83 Infos zu Wiebke Garrels
Mehr erfahren über Wiebke Garrels
Infos zu
- Stephanie Holler
- Wilfried
- Ulrike Taylor
- Zoltán Ivics
- Heiner Niemann
- Thirumala
- Talluri
- Sleeping Beauty
- Brigitte Barg-Kues
4 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Auszeichnung von Frau Dr. Wiebke Garrels und Frau Christine ...www.dgfz-bonn.de › aktuelles › auszeichnung-von-frau-dr-wiebke-garrels...· Wiebke Garrels (FLI Mariensee) zum Thema Transgene Expression durch zytoplasmatische Injektion von Plasmiden und Transposon basierten ...
DGfZ - DGfZ-Jahrestagung und DGfZ-/GfT-Gemeinschaftstagung in...Der DGfZ-Preis für Dissertationen in Höhe von ,00 € wurde an Frau Dr. vet. med. Wiebke Garrels vom FLI Mariensee für ihre Arbeit zum Thema ...
Genossenschaftsnachwuchs stolz auf LeistungenStolz versammelten sich in diesen Tagen Top-Absolventen von Genossenschaften in Weser-Ems um ein Gemälde mit Friedrich Wilhelm
CENIDE: NewsUlrike Taylor, Wiebke Garrels, Annette Barchanski, Svea Peterson, Laszlo Sajti, Andrea Lucas-Hahn, Lisa Gamrad, Ulrich Baulain, Sabine ...
3 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Wiebke Garrels | FacebookWiebke Garrels, Reiter/Fahrer, Züchter | FN-ErfolgsdatenDie FN-Erfolgsdaten für Pferdesportler & Pferdezüchter. Informationen zu Wiebke Garrels, Reiter/Fahrer, Züchter
Wiebke Garrels | European College of Animal Reproductionwww.ecarcollege.org › user › wiegarrelsWiebke Garrels is on . Join to view Wiebke Garrels's profile.
8 Bücher zum Namen
bokus.com: Minicircle and Miniplasmid DNA Vectors - Martin Schleef - Bok...Pris: 939 kr. Inbunden, Skickas inom vardagar. Köp Minicircle and Miniplasmid DNA Vectors av Martin Schleef på Bokus.com.
BJNANO - AuthorsBrowse by authors through the Open Access Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology.
Minicircle and Miniplasmid DNA Vectors: The Future of Non-viral and...This first title on the topic provides complete coverage, including the molecular basis, production and possible biomedical applications. Written by the most...
Reproductive Technologies in Animals - Google BooksReproductive Technologies in Animals provides the most updated and comprehensive knowledge on the various aspects and applications of reproductive technologies...
5 Dokumente
Expression of Active Fluorophore Proteins in the Milk of Transgenic...We describe the expression of recombinant fluorescent proteins in the milk of two lines of transgenic pigs generated by Sleeping Beauty...
Mendelian inheritance by eye, Molecular Reproduction & Development |...© Wiley Periodicals, Inc. WIEBKE GARRELS, HEINER NIEMANN and WILFRIED A. KUES Institute of Farm Animal Genetics Friedrich-Loefï¬er-Institut Mariensee,...
Von der DGfZ ausgezeichnete Graduierungsarbeiten NanoPDFnanopdf.com › download › full-article-366_pdfWiebke Garrels, Stephanie Holler, Z. Ivics, H. Niemann und W.A. Kues. Summary. Transgenetic expression by cytoplasmic injection of plasmids and trans-.
2 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Establishment of cell-based transposon-mediated transgenesis in...... Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Fco-Qcas y Naturales, Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto, Río Cuarto, Córdoba, República Argentina. 1. ,. Wiebke Garrels.
Dissertationen 2010: Friedrich-Loeffler-InstitutWiebke Garrels: Transgene Expression durch zytoplasmatische Injektion von Plasmiden und Transposon-basierten Konstrukten in Säugerembryonen. (Dr.
6 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Identification and re-addressing of a transcriptionally permissive...Recently, we established the Sleeping Beautytransposon system for germ line competent transgenesis in the pig. Here, we extend this approach to re-target a...
Identification and re-addressing of a transcriptionally permissive...Wiebke Garrels, Ayan Mukherjee, Stephanie Holler, Nicole Cleve, Thirumala R. Talluri, Brigitte Barg Kues, Mike Diederich, Peter Kohler, Bjorn Petersen, Andrea ...
Oalib searchAbstract: Recently, we described a simplified injection method for producing transgenic pigs using a non-autonomous Sleeping Beauty transposon system.
Ishii A, Vi?uela F, Murayama Y, Yuki I, Nien YL, et al. (2006) Swine...... AUTHORS: Wiebke Garrels, Lajos Mátés, Stephanie Holler, Anna Dalda, Ulrike Taylor, Bj?rn Petersen, Heiner Niemann, Zsuzsanna Izsvák, ...
2 Meinungen & Artikel
Germline transgenesis in pigs by cytoplasmic microinjection of...Protocol
One-step Multiplex Transgenesis via Sleeping Beauty Transposition in...Genetically modified cattle are important for developing new biomedical models and for an improved understanding of the pathophysiology of zoonotic diseases....
51 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Evolutionary Psychology - Yahoo GroupsWiebke Garrels, Lajos Mátés, Stephanie Holler, Anna Dalda, Ulrike Taylor, Björn Petersen, Heiner Niemann, Zsuzsanna Izsvák, Zoltán Ivics, ...
Research in Psychiatry - Yahoo GroupsWiebke Garrels, Stephanie Holler, Ulrike Taylor, Doris Herrmann, Heiner Niemann, Zoltan Ivics, Wilfried A. Kues. Fabrication of an ...
Wiebke Garrels - rimondoPferde, Erfolge, Ergebnisse, Videos und vieles mehr von Wiebke Garrels
Wiebke Garrels (elsol2006) – Profil | PinterestSieh dir an, was Wiebke Garrels (elsol2006) auf Pinterest, der weltweit größten Sammlung von Ideen, entdeckt hat.
21st Annual Conference of the German Society for Cytometry - ConfTool...Wiebke Garrels 1, Stephanie Holler 1, Christina Struckmann 1, Ulrike Taylor 1, Doris Herrmann 1, Brigitte Barg-Kues 1, Sabine Klein 1, Christine Ehling
DGfZ ConfTool Pro - BrowseSessionsConference Agenda. Overview and details of the sessions of this conference Wiebke Garrels 1, Stephanie Holler 1, Christina Struckmann 1, Ulrike Taylor 1, ...
Injection of ligand-free gold and silver nanoparticles into murine...Injection of ligand-free gold and silver nanoparticles into murine embryos does not impact pre-implantation development
Genes - ISSN:Academic Journals Database is a universal index of periodical literature covering basic research from all fields of knowledge, and is particularly strong in...
Tierärztliche Hochschule Hannover - PDF Free Download... Erlangung des Grades einer DOKTORIN DER VETERINÄRMEDIZIN -Doctor medicinae veterinariae- (Dr. med. vet.) vorgelegt von Wiebke Garrels Bremen Hannover
Altmetric – Germline transgenesis in pigs by cytoplasmic...Zoltán Ivics, Wiebke Garrels, Lajos Mátés, Tien Yin Yau, Sanum Bashir, Vaclav Zidek, Vladimír Landa, Aron Geurts, Michal Pravenec, Thomas Rülicke, Wilfried A ...
Altmetric – One-step Multiplex Transgenesis via Sleeping Beauty...Wiebke Garrels, Thirumala R. Talluri, Ronja Apfelbaum, Yanet P. Carratalá, Pablo Bosch, Kerstin Pötzsch, Esther Grueso, Zoltán Ivics, Wilfried A. Kues. Abstract. Genetically modified cattle are important for developing new biomedical models and for an improved understanding of the pathophysiology of ...
Can silver nanoparticles affect the mineral content, structure and ...www.jafs.com.pl › Can-silver-nanoparticles-affect-th...Ulrike Taylor, Wiebke Garrels, Annette Barchanski, Svea Peterson, Laszlo Sajti, Andrea Lucas-Hahn, Lisa Gamrad, Ulrich Baulain, Sabine Klein, Wilfried Kues, ...
Germline transgenesis in pigs by cytoplasmic microinjection of...Germline transgenesis in pigs by cytoplasmic microinjection of Sleeping Beauty transposons. Authors: Zoltán Ivics 2 , 3 ,. Wiebke Garrels 3 , 5 ,.
Christiane Noelting Dressage Center Reviews, Ratings - Birdeyereviews.birdeye.com › christiane-noelting-dressage-...Wiebke Garrels review for Christiane Noelting Dressage Center. Wiebke Garrels on Facebook years ago , 03:52 AM.
Create a SciFeed alert for new publications - MDPIwww.mdpi.com › scifeed_displayWiebke Garrels. Stephanie Holler. Nicole Cleve. Heiner Niemann. Zoltan Ivics. Wilfried A. Kues. With settings. Email: Freq: Daily, Weekly, Monthly ...
DataCite SearchA Fluorophore Reporter Mouse Model for CRISPR/Cas9 Gene Knockout Introduction. Romina Bevacqua, Ronja Apfelbaum, Wiebke Garrels, Thirumala R Talluri, Ayan Mukherjee, Maren Ziegler, Birgit Burchardt, Daniel Salamone, Heiner Niemann, Ester Grueso, Zoltan Ivics & Wilfried A Kues. Poster published via ...
Differentiation of Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells to Lentoid Bodies...Differentiation of Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells to Lentoid Bodies Expressing a Lens Cell-Specific Fluorescent Reporter
Cytoplasmic injection of murine zygotes with Sleeping Beauty...Transgenesis in the mouse is an essential tool for the understanding of gene function and genome organization. Here, we describe a simplified microinjection...
Experimentelle Medizinische Hochschule Hannoverwww.mhh.de › diagnostik-service › experimentelle-reproduktionsbiologiePD Dr. Martina Dorsch. + Dr. Wiebke Garrels. +
Exemplare: Ectopic Expression of Human Telomerase RNA Component...Descubridor de Recursos Electrónicos de la Universidad Veracruzana
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Wiebke
Weiblicher Vorname (Niederdeutsch, Friesisch): Wiebke; Deutsch (Wortzusammensetzung); wig = ringen, der Kampf, der Krieg (Althochdeutsch); verselbständigte Koseform von Namen mit dem Element 'wig' (Kampf, Krieg), wie z.B. 'Wigberta'
Verwandte Personensuchen
- Ayan Mukherjee
- Sabine Klein
- Björn Petersen
- Peter Köhler
- Doris Herrmann
- Zsuzsanna Izsvák
- Christina Struckmann
- Ronja Apfelbaum
- Heiner Niemann
- Ulrike Taylor
- Brigitte Barg-Kues
Personensuche zu Wiebke Garrels & mehr
Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Wiebke Garrels und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.