153 Infos zu Viki Gomez
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7 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Videointerview mit Viki Gomez in Luxemburg - freedombmx.deWEBWeltmeister, Fahrradfirmenbesitzer, Contestorganisator – Viki Gomez ist ohne Frage einer der bekanntesten Flatlander der Welt und hat seit 1998, als er das erste Mal auf der internationalen Contestbühne auftauchte und gleich den ersten Platz in der Expertklasse auf der WM in Portimao (Portugal) belegte, so ziemlich jeden bekannten Wettbewerb ...
G-Shock GWG ''Tough Route'' mit Viki Gomez› G-Shock Video
Foto: Auch Weltmeister Viki Gomez radiert seine Styles…› ...
Viki Gomez trifft auf das WDR Funkhausorchester - fr...Wer sich fragt, ob BMX-Flatland und klassische Musik zusammenpassen, sollte sich dieses Video von Viki Gomez und dem WDR Funkhausorchester zu Gemüte führen.
84 Bilder zu Viki Gomez

11 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Viki GomezFacebook: Viki GomezFacebook: Viki GomezTwitter Profil: Viki Gomez (vikigomez)1 Persönliche Webseiten
BMX IS A LIFESTYLE | VIKI GóMEZViki Gomez became a professional BMX Freestyle/Flatland rider in when winning his first ever entered competition in Portimao, Portugal, ...Missing: Penny Dienstleistung" Viki Gomez became a professional BMX Freestyle/Flatland rider in when winning his first ever entered competition in Portimao, Portugal, ... Missing: Penny Dienstleistung"
2 Video- & Audioinhalte
Viki Gomez - YouTubewww.youtube.com › vikigomezViki Gomez. Viki Gomez K subscribers. Subscribe. Home. Videos. Playlists. Community. Channels. About. Search. Shorts.
BMX Street Shredding with Viki Gomez and Bert Ribul - video...BMX rippers Viki Gomez and Bert Ribul meet up in Tallinn, Estonia for some good 'ol street shredding and a tour of the town.
4 Meinungen & Artikel
Wikipedia: Viki Gomez — Wikipédia› wiki › Vi...
Viki Gomez' FAT FAVOURITE LISTName: Viki Gomez Age: 28 Hometown: Madrid, SpainHook-ups/Sponsors: KGB, RedBull, Odessa, Costo huts, Innertwine clothing The favorite list:-Spot to ri...
Dragon fight with Viki Gomez. Viky won. - Dan Vojtěch BLOGwww.danvojtech.cz › blog › › rbillume › d...Dragon fight with Viki Gomez. Viky won. Recent Posts. Karolina Kudlackova · My top 7 mobile wallpapers · Acer Predator / Red Bull Games · Small Planets ...
Viki Gomez - MESSAGE - G-SHOCK 35th Anniversary Special Site -...In commemoration of the 35th year of G-SHOCK, we're offering videos you won't find anywhere else, forthcoming limited-edition models, and information on...
44 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Ares V Frame - Viki Gomez - BMX Flatland News and Videos on …WEBFor Viki will have a Ares signature frame and it doesn't look like a regular street frame! The name come from the initial letter V of Viki Gomez and the V-bend of the top tube. The current plan is to release the frame in and it will …
BMX: Viki Gomez – Flatlander Of The Year – NORA Cup RawWEBA raw cut of the NORA Cup Flatlander Of The Year Award. Thanks to the mysterious and legendary Paul Osicka for presenting the award and congrats to Viki Gomez on his third NORA Cup! Nominees: Martti Kuoppa Jean-William Prevost Alex Jumelin Matthias Dandois Viki Gomez And thank you to our sp
Courage Adams and Viki Gomez – Street and Flatland in MadridWEBCruise around with Courage Adams and Viki Gomez as they hit the streets of Madrid for a day of flatland and street riding. Its impressive to see the level of riding both these dudes put forth on the daily.
Viki Gomez - Esch2022WEBEin Erkunder unserer Region: Begleiten Sie Viki Gomez auf seiner Tour durch den "Minett" unter dem Motto "Flatland on Red Earth" Fahren Sie mit dem 6-fachen Weltmeister und BMX-Flatland-Legende durch die atemberaubendsten Orte des Minetts und entdecken Sie, dass es kein Zufall ist, dass er sich dafür entschieden hat Botschafter für Esch2022 zu …
Viki Gomez - Flatland Voodoo Jam Finals - Global-flat.comWEBThe Flatland Voodoo Jam Year Anniversary - 2rd Place - Viki Gomez's final combo run of the night! Tweet: posted: 10 years ago COMMENTS - HOW DO YOU LIKE THE VIDEO? Video of : WE FOUND THIS VIDEO HERE. Lisias Tabarelli: Viki Gomez - Flatland Voodoo Jam Final Combo Run.
Viki Gomez in Norwegen - Explore Magazine - dein Out...WEBEin Spanier auf Flatlandmission im hohen Norden: Viki Gomez war neulich in dem norwegischen Bergdorf Voss zu Besuch, um dort auf dem Ekstremsportveko-Festival für G-Shock Shows zu fahren. Hier sind das Video zum Trip und ein Interview mit dem ehemaligen Weltmeister und dreifachen Gewinner des Red Bull Circle of Balance.
Viki Gomez – Day 7 - Global-Flat.comWEBViki Gomez puts a front brake on for his Day 7 clip, hit play to see what he throws down… More from the same site: Flatmattersonline : Phil Dolan Clip: 1993
Viki Gomez: How Flatland & Calligraphy Meet - Global-Flat.comWEBPandemic times have definitely got riders thinking differently, Viki Gomez teamed up with Calligraphy artist and friend, Leonardo Black to make this video where Flatland and Calligraphy meet… More from the same site:
Viki Gomez's "Fenix" by QuamenWEBMay 6, · The newest flatland company is on the works, this time by former KGB co-owner, Viki Gomez, the "Fenix" will be releasing a new line of frames and bars all made in th US of A by no other than Quamen. Fenix 'Akbal' Just to point out something.. Quote
Spain: Viki Gomez wins O'Marisquino Contest - Global-Flat.comWEBCheck that result list! Quite the spanish party ... and Viki took the top spot on the podium of the annual O'Marisquino flatland contest in Vigo, Spain. Congratulations! Results 1st Viki Gómez 2nd Alberto Moya 3rd Varo Hernández 4th Keegan Alves
Viki Gomez – 1st Place / Bike Days Final Global-Flat.comWEBI’ve been waiting to see Viki Gomez’s final run from the Bike Days contest in Solothurn, Switzerland and here it is! Including the bonus round to top up your score with best trick nailed first time no less, this well worth a watch!
Viki Gomez’s 8 minutes on National Television 24H – “Zoom …WEBViki Gomez: Viki’s 1st fashion show – Riding BMX on the Catwalk – Marcelo Burlon Show – Milan, Italy – January Posted: 6 years ago . Viki Gomez: Viki’s smashing tricks for Neymar JR’s 26th Private Birthday Party – Paris, France – February 2018
Viki Gómez – Think Out of the BMX EP – 2 – Our BMXWEBDec 7, · Viki Gomez reimagines what it means to mesh art and BMX in his new series “Think Out of the B(M)X” Watch Episode 2 right here and take a look at this interesting collaboration between Viki and nationally known artist, Sumo.
Photos – Our BMXWEBJan 22, · Viki Gomez reimagines what it means to mesh art and BMX in his new series "Think Out of the B(M)X"... December 7, December 7, Partner Ad Photos, Product. Ty Morrow Bike Check. The Éclat team are on a trip in Vegas working on a new video. They took ...
Tiempos De Tierra – Our BMXWEBAug 18, · Viki Gomez reimagines what it means to mesh art and BMX in his new series "Think Out of the B(M)X"... December 7, December 7, Videos. SLAUGHTERHOUSE – ‘TAIWANTED’ – WHEN RIDING …
Viki Gómez - Der 6-fache BMX Flatland Weltmeister und ShowactWEBEntdecken Sie BMX mit Viki Gómez - 6-facher Weltmeister & Showact! Erfahren Sie mehr über seine Shows & Workshops! Tauchen Sie ein in die Welt des BMX!
Believe-Viki Gomez-Red Bull BMX Flatland by eDsancaedsanca.com › portfolio › believe-viki-gomez-red-b...We had the opportunity to spend a day recording a few creative videos with Viki Gomez, BMX flatland World champion and three times RedBull Circle of balance ...
Flatland Immersion Podcast: Viki Gomez on Apple Podcasts› podcast
Sechsfacher Weltmeister Der mit dem BMX tanzt: Viki Gomez setzt die...› headlines › der-mit-dem-bmx...
Stream Viki Gomez Profeta music | Listen to songs, albums, playlists...Play Viki Gomez Profeta and discover followers on SoundCloud | Stream tracks, albums, playlists on desktop and mobile.
Bedeutung zum Nachnamen Gomez
Auf dem Spanischen: "Sohn von Gome"
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