34 Infos zu Viktor Shkel
Mehr erfahren über Viktor Shkel
Lebt in
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Infos zu
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- Business Development
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- Development Department
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1 Aktuelle Nachrichten
BelHard Group joins euRobotics Association | ITOnews.euAs it was noticed by Viktor Shkel, Head of Business Development Department at BelHard Group,. «euRobotics AISBL membership provides ...
8 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Viktor Shkel | FacebookFacebook: Viktor Shkel | FacebookLinkedIn: Viktor Shkel , MBA - Deutschland | LinkedInSehen Sie sich das Karriere-Profil von Viktor Shkel , MBA (Deutschland) auf LinkedIn an. LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte professionelle Netzwerk, das Fach Es fehlt: herzebrock
LinkedIn: Viktor Shkel , MBA | LinkedInViktor Shkel , MBAS berufliches Profil anzeigen LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte ... by study Microsoft Office System Collaboration and Microsoft Dynamics ...
1 Business-Profile
Xing: Viktor ShkelBusiness Development Director, IT outsourcing, Globe Operations / Düsseldorf / Management, New Business Development, Analytical Reports and Articles, Business Development, Coordination, Marketing Research
3 Dokumente
Vladimir Dudchenko, Ceo at Softbcom ltd. (ооо "софтбиком")View all of Vladimir Dudchenko's Presentations.
Sergey Ezyk presentations | SlideShareView all of Sergey Ezyk's Presentations.
freedom on the net Freedom Househttps: sites/default/files/FOTN_2016_Full_Report.pdfarticles belarus-reports-15-fold-expansion-in-its-international-internet-gateway-since Viktor Shkel, “Internet Quality in ...
4 Meinungen & Artikel
Possible collaboration in Linux Embedded Programming sphere... do not hesitate to contact me to get the concrete explanations and specifications. I look forward to hearing from you and I hope that you will be interested in the terms mentioned above. Thanks in advance. BR. Yours faithfully Viktor Shkel Chief Marketing Officer for www.pi-consult.by Tel: +49 (0)
Видео о самых необычных художниках покорило Сеть - Хартия'97 ::..."Виктор Шкель (Viktor Shkel) Как снег на голову Новелла" либо статью в его блоге "Культурное наследие земли Северный ...
Robots – animals: Do we need to be afraid them? | LiMSforum.com – The...Last week, Boston Dynamics has demonstrated at a closed showing of his new robot - Handler. Its creators are afraid them: they say that it is terrifying....
Re: [marketing] open source meeting in Munich - Florian Effenberger -...Mein Name ist Viktor Shkel. Ich vertrete die Deutsch-Belarussische Gesellschaft, die wird pi-consult und die Erfahrung in der Programmierung ...
16 Webfunde aus dem Netz
ENGENHARIA CIVIL FEI - GruposIniciado por Viktor Shkel ... in London, and must prescribe apologize for past accusations of design copying iPad ... mais » por Viktor Shkel ...
Viktor Shkel | Professionali.ruViktor Shkel зарегистрирован на Профессионалы.ru. Зарегистрируйтесь на Профессионалы.ru чтобы связаться с Viktor Shkel и другими специалистами.
Viktor Shkel | KV.byИстория. Зарегистрирован на сайте: 1 год 2 месяца. Статус. Наказания: Нет. Личный блог. Блог пользователя Viktor Shkel. (9 записей). О сайте. О проекте · Миссия и ценности · Правила перепечатки · Рубрики · Теги · Архив · PDF-номера. Контакты. Контакты · Редакция · Вакансии. Реклама. Рекламодателям ...
BelHard Group joins euRobotics Association : News : BelHardAs it was noticed by Viktor Shkel, Head of Business Development Department at BelHard Group, «euRobotics AISBL membership provides possibility for ...
Fruitful Collaboration... it is possible!? (Telecom) - GrokbaseThanks in advance for your answer. Kindest regards. Yours truly, Viktor Shkel, BDD at Belhard Group To unsubscribe from this group and stop ...
Belarus hit the top 10 global talent : News : BelHardViktor Shkel, Head of Business Development Department, commented on the report results: “It seems that despite the fact that “our tail” is considerably stuck ...
Диапазон пользователей от до№ Антон Пермяков. № Алиса Романова. № Viktor Shkel. № Стас Давыдов. № Наталья Подгайная.
Я хочу переехать в ФРГ, но сохраняя при этом белорусское гражданство,...... пошлины я должен заплатить нашему государству, чтобы осуществить эту процедуру переезда? Спасибо. Viktor Shkel :: NeuЯUlm ...
[Printing-summit] Possible collaboration in Linux...... do not hesitate to contact me to get the concrete explanations and specifications. I look forward to hearing from you and I hope that you will be interested in the terms mentioned above. Thanks in advance. BR. Yours faithfully Viktor Shkel Chief Marketing Officer for www.pi-consult.by Tel: +49 (0)
subject:"Re\: Auto\-response for your message to the \"linux\-dvb\"...Yours truly Viktor Shkel Chief Marketing Officer for www.pi-consult.by Tel: +49 (0) ; + Mobile: +49 (0) ; + This ML is deprecated. Please use .org instead. For more info about .org, ...
Диапазон пользователей от до№ Виталя Коваль. № Анна Буинская. № Наташа Кузьмина. № Екатерина Олейник. № Илья Рудалев. № Михаил Федин. № Jessika Авезова. № Viktor Shkel. № Алексей Раков. № Елена Олийниченко.
Last Thursday BelHard Group played host to the Belarusian State...... Olga Petrik, the floor was given to the Business development Department that was presented by the head of the division, Viktor Shkel, and division managers, ...
Possible collaboration in Linux Embedded Programming sphereYours faithfully Viktor Shkel Chief Marketing Officer for www.pi-consult.by Tel: +49 (0) ; + Mobile: +49 (0) ...
Re: Auto-response for your message to the "linux-dvb" mailing list —...Linux media: Re: Auto-response for your message to the
Stepanovich Petr :: ЮристыОт: Viktor Shkel Город: Germany Dear Stepanovich Pjatrus Give me, please, direct links for these documents: "Закон Республики Беларусь от 2 июня г.
Загадки SAP в Беларуси | Страница 2 | KV.byМесяц назад было распространено сообщение об открытии в РБ представительства ведущей мировой компании SAP, но где реальные люди из SAP, которые начали работать?
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Viktor
Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Skandinavisch, Polnisch, Tschechisch): Viktor; der Sieger; Lateinisch (Römische Mythologie); victor = der Sieger; victoria = der Sieg; unter anderem Beiname des Herkules und des Göttervaters Jupiter; bisher trugen 3 Päpste den Namen Victor
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