59 Infos zu Vincent Vuaroqueaux

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3 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Webinar: Presentation of technology offers in the field of biomarker...

The working group “technology transfer” of BIO Deutschland is pleased to offer a new webinar series. The second offering will present several biomarker...

Core needle biopsy gives an accurate picture | EurekAlert!

The gene expression profile detected in the core needle biopsy of a breast tumor is representative of gene expression in the whole tumour. A study published...

7 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

Facebook: Vincent Vuaroqueaux | Facebook

Facebook: Vincent Vuaroqueaux | Facebook

LinkedIn: Vincent Vuaroqueaux | LinkedIn

Vincent Vuaroqueaux' berufliches Profil anzeigen LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte professionelle Netzwerk, das Fach- und Führungskräften wie Vincent ...

LinkedIn: Vincent Vuaroqueaux | LinkedIn

Sehen Sie sich das berufliche Profil von Vincent Vuaroqueaux (Deutschland) auf LinkedIn an. LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte professionelle Netzwerk, das ...

1 Persönliche Webseiten

Vincent Vuaroqueaux

Vincent VUAROQUEAUX. Né le 28 avril , mail du pastel C Auzevile-Tolosane. Tel :

1 Infos zur Ausbildung

Vincent VUAROQUEAUX, 53 ans (HESINGUE, MARSEILLE) - Copains d'avant

VUAROQUEAUX Vincent : Vincent VUAROQUEAUX, né en et habite HESINGUE. Aux dernières nouvelles il était à Université De La Mediterranee : Aix-marseille Ii à...

4 Bücher zum Namen

SCHOLAR - CNKI学术搜索 - 中国知网eng.scholar.cnki.net › result

Author:Vincent Vuaroqueaux , Serenella Eppenberger-Castori ... Data Source:[J].Angiogenesis(IF ), 2014, Vol.17 (3), pp Springer.

AACR 2016: Abstracts American Association for Cancer...

The AACR Annual Meeting is a must-attend event for cancer researchers and the broader cancer community. This year's theme, "Delivering Cures Through...

Patient-Derived Mouse Models of Cancer: Patient-Derived Orthotopic...

This text highlights seminal discoveries and also provides comprehensive and state-of the-art approach to mouse models of human patient tumors. These areas...

AACR Proceedings: Abstracts American Association for...

 American Association for Cancer Research Proceedings: Abstracts Part A

7 Dokumente

EBSCOhost | | Anti-tumor activity of the TGF-β receptor...

Armin Maier & Anne-Lise Peille & Vincent Vuaroqueaux &. Michael Lahn. Accepted: 3 December Published online: 9 January © The Author(s)

BMC Cancer - OnCommunitywww.oncommunity.org/assets/pdf pdf

Serenella Eppenberger-Castori (). Vincent Vuaroqueaux (). Frederique Spyratos ...


Matthew A. Smith, Richard Hall, Kate Fisher, Scott M. Haake, Farah Khalil, Matthew B. Schabath, Vincent Vuaroqueaux, Heinz-Herbert Fiebig, Soner Altiok, Yian ...

lung cancer translational science from the bench to the clinic - AACR

Matthew A Smith, Thomas Licata, Aliya Lakhani, Mariella Varella-Garcia, Hans- Ulrich. Schildhaus, Vincent Vuaroqueaux, Heinz-Herbert Fiebig, Eric B Haura.

6 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Life Sciences | Vol 61, Issue 10, Pages PL127-PL147, (1...

Philippe Biagini, Geneviève Monges, Vincent Vuaroqueaux, Danielle Parriaux, .

CDO1 Promoter Methylation is a Biomarker for Outcome Prediction of...

... Jörn Lewin, Nadia Harbeck, Manfred Schmitt, Serenella Eppenberger-Castori, Vincent Vuaroqueaux, Frédérique Spyratos, John A Foekens, ...

Anne-Lise Peille – ScienceOpen

... kinase inhibitor galunisertib (LY monohydrate) in patient-derived tumor xenografts. Authors: Armin Maier, Anne-Lise Peille, Vincent Vuaroqueaux …

Increased level of phosphorylated akt measured by...

Akt1, Akt2 and Akt3 kinases are downstream components of phosphoinositol 3-kinase derived signals from receptor tyrosine kinases, which influence cell growth,...

4 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

theses.fr – Vincent Vuaroqueaux

Vincent Vuaroqueaux

CDO1 Promoter Methylation is a Biomarker for Outcome Prediction of...

Quantitative bisulfite sequencing was used to analyze DNA methylation biomarker candidates in a retrospective cohort of 162 LNP/ER+ breast cancer patients, who...

theses.fr – Vincent Vuaroqueaux , Neuropeptides et adénocarcinomes...

Neuropeptides et adenocarcinomes coliques : caracterisation de l'expression des recepteurs de la somatostatine. par Vincent Vuaroqueaux. Thèse de doctorat ...

3 Meinungen & Artikel

Album - Travail-au-labo - Le blog de Vincent VUAROQUEAUX

Le blog de Vincent VUAROQUEAUX · Accueil · Contact. Album - Travail-au-labo. Album - Travail-au-labo. Publié dans album. Partager cette page. Repost 0.

Journée de merde (qui se termine bien!!!) - Le blog de Vincent...

Réveil frais du matin. et oui à ma grande surprise, pas de chauffage cette nuit donc ce matin, glagla au réveil. Je me dis que c'est pas grave, une bonne...

album - Rando Quad 64quad64.over-blog.com › page-list › album

L'asso Rando-Quad 64 était présente lors de la journée des assos de Buzy avec un stand tenu par sebastien, cyril et vincent vuaroqueaux.

22 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Vincent Vuaroqueaux on LinkedIn: Homelinkedin.com

Vincent Vuaroqueaux's Post. View profile for Vincent Vuaroqueaux. Vincent Vuaroqueaux. Chief Technology Officer - 4HF Biotec GmbH. 5mo Edited. Vincent Vuaroqueaux's Post. View profile for Vincent Vuaroqueaux. Vincent Vuaroqueaux. Chief Technology Officer - 4HF Biotec GmbH. 5mo Edited.

Vincent Vuaroqueaux - AACR in Orlandolinkedin.com

Vincent Vuaroqueaux's Post. View profile for Vincent Vuaroqueaux. Vincent Vuaroqueaux. Chief Technology Officer - 4HF Biotec GmbH. 8mo. Report ...

Vincent Vuaroqueaux - Chief Technology Officer - 4HF Biotec GmbH ...

View Vincent Vuaroqueaux's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Vincent has 5 jobs listed on their profile. See the complete profile ...

WO A2 - Markers for the prediction of outcome of...

The present invention relates to methods for prognosis and/or predicting outcome of treatment with anthracycline treatment of cell proliferative disorder...

Z-Library single sign on

Z-Library single sign on | Z-Library. Download books for free. Find books

Vincent Vuaroqueaux | Free Listening on SoundCloud

Listen to Vincent Vuaroqueaux | SoundCloud is an audio platform that lets you listen to what you love and share the sounds you create.. 4 Followers. Stream...

Vincent Vuaroqueaux à Labège (Haute-Garonne) : téléphone

Vincent Vuaroqueaux de Labège (31) : téléphone, photos, et infos.

Vincent Vuaroqueaux LABÈGE (31670), téléphone et adresse

Tout savoir sur Vuaroqueaux Vincent - Labège (31670) : adresse, numéro de téléphone, plan, téléphone - avec le annuaire sur internet, mobile et ...

Stream Vincent Vuaroqueaux | Listen to music albums online for free...

Play Vincent Vuaroqueaux on SoundCloud. 4 followers. 0 tracks on desktop and mobile.

Anti-tumor activity of the TGF-β receptor kinase inhibitor...

Armin Maier, Anne-Lise Peille and Vincent Vuaroqueaux are employed by Oncotest. Oncotest was contracted to perform the present studies by ...

Core nål biopsi giver et præcist billede af genekspression i alle...

Genekspressionsprofilen påvist i kernen biopsi af en brysttumor er repræsentativ for genekspression i hele tumoren. En undersøgelse offentliggjort i dag i det...

4HF Biotec - Cancer Data Mining

Dr. Vincent Vuaroqueaux. our Chief Technology Officer (CTO), earned his PhD at the University of Aix-Marseille with his research in molecular oncology.

IBIMA Publishing Ovarian Cancer: Characteristics & Management

Pierre-Ludovic Gasoline, Vincent Vuaroqueaux, Jean-Pierre Daurés, L'houcine Houafic, Pierre-Marie Martin, François Laffargue & Thierry Maudelonde (2003).

Expression of adrenomedullin in human ovaries, ovarian cysts and...

Vincent Vuaroqueaux. Experimental Oncology Unit, University of Marseille Nord; IFR Jean Roche, Bd Pierre Dramard, Marseille, France ...

Low E2F1 transcript levels are a strong determinant of ...

T08:16:31Z (GMT) by Vincent Vuaroqueaux Patrick Urban Martin Labuhn Mauro Delorenzi Pratyaksha Wirapati Christopher C Benz Renata Flury ...

Altmetric – MET–GRB2 Signaling-Associated Complexes …late with...

Matthew A Smith, Thomas Licata, Aliya Lakhani, Marileila Varella-Garcia, Hans-Ulrich Schildhaus, Vincent Vuaroqueaux, Balazs Halmos, Alain Borczuk, Y Ann ...

Research | Georges J. Kipouros

My life’s work and passion

RNA-Seq Presentations this Week at AACR Meeting | RNA-Seq Blog

... RNA-Seq data improves the quality of PDX mutation profiles, Manuel Landesfeind, Bruno Zeitouni, Anne-Lise Peille, Vincent Vuaroqueaux.

Rando Quad Association de randonnée de Quad dans le 64

... vous compter parmis nous,. Rando Quad 64. © Tous droits réservés à Rando Quad Association loi Développé par Vincent Vuaroqueaux.

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Vincent

Männlicher Vorname (Französisch, Englisch, Holländisch, Skandinavisch): Vincent; der Siegende; Lateinisch (Neues Testament); vincere = siegen; in christlicher Interpretation: 'der über das Leid der Welt Siegende'; verbreitet durch die Verehrung hl. Vinzenz von Saragossa (3./4. Jh.)

Verwandte Personensuchen

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Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Vincent Vuaroqueaux und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.