57 Infos zu Werner Stulpe

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1 Aktuelle Nachrichten

1  Bilder zu Werner Stulpe

Werner Stulpe. Fachbereich: FB9: Medizintechnik und Technomathematik .

4 Hobbys & Interessen

Matthias Singer & Werner Stulpe, Informational incompleteness of the...

By a counter-example, we show that the set of the three spin components Sx, Sy, Sz of spin-1 systems is not informationally complete

Werner Stulpe, Some remarks on classical representations of quantum...

It is shown that, to a certain extent, the statistical framework of Hilbert-space quantum mechanics can be reformulated in classical terms

Citations of: The Wigner distribution function—50th birthday -...

Werner Stulpe (1994). Some Remarks on Classical Representations of Quantum Mechanics. Foundations of Physics 24 (7):

1 Infos zur Ausbildung

The structure of classical extensions of quantum probability theory -...

author = "Paul Busch and Werner Stulpe",. note = "© American Institute of Physics. This is an author produced version of a paper published in Journal of ...

7 Bücher zum Namen

Werner Stulpe | XanEdu Customization Platform

Author: Werner Stulpe. Results. Proof of the Mixing Theorem for Statistical Systems in Classical Physics Springer Science+Business Media

Compendium of Quantum Physics | Ebook | Ellibs Ebookstore

Ellibs Ebookstore - Ebook: Compendium of Quantum Physics - Author: Greenberger, Daniel - Price: 164,95€

Compendium of Quantum Physics | E-kirja | Ellibs E-kirjakauppa

Ellibs E-kirjakauppa - E-kirja: Compendium of Quantum Physics - Tekijä: Greenberger, Daniel - Hinta: 164,95€

Information Complexity and Control in Quantum Physics: Proceedings of...

PROBABILITY Werner Stulpe. Quantum Theory of Continuous Observations ...

9 Dokumente

[quant-ph ] Classical Representations of Quantum Mechanics...

Authors:Werner Stulpe. (Submitted on 16 Oct 2006). Abstract: We present a reformulation of quantum mechanics in terms of probability measures and functions on a general classical sample space and in particular in terms of probability ... 含まれない: Jülich" ‎| 含めて検索: Jülich"

Werner Stulpe - Academia.edu

Academia.edu is a place to share and follow research.

[ ] From the Attempt of Certain Classical Reformulations of...

Submission history. From: Werner Stulpe [view email] [v1] Tue, 9 Jul :15:57 GMT (30kb). Which authors of this paper are endorsers?

From the Attempt of Certain Classical Reformulations of Quantum...

From the Attempt of Certain Classical Reformulations of Quantum Mechanics to Quasi-Probability Representations. Authors: Werner Stulpe.

3 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

LandOfFree - Scientist - Werner Stulpe

Check out Werner Stulpe. Rate and share your experience with other people.

Members of Relativity and Quantum Group

Prof. Dr. Werner Stulpe : .tu-berlin.de : Dr. habil. Volker Perlick .de : Dr. Wolfgang Hasse phone ...

ZARM: Volker Perlick

Geburtstag von Karl-Eberhard Hellwig, Org: Michael Keyl, Volker Perlick, Werner Stulpe, Matthias Trucks; TU Berlin, April programme ;

7 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

GBSt telegramm In eigener

GBSttelegramm - Baugenossenschaft Steglitz

Quantum States as Probability Measures | SpringerLink

We review Misra's representation of quantum states by probability measures on the projective Hilbert space and investigate some properties of that corr

The Projective Hilbert Space as a Classical Phase Space for ...link.springer.com › article

Igor Bjelaković. Jülich Division, Aachen University of Applied Sciences, D , Jülich, Germany. Werner Stulpe ... Bjelaković, I., Stulpe, W. The Projective Hilbert Space as a Classical Phase Space for Nonrelativistic Quantum Dynamics.

Density Operator | SpringerLink

Werner Stulpe … show all 1 hide. Download Chapter (149 KB). Density operator, an operator used to describe (mixed) quantum states. A density operator [1–6], ...

20 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Internet Archive Search: collection:"arxiv" AND (creator:"Werner...

Topologies and Measurable Structures on the Projective Hilbert Space - Werner Stulpe A systematic review of the various topologies that can be defined on the ...

Werner Stulpe

Search results for: Werner Stulpe ... Projection · Werner Stulpe · Compendium of Quantum Physics > chapter ...

Publikationen: FH Aachen

FH Aachen

Stulpe - Names Encyclopedia

Given names Anatolijs Stulpe (1) Wolfgang Stulpe (1) Valentina Stulpe (1) Aleksandrs Stulpe (1) Jvnis Stulpe (1) Benita Stulpe (1) Werner Stulpe (1) Melanie Stulpe (1)

Stulpe Namensbedeutung und -herkunft

Werner Stulpe (1) Melanie Stulpe (1) Elisabeth Stulpe (1) Dietrich Stul ... Vornamen

STULPE - Definición y sinónimos de Stulpe en el diccionario alemán

Conoce el significado de Stulpe en el diccionario alemán con ejemplos de uso. Sinónimos y antónimos de Stulpe y traducción de Stulpe a 25 idiomas.

STULPE - Definition und Synonyme von Stulpe im Wörterbuch Deutsch

«Stulpe» Eine Stulpe, auch die Stülpe oder der Stülp, ist ein Auf- oder Umschlag an verschiedenen meist röhrenförmigen Kleidungsstücken. Der ...

STULPE - Significato e sinonimi di Stulpe nel dizionario tedesco

Significato di Stulpe nel dizionario tedesco con esempi di utilizzo. Sinonimi e antonimi di Stulpe et traduzioni di Stulpe verso 25 lingue.

au:Stulpe_W in:quant-ph - SciRate Search

The concept of an injective affine embedding of the quantum states into a set of classical states, i.e., into the set of the probability measures on some measurable ...

Das Auto nutzt. die Raumfahrt. Fachblatt 2. FH Aachen bildet künftig...

Fachblatt Das Auto nutzt FH Aachen bildet künftig Experten für Leichtbau und Karosserietechnik aus Tests auf der Nordschleife Er ist im ... Werner Stulpe Mathematische und physikalische Grundlagen der Energietechnik 1 Dipl.-Ing. Susanne ...


FH Aachen

Classical Representations of Quantum Mechanics Related to...

Mechanics Related to Statistically Complete Observables Werner Stulpe Aachen  ...

Quantum States as Probability Measures - Foundations of ...yadda.icm.edu.pl › yadda › element

Opis fizyczny. Daty. rejestracja Twórcy. autor. Werner Stulpe. Institut für Theoretische Physik, Technische Universität Berlin , .tu-berlin.de; Fachhochschule Aachen, Abteilung Jülich. autor. Maciej Swat.

From the attempt of certain classical reformulations of quantum...

The U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Scientific and Technical Information

au:Stulpe_W in:math-ph - SciRate Search

A systematic review of the various topologies that can be defined on the projective Hilbert space P(H), i.e., on the set of the pure quantum states, is presented.

TinREAD! |

TinREAD Opac

From the Attempt of Certain Classical Reformulations of Quantum...

Science-advisor.net is a free science articles search engine and online forum.

Self-Adjoint Operator

Self-Adjoint Operator. more. COLLAPSE. Werner Stulpe · Details · Contributors · Bibliography · Quotations · Similar · Collections ...

OPUS 4 | Fachbereich Medizintechnik und Technomathematik

Density Operator (2009); Werner Stulpe · Hilbert Space / Scholz, Erhard ; Stulpe, Werner (2009); Werner Stulpe Erhard Scholz · Operator (2009); Werner Stulpe ...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Werner

Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch): Werner; Althochdeutsch (Zweigliedriger Name); warin = die Warnen; heri = das Heer, der Krieger; warjan = wehren, schützen, verteidigen; alter deutscher zweigliedriger Name; der erste Namensbestandteil 'Warin' gehört zum Namen des germanischen Stammes der Warnen; dem Namen der Warnen liegt ein germanischer Wortstamm mit den Bedeutungen 'warnen', 'bewahren', 'beschützen' zu Grunde

Verwandte Personensuchen

Personensuche zu Werner Stulpe & mehr

Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Werner Stulpe und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.