91 Infos zu Viktor Holubec
Mehr erfahren über Viktor Holubec
Lebt in
- Leipzig
Infos zu
- Petr Chvosta
- Non-equilibrium
- Artem Ryabov
- Energy Transformation
- Transformation Processes
- Brownian
- Philipp Maass
- Research
3 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Forscher untersuchten Wechselwirkungen in künstlichen Systemen -...... Beschreibung mit einbezieht“, sagt Physiker Viktor Holubec, der mit einem Humboldt-Stipendium an der Universität Leipzig forscht.
Viktor Holubec: Cycling Tames Power Fluctuations near ...www.nanocent.eu › event › viktor-...Viktor Holubec. Institut für Theoretische Physik, Universität Leipzig, Postfach , D Leipzig, Germany Department of ...
7. Česko-Slovenská studentská vědecká konference ve fyzice (ČSSVK7)...Petr Chaloupka (FJFI ČVUT) RNDr. Pavol Federič, Ph.D. (ÚJF AV ČR, v.v.i.). Teoretická fyzika RNDr. Otakar Svítek, Ph.D. (MFF UK) RNDr. Viktor Holubec, Ph.D.
1 Bilder zu Viktor Holubec

8 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Viktor Holubec | FacebookFacebook: Viktor Holubec | FacebookFacebook: Viktor Holubec | FacebookLinkedIn: Viktor Holubec | LinkedInViktor Holubecs berufliches Profil anzeigen LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte berufliche Netzwerk, das Fach- und Führungskräften wie Viktor Holubec dabei hilft, ...
14 Bücher zum Namen
Viktor Holubec | Autorenprofil und Werke | beck-shop.deHier finden Sie das komplette Autorenprofil von Viktor Holubec . Außerdem erhalten Sie Zusatzinfos wie wichtige berufliche Stationen und aktuelle Werke.
Non-equilibrium Energy Transformation Processes, ViktorHolubec - Shop...Fishpond Australia, Non-equilibrium Energy Transformation Processes: Theoretical Description at the Level of Molecular Structures (Springer Theses) by Viktor ...
Viktor Holubec (Author of Non-Equilibrium Energy Transformation...Viktor Holubec is the author of Non-Equilibrium Energy Transformation Processes (0.0 avg rating, 0 ratings, 0 reviews, published 2014)
Non-equilibrium Energy Transformation Processes - Viktor Holubec -...Viktor Holubec. Various experimental techniques have been advanced in recent years to measure non-equilibrium energy transformations on the microscopic ...
14 Dokumente
[ ] Brownian Molecules Formed by Delayed Harmonic...Title:Brownian Molecules Formed by Delayed Harmonic Interactions. Authors:Daniel Geiss, Klaus Kroy, Viktor Holubec. (Submitted on 17 May ...
Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, (2018) - Cycling Tames Power...Cycling Tames Power Fluctuations near Optimum Efficiency. Viktor Holubec and Artem Ryabov. Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, – Published
[ ] Active Brownian Heat EnginesAuthors:Viktor Holubec, Stefano Steffenoni, Gianmaria Falasco, Klaus Kroy · Download PDF. Abstract: When do non-equilibrium forms of ...
Phys. Rev. E 101, (2020) - Maximum efficiency of...Maximum efficiency of low-dissipation refrigerators at arbitrary cooling power. Viktor Holubec and Zhuolin Ye. Phys. Rev. E 101,
4 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures | Proceedings...Thermodynamics of two-stroke engine based on periodically driven two-level system. Original research article: Pages Petr Chvosta, Viktor Holubec, ...
dblp: BibTeX records: Viktor HolubecList of computer science publications by BibTeX records: Viktor Holubec
dblp: Viktor HolubecList of computer science publications by Viktor Holubec
Utsab Khadka – ScienceOpenAuthors: Utsab Khadka, Viktor Holubec, Haw Yang … Active Particles Bound by Information Flows. Authors: Viktor Holubec, Utsab Khadka, Frank Cichos …
8 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
bol.com: Non-equilibrium Energy Transformation Processes (ebook), Viktor...Non-equilibrium Energy Transformation Processes. Various experimental techniques have been advanced in recent years to measure non-equilibrium energy...
bol.com: Non-equilibrium Energy Transformation Processes bol.comwww.bol.com › non-equilibrium-e...Auteur: Viktor Holubec. Taal: Engels. Schrijf een review. Delen. Non-equilibrium Energy Transformation Processes. E-book Kies een andere bindwijze of editie ...
Viktor HolubecSPIE Profile of Viktor Holubec, . SPIE Profiles is a networking platform for optics and photonics professionals.
EconPapers: On asymptotic behavior of work distributions for driven...By Viktor Holubec, Dominik Lips, Artem Ryabov, Petr Chvosta and Philipp Maass; Abstract: We propose a simple conjecture for the functional ...
1 Meinungen & Artikel
Active particles bound by information flows | Nature CommunicationsSelf-organization is the generation of order out of local interactions. It is deeply connected to many fields of science from physics, chemistry to biology,...
34 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Viktor Holubec - Google ScholarCharles University - citazioni - Non-equilibrium statistical mechanics
Viktor Holubec Ústí nad Labem IČO kontakty ( ) |...Viktor Holubec Ústí nad Labem IČO: – vypis dat z veřejnych rejstříků, základní údaje, kontakty, vedení a vlastníci, obory činností, dokumenty
Viktor Holubec Ústí nad Labem - Živnostensky rejstřík | Kurzy.czViktor Holubec, podnikatel Ústí nad Labem – kontakty, adresa, aktuální a historicky vypis z živnostenského rejstříku a statistického úřadu.
Viktor Holubec - rejstříky, události | Kurzy.czViktor Holubec - IČO, Obchodní a živnostensky rejstřík, firmy, adresy a kontakty, propojení osob a firem
Viktor Holubec - Běžecké tabulky - behej.com: BĚH, MARATON, BĚHÁNÍMARATON, RUNNING, ESHOP, PŮLMARATON
RNDr. Viktor Holubec, Ph.D. | Faculty of Mathematics and PhysicsViktor Holubec, Ph.D. Department: Department of Macromolecular Physics; Phone: + ; Fax: + ; .
RNDr. Viktor Holubec, Ph.D. | Univerzita KarlovaRNDr. Viktor Holubec, Ph.D. Trvalý odkaz na tuto stránku: https://is.cuni.cz/. Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta. email. .cz. telefon. +
Viktor Holubec - data ze statistického úřadu | Kurzy.czViktor Holubec data ze statistického úřadu české republiky. Databáze IČO. Předměty činnosti ze statistického úřadu.
Non-equilibrium Energy Transformation Processes Ex Libriswww.exlibris.ch › english-books › viktor-holubec › no...Non-equilibrium Energy Transformation Processes von Viktor Holubec - Englische Bücher zum Genre günstig & portofrei bestellen im Online Shop von Ex Libris.
katedra makromolekulární fyzikySPIE
Active particles bound by information flows — New Jersey...Utsab Khadka, Viktor Holubec, Haw Yang, Frank Cichos. Chemistry · Princeton University. Research output: Contribution to journal › Article.
Anomalous shift of the most probable position of a particle in an...SPIE Digital Library Proceedings
Active particles bound by information flows — Princeton...Utsab Khadka, Viktor Holubec, Haw Yang, Frank Cichos. Chemistry. Research output: Contribution to journal › Article. 18 Scopus citations.
Asymptotics of work distribution for a Brownian particle in a...Viktor Holubec, Marcel Dierl, Mario Einax, Philipp Maass, Petr Chvosta, Artem Ryabov. Faculty of Sciences · Physics & Astronomy. Research output: Contribution ...
Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft16:15, CPP 57.4, Cans and cannots of heat engines with nonequilibrium baths — •stefano steffenoni, viktor holubec, gianmaria falasco, and ...
Cycling tames power fluctuations near optimum efficiencyAccording to the laws of thermodynamics, no heat engine can beat the efficiency of a Carnot cycle. This efficiency traditionally comes with vanishing power...
Nanopartikel formieren sich durch InformationsaustauschWie können Vögel in einem Schwarm agieren, ohne sich gegenseitig anzustoßen? Das Geheimnis liegt im ständigen Informationsaustausch mit den nächsten Nachbarn....
Cross Reference Logo Citations to this article as recorded by ...Thermal Ratchet Effect in Confining Geometries. Viktor Holubec, Artem Ryabov, Mohammad Yaghoubi, Martin Varga, Ayub Khodaee, M. Foulaadvand and Petr ...
Diffusing Up the Hill: Dynamics and Equipartition in Highly Unstable...Stochastic motion of particles in a highly unstable potential generates a number of diverging trajectories leading to undefined statistical moments of the...
Qucosa - Leipzig: Fluctuation dissipation theorem and Onsager...AutorIn: Bernd Siemer: Viktor Holubec: Petr Chvosta: Philipp Maass; Titel: Fluctuation dissipation theorem and Onsager coefficients in driven diffusion systems ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Viktor
Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Skandinavisch, Polnisch, Tschechisch): Viktor; der Sieger; Lateinisch (Römische Mythologie); victor = der Sieger; victoria = der Sieg; unter anderem Beiname des Herkules und des Göttervaters Jupiter; bisher trugen 3 Päpste den Namen Victor
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