84 Infos zu Violeta Vitanova
Mehr erfahren über Violeta Vitanova
Lebt in
- Potsdam
Infos zu
- Stanislav Genadiev
- Sofia
- Dance
- Kalin
- Theatre
- Bulgaria
- Choreography
- Iva Sveshtarova
- Artist
- Camp-Festival Potsdam
- Concept
11 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Taz: Campen ohne Zelt - taz.detaz.de › Archiv· ... renommierten Performance-KünstlerInnen wie Jürgen Oschwald oder Violeta Vitanova in einem „Labor auf Zeit“ zusammen, um gemeinsam ...
Violeta Vitanova & Stanislav Genadiev (Bulgaria) – the Ujazdowski ...u-jazdowski.pl › residents › archiwum-rezydentowStanislav Genadiev & Violeta Vitanova. graduated at National School for Dance Art in Sofia. Genadiev and Vitanova joined the Swiss company Linga as dancers ...
CALIGULA – International Theatre Festival "Varna Summer"viafest.org › varna › event › caligula... costumes: Nikola Toromanov composer: Kalin Nikolov choreography: Violeta Vitanova, Stanislav Genadiev / Kinesthetic Project. part of Showcase Programme ...
GOLEM … Festival Performa & Platforma Oral[no]Performances Events - Festival Performa & Platforma Oral[no]
15 Bilder zu Violeta Vitanova

6 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Violeta VitanovaFacebook: Violeta VitanovaFacebook: Violeta Vitanova & Stanislav Genadiev - Home | Facebookwww.facebook.com › ... › Interest › Performing ArtsLinkedIn: Violeta Vitanova | LinkedInView Violeta Vitanova's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Violeta Vitanova discover ...
1 Hobbys & Interessen
Evgeniya Sarbeva, Costume Maker, Video Designer, Surrey, UKI’m focused on all visual elements of a performance: scenography, costume design and light design. I work with exploring concepts- the subject chosen for the...
1 Firmen-Mitarbeiter
Contemporary dance workshop – leader Violeta Vitanova – ISTFistfestbg.com › team › contemporary-dance-worksh...Violeta Vitanova is a freelance artist, working in the area of contemporary dance and performance. She graduated the National School of Dance Arts in Sofia in ...
1 Projekte
Article· Choreography by Violeta Vitanova and Stanislav Genadiev. With Deyan Angelov (Bernardo), Darin Angelov (Francisco), Gergana Arnaudova ...
4 Bücher zum Namen
Das Freie Theater im Europa der Gegenwart: Strukturen - Ästhetik -...Europas Theater hat sich in den letzten 20 Jahren in seiner ästhetischen Ausrichtung, seinen institutionellen Strukturen, aber auch in seiner...
European Dance since 1989: Communitas and the Other - Google BooksThis edited collection charts the development of contemporary dance in Central and Eastern Europe since the literal and symbolic revolutions of Central...
Independent Theatre in Contemporary Europe: Structures - Aesthetics...Over the past 20 years European theatre underwent fundamental changes in terms of aesthetic focus, institutional structure and in its position in society. The...
Le monde du théâtre: édition 2008: un compte-rendu des saison...Cet ouvrage intéressera l'amateur de théâtre à plus d'un titre. Il propose un panorama du théâtre mondial à travers 52 articles traitant des deux dernières...
1 Dokumente
Tanz | Off Europa Festival Theater Tanz Performance Leipzig Dresden...Für mich am Interessantesten waren die kleineren, eher persönlichen Arbeiten von Iva Sveshtarova und Violeta Vitanova oder Martin Penev.
1 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
HAMLET – Javor Gardev's Official Websitejavorgardev.com › wordpress › › hamlet· Choreography by Violeta Vitanova & Stanislav Genadiev Fight Choreography by Emil Videv Original Score by Kalin Nikolov Consultant on ...
1 Video- & Audioinhalte
Violeta Vitanova - YouTubeTeile deine Videos mit Freunden, Verwandten oder der ganzen Welt
7 Meinungen & Artikel
Performances with Ognyana Serafimova and Violeta Vitanova - a photo...Flickriver - view images as a 'river of photos' and more...
« Caligula », d’Albert Camus (critique), Maison des arts de Créteil -...Camus en chemise noire et bottes de cuir Par Fabrice Chêne Les Trois Coups.com Cap à l’Est en cette fin d’année à la Maison des arts de Créteil. C’est...
Balkan Express network meeting in Sofia | BalkanExpressIn autumn a Balkan Express meeting in Sofia was organized in connection to the meeting of the International Network for Contemporary Performing IETM. The...
ostpol | Weg vom Bühnenrand EuropasZeitgenössischer Tanz führt in Bulgarien bislang ein eher stiefmütterliches Dasein. Es gibt kaum internationale Gastspiele, und auch die heimische Tanzszene...
35 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Violeta Vitanova - Camp-Festival Potsdam 2017Violeta Vitanova is a freelance artist, working in the area of contemporary dance and performance. She graduated the National School of Dance Arts in Sofia.
Contemporary dance workshop with Violeta Vitanova -26, 27 and 28 January from 14:00 to 18:00 will be held workshop (contemporary dance) with Violeta Vitanova Participants will become familiar with techniques ...
Violeta Vitanova - в момента не учи - профил в Pomagalo.comwww.pomagalo.com › Всички потребителиИме, Violeta Vitanova. E-mail, [» влез за да разбереш]. Регистрация на, 18 декември г. Последно на линия, на 07 фев Последна промяна, на ...
Violeta Vitanova | Artist | National Theatre "Ivan Vazov"National Theatre
Aneta Stojnic (SRB) / Bahar Temiz (TR) / Violeta Vitanova (BG ...www.mqw.at › institutions › program › › a...· Aneta Stojnic (SRB) / Bahar Temiz (TR) / Violeta Vitanova (BG) Performance evening of the Artists-in-Residence at Tanzquartier Wien
Workshop led by Violeta Vitanova and Stanislav Genadiev / Theatre ...www.creativebox.bg › bguarkshop-na-violeta-vitan...· Stanislav Genadiev and Violeta Vitanova are graduates of Sofia National School of Dance Art. They have danced with the Swiss ensembles ...
Търговски регистър/Registry of companies – Bureau for Investigative...Events with persons connected to the company VIOLETA VITANOVA ET (ID: ) Данни за компанията в Търговския регистър ...
Виолета Витанова - актьор, Violeta Vitanova, постановки с участието...Виолета Витанова - Violeta Vitanova. Виолета Витанова представления. Хореографите Станислав Генадиев и Виолета Витанова завършват ...
- Виолета Витанова, Violeta VitanovaИнформация за а Виолета Витанова. Виолета Георгиева Витанова е родена на г. в София танцьор, хореограф.Виолета Витанова е сред най-провокативните...
POTSDAM – CAMP Festival, Potsdam, 09.& – degemVioleta Vitanova (Bulgarien) | dance. Termine: Mittwoch , 19:00 Uhr Samstag , 20:00 Uhr. beides im Waschhaus Potsd
Startseite - Camp-Festival Potsdam 2017Aufführungen der im Rahmen des CAMP Festival erarbeiteten Performances Mehr Infos . The Festival. Workshops and Research. During the ... Violeta Vitanova ...
2Replicate – Elektrick MeProduction: A25 Cultural Foundation & National Theatre “Ivan Vazov”. Concept and choreography: Violeta Vitanova & Stanislav Genadiev Cast: Violeta Vitanova ...
A Piece for You | Mila GhilardiConcept: Thomas Lehmen; Performers: Galina Borissova: Mila Ghilardi: Stephan Shtereff: Iva Sveshtarova: Violeta Vitanova: Laura Wesseler: Elisaveta ...
Blog | Jürgen OschwaldJürgen Oschwald lässt seine Materialcollagen zwischen Zwei- und Drei- dimensionalität hin und her hüpfen.
Demolition of the Eiffeltower - SIDFChoreographers: Violeta Vitanova and Stanislav Genadiev (Bulgaria) Composer: Gabriele Marangoni (Italy) Costume designer: Blagoj Micevski (Macedonia)
ImagoIMAGO Concept: Violeta Vitanova, Stanislav Genadiev (BG) Choreography: Violeta Vitanova, Stanislav Genadiev, with the cooperation of the dancers. Dancers: ...
Demolarea turnului Eiffel - Teatrul Odeoncoregrafia: Violeta Vitanova si Stanislav Genadiev, păpuşi şi umbre: Clément Peretjatko, muzica: Gabriele Marangoni, decor şi lumini: Nico de ...
Moving body | TEACHERSBetween Violeta Vitanova and Stanislav Genadiev, along with Miroslav Yordanov, Diana Papazova and Ognyana Serafimova founded the ...
Night 2019The longest NIGHT of Plovdiv returns this September for its fourteenth edition, in three evenings - 13, 14, 15 September, under the moto COMMON GROUND.
SUBhuman theatre | Performance | Zoom In
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Violeta
Weiblicher Vorname (Spanisch): Violeta; das Veilchen; Lateinisch (Pflanzen); viola = das Veilchen; bekannt durch die 'Viola' in Shakespeares Stück 'Was ihr wollt'
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