313 Infos zu Walter Kollert

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51 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Report: Natural teak forests in decline - UPI.com

Natural teak forests in Myanmar and elsewhere are declining and the quality of natural-grown teak wood is deteriorating worldwide, a United Nations report says.

Natural teak forests declining: UNDeccan Herald

— ... in the long run helps smallholders improve their livelihoods," Walter Kollert, FAO forestry officer, was quoted as saying in the report.

La FAO alerta de que los bosques naturales de teca están disminuyendo

Un nuevo estudio de la FAO, realizado en 60 países tropicales, alerta de que los bosques naturales de teca...

KSV Mechterstädt hat Talsohle durchschritten | Kegeln | Thüringische...

Wenn auch die Blütezeit einer Susanne Strube und einer Julia Strobach vorbei ist, wenn auch die Kegeldamen nicht mehr in der höchsten thüringer Liga spielen...

3  Bilder zu Walter Kollert

... Wolfgang Hornschuh, Sabine Buchholz, Helga Erlebach, Fritz Kobe, Erika Theus, Walter Kollert, Hannelore Kollert, Vereinschef Harry Graul (hinten, v.l.); ...
Bild zu Walter Kollert
Bild zu Walter Kollert

13 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

: Walter Kollert aus Waldmohr

StayFriends - Schulfreunde wiederfinden

Facebook: Teaknet - Summary report by Walter Kollert, FAO | Facebookwww.facebook.com › photos

LinkedIn: Walter Kollert – Saarland | Berufsprofil | LinkedIn

› walter-kollert

LinkedIn: Walter Kollert | LinkedIn

Walter Kollerts berufliches Profil anzeigen LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte professionelle Netzwerk, das Fach- und Führungskräften wie Walter Kollert dabei hilft ...

2 Hobbys & Interessen

La FAO alerta de que los bosques naturales de teca están...

Un nuevo estudio de la FAO, realizado en 60 países tropicales, alerta de que los bosques naturales de teca están disminuyendo en todo el mundo --con una...

Trees for Haiti campaign is starting much too slowlyCleveland.com

— FAO forestry experts Walter Kollert said it would take 220 million trees just to raise Haiti's forested areas from the current 2 percent to ...

5 Firmen-Beteiligungen

Walter Kollert in München - AuskünfteMoneyhouse

Walter Kollert in München aus Deutschland ✓ Letzte Änderung: ✓ Verbunden mit 1 Firma ✓ keine Beteiligungen.

Walter Kollert à München de Allemagne | Moneyhouse

Walter Kollert à München de Allemagne ✓ a un mandat à WaKa - Forest Investment Services AG - connecté à 2 personnes ✓

Walter Kollert in München from Germany | Moneyhousewww.moneyhouse.ch › list › person › kollert-walter

Walter Kollert in München from Germany ✓ has a mandat at WaKa - Forest Investment Services AG - connected with 2 persons.

Walter Kollert a München da Germania | Moneyhouse

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2 Business-Profile

Walter KOLLERT | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United...

Walter KOLLERT | Cited by 201 | of Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome (FAO) | Read 16 publications | Contact Walter KOLLERT

Experts Agree Logging Concessions a Mess - The Cambodia Dailyenglish.cambodiadaily.com › news

· Walter Kollert, chairman of the expert panel, noted there is little information in the ADB draft report on how local communities are affected.

2 Persönliche Webseiten

Contacts FAO - Government

Contacts Government: Italy: FAO

Kontakt FAO - Regierung

Kontakt Regierung: Italien: FAO

1 Infos zur Ausbildung

Scholars Portal Journals

Walter Kollert · Shirong Liu · Christophe Orazio · Luiz Rodriguez · ORCID ID · Luis Neves Silva · Michael J. Wingfield. Source Information. September 2015, ...

1 Traueranzeigen

Traueranzeigen von Walter Kollert | trauer.nn.de

Walter Kollert * † in Erlangen. Erstellt von trauer.nn.de Angelegt am Besuche WERDEN SIE INHABER DIESER GEDENKSEITE UND VERWALTEN SIE DIESE. Jetzt Inhaber werden. Traueranzeige schalten Alle anzeigen Kerzen (1) Neu ...

39 Bücher zum Namen

DNB, Katalog der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek

Analyse und Quantifizierung der Holzverwendung im Bauwesen / [von Werner Kroth ; Walter Kollert ; Manfred Filippi. Unter Mitw. von Peter Bartelheimer ...

Forschungsbericht: Analyse und Quantifizierung der Holzverwendung im...

Forschungsbericht: Analyse und Quantifizierung der Holzverwendung im Bauwesen – Werner Kroth, Walter Kollert, Manfred Filippi, Fraunhofer IRB, Gebäudeplanung,...

Biogas Industrial: User Manual - Seite vi - Google Books-Ergebnisseitegoogle.cz

Inputs and contributions were also received from Renato Cumani, Amir Kassam, Harinder Makkar, Walter Kollert, Seth Meyer, Francesco Tubiello and his team, ...

Global Problems, Global Solutions: Prospects for a Better Worldgoogle.cz

Payn, Tim, Jean-Michel Carnus, Peter Freer-Smith, Mark Kimberley, Walter Kollert, Shirong Liu, Christophe Orazio, Luiz Rodriguez, Luis Neves Silva, ...

31 Dokumente

Kollert, Walter [WorldCat Identities]WorldCat

Most widely held works by Walter Kollert ... von Holz-Abfallmaterial : am Beispiel des Restholzes in der Sägeindustrie by Walter Kollert( Book ) › identities › l...

Wiley Online Library

von W Kollert · — Enzyklopädie der Holzgewächse: Handbuch und Atlas der Dendrologie. Full Access. Durio zibethinus. Walter Kollert,. Walter Kollert. Gesellschaft ...

(PDF) Information note: Editorial Dr. Walter Kollert retired from ...dokumen.tips › Documents

INSIDE THIS ISSUE Volume 10 Issue 2 April Editorial In this edition of the bulletin, we would like to inform that Dr. Walter Kollert has retired from ...

Walter Kollert - Academia.eduindependent.academia.edu › WalterKollert

Walter Kollert studies Primate Behavior, Forest certification, and Disease ecology.

10 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Economic perspectives and analyses of multiple forest values and ...www.sciencedirect.com › journal › vol › issue

Do certified tropical logs fetch a market premium?: A comparative price analysis from Sabah, Malaysia. Walter Kollert, Peter Lagan. Pages : View PDF.

Sustainable Planted Forests for a Greener Future - IUFRO

WebPhoto: Walter Kollert, FAO Reflecting increased pressure on forest resources, the task force will focus in its first term of 2 years ( ) on key issues related to the …

How does eco-label competition affect environmental ...ScienceDirect

von J Doremus · · Zitiert von: 6 — Walter Kollert et al. Do certified tropical logs fetch a market premium?: a comparative price analysis from Sabah, Malaysia. For. Pol. Econ.

IUFRO: Publications and references

WebWalter Kollert, Michael Kleine (eds.), The Global Teak Study. Analysis, Evaluation and Future Potential of Teak Resources. IUFRO World Series Volume 36. Vienna p.

6 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Do certified tropical logs fetch a market premium?: A comparative ...

By Walter Kollert and Peter Lagan; Do certified tropical logs fetch a market premium?: A comparative price analysis from Sabah, Malaysia. › ReP...

The global teak study : analysis, evaluation and future potential of ...www.worldcat.org › title › oclc

The global teak study : analysis, evaluation and future potential of teak resources. Authors: Walter Kollert (Editor), Michael Kleine (Editor), ...

The Global Teak Study – Analysis, Evaluation and Future Potential...

Walter Kollert and Michael Kleine 3 Genetic Resources Conservation and Management 3.1 The Genetic Variation in Natural and Planted Teak Forests: Characterisation, Use and Conservation for the Future 19 Lars Graudal and Søren Moestrup 3.2 Origin and Global Dissemination of Clonal Material in Planted Teak Forests 30 Olivier Monteuuis and Doreen Goh

Instytut Badawczy Leśnictwa

Micha- el Kleine of IUFRO Headquarters, Vienna,. Walter Kollert of FAO of the United Nations,. Rome and Lars Graudal of the University of. Copenhagen, Denmark ...

7 Meinungen & Artikel

Google Groups: Fwd: Poplar and Willow News - 4th edition - Google Groupsgroups.google.com › salicaceas

· @gmail.com). Best wishes, cordiales saludos. Walter Kollert. Dr. Walter Kollert, Planted Forests Officer

Google Groups: Fwd: Poplar & Willow News, 7th edition - Google Groups

— Dr. Walter Kollert, Planted Forests Officer. Secretary of the International Poplar Commission (IPC) FAO, Forestry Department,. › salicac...

Wikipedia: DurianWikipedia

Walter Kollert: Durio zibethinus . In: Schütt, Weisgerber, Schuck, Lang, Stimm, Roloff (Hrsg.): Bäume der Tropen . Nikol Verlagsgesellschaft, Hamburg 2006, ... › wiki › Durian

UFC Holding - neu und noch unentdeckt Beiträge pro Seite

Seite 1 der Diskussion 'UFC Holding - neu und noch unentdeckt' vom im w:o-Forum 'Hot Stocks'.

138 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Walter Kollert | LinkedIn

View Walter Kollert's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Walter Kollert discover inside ...

Natural teak forests declining: UN - Yahoo

"Although the time until trees reach harvestable dimensions is comparatively long and on average takes between 20 and 80 years, teak planting serves local communities as a savings account and in the long run helps smallholders improve their livelihoods," Walter Kollert, FAO forestry officer, was quoted ...

Items where Author is "Walter Kollert "UMS INSTITUTIONAL REPOSITORY

Walter Kollert and Peter Lagan (2007) Do certified tropical logs fetch a market premium? A comparative price analysis from Sabah, Malaysia. In: 22nd IUFRO ...

Walter Kollert's research works

Walter Kollert's 3 research works with 32 citations and 2,006 reads, including: The Future of Teak - What Policy Makers and Managers Need to Consider Summary and Policy Recommendations

Information note: Editorial Dr. Walter Kollert retired from 10 Issue...

INSIDE THIS ISSUE Volume 10 Issue 2 April Editorial In this edition of the bulletin, we would like to inform that Dr. Walter Kollert has retired from the...

Items where Author is "Walter Kollert "eprints.ums.edu.my › Walter_Kollert__=3A=3A=3A

Conference or Workshop Item. Walter Kollert and Peter Lagan (2007) Do certified tropical logs fetch a market premium? A comparative price analysis from ...

walter kollert - Commodafrica

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Walter Kollert, deutscher Staatsangehöriger

WaKa - Forest Investment Services AG

Walter Kollert: مفت ڈاؤنلوڈ. ای بک لائبریری۔ Z-Library پر آن لائن ...

› ...

Kollert, Walter: free download. Ebooks library. On-line books store ...zh.booksc.eu › ...

Do certified tropical logs fetch a market premium?: A comparative price analysis from Sabah, Malaysia · Walter Kollert, Peter Lagan. Journal:.


Manager-Profil zu Walter Kollert ✓ Letzte Meldung: ✓ Verbunden mit 1 Firma ✓ Prokurist bei Bühler Motor GmbH.

Muck Rack

Find Walter Kollert's articles, email address, contact information, Twitter and more.

WaKa - Forest Investment Services AG

Member of the Management Board, Director Portugal Office. Dr. Walter Kollert. Walter has 37 years professional forestry experience, of which 25 years were ...

IUFRO: World Series / IUFRO Series / Publications

Web21 de jun. de · Walter Kollert, Michael Kleine (eds.), IUFRO World Series Volume 36. Vienna p. ISBN ISSN Published by: …

Walter%20Kollert?order=title: ఎలక్ట్రానిక్ Z-లైబ్రరీ ఉచిత పుస్తకాల...

Walter%20Kollert?order=title: ఎలక్ట్రానిక్ Z-లైబ్రరీ ఉచిత పుస్తకాల కోశం | BookSC. Download books for free. Find books


... Walter Kollert Food and Agriculture Organization of the Uni… 16 PUBLICATIONS 63 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE All content following this page was uploaded by Walter ...

Algarve Senior Bikers croisière en AndalousieVivre le Portugal

Par WALTER KOLLERT. Le groupe de coureurs et passagers, de gauche à droite, Walter, Jayne, Keith, Peter, Anne, Alfred, Lothar et Eric des Algarve Senior ...


Tema de la página:

Browsing Agricultural Econnomics by Issue DateFMARD

... Andreanne Lavoie, Francesco Tubiello, Theodor Friedrich, David Hallam, Peter Kenmore, Walter Kollert, Dominique Lantieri, John Latham, Michael Macleod, ...

Agricultural EconnomicsFederal Ministry of Agriculture

... Walter Kollert, Dominique Lantieri, John Latham, Michael Macleod, Irini Maltsoglu, Alexandre Meybeck, Frank Mischler, Jamie Morrison, Noemi Nemes, David ...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Walter

Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Französisch, Englisch, Skandinavisch): Walter; Althochdeutsch (Zweigliedriger Name); waltan = walten, herrschen, der Herrscher; heri = das Heer, der Krieger; alter deutscher zweigliedriger Name; im Mittelalter bekannt durch Walther von der Volgelweide (um 1200) der im Herr waltende

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