65 Infos zu Vincent Glode

Mehr erfahren über Vincent Glode

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4 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Adverse Selection and Intermediation Chains - EPFL

Date and time, – 10:30 › 12:00. Place and room. UNIL, Extranef, room Speaker, Vincent GLODE (Wharton). Category, Conferences - Seminars ...

Game Theory & Math Economics: Christian C. Opp (University of...

Decentralized markets are often characterized as opaque and prone to trade delays, leading to the perception that they are less efficient  than standard...

Past Years FRS - Speakers - Finance R… - VGSF

... Performance Keeping up with the Joneses with Optimal Contracts"; Vincent Glode (Wharton Business School) "Voluntary Disclosure in Bilateral Transactions" ...

Why do Wall Street Traders keep making millions: Wharton Prof...

Online Trading News

5 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

Facebook: Vincent Glode | Facebook

LinkedIn: Vincent GLODE - Comptable - Cabinet CSF&Associés | LinkedIn

Découvrez le profil de Vincent GLODE sur LinkedIn, la plus grande communauté professionnelle au monde. Vincent indique 4 postes sur son profil. Consultez le ...

Vincent Glode | NBER


Vincent Glode | Semantic Scholar

Semantic Scholar profile for Vincent Glode, with 80 highly influential citations and 30 scientific research papers.

11 Bücher zum Namen

Time-varying predictability in mutual fund returns - EconBiz

Vincent Glode, Burton Hollifield, Marcin Kacperczyk, and Shimon Kogan. Year of publication: 2011; Last rev.: March 27, 2011

Why mutual funds "underperform" - EconBiz

Why mutual funds "underperform" Vincent Glode. Year of publication: Authors: Glode, Vincent: Published in: Journal of financial economics.

Behavioral finance : where do investors' biases come from? - EconBiz

Reference points -- Reference based decisions in finance / Fernando Zapatero -- Professionalism and sophistication effects in finance -- Individuals investment...

Bankers and Regulators - Philip Bond, Vincent Glode - Google Books

Bankers and Regulators. Front Cover. Philip Bond, Vincent Glode. Rodney L. White Center for Financial Research, Reviews ...

6 Dokumente

Why Mutual Funds 'Underperform' by Vincent Glode :: SSRN

I propose a parsimonious model that reproduces the negative risk-adjusted performance of actively managed mutual funds and the funds' high abnormal performance

Glode, Vincent [WorldCat Identities]

Mesures conditionnelles de performance pour fonds d'obligation by Vincent Glode( Book ) 2 editions published between and in French and held by

Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien: Finance Research Seminar Series

An Information-Theoretic Asset Pricing Model

Thoughts on the Divide between Theoretical and Empirical Research in...

Vincent Glode. University of Pennsylvania. Search for other works by this author on: This Site · PubMed · Google Scholar. ;. Daniel J. Taylor.

4 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Vol. 71, No. 6, DECEMBER of The Journal of Finance on JSTOR

The Journal of Finance publishes leading research across all the major fields of financial research. It is the most widely cited academic journal on...

Journal of Financial Economics | Vol 99, Issue 3, Pages

Why mutual funds “underperform”. Original research article: Pages Vincent Glode. Download PDF. Article preview ...

The Labor Market for Bankers and Regulators on JSTOR

We propose a labor market model in which agents with heterogenous ability levels choose to work as bankers or as financial regulators. When workers extract...

2 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

EconPapers: Vincent Glode

Access statistics for papers by Vincent Glode. Last updated Update your information in the RePEc Author Service. Short-id: pgl

Glode - definition of Glode by The Free Dictionary

Define Glode. Glode synonyms, Glode pronunciation, Glode translation, English dictionary definition of Glode. imp. 1. imp. of Glide. Webster's Revised...

1 Meinungen & Artikel

Ich glaub‘ mich laust der Affe | menschen.zahlen.sensationen.

Wir gut sind Affen bei der Zusammenstellung eines Aktienindex? Hervorragend, ja geradezu fast unschlagbar, haben Forscher der Cass Business School heraus...

30 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Vincent Glode | LinkedIn

View Vincent Glode's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Vincent Glode discover inside ...

Vincent Glode | LinkedIn

Vincent Glodes berufliches Profil anzeigen LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte berufliche Netzwerk, das Fach- und Führungskräften wie Vincent Glode dabei hilft, ...

Vincent Glode - Google Scholar Citations

Vincent Glode. Assistant Professor, Wharton School - University of Pennsylvania · Financial Intermediation. Bestätigte E-Mail-Adresse bei wharton.upenn.edu

Vincent Glode - Google विद्वान उद्धरण

Daniel TaylorAssociate Professor, The Wharton Schoolwharton.upenn.edu पर सत्यापित ईमेल. Shimon KoganMIT Sloan School of Managemen and IDC Herzliya. अनुसरण करें. Vincent Glode. Associate Professor of Finance - Wharton School - University of Pennsylvania. wharton.upenn.edu पर सत्यापित ईमेल

Vincent Glode - Citations Google Scholarscholar.google.com.ar › citations

Le décompte "Citée par" inclut les citations des articles suivants dans Google Scholar. Celles qui sont suivies d'un astérisque (*) peuvent être différentes de ...

VINCENT GLODE Updated: January 9, PDF Free Download

VINCENT GLODE Updated: January 9, Wharton School, U. of Pennsylvania Phone [office]: Locust Walk Office: SH-DH Webpage: ...

Compensating Financial Experts | Vincent Glode, Richard Lowery |

Compensating Financial Experts. Vincent Glode, Richard Lowery. The Journal of Finance. Published online on November 10,

Finance Theory Group

Vincent Glode. Member. Details. NAME Vincent Glode. INSTITUTION University of Pennsylvania. OFFICE PHONE NUMBER EMAIL

‪Vincent Glode‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

‪Finance Prof @ Wharton School - UPenn‬ - ‪‪ viittausta‬‬ - ‪Financial Intermediation‬ - ‪Information Economics‬

Vincent Glode - Google Scholar Citationsscholar.google.com.pa › citations

В статистику счетчика "Процитировано:" включены ссылки на указанные далее статьи в Академии. Отметка * означает, что материал может ...

Vincent Glode - Google Scholar Citationsscholar.google.fr › citations

จำนวน "อ้างอิงโดย" นี้รวมถึงการอ้างอิงไปยังบทความต่อไปนี้ใน Scholar บทความที่ทำเครื่องหมาย * อาจต่างจากบทความนั้นในโปรไฟล์ ...

dblp: Vincent Glode

List of computer science publications by Vincent Glode

Vincent Glode @ Wharton

Vincent Glode. Associate Professor of Finance. Curriculum Vitae. Research Interests. My research focuses on the financial sector and its workers [e.g., fund ...

DIW Berlin: Voluntary Disclosure in Bilateral Transactions

DIW Seminar on Macroeconomics and Financial Markets Voluntary Disclosure in Bilateral Transactions Speaker. Vincent Glode, Wharton School. Time 12: :15

‪Vincent Glode‬ - ‪Google Acadêmico‬

‪Finance Prof @ Wharton School - UPenn‬ - ‪‪Citado por ‬‬ - ‪Financial Intermediation‬ - ‪Information Economics‬



The Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance | Contributors |...

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2015 Program Archive » ASU Sonoran Winter Finance Conference 2023

ASU Sonoran Winter Finance Conference

Bankers and Regulators - ThReD

Vincent Glode. University of Pennsylvania. October 18, We propose a labor market model in which agents with heterogenous ability levels choose to.

Asymmetric Information and Intermediation Chains - American Economic...

Asymmetric Information and Intermediation Chains by Vincent Glode and Christian Opp. Published in volume 106, issue 9, pages of American Economic...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Vincent

Männlicher Vorname (Französisch, Englisch, Holländisch, Skandinavisch): Vincent; der Siegende; Lateinisch (Neues Testament); vincere = siegen; in christlicher Interpretation: 'der über das Leid der Welt Siegende'; verbreitet durch die Verehrung hl. Vinzenz von Saragossa (3./4. Jh.)

Bedeutung zum Nachnamen Glode

- mittelnorddeutscher Übername "glode, glude" -> "Eisen-, Feuerzange"

Personensuche zu Vincent Glode & mehr

Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Vincent Glode und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.