118 Infos zu Violetta Pilorz
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- Lübeck
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- Henrik Oster
- Roelof
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- Behavior
- Circadian Clock
- Serge Daan
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- David
- Michael
- Physiology
- Alexander
- Anthony Jackson
10 Aktuelle Nachrichten
The Circadian Clock from Birth to Death | Encyclopedia MDPIScholarly Community EncyclopediaVioletta Pilorz. ,. Henrik Oster. The circadian clock is a prominent regulator of physiology. Most lifeforms on earth use endogenous, so-called circadian ... › show
Poster Session III[ ] - SRBR Meeting Schedsrbrmeeting2014.sched.com › event › poster-sess...Violetta Pilorz. A novel mechanism controlling re-setting speed of the circadian clock to environmental stimuli Aarti Jagannath. The CRTC1–SIK1 pathway ...
research - KAIST NEWS CENTERkaist.ac.kr(From Violetta Pilorz, Charlotte Förster, Henrik Oster, Pflugers Arch - Eur J Physiol (2018)) >. From tiny fruit flies to human beings, all animals on Earth ... › html › n...
Scientists find mechanism to reset body clockResearchers from The University of Manchester have discovered a new mechanism that governs how body clocks react to changes in the environment. And the...
6 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Dr Violetta Pilorz - Profile - Manchester Metropolitan UniversityManchester Metropolitan University› staff
WikiGenes - Violetta PilorzVioletta Pilorz. Department of Zoology. University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover. Hanover. Germany. [. Name/email consistency: high.
Dr Silke Kiessling | University of SurreyUniversity of SurreyBaraa Altaha, Marjolein Heddes, Violetta Pilorz, Yunhui Niu, Elizaveta Gorbunova, Michael Gigl, Karin Kleigrewe, Henrik Oster, Dirk Haller, Silke Kiessling ... › people
Violetta Pilorz - Loop (Frontiers)Frontiers› people
1 Hobbys & Interessen
Download Figures (PPT)CellVioletta Pilorz, Peter S. Cunningham, Anthony Jackson, Alexander C. West, Travis T. Wager, Andrew S.I. Loudon, David A. Bechtold. Current Biology. › current-biology › ppt
1 Firmen-Beteiligungen
Violetta Pilorz - MarketVisual Knowledge MapNew Search: Violetta Pilorz. Violetta Pilorz. Knowledge Map Preview. Company Affiliations. Search: Company, # of Roles. University of Manchester, 1. Showing ...
1 Firmen-Mitarbeiter
Violetta Pilorz - Institut für Neurobiologie - Universität zu LübeckUniversität zu Lübeck› ...
2 Infos zur Ausbildung
ANNUAL MEETING OF THE - Uni KasselUni KasselVioletta Pilorz (Lübeck). Christoph Scherber (Bonn). Kai Füldner (Kassel). SATELLITE SYMPOSIA: Neuroethology. SpiderFest. INTERDISCIPLINARY SYM.:. › forschung
6 Bücher zum Namen
Violetta Pilorz | 4 Publications | 17 Citations | Related AuthorsTypeset› authors › viole...
Violetta Pilorz - AcemapList of papers published by Violetta Pilorz in the field of Biology,Circadian rhythm,CLOCK,Endocrinology,Internal medicine,Genetics,Suprachiasmatic nucleus,Circadian clock,Physiology,Estrous cycle, Acemap
Melanopsin Regulates Both Sleep-Promoting and Arousal PLOSjournals.plos.org › plosbiology › article › authors· About the Authors. Violetta Pilorz. Affiliation Sleep and Circadian Neuroscience Institute (SCNi), Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences ...
Circadian Clocks - Seite Google Books-Ergebnisseitegoogle.de... Sjaak J. Riede, Violetta Pilorz, Tiziana Adage, Anton J. W. Scheurink, Vincent van der Vinne, and Roelof A. Hut Abstract Plasticity in daily timing of ...
7 Dokumente
Violetta Pilorz - Academia.eduindependent.academia.edu › ViolettaPilorzVioletta Pilorz studies Circadian Rhythms, Cave Biology, and Evolutionary Developmental Biology.
CHRISTIAN-ALBRECHTS-UNIVERSITÄT ZU KIEL - OICEFriedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-NürnbergDr. Violetta Pilorz. Nuffield Department of Clinical Neuroscience. Laboratory of Ophthalmology and the Sleep and Circadian Neuroscience Institute. › PDF › erlangen_semin...
Jahresbericht der Konrad Lorenz ForschungsstelleUniversität WienScheiber, Dissertantin Violetta Pilorz und Diplomandin Simona. Kralj hatten neben anderen MitgliedernSchar, die im Moment etwa 160 Gänse umfasst, ... › user_upload › p_klf › J...
Low reproductive success in Per1 and Per2 mutant mouse ...BioscientificaLow reproductive success in Per1 and Per2 mutant mouse females due to accelerated ageing? in Reproduction. Authors: Violetta Pilorz. › rep
9 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Current Biology | Vol 24, Issue 7, Pages , R257-R294 (31 March...Violetta Pilorz, Peter S. Cunningham, Anthony Jackson, Alexander C. West, ... David A. Bechtold. Pages : Download PDF. Article preview. select article ...
2016: GRK1957will take place on September , in schlossgut gross schwansee. For details please click... Sat, Symposium on regulation of energy balance. Classical concepts and novel insights by Dr. Violetta Pilorz, Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences, University of Oxford, UK. Fri, Doctoral Seminar. by Isa …
Genetic and environmental circadian disruption induce weight ...ScienceDirectvon B Altaha · — ... induce weight gain through changes in the gut microbiome. Author links open overlay panel. Baraa Altaha 1 2 , Marjolein Heddes 1 2 , Violetta Pilorz 3 › pii
Beschreibung von Physiologie (BMT2, Pilorz, SoSe Lernraum THLTechnische Hochschule LübeckTeacher: Violetta Pilorz · Phy (BMT2, Pilorz, SoSe 21) · Startseite. Sie sind nicht angemeldet. (Login). Phy (BMT2, Pilorz, SoSe 21). Deutsch (de). Teacher: Violetta Pilorz · Phy (BMT2, Pilorz, SoSe 21) · Startseite. Du bist nicht angemeldet. (Login). Phy (BMT2, Pilorz, SoSe 21). Deutsch (du) (de_du). › course › info
7 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Visualizing and Quantifying Intracellular Behavior and Abundance of...Visualizing and Quantifying Intracellular Behavior and Abundance of the Core Circadian Clock Protein PERIOD2. By Nicola J. Smyllie, Violetta Pilorz, James Boyd, Qing-Jun Meng, Ben Saer, Johanna E. Chesham, Elizabeth S. Maywood, Toke P. Krogager, David G. Spiller, Raymond Boot-Handford, Michael R.H. White , ...
Violetta Pilorz - WikidataWikidata› wiki
Violetta Pilorz - Deutsche Digitale BibliothekDie Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek ist das zentrale Portal für Kultur und Wissen. Sie macht das kulturelle Erbe der Bundesrepublik über das Internet zugänglich.
Oalib search2001 ( 2 ). Search Results: of 69 matches for " Violetta Pilorz " ... Roelof A. Hut,Violetta Pilorz,Ate S. Boerema,Arjen M. Strijkstra,Serge Daan, PLOS ONE ...
1 Meinungen & Artikel
Scientists find mechanism to reset body clock | Phoenix Rising ME /...Date: March 20, Source: University of Manchester Summary: Researchers have discovered a new mechanism that governs how body clocks react to changes in...
65 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Volume 26, Issue 14, Pages (July 2016) - ppt download - SlidePlayerslideplayer.com › slide... Core Circadian Clock Protein PERIOD2 Nicola J. Smyllie, Violetta Pilorz, James Boyd, Qing-Jun Meng, Ben Saer, Johanna E. Chesham, Elizabeth S. Maywood, ...
Mind and Brain - Yahoo GroupsRoelof A. Hut, Violetta Pilorz, Ate S. Boerema, Arjen M. Strijkstra, Serge Daan. Variable Cultural Acquisition Costs Constrain Cumulative ...
Violetta Pilorz - Oxford NeuroscienceUniversity of Oxford› ...
Pilorz - Names EncyclopediaSurname Pilorz is used at least 105 times in at least 6 countries. Given names Ewa Pilorz (3) ... Elzbieta Pilorz (1) Violetta Pilorz (1) Franciszek Pilorz (1)
Violetta PilorzSearch results for: Violetta Pilorz ... Violetta Pilorz, Stephan Steinlechner, Henrik Oster · Physiology & Behavior > > 96 > 1 > In mammals, numerous ...
Impact of Per1 and Per2 clock genes on the reproductive outcome and...Violetta Pilorz and Stephan Steinlechner Abstract The recently discovered rhythmic expression of clock genes in ovaries supports the growing evidence that the ...
Symposien der Fachgruppe Physiologie - dzg-physiologieVioletta Pilorz, Manchester Wiebke Herzog, Münster Kiel Madeleine Scriba, Lousanne Dominik Martin-Creuzburg, Konstanz Graz Anne-Kathrin Rohlfing, Potsdam. Patrick Fink, Köln. Göttingen Gisela Helfer, Aberdeen, UK.
Altmetric – Isoforms of Melanopsin Mediate Different Behavioral...... Hossbach, Markus, MacLaren, Robert E, Halford, Stephanie, Gatti, Silvia, Hankins, Mark W, Wood, Matthew J A, Foster, Russell G, Peirson, Stuart N, Aarti Jagannath, Steven Hughes, Amr Abdelgany, Carina A. Pothecary, Simona Di Pretoro, Susana S. Pires, Athanasios Vachtsevanos, Violetta Pilorz, Laurence A. Brown, ...
You Snooze, You Win - MSMR: What A Year!What A Year! focuses on the latest medical and biomedical research and is a source of life science education for middle school and high school biology students...
All Subject Areas | PLOS ONEPLOS... Dashun Wang, Albert-László Barabási. Working for Food Shifts Nocturnal Mouse Activity into the Day. Roelof A. Hut, Violetta Pilorz, [ ... ], Serge Daan ... › browse
A Novel Mechanism Controlling Resetting Speed of the Circadian ...cyberleninka.org › articleAbstract of research paper on Biological sciences, author of scientific article — Violetta Pilorz, Peter S. Cunningham, Anthony Jackson, Alexander C. West, ...
Characterization of DNA-PK-Bound End Fragments Using ...Springer Nature2022, Nature Protocols. Studying Circadian Clock Entrainment by Hormonal Signals. Violetta Pilorz et al., 2022, Springer Protocols ... › ...
A novel mechanism controlling resetting speed of the circadian clock ...www.research.manchester.ac.uk › portal › exportauthor = "Violetta Pilorz and Cunningham, {Peter S.} and Anthony Jackson and West, {Alexander C.} and Wager, {Travis T.} and Loudon, {Andrew S I} and ...
Working for Food Shifts Nocturnal Mouse Activity into the Day -...Gale Academic OneFile includes Working for Food Shifts Nocturnal Mouse Activity into t by Roelof A. Hut, Violetta Pilorz, Ate S. . Click to explore.
Circadian Clocks - Hirota, Tsuyoshi; Panda, Satchidananda; Hatori ...Hugendubel Fachinformationen... in Small RodentsLaura van Rosmalen, Sjaak J. Riede, Violetta Pilorz, Tiziana Adage, Anton J.W. Scheurink, Vincent van der Vinne, and Roelof A. Hut10. › ISBN
» Getting Enough Sleep Biology BytesVioletta Pilorz et al.'s article “A novel mechanism controlling resetting speed of the circadian clock to environmental stimuli”; Simon N. Archer et ...
Circadian Regulation | Knygos.ltknygos.ltVioletta Pilorz, Iwona Olejniczak, and Henrik Oster In vitro assays for measuring intercellular coupling among peripheral circadian oscillators. › knygos
Cold and hunger induce diurnality in a nocturnal mammalPNASvon V van der Vinne · · Zitiert von: 139 — Vincent van der Vinne, Sjaak J. Riede, Jenke A. Gorter, +5 , Willem G. Eijer, Michael T. Sellix, Michael Menaker, Serge Daan, Violetta Pilorz, and Roelof A. › doi › pna...
Create a SciFeed alert for new publications - MDPIMDPIVioletta Pilorz. Henrik Oster. With settings. Email: Freq: Daily, Weekly, Monthly. One email with all search results. One email for each search. Renew. › scifeed_...
DZG-Jahrestagung/SymposienDeutsche Zoologische GesellschaftVioletta Pilorz, Manchester Wiebke Herzog, Münster. Kiel Madeleine Scriba, Lousanne Dominik Martin-Creuzburg, Konstanz. Graz › Physiologie › Fachgruppen
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Violetta
Weiblicher Vorname (Italienisch): Violetta; das Veilchen; Lateinisch (Pflanzen); viola = das Veilchen; bekannt durch die 'Viola' in Shakespeares Stück 'Was ihr wollt'
Verwandte Personensuchen
- Charlotte Förster
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- Serge Daan
- Steven Hughes
- Henrik Oster
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- Kirsten Knudsen
- Oliver Rawashdeh
- Michael Gigl
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