41 Infos zu Volker Dolch

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6 Aktuelle Nachrichten

DVI-Portable von Dolch Computer

(iBusiness)Milpitas, Kalifornien. Der von dem Deutschen Volker Dolch gegründete amerikanische Computerhersteller Dolch Computer Systems (http://www.dolch.de)

Spiegel.de: Gelenkig in die Lücke springen - DER SPIEGEL

Zwischen den etablierten Konzernen sucht eine neue Generation von Unternehmern ihre Chance Sie handeln mit Computern, verkaufen Drogerie-Artikel, Hi-Fi-Geräte...

Volker Dolch, 59; Leader in Designing Computer Processors - Los...

Volker Dolch, 59, a pioneer in microprocessor design who founded Dolch Logic Instruments in Germany in and Dolch Computer Systems in California in 1987,...

Hue Hieu Hoc

Ông Bà Mai và Volker Dolch (California Hoa Kỳ) và Trung tâm Giáo dục Nhân đạo Huế tặng 37 xe đạp ( đ/chiếc).. Quỹ sẽ tiếp tục trao ...

1 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

Volker Dolch

Snipview.com - a knowledge network

1 Firmen-Beteiligungen

Volker Dolch - MarketVisual Knowledge Map

Affiliations. Search: Company, # of Roles. Kontron AG, 2. Showing 1 to 1 of

1 Business-Profile

Volker Dolch | California |

Volker Dolch is a person located in California, United States. March 01, to August 21, 2003

5 Bücher zum Namen

Computerworld - Google Books

Volker Dolch, president of Dolch Computer Systems in Milpitas, Calif., predicted his company will grow 60% in 1993, putting it at $30 million in sales. He claimed ...

Die Finanzierung mittelständischer Unternehmungen in Deutschland -...

Volker Dolch Aktuelle Finanzierungserfahrungen einer deutschen Elektronik-Unternehmung A. Vorbemerkungen B. Die Entwicklungsgeschichte l.

PC Mag - Google Books

PCMag.com is a leading authority on technology, delivering Labs-based, independent reviews of the latest products and services. Our expert industry analysis...

USA Major Manufacturers - Google Books

United States Key Personnel: Volker Dolch, President Phone: ...

2 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Dolch | Article about Dolch by The Free Dictionary

Looking for Dolch? Find out information about Dolch. A manufacturer of high-end, ruggedized portable PCs and flat panel displays for industrial use. It...

2 Meinungen & Artikel

Kontron! es geht los | Aktienforum | Aktien Forum | Diskussionsboard...

Kontron! es geht los | Aktienforum | Aktien Forum | Diskussionsboard | Community von finanzen.net

Why I Give « essential VNHELP

When my husband, Volker Dolch, was alive, he told me running the business was his department but charity work was mine. I took it seriously. Volker adapted to our Vietnamese culture well. He encouraged me to reach out and help others, especially the people in my country. But back then we were very ...

21 Webfunde aus dem Netz

DE A1 - Verfahren und vorrichtung zum identifizieren von...

DE , DE A1, DE A1, DE Inventors, Volker Dolch.

DE A1 - Einrichtung zur auswertung von ekg-signalen

US *, 18. Mai 1976, 3. Jan , Volker Dolch, Heart rate change sensor.

Archivio Storico Olivetti

Why Volker Dolch turned to the U.S. – Entrepreneurship in West Germany. Numero definitivo: Tipologia: indici di rivista. Soggetto conservatore: Associazione Archivio Storico Olivetti. Soggetto depositario: Associazione Archivio Storico Olivetti. Descrittori: Società;. Collocazione: VC-H-13-$-3. Lingua: Inglese. Note:.

Ein bedeutender Elektronik-Entwicklungs-Pionier tritt ab: Volker...

Volker Dolch, der Gründer der Dolch Computer Systems, Inc., erlag bereits am 21. August im Alter von nur 59 Jahren in den USA einem Krebsleiden. Er gehörte zu...

Misswahlen in Siersleben: Schönste Mansfelderin in Torgau zu Hause

Die Misswahl war Bestandteil des Volksfestes zum jährigen Bestehen der Gemeinde.

Volker Dolch

Quazoo.com - a knowledge network

August 29, 2003

Baja Ha-Ha vet Volker Dolch, of Belvedere and the Marquesas 56 cat Dolce Vita, died yesterday. Volker was born in Germany in As Chief Scientist at Scanner, Inc., he was awarded 16 patents relating to the Universal Product Code. In he won the Rudolph Diesel Prize, Germany's highest ...

„Wir haben hier jede Krise überwunden“ - ingenieur.de

"Zu vermieten" – so sehen die Geisterstädte des IT-Zeitalters aus. Zumindest im Silicon Valley, das derzeit seine schwerste Krise durchmacht.

Definition of Dolch | PCMag

What does Dolch actually mean? Find out inside PCMag's comprehensive tech and computer-related encyclopedia.

Mai Dolch (trustee) and Dolch Mai (revocable trust) | 330 Beach Road,...

$7,200,000. Seller: Light & Sound 186 Ltd. Buyer: Mai Dolch, Volker Dolch ...

Dolch puts industrial LCDs within a protective shell - EE Times

EE Times connects the global electronics community through news, analysis, education, and peer-to-peer discussion around technology, business, products and...

Federal Register, Volume 61 Issue 36 (Thursday, February 22, 1996)

Bruce G. Robert, Volker Dolch, Dolch American Instruments, Inc The Bank of New York Company, ...

Marina Vallarta

One of the advantages of staying at Marina Vallarta is that Mai and Volker Dolch have a beautiful home, right on the marina grounds. Mai and Volker hosted us ...

Manager/Writer - TME Consulting - Clovice A. Lewis, Jr.

Dolch Logic Instruments (now Dolch Computer Systems, Inc.) Volker Dolch started Dolch Logic Instruments in Germany in 1976, to design and manufacture a line of Logic Analyzers, an important instrument in the design and test of digital electronic circuits. The company became the largest supplier of logic analyzers in ...

Được biết việc trao học bổng cho học sinh nghèo vượt khó đã trở thành chương trình thường niên được ông bà Mai - Volker Dolch duy trì suốt ...

Rudolf-Diesel-Medaille — Wikipedia Republished // WIKI 2

Rudolf-Diesel-Medaille. Quite the same Wikipedia. Just better.

Logic Analyzers Never Die

Logic Analyzers Never Die But these traditional debugging instruments are taking on different forms now.

Rudolf-Diesel-Medaille Explained

What is the Rudolf-Diesel-Medaille? The Rudolf-Diesel-Medaille is an award by the German Institute for Inventions in memory of Rudolf Diesel for inventions...

We Left Our Hearts...

We had planned to attend a party that Mai and Volker Dolch were having in their fashionable new place in Belvedere that evening. They called on VHF several times from their high vantage point, but...to no avail. We had our work cut out to get ready for departure next morning, and missed a lovely evening with such ...


DOLCH COMPUTER SYSTEMS, INC. is company registered at California with entity number C The company is classified asMerged Out.

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Volker

Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch): Volker; Althochdeutsch (Zweigliedriger Name); folc = der Haufe, die Kriegsschar, das Volk; heri = das Heer, der Krieger; alter deutscher zweigliedriger Name; bekannt durch den Ritter Volker aus dem Nibelungenlied

Bedeutung zum Nachnamen Dolch

1. Zum Ortsnamen Dolchau ( Sachsen - Anhalt ) 2. jemanden, der einen auffälligen Dolch trug oder Name für einen Fechter

Personensuche zu Volker Dolch & mehr

Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Volker Dolch und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.