97 Infos zu Winfried Heiber

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6 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Cultura.- La UPV acoge el primer curso en España sobre microcirugía...

El curso será impartido en el Departamento de Conservación y Restauración de la UPV por el profesor Winfried Heiber de la Academy of Fine ...

WAC August eNewsletter – Volume 11

Winfried Heiber And Prof. Petra Demuth. The course will be taught in English and simultaneous translationwill be provided in Spanish. › blog › ene...

Conserving canvas: from tear-mending to 'mist lining ...

— Hartman's techniques include thread-by-thread tear-mending promoted by the late German conservator Winfried Heiber. “I love the philosophy ... › ...

2 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

Winfried Heiber ( ) - Sächsische Biografie | ISGV e.V.

› person › snr

1 Traueranzeigen

Prof. Winfried Heiber : Traueranzeige - SZ Trauer

› traueranzeige › prof-winfried-h...

11 Bücher zum Namen


Petra Demuth, Winfried Heiber: Das Werkzeug `Nailmont`. Anke Doktor, Martin Mach, Birgit Meißner: Neues zur Galvanoplastik. Teil I: Geschichte u. › buch-suchen › autor › RESTA...

Doing battle in China, Holland, Norfolk and Cambridge

von C Nunn · — Winfried Heiber, was used to pull the edges of the two tears in the lower left corner back together, as these tears were gaping up to 1 cm due to shrinkage ... › pdf › bac

Conservation Of Easel Paintings - Stoner Joyce Hill (Curatore)

... and Irina Dolgikh 24 Tear mending and other structural treatments of canvas paintings, before or instead of lining Winfried Heiber, Carolyn Tomkiewicz, ... › libro › cons...

Chemicals and Methods for Conservation and Restoration: Paintings,...

Before the 1970s, most information concerning the conservation and restoration of paintings, wood, and archaeological artefacts were focused on the history of...

20 Dokumente

Heiber, Winfried [WorldCat Identities]

Winfried Heiber( ) 1 edition published in in English and held by

Winfried Heiber ( ) in memoriam

› app › download

Brian Holden Baade - Art Conservation

Attended a three-day workshop given by Professor Winfried Heiber and Robert. Proctor on the use of thread-to-thread repair of canvas tears in the structural. › BaadeCV2018

Contours of Vermeer - Research Explorer

von J Wadum · Zitiert von: 2 — I illn indebted to Winfried Heiber, Dresden, for this information Van Hoogstmeten 1678, Van Hoogstraeten 1678, › files

1 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

"Liefde baart kunst": Vermeer's poetics of painting - JSTOR

von M Zell · · Zitiert von: 3 — Wadum (citing Winfried Heiber), "Contours of Vermeer," in I. Gaskell and M. Jonker (eds.), op. cit. (note 7), p. 212, Vermeer. › stable

7 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Katharina Martinelli - Roeck Restaurierung

Winfried Heiber im Jahr absolviert. Die Diplomarbeit hat sie an der Hamburger Kunsthalle, Galerie der Gegenwart durchgeführt. › wordpress › staff-member


Winfried Heiber. -Giugno Vicenza Confartigianato, APLAR convegno nazionale su “La pulitura al LASER dipinti”. -Giugno Roma Convegno di studio, ... › › CV_MAZZOLA

ECCO-reports pdf

Winfried Heiber (Academy of Arts, Dresden). Giovanni Testa (Milan). Antonio Iaccarino (Idelson Rome). Franco Del Zotto (Udine). › uploads › › E...

Stretchers and Strainers: Materials and Equipment - AIC Wiki

von M Bockrath — Demuth, Petra and Winfried Heiber Trecker. Restauro. (May): 344–347. Diderot, Denis and d'Alembert, Jean le Rond, et al –65. › ...

1 Meinungen & Artikel

Tendeurs musicaux (Heiber, déchirures, déformations)

Bonjour à toutes et tous pour une intervention sur une toile réalisée avec Anne Craveia, nous avons eu besoin de tirer localement sur la toile pour résorber d'

47 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Winfried Heiber Archives - restauratieatelier marjan de visser -

› ...

Tear mending and other structural treatments of canvas ...

von W Heiber · · Zitiert von: 5 — ByWinfried Heiber, Carolyn Tomkiewicz, Mikkel Scharff, Rustin Levenson. BookConservation of Easel Paintings. Click here to navigate to parent product. › edit

Rossana, studentessa dell'Accademia Aldo Galli, è la "restauratrice...

Rossana Pirola, studentessa del quarto anno del corso di laurea in Conservazione e Restauro dei Beni Culturali dell’Accademia Galli di Como, si aggiudica

Masterclass tear mending for canvas paintings | INCCA

Petra Demuth has demonstrated the thread-by-thread tear mending method with Professor Winfried Heiber over a number of years. They have offered tear ...

(DOC) TEXTILE INTARSIA .docx | Isabel Fernández Margüello

Treatment thread by thread torn: this technique called thread-by-thread (suture thread by thread torn), was setup by Professor Winfried Heiber in Dresden in ... › TEXT...

Adhesió fil a fil - Apuntes de Conservación y Restauración de Bienes...

Adhesió FIL A FIL WINFRIED HEIBER. i Petra Demuth. Adhesió fil a fil W.HEIBER. • Sistema d'intervenció mínima per: - Mantenir la tela i el seu ...

A Vacuum Technique for the Cleaning of Paintings

von I Hausmann · · Zitiert von: 2 — Winfried Heiber (Nicolaus, 1998), later professor at the Academy of Fine Arts in Dres- den. It was initially used for unvarnished paintings, ... › bitstream › handle ›

Adler Evelyn Alexander & Evelyn Adler GbR - Verband der Restauratoren...

1990 – Studium an der Hochschule für Bildende Künste Dresden, Fachbereich Restaurierung – Spezialisierung in der Fachklasse Restaurierung historischer, moderner und zeitgenössischer Malerei und Materialkonstruktionen bei Professor Winfried Heiber Diplomarbeit: Erstellung eines Konzeptes für die ...

Amparo Escolano, restauradora de papel y pintura - Rita Udina

... en temas como Tear Mending (con Winfried Heiber y Petra Demuth), Approaches to the Structural Conservation of Paintings (con Matteo Rossi Doria y Vizna ... › perfil

Aplicabilidade de adesivo alternativo para reparos de rasgos ...

Title: Aplicabilidade de adesivo alternativo para reparos de rasgos utilizando o sistema fio a fio de Winfried Heiber. Author(s)/Inventor(s):, Ferreira, ... › handle

Biografie Maria Körber - Restaurierungsatelier Körber & Körber

Winfried Heiber, Prof. Dr. Ursula Haller, Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schießl, Prof. Ivo Mohrmann - mit Auszeichnung bestanden, Note 1Vorpraktikum › biografie-maria-koerber

Cambridge University Reporter Special - For staff

Marie Louise Sauerberg: Translation of Professor Winfried Heiber's 'The thread-by-thread tear mending method', in Alternatives to Lining, Preprints of the ... › spe...

Conference Review--WN September 2000

Fifteen participants took part in the hands-on workshop which followed. Both were conducted by Professor Winfried Heiber who teaches at Hochschule fur Bildende ... › ...

Conservation CV - Cynthia Schwarz's Portfolio

... Sorbonne summer workshop, Lille, France (July 2007). Thread-by-thread tear mending workshop: AIC workshop with Winfried Heiber,Yale University (2006) ... › cu...

Dear Colleagues, The Canadian Conservation Institute plans to host a ...si-listserv.si.edu/cgi-bin/wa?A3...L...E...

Course instructors are Professor Winfried Heiber (Academy of Fine Arts, Dresden) and Petra Demuth (University of Applied Sciences, Cologne). Developed by ...

Conservation of Easel Paintings - Routledge Handbooks Online

Thread-by-thread mending in fabric supports Winfried Heiber, translated by Carolyn Tomkiewicz. Introduction; Adhesives for tear mending; Chronological tear ... › ...

Domblatt Zentral-Dombau-Verein zu Köln von 1842

Winfried Heiber, Bericht über die Restaurierung des Gemäldes „Verkündigung an Maria“ aus dem Kölner Dom - Adele Metzner, Archivoltenfiguren des Petersportales im Landtag in Düsseldorf - Dombildkalender Leben des Domes - Claus Doering, Die Wanderfalken am Kölner Dom - Rita Wagner, Der Kölner Dom im ...

Ehrungen & Nachrufe - erasmus weddigen

Paolo Cadorin, SKR, Onstad


invented by Winfried Heiber. Interesting developments have been made to the 'mist lining' technique, a general canvas strengthening system. › pdf › arxiu

Fachklasse für Kunsttechnologie, Konservierung DocPlayer

Winfried Heiber in den Jahren bis entstanden sind Krainer, Kerstin Das Alterungsverhalten von Gouache- und Eitemperafarben Levin, ... › Fachklasse-fuer-kuns...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Winfried

Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch): Winfried; Althochdeutsch (Zweigliedriger Name); wini = der Freund; fridu = der Friede, der Schutz, die Sicherheit; alter deutscher zweigliedriger Name Friedens Freund

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