歴のページです。過去ログを検索したり、日付ごとにまとめることができます。
ACE Generalinė asamblėja: istorinė sutartis su Kanada, rezoliucija...... bei gaires, kaip veiksmingai teikti savo pasiūlymus Europos Sąjungos institucijoms pristatė Vicky Marissen iš „PACT European affairs“. ACE ...
Analyse : la comitologie dans le processus décisionnel européen –...Selon Vicky Marissen et Aurélie Portalier de l'Institut européen de formation, l'UE a besoin d'une procédure de comitologie plus démocratique qui n'affaiblisse...
Analysis: Comitology in EU decision-making – Page –...In this paper, Vicky Marissen and Aurélie Portalier point to an alarming number of comitology procedures – 50 cases since – which have bypassed the ...
'Totstandkoming complexe EU-wetgeving laat te wensen over' (en) -...BRUSSELS - Brussels is awash with stories about the unhealthy influence of lobbyists on law-makers but as big a scandal, say some experts, is the increasing...
Complex EU law-making dubbed 'infernal, undemocratic'The European Commission is creating more and more laws using
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Vicky
Weiblicher Vorname (Englisch): Vicky; Sieg; Lateinisch (Römische Mythologie); victor = der Sieger; victoria = der Sieg; in Roman Mythology the name of the winged goddess of victory; famous as the name of Queen Victoria of England (19th/20th century); Information zur männlichen Form Vittorio:; unter anderem Beiname des Herkules und des Göttervaters Jupiter; bisher trugen 3 Päpste den Namen Victor
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