99 Infos zu Volkmar Wasmansdorff

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20 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Volkmar Wasmansdorff on LinkedIn: technical news

Volkmar Wasmansdorff's Post. View profile for Volkmar Wasmansdorff, graphic. Volkmar Wasmansdorff. Corporate Executive MOVENA GROUP; Maritime ... Volkmar Wasmansdorff's Post. View profile for Volkmar Wasmansdorff, graphic. Volkmar Wasmansdorff. Corporate Executive MOVENA GROUP; Maritime ...

Balanced on a knife-edgeportnews.ru › digest › print › digest

Volkmar Wasmansdorff, executive vice-president of classification society Germanischer Lloyd, was able to explain the virtues of slow steaming on ocean routes.

GL Appoints New VPMarine Link

The new Vice President Division East Asia of Germanischer Lloyd is Dr Volkmar Wasmansdorff. As a process engineer with considerable… The new Vice President Division East Asia of Germanischer Lloyd is Dr Volkmar Wasmansdorff. As a process engineer with considerable…

GL India expands, adds Mumbai officeFreightWaves

Volkmar Wasmansdorff, GL's head of its Asia-Pacific region, said the company starting a Goa office in and plans more satellite offices in India this year. Volkmar Wasmansdorff, GL's head of its Asia-Pacific region, said the company starting a Goa office in and plans more satellite offices in India this year.

6 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

LinkedIn: Volkmar Wasmansdorff | Berufsprofil - LinkedIn

Movena Korea Co. Ltd. in Bremen und Umgebung, Deutschland an (Hochschule:  ...

LinkedIn: Volkmar Wasmansdorff | Berufsprofil - LinkedIn

und Führungskräften wie Volkmar Wasmansdorff dabei hilft, Kontakte zu finden, ...

LinkedIn: Volkmar Wasmansdorff - Executive Partner/Managing Director ...

View Volkmar Wasmansdorff's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Volkmar has 5 jobs listed on their profile. See the complete profile ...

Volkmar Wasmansdorff | LinkedIn

Check out professional insights posted by Volkmar Wasmansdorff, Corporate Executive MOVENA GROUP; Maritime Services, Senior Classification Adv.; comp. in Germany, S-Korea and PR China.

7 Persönliche Webseiten

CONTACT - m-ocean.infom-ocean.info

Office in Bremen/Germany. Movena GmbHBremen-Vegesack/Germany Dr.-Ing. Volkmar Wasmansdorff/MD Office in Bremen/Germany. Movena GmbHBremen-Vegesack/Germany Dr.-Ing. Volkmar Wasmansdorff/MD

imprint – movena-group.com

Impressum / Imprint Angaben gemäß § 5 TMG: Movena GmbH . D Bremen / Germany. Vertreten durch: Dr. Volkmar Wasmansdorff

IMPRINT – m-ocean.infom-ocean.info

Vertreten durch: Dr.-Ing. Volkmar Wasmansdorff. Kontakt: Telefon:+ Telefax:+ Registereintrag ... Vertreten durch: Dr.-Ing. Volkmar Wasmansdorff. Kontakt: Telefon:+ Telefax:+ Registereintrag ...

Impressum – movena-bike.deMovena Bike

Impressum. Movena GmbH. Geschäftsführer/Gesellschafter: Dr.-Ing. Volkmar Wasmansdorff. Kontor Bremen. Fon Impressum. Movena GmbH. Geschäftsführer/Gesellschafter: Dr.-Ing. Volkmar Wasmansdorff. Kontor Bremen. Fon

1 Bücher zum Namen

Messung lokaler Verteilungen von Tropfengrößen und...

Title, Messung lokaler Verteilungen von Tropfengrössen und Tropfengeschwindigkeiten in der Nebelströmung einer Einstoff-Flachstrahldose. Author, Volkmar Wasmansdorff. Published, Length, 131 pages. Export Citation, BiBTeX EndNote RefMan ...

4 Dokumente

Chemie Ingenieur Technik: Vol 57, No 8Wiley Online Library

Volkmar Wasmansdorff,. Pages: ; First Published: PDF · Request permissions · xml. no. Untersuchungen zur Klärwirkung von Dekantierzentrifugen · Dr. Volkmar Wasmansdorff,. Pages: ; First Published: PDF · Request permissions · xml. no. Untersuchungen zur Klärwirkung von Dekantierzentrifugen · Dr.

Alte Tradition, junge FlotteSILO of research documents

Volkmar Wasmansdorff, Head of. Division Asia/Pacific, sprach über die große Attraktivität sehr großer Con- tainerschiffe aufgrund ihrer besonde- ren ... Volkmar Wasmansdorff, Head of. Division Asia/Pacific, sprach über die große Attraktivität sehr großer Con- tainerschiffe aufgrund ihrer besonde- ren ...

[PDF] PRESS RELEASE - The Liberian Registry |www.liscr.com › sites › default › files › liscr_press_releases

AP · Roland Lindinger (CEO of LR. Shipdesign AG), Dr. Volkmar Wasmansdorff (MD/Exec. Partner of Movena GmbH) and Thomas Klenum (Executive Vice ...

[PDF] Protection of Fuel Tanks - SILO of research documentssilo.tips › download › safety-ahead-protection-of-fuel-tanks-china-tra...

AP · Dr Volkmar Wasmansdorff is the new Head of. Division East Asia. Page nonstop MARITIME SERVICES | CHINA.

4 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

PipelinesUniversität Hamburg

Volkmar Wasmansdorff, Head of Division. Asia/Pacific des Germanischen Lloyd nonstop | MarItIMe ... Volkmar Wasmansdorff, Head of Division. Asia/Pacific des Germanischen Lloyd nonstop | MarItIMe ...

Sauberer AntriebUniversität Hamburg

Volkmar Wasmansdorff, Head of Region Asia/Pacific, gab einen Überblick über ... Volkmar Wasmansdorff (links) mit dem. Chef der Wisdom Marine Lines, James C. s ... Volkmar Wasmansdorff, Head of Region Asia/Pacific, gab einen Überblick über ... Volkmar Wasmansdorff (links) mit dem. Chef der Wisdom Marine Lines, James C. s ...


— ... Volkmar Wasmansdorff. Dipl.-Chem. Brigitte Haase. Dipl.-Phys. Hans-Herbert Flegel. NW 1, S 240/IW 1, NW 1, S NW 1, S — ... Volkmar Wasmansdorff. Dipl.-Chem. Brigitte Haase. Dipl.-Phys. Hans-Herbert Flegel. NW 1, S 240/IW 1, NW 1, S NW 1, S 238.

universität - bremenUniversität Bremen

— ... Volkmar Wasmansdorff. Dipl.-Chem. Brigitte Haase. Dipl.-Phys. Hans-Herbert Flegel. Dr.-Ing. Joachim Ulrich. NW 1,S 240/IW 1, NW 1, S — ... Volkmar Wasmansdorff. Dipl.-Chem. Brigitte Haase. Dipl.-Phys. Hans-Herbert Flegel. Dr.-Ing. Joachim Ulrich. NW 1,S 240/IW 1, NW 1, S 239.

3 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

nonstop edition GL GroupYUMPU

— Volkmar Wasmansdorff (GL).. SCHIFFBAU. Deutsche Reeder bestellen für 33,5 Mrd. US-$. Ende des 3. Quartals — Volkmar Wasmansdorff (GL).. SCHIFFBAU. Deutsche Reeder bestellen für 33,5 Mrd. US-$. Ende des 3. Quartals ...

Nafs september 2014Issuu

— Volkmar Wasmansdorff, Senior Advisor, ClassNK, Mr. Marco Schneider, Project Manager, CFD, HSVA, Mr. Noboru Ueda, Chairman and President — Volkmar Wasmansdorff, Senior Advisor, ClassNK, Mr. Marco Schneider, Project Manager, CFD, HSVA, Mr. Noboru Ueda, Chairman and President ...

Movena GmbH D Bremen Fone-bike-expert.com

Erstellt durch Movena GmbH, Rigaer Straße, 1, D Bremen - Geschäftsführer: Dr.-Ing. Volkmar Wasmansdorff. Handelsregister Bremen: HRB HB ... Erstellt durch Movena GmbH, Rigaer Straße, 1, D Bremen - Geschäftsführer: Dr.-Ing. Volkmar Wasmansdorff. Handelsregister Bremen: HRB HB ...

9 Meinungen & Artikel

Brimming With Energy. LNG Tanker. AIDA Her Excellency Certified...

For further information: Dr Volkmar Wasmansdorff, Director, Head of Division East Asia, Phone: , MEETING. The participants of the 12th China Committee.

Voller Energie. LNG-Tanker. AIDA Exzellenz der Meere Interview...

Weitere Informationen: Dr. Volkmar Wasmansdorff, Director, Head of Division East Asia, Telefon: , GUTE STIMMUNG. Die Teilnehmer der 12. Konferenz des ...

GL Inaugurates New Office in Mumbai | Prasobhravi's Blog

... applied in all global maritime markets to the benefit of our clients", says Dr Volkmar Wasmansdorff, GL's Head of Region Asia/Pacific.

N さくらインターネット

... Volkmar Wasmansdorff and party who called at the MIC Office at 1 pm today. Also present at the. call were officials of Directorate of Investment and Volkmar Wasmansdorff and party who called at the MIC Office at 1 pm today. Also present at the. call were officials of Directorate of Investment and ...

43 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Volkmar Wasmansdorff's Post

Volkmar Wasmansdorff's Post. View profile for Volkmar Wasmansdorff · Volkmar Wasmansdorff. Corporate Executive MOVENA GROUP; Maritime Services, Senior ... Volkmar Wasmansdorff's Post. View profile for Volkmar Wasmansdorff · Volkmar Wasmansdorff. Corporate Executive MOVENA GROUP; Maritime Services, Senior ...

NautilusLog APP for EU MRV and IMO-DCS | Volkmar Wasmansdorff ...

Movena is partner of securizon GmbH, Hamburg, the developer of NautilusLog APP for EU MRV and IMO-DCS compliance. Our NautilusLog APP key data: 1. You may generate your own monitoring plan or you can chose your own partner for development of the monitoring plan and later for verification of ...

Preliminary Report of MEPC 72 | Volkmar Wasmansdorff | Pulse ...

ClassNK has published a Preliminary Report of MEPC 72 on their website (ClassNK.de) where registered user can access the content. MEPC 72 covers GHG, emission reduction targets , EEDI, Ballast Water Management Convention, the Ship Recycling Convention, micro plastics, heavy fuel oil ...

M-OCEAN NETWORK ALLIANCE - LinkedInwww.linkedin.com › pulse › m-oce...

Volkmar Wasmansdorff. Corporate Executive MOVENA GROUP; Maritime Services, Senior Classification Adv.; comp. in Germany, S-Korea and ...

Volkmar Wasmansdorff, BremenNorth Data

Firmenbekanntmachungen und Netzwerk zu Volkmar Wasmansdorff, Bremen: MOVENA GmbH. Firmenbekanntmachungen und Netzwerk zu Volkmar Wasmansdorff, Bremen: MOVENA GmbH.

Volkmar Wasmansdorff | MariMatch at SMM 2024b2match

Volkmar Wasmansdorff. Managing Director. Movena GmbH. Bremen, Germany. Small / Medium-sized Enterprise. Rep. of LR-Shipdesign AG; unique AFT OPT technology to ... Volkmar Wasmansdorff. Managing Director. Movena GmbH. Bremen, Germany. Small / Medium-sized Enterprise. Rep. of LR-Shipdesign AG; unique AFT OPT technology to ...

Volkmar Wasmansdorff, Bremen - North Datawww.northdata.de › Personen › Bremen

Firmenbekanntmachungen und Netzwerk zu Volkmar Wasmansdorff, Bremen: MOVENA GmbH.

Volkmar Wasmansdorff, Bremen, Germany - North Datawww.northdata.com › Persons › Bremen

Company publications and network for Volkmar Wasmansdorff, Bremen, Germany: Movena GmbH.

ClassNK Expands Joint Research in Europe - The Maritime Executivemaritime-executive.com › corporate › ClassNK-Exp...

AP · (Pictured left to right) Dr. Volkmar Wasmansdorff, Senior Advisor, ClassNK, Mr. Marco Schneider, Project Manager, CFD, HSVA, Mr. Noboru Ueda ...

Chemie Ingenieur Technik | download

Chemie Ingenieur Technik | download | BookSC. Download books for free. Find books

Datenschutz – movena-bike.deMovena Bike

Volkmar Wasmansdorff. Kontor Bremen. Fon E-Mail: kontakt (at) movena-bike.de Volkmar Wasmansdorff. Kontor Bremen. Fon E-Mail: kontakt (at) movena-bike.de

GL inks contracts for 26 newbuildings - Lloyd's List - Informalloydslist.maritimeintelligence.informa.com › ...

Volkmar Wasmansdorff, managing director of Germanischer Lloyd Division Asia/Pacific, told Lloyd's List that the company had signed deals with two yards ...

Germanischer Lloyd Aktiengesellschaft Hamburg HRB webvalid

Historie Entscheideränderung. Austritt Herr Volkmar Wasmansdorff Prokurist Entscheideränderung. Austritt Herr Fritz Grannemann Historie Entscheideränderung. Austritt Herr Volkmar Wasmansdorff Prokurist Entscheideränderung. Austritt Herr Fritz Grannemann

Alte Tradition, junge Flotte - PDF Kostenfreier Download

Küstengewässern die Gefahr erhöhe, auf Grund zu laufen. Dr. Volkmar Wasmansdorff, ...

MARINE INTERIORS: The Art of Design | ASIA TODAY News & Eventswww.asiatoday.com › pressrelease › marine-interiors...

AP · It will focus on cooperation between Europe and China in cruise ship and RoPax ferry building. Guests will include Dr. Volkmar Wasmansdorff from ...

MOVENA GmbH, BremenNorth Data

Eintragung · Geschäftsführer: Volkmar Wasmansdorff · Prokura: Gaby Wasmansdorff · Kapital: € · Gesellschaftsvertrag · Unternehmensgegenstand · Eintragung · Geschäftsführer: Volkmar Wasmansdorff · Prokura: Gaby Wasmansdorff · Kapital: € · Gesellschaftsvertrag · Unternehmensgegenstand ·

MARINE INTERIORS: The Art of DesignInternational Cruise Ship Industry

Volkmar Wasmansdorff from Movena Group, and Zhang Leshang from the China Class Society. For more information on the event programme go here. Media ... Volkmar Wasmansdorff from Movena Group, and Zhang Leshang from the China Class Society. For more information on the event programme go here. Media ...

MOVENA GmbH - Registration · Managing Director: Volkmar ...www.northdata.com › ...

The visualizations for "MOVENA GmbH - Registration · Managing Director: Volkmar Wasmansdorff · Officer: Gaby Wasmansdorff · Capital: €25,000 · Shareholder ...

Manager-Profil zu Gaby Emma Gretchen Wasmansdorff, BremenCompanyhouse

Volkmar Wasmansdorff. 1 Verbindung. Gaby Emma Gretchen Wasmansdorff. Prokurist seit Mai MOVENA GmbH. Geschäftsführer seit Apr Volkmar Wasmansdorff ... Volkmar Wasmansdorff. 1 Verbindung. Gaby Emma Gretchen Wasmansdorff. Prokurist seit Mai MOVENA GmbH. Geschäftsführer seit Apr Volkmar Wasmansdorff ...

Movena GmbH - Veranstaltungen in Bremen ...Veranstaltungen in Bremen Nord

Ansprechpartner/in. Dr. Volkmar Wasmansdorff ; Webseite. http://imo-dcs.com/ ; Telefon. + ; Fax. + ; E-Mail. . Ansprechpartner/in. Dr. Volkmar Wasmansdorff ; Webseite. http://imo-dcs.com/ ; Telefon. + ; Fax. + ; E-Mail. .

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Volkmar

Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch): Volkmar; Althochdeutsch (Zweigliedriger Name); folc = der Haufe, die Kriegsschar, das Volk; mari = berühmt, bekannt; alter deutscher zweigliedriger Name

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Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Volkmar Wasmansdorff und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.