19 Infos zu Volkmar Uhlendorf
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- Berlin
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4 Bücher zum Namen
Beeinflussung wässriger Lecithin-Vesikel-Suspensionen durch weniger...Volkmar Uhlendorf: Verlag: Georg-August-Universität zu Göttingen., 1982: Original von: University of California: Digitalisiert: 26. Juli 2007: Länge: 35 Seiten
Encyclopedia of Imaging - Google BooksThe aim of this comprehensive encyclopedia is to provide detailed information on diagnostic radiology contributing to the broad field of imaging. The simple A...
Messung dielektrischer Stoffeigenschaften - Albrecht Rost - Google...Bei der Beschaftigung mit dielektrischen Messungen an nichtlinearen Dielektrika wurde es als Mangel empfun den, dal3 es, abgesehen von Ubersichtskapiteln in...
3 Dokumente
Ultrasound contrast imaging - Acuson CorporationAn ultrasound image is obtained by subjecting an object containing an ultrasound contrast enhancement agent to a first imaging pulse burst and then to a second...
Multiple ultrasound image registration system, method and transducer...An ultrasonic imaging system includes an ultrasonic transducer having an image data array and a tracking array at each end of the image data array. The...
Ultrasonic imaging method and system - Acuson CorporationAn ultrasonic imaging system and method provide a composite image having a near-field region and a far-field region that are displayed in a common imaging...
1 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Imaging of Spatial Distribution and Flow of Microbubbles Using...Today, medical ultrasound images can reveal subtle details of anatomy or blood flow with high spatial and temporal resolution. This has been made possible by...
9 Webfunde aus dem Netz
CA C - Ultrasonic processes and circuits for carrying out those...A process for selective graphic representation and/or evaluation of the Doppler spectrum of objects limitedly resistant to sonic intensity, for example...
EP A2 - Wirkstoffhaltige mikropartikel, diese enthaltende...Die Erfindung betrifft wirkstoffhaltige Mikropartikel, deren Wirkstoff in einer niedrig siedenen flüssigen Phase gelöst, suspendiert oder emulgiert ist, diese...
US A - Ultrasonic transducer and method for harmonic imaging...A method and system for ultrasonically imaging a target during an imaging session. The method includes the steps of transmitting ultrasonic energy at a...
Requests for Ex Parte Reexamination Filed - OG Date: 03 July 2007C.N ,612, Requested Date: Apr. 27, 2007, Cl , Title: ULTRASONIC PROCESSES AND CIRCUITS FOR PERFORMING THEM, Inventor: Volkmar Uhlendorf, et. al., Owners of ...
Requests for Ex Parte Reexamination - OG Date: 25 January 2005C.N ,339, Requested Date: Dec. 09, 2004, Cl , Title: ULTRASONIC PROCESSES AND CIRCUITS FOR PERFORMING THEM, Inventor: Volkmar Uhlendorf, et. al., Owners ...
nr 26/ NO årgang 97 ISSN - PDF Gratis nedlasting... (24) Løpedag Bayer Schering Pharma AGBERLIN, DE OSLO, Volkmar Uhlendorf, Eicenalle 30, ...
WO A1 - Flash de microscope Google PatentsLa présente invention se rapporte à un flash de microscope comportant une lampe-flash disposée à l'extérieur de la trajectoire des rayons, ainsi qu'un...
WO A1 - Microparticles, method of producing them and their...The invention concerns contrasting agents for use in ultrasonic diagnostic, the contrasting agents consisting of gas-containing microparticles with...
CA A1 - Microparticles, method of producing them and their use...The invention concerns contrasting agents for use in ultrasonic diagnostic, the contrasting agents consisting of gas-containing microparticles with shells made...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Volkmar
Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch): Volkmar; Althochdeutsch (Zweigliedriger Name); folc = der Haufe, die Kriegsschar, das Volk; mari = berühmt, bekannt; alter deutscher zweigliedriger Name
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