189 Infos zu Vincent Vulsma

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24 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Vincent VulsmaArtforum

Vincent Vulsma's exhibition “A Sign of Autumn” looked like a design shop gone native. The walls of the bare, austere space were hung with tapestries in ...

Taz: Diese Arbeit ist ein Spiel - taz.de

KUNST Vor zwei Jahren ist Cinzia Friedlaender aus Köln nach Berlin übergesiedelt. Die vormalige Filmproduzentin eröffnete eine Galerie in der Potsdamer Straße....

Textiles: Open Letter, Städtisches Museum Abteiberg, Pressemitteilung...

Städtisches Museum Abteiberg, June – 10 November Opening: Saturday, 22 June, 8 pm Before the opening, at 6 pm – as part of Ensemblia 20…

Vincent Vulsma - Exhibition at Galerie Cinzia Friedlaender in ...www.artrabbit.com › events › vinc...

Save Event: Vincent Vulsma. Interested in this? Save this event. I've seen this. Did you attend? Calendar. Add to my calendar Exhibition: Vincent Vulsma in ...

37  Bilder zu Vincent Vulsma

Vincent Vulsma
Bild zu Vincent Vulsma
Bild zu Vincent Vulsma
Bild zu Vincent Vulsma
Bild zu Vincent Vulsma
Bild zu Vincent Vulsma

3 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

Vincent VulsmaArts Initiative Tokyo

Born in 1982, Zaandam, Netherlands. The work of Vincent Vulsma explores the tensions between autonomous art and the sociopolitical relations underlying its ... Born in 1982, Zaandam, Netherlands. The work of Vincent Vulsma explores the tensions between autonomous art and the sociopolitical relations underlying its ...

Vincent Vulsma – TUBELIGHT

Tubelight publiceert korte, kritische besprekingen van kleine presentaties in de hedendaagse kunst.

Kerstin Winking - CCS Bardccs.bard.edu › people › kerst...

Bhau Daji Lad Mumbai City Museum. Kerstin has curated solo exhibitions with Ahmet Öğüt, Tala Madani, Vincent Vulsma, Quinsy Gario and Tromarama, and ...

2 Hobbys & Interessen

Vincent Vulsma - In the Hold - Facebook

Vincent Vulsma | Artist | ArtFacts

The artist Vincent Vulsma is ranked among the Top 100,000 on ArtFacts. Find out more...

1 Infos zur Ausbildung

Willem de Rooij - Artists - Petzel Gallery

Friedrich Petzel Gallery, founded in 1994, first opened on Wooster Street in the Soho area of New York City. In 2000, the gallery moved to 537 West 22nd Street...

4 Bücher zum Namen

Die Ausstellung verhandeln: Von Interaktionen im musealen Raum -...

zum Ausgangspunkt seiner Installation gemacht hat“ (P48: 42). Zudem erzählt sie von Vincent Vulsma, der sich mit seinen Galeriewänden direkt vor die Wände ...

Situating Global Art: Topologies - Temporalities - Trajectories -...

; Abdoulaye Konaté, Fête Africaine (des hommes et des marionettes), 2012; Jacques Lipchitz, Study for Figure, 1926; Vincent Vulsma, WE 455 (IX),

Ästhetik des (Nicht)Wissens: Künstlerische Positionen im ...books.google.com › books

... www.sabineweier.de/textarchiv/katharsis-durch-kunst/ (letzter Zugriff am ) www.smba.nl/static/en/exhibitions/ vincent-vulsma-a-sign-of-autumn ...

1 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

VINCENT VULSMA talks to Frank – ZOLDER MUSEUMwww.zoldermuseum.com › wordpr...

... Museum, Frank Madersloot invited different speakers to give a talk in the Zolder Museum Frank Mandersloot interviewed by Vincent Vulsma ...

10 Meinungen & Artikel

Wikipedia: Willem de Rooij - Wikipedia

Willem de Rooij (born in Beverwijk, Netherlands) is an artist working in a variety of media, ... His installation "Birds" was shown at Cubitt Artists in London and included, among others, works by Dutch artist Vincent Vulsma.

Jaar - English translation – Linguee

showcasing artists as Vincent Vulsma, Carlos [...] Garaicoa and Alfredo Jaar in its modest Jordaan [...] gallery, while running collateral projects [...]

Vincent Vulsma, 43SNA in Medellín, Kolumbien

Foreign Exchange Jacquardgewebe Baumwollfaden und Reyonbast. © Foto: Nick Ash. Courtesy Vincent Vulsma und Galerie Cinzia Friedlaender. Teilen  ...

Vincent Vulsma - a photo on Flickriver

Flickriver - view images as a 'river of photos' and more...

107 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Vincent Vulsma - Teilnehmer*innenBerlin Biennale

Vincent Vulsma. * in Zaandam, NL. 6. Berlin Biennale, – ; Vincent Vulsma, GCF GmbH 1.1, 2010; ARS NOVA E5305-B, 2009; Installationsansicht ... Vincent Vulsma. * in Zaandam, NL. 6. Berlin Biennale, – ; Vincent Vulsma, GCF GmbH 1.1, 2010; ARS NOVA E5305-B, 2009; Installationsansicht ...

Vincent Vulsma (@vincentvulsma)Instagram

0 Followers, 463 Following, 15 Posts - Vincent Vulsma (@vincentvulsma) on Instagram: "Ω Sept -28 Nov www.electriciteitsfabriek.nl Interwoven Histories Followers, 463 Following, 15 Posts - Vincent Vulsma (@vincentvulsma) on Instagram: "Ω Sept -28 Nov www.electriciteitsfabriek.nl Interwoven Histories ...

Vincent Vulsma7. Berlin Biennale

Vincent Vulsma. *1982 in Zaandam/Niederlande. 6. Berlin Biennale. ARS NOVA E5305-B / GCF GmbH, Sprühfarbe auf geschrumpfter Schutzfolie über ... Vincent Vulsma. *1982 in Zaandam/Niederlande. 6. Berlin Biennale. ARS NOVA E5305-B / GCF GmbH, Sprühfarbe auf geschrumpfter Schutzfolie über ...

Vincent VulsmaFrieze

Vincent Vulsma 'A Sign of Autumn', 2011, installation view. Vincent Vulsma's exhibition at the SMBA, the Dutch artist's first in a public space, ...

Vincent VulsmaWIELS

Vincent Vulsma (1982) studied at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie and was a participant at De Ateliers in Amsterdam. Vincent Vulsma contemporary art Brussels.

Vincent Vulsma at Cinzia Friedlaender Berlin - Artmap.com

VINCENT VULSMA 2 December, – 28 January, In his second solo show at Galerie Cinzia Friedlaender, Dutch artist Vincent Vulsma further explores a theme central to his body of …

A Sign of Autumn – Vincent Vulsma - Announcements - e-flux

This autumn we're delighted to announce a solo-exhibition by Amsterdam-based artist Vincent Vulsma in Stedelijk Museum Bureau Amsterdam ...

DAILY SERVING » Vincent Vulsma – A Sign of Autumn

Vincent Vulsma's exhibition at the Stedelijk Museum Bureau Amsterdam explores the use of appropriation through the history of Dutch colonial ...

Detail: Elisa van Joolen & Vincent Vulsma weaving-samples ...www.seafoundation.eu › detail-elis...

Detail: Elisa van Joolen & Vincent Vulsma weaving-samples. Christe Vesters, image by Robert de Haan SEA Foundation The Netherlands. Christel Vesters is a  ...

Exhibition: 'Vincent Vulsma - A Sign of Autumn' | Kerstin Winking

October By employing strategies of spatio-temporal montage, Vincent Vulsma brings together objects and patterns taken from their contexts ...

Galerie Cinzia Friedlaender » Vincent Vulsma Artist Bio

Galerie Cinzia Friedlaender

Galerie Cinzia Friedlaender » Vincent Vulsma picswww.archive.cinziafriedlaender.de › artists › vincent-v...

ARS NOVA E5305-B – At Galerie Cinzia Friedlaender. Vincent Vulsma · vulsma_invite_web.jpg. © Galerie Cinzia Friedlaender GmbH.

Kaxinawa, Vincent Vulsma. 43SNA Medellín

Estado Oculto [Okkultes Stadium] - Ausstellung kuratiert von Rodrigo Moura im Dialog mit Paulo Maia als integraler Bestandteil des 43SNA.

Vincent Vulsma - villaromana.org

Vincent Vulsma. born in in Zaandam, Netherlands, lives and works in Amsterdam and Berlin Villa Romana Fellow Biography – Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam …

Technik (2013), Elisa van Joolen en Vincent Vulsma – Framer Framed

Technik (2013), Elisa van Joolen en Vincent Vulsma. Framer Framed Oranje- Vrijstaatkade KS Amsterdam. Abonneer je op onze nieuwsbrief.

Vincent Vulsma Artist | Art for Sale | Biography, Past and Future ...

Vincent Vulsma: 3 exhibitions from Jun Feb 2014, exhibition venues worldwide of artist Vincent Vulsma, Exhibition History, Summary of artist-info.com records, Solo/Group …

Vincent Vulsma - 1 Artworks, Bio & Shows on Artsywww.artsy.net › artist › vincent-vu...

Find the latest shows, biography, and artworks for sale by Vincent Vulsma.

Vincent Vulsma - A Sign of Autumn - Stedelijk Museum ...www.smba.nl › home › vincent-vu...

This autumn we're delighted to announce a solo-exhibition by Amsterdam-based artist Vincent Vulsma in the Stedelijk Museum Bureau Amsterdam (SMBA).

Stedelijk Museum Bureau Amsterdam - Vincent Vulsma - A Sign of Autumn

SMBA is the project space of Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam

Vincent Vulsma - Ellen de Bruijne Projectsedbprojects.com › archives › vince...

Vincent Vulsma ˚E. It is very well possible to come across Asmat shields in the carefully staged ...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Vincent

Männlicher Vorname (Französisch, Englisch, Holländisch, Skandinavisch): Vincent; der Siegende; Lateinisch (Neues Testament); vincere = siegen; in christlicher Interpretation: 'der über das Leid der Welt Siegende'; verbreitet durch die Verehrung hl. Vinzenz von Saragossa (3./4. Jh.)

Verwandte Personensuchen

Personensuche zu Vincent Vulsma & mehr

Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Vincent Vulsma und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.