114 Infos zu Vladislav Nachev

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15 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Love Methods Week - Aktuelles - BIH at Charité

Feb 24, · Instructors: Vladislav Nachev, QUEST Center for Responsible Research Registration: see infobox for details . Using Research Resource Identifiers (16: :00 CET …

Meta-science summer school: Designing and conducting studies …

Vladislav Nachev (BIH QUEST Center): Vladislav Nachev is a data scientist with a background in behavioural biology and neurobiology. He programs automated screening tools and …

uni.aktuell-Archiv: Bielefelder Nachwuchswissenschaftler erfolgreich...

Doktorandenstipendien in Höhe von Euro und Euro erhalten Vladislav Nachev vom Lehrstuhl für Kognitive Neurowissenschaften und Nayden Chakarov vom ...

BEACON seminar - Vladislav Nachev - title TBC — Department of ...

› events

7 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

Facebook: Vladislav Nachev

Facebook: Vladislav Nachev | Facebookwww.facebook.com › vladislav.nac...

Facebook: Vladislav Nachev | Facebookwww.facebook.com › vladislav.nachev.9

LinkedIn: Vladislav Nachev - Humboldt University of Berlin - LinkedInde.linkedin.com › vladislav-nachev

Vladislav Nachev. Data Scientist, Educator, Postdoctoral Researcher. Humboldt University of Berlin. Berlin, Berlin, Deutschland9 Kontakte.

2 Hobbys & Interessen

Vladislav Nachev Video Game Credits and Biography - MobyGames

Vladislav Nachev has been credited on games developed by the following companies: Crystal Shard and Infamous Adventures. This does not imply employment by...

Biosonar behavior of mustached bats swung on a pendulum ...

von SJ Gaioni · · Zitiert von: 80 — Vladislav Nachev et al., Science, A biomimetic robotic platform to study flight specializations of bats. Alireza Ramezani et al., Science Robotics, ... › abs

3 Firmen-Mitarbeiter

AG Dirnagl - Teams - BIH at Charité

Dr. Vladislav Nachev. Data scientist. Kontaktinformationen. . Dipl.-Ing. Ingo Przesdzing. ELN-Programmleiter ... › ... › Teams › BIH

Origi, Sofia | Vambos.com Тим

Origi, Sofia | Vambos.com Тим

Фамозните, София | Vambos.com Отбор

Фамозните, София | Vambos.com Аматьорски Отбор

1 Persönliche Webseiten

Impressum - Kieznerds

Franz Ossing , Berlin frossing(at)t-online.de. Redaktion: Eve Craigie, Vladislav Nachev, Susann Morgner . Umsetzung: › impressum

1 Prominente, Sportler & Politiker

IMDB Filmographie: Vladislav Nachev

Art Department, A Tale of Two Kingdoms

6 Bücher zum Namen

Weber’s Law, the Magnitude Effect and Discrimination of Sugar...

About the Authors. Vladislav Nachev. * . Affiliation Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany. Kai Petra Stich. Affiliation Bielefeld University, Bielefeld, Germany. York Winter. Affiliation Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany ...

Principles of Economic Rationality in Mice | Rivalan, Marion; Winter ...

... York Winter & Vladislav Nachev Received: 15 June Accepted: 30 November ... ) or V.N. () ... › book

Open-Source Software for Neurodata Curation and Analysis

... with the creation of the Metadata; and Vladislav Nachev for the scientific input and discussion. In addition, we wish to thank Prof. Steele and Prof.

The Effects of Music on Cognition and Action

... particularly Dr. Vladislav Nachev, Dr. Katharina Stumpenhorst, and Professor York Winter, for providing crucial feedback during the development of this ...

1 Songs & Musik

Full text of "Kings Quest 3 VGA Manual"

15 Credits Programming Shawn Mills Art Department Steve Alexander Vladislav Nachev Mike Galusha Elissa Ng Jeroen Warmerdam Chris Muhar Charlie Shields Chris Page “Maggott” Animation Department Jamie Broom AJ Alegria Sean Tilley Hiram Jose Rodriguez Allister Howe Quality Assurance Lucas " Brainiac" ...

6 Dokumente

Designing ecosystems to enable a reformed research …

(collaboration with Evgeny Bobrov, Vladislav Nachev, Anastasiia Iarkaeva) •Reusing workflows and codes (ODDpub in particular) developed at QUEST in a different scenario, applied on my …

WISSENSCHAFT/1357: Zehntausende auf dem Marsch für die ...

— Vom Berliner Organisationsteam des Wissenschaftsmarschs äußerte sich der Biologe und Postdoc Vladislav Nachev. Er erklärte seine Motivation ... › politik › fakten › pfwi1357

Using phylogenetics to detect pollinator‐mediated floral ...

von SDW Smith · · Zitiert von: 85 — Vladislav Nachev, Kai Petra Stich, Clemens Winter, Alan Bond, Alan Kamil, York Winter, Cognition-mediated evolution of low-quality floral ... › ...

23rd Annual International Conference on Comparative Cognition

Sabine Wintergerst, Vladislav Nachev, & York Winter (Institute of Biology - Humboldt University – Berlin - Germany). Animals constantly need to update and fine-tune behavioural responses to current conditions. Behavioural plasticity is a longer term ability to fine-tune behaviour to environmental conditions.

5 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Evolutionary Biology Seminar / Evolutionsbiologisches Seminar

Mar 14, · Dr. Vladislav Nachev (Institut für Biologie, HU Berlin) Bat choices drive the evolution of low-quality flower nectars Prof. Dr. Brian Kraatz (Western University …

Science-O-Mat - Wie Parteien zur Wissenschaft stehen

Sep 21, · Vladislav Nachev ist Biologe und Verhaltensforscher an der Humboldt Universität in Berlin und gehört zur Redaktion des Science-O-Mat , die aus einer Handvoll …

Vladislav Nachev – ScienceOpen

Authors: Vladislav Nachev, James D. Thomson, York Winter · The psychophysics of uneconomical choice: non-linear reward evaluation by a nectar feeder.

An Ingenious Experiment of Jungle Bats and Evolving Artificial ...

— Vladislav Nachev and York Winter from Humboldt University in Germany have just conclusively solved this mystery, using a set of ... › science

3 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Behavioral repeatability and choice performance in wild free-flying...

Animal individuals show patterns of behavior that are stable within individuals but different among individuals. Such individual differences are potentiall

Vladislav Nachev - Wikidatawww.wikidata.org › wiki

Vladislav Nachev. researcher. Spanish. Vladislav Nachev. No description defined. Traditional Chinese. No label defined. No description defined. Chinese.

Vladislav Nikolaev Nachev Date of Birth - Winterlab

› › CV-VN17

3 Meinungen & Artikel

A Tale of Two Kingdoms Credit Information - GameFAQs

Vladislav Nachev. Portrait Art & Animation PC. Pieter Simoons. Script PC. Abell Alegria. Sprite Art & Animation PC. David Lloyd. Sprite Art & Animation PC. › credit

Principles of Economic Rationality in Mice | Scientific Reports

Humans and non-human animals frequently violate principles of economic rationality, such as transitivity, independence of irrelevant alternatives, and...

Vladislav Nachev (Wesley75) | Photos | PHOTO FORUM

Explore Vladislav Nachev's Wesley75 0 photos on PHOTO FORUM! | Share thoughts. Take inspiration

60 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Charité Metrics Dashboard

Dr. Vladislav Nachev Berlin Institute of Health (BIH) at Charité BIH QUEST Center for Responsible Research Data scientist D Berlin Phone: …

Wer wir sind / Who we are - March for Science Berlin

Vladislav Nachev. Напред, науката е слънце! Нека разсеем облаците заедно! - Владислав Начев, биолог от Хумболтовия Университет на Берлин /// Franz Ossing


Dr. Vladislav Nachev To the detailed view. Status: Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in. . Telephone: (030) Institution: Faculty of Life …

Vladislav Nachev Games Profile - Metacritic

› person

Game Credits - Vladislav Nachev - GameFAQs

› 7...

A Tale of Two Kingdoms Details and Credits for PC - Metacritic

Get credits and details for A Tale of Two Kingdoms on PC at Metacritic.com

Vladislav Nachev Net Worth 2022: Wiki Bio, Married, Dating, Family,...

How rich is Vladislav Nachev? Vladislav Nachev Net Worth: $15 Million. People also search for. Bob Sapp Net Worth · Vinny Guadagnino Net Worth. Vladislav Nachev Net Worth, Biography & Wiki Full name, Vladislav Nachev ...

Vladislav Nachev (@vladislavnachev) • Instagram photos and ...

› vladis...

Ablauf / Program | March for Science Berlin

Ablauf / Program Start: 13:00 Uhr, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Unter den Linden 6 Vorprogramm im Innenhof der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin • Grußwort:...

Dr. Vladislav Nachev - Winterlab

› teamlist


Eve Craigie, Sheraz Khan, Marcus Mikorski, Susann Morgner, Vladislav Nachev, Franz Ossing, Claudio Paganini, Antonia Röttger, Stefanie Roth, Markus Strehlau, Jörg Weiss, Felix Raulf, Nathalie Dehne, Josef Merk und Katharina Stumpenhorst – unterstützt und …


Die Thesen entstanden während der „Open conference“ im Nachklang des Marsches. Die Umsetzung erfolgte komplett ehrenamtlich vor allem durch (alph.): Marcel Ackermann, Eve Craigie, Sheraz Khan, Susann Morgner, Vladislav Nachev, Volker Stollorz – unterstützt und ermuntert von weiteren Mitglieder des Berliner M4S-Teams.

Behavioral repeatability and choice performance in wild free-flying...

Author: Vladislav Nachev, York Winter; Source: Behavioral ecology and sociobiology v.73 no.2 pp. 24; ISSN: ; Subject: Glossophaga, flowers, ...

Cited article - Apidologiewww.apidologie.org › component › citedby › apido...

Vladislav Nachev, Kai Petra Stich, Clemens Winter, Alan Bond, Alan Kamil and York Winter Science 355 (6320) 75 (2017) DOI: science.aah4219

About Crystal Shard

Vladislav Nachev is a biology student who alternates between living in Germany and doing research in exotic faraway countries. He's the main portrait artist ... › about

Arnold's Florist in Humboldt TN Hillside Drive

Vladislav Nachev and York Winter from Humboldt University in Germany have just conclusively solved this mystery, using a set of extraordinary evolutionary ... › ...

Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology Research Hotspot ...

Behavioral repeatability and choice performance in wild free-flying nectarivorous bats (Glossophaga commissarisi). Vladislav Nachev · York Winter ·. Biology › ...

Behavioral repeatability and choice performance in wild free ...

Vladislav Nachev , York Winter. Animal individuals show patterns of behavior that are stable within individuals but different among individuals. › paper

Chaos in a model for masting

von K Cheng · · Zitiert von: 2 — Vladislav Nachev et al., Science, Energy efficiency simulation of the process of gas hydrate exploitation from flue gas in an electric power plant. › doi

Cognition-mediated evolution of low-quality floral nectars

von V Nachev · · Zitiert von: 24 — Authors. Vladislav Nachev, Humboldt University, BerlinFollow · Kai Petra Stich, Bielefeld University, Germany › bi...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Vladislav

Männlicher Vorname (Tschechisch): Vladislav; Altslawisch (Zweigliedriger Name); volod = herrschen; slava = der Slawe, der Ruhm; alter slawischer zweigliedriger Name; bekannt durch Ladislaus I., König von Ungarn, der 1192 heilig gesprochen wurde

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Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Vladislav Nachev und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.