68 Infos zu Wolf Dieter Habicher
Mehr erfahren über Wolf Dieter Habicher
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- Dresden
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- Institute
- Chemistry
- Dresden University
- Karl-Friedrich Arndt
- Temperature
1 Aktuelle Nachrichten
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Books by Wolf Habicher› author
Wolf-Dieter Habicher - German chemist (1939-) - PeoplePill› people › w...
1 Business-Profile
Wolf D Habicher Technische Universität Dresden | TUD› Wol...
12 Bücher zum Namen
Chemische Kinetik (Arbeitsbuch)von Wolf-Dieter Habicher, Verlag Chemie, 1980, Broschiert
Wolf Habicher | XanEdu Customization PlatformAuthor: Wolf Habicher. Results. A Watersoluble Sulfonatomethylated Calix[4] resorcinarene as Artificial Receptor of Metal Complexes Springer ...
Polymer Sorption Phenomena: 7th Dresden Polymer DiscussionDirk Kuckling * , Hans - Jürgen P. Adler , Karl - Friedrich Arndt , Long Ling , Wolf Dieter Habicher From polymeric films to nanoreactors .
Polymer Sorption Phenomena: 7th Dresden Polymer Discussion - Google...This book contains contributions of the 7th Dresden Polymer Discussion held in Mei?en near Dresden from April 19 to 22, The conference was dedicated to...
10 Dokumente
Structure Relaxation of Hydrophobically Aggregated Poly(N ...von M Shibayama · · Zitiert von: 89 — ... Karl-Friedrich Arndt, Long Ling, Wolf Dieter Habicher. Temperature and pH sensitive polymers in water - from solution to thin films. › doi › abs
Inhibitor composition for stabilizing substances capable of free...Caplus DN 127: English Abstract, Wolf Habicher et al * Wolf D. Habicher, et al. Interactions of Stabilizers During Oxidation Processes, (1997), pp
Integration of ion channel proteins into a polymer matrix ...von R Salzer · · Zitiert von: 11 — Wolf Dieter Habicher,. Institute of Analytical Chemistry, Dresden University of Technology, D Dresden, Germany. Search for more papers by this author. von J Pospíšil · · Zitiert von: 6 — Wolf-Dieter Habicher,. Wolf-Dieter Habicher. Institute of Organic Chemistry, Technical University Dresden, D Dresden, Germany. › abs
ИНСТИТУТ ОРГАНИЧЕСКОЙ И ФИЗИЧЕСКОЙ ХИМИИTechnology, Germany) Вольф Хабихер (Dr. Wolf Habicher); доктор университета Восточной Англии (University of East. England, Norwich) Сьюзен Мэтьюс (Dr. Susan ... › base › file › AnnualChem2006
6 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Inhibitor composition for stabilizing substances capable of free ...— Caplus DN 127: English Abstract, Wolf Habicher et al *; Wolf D. Habicher, et al. Interactions of Stabilizers During Oxidation ... › patent
DFG GEPRIS - Dr. Wolf Dieter HabicherTelefon + Telefax + E-Mail wolf.habicher chemie.tu-dresden.de . Projekte; Als Antragsteller. abgeschlossene Projekte.
Fluorescent nanofibrous membrane (FNFM) for the detection of mercuric...Wolf Habicher from Dresden University of Technology (TUD), Germany in Afterwards, she worked as a postdoctor in Prof. Klaus Muellen group in Max ...
Dr. Wolf Dieter Habicher - gepris - DFGgepris.dfg.de/.../OCTOPUS?...date...Dr. Wolf Dieter Habicher. Projects. As Applicant. Completed projects. Synthese neuer phosphorhaltiger Makrocyclen und Kryptanden (Research Grants).
4 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
N-ethyl-acrylamide: Copolymers with N-isopropylacrylamide ...von D Kuckling · · Zitiert von: 40 — Long Ling & Wolf Dieter Habicher. Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry, Dresden University of Technology, Dresden, Germany, ... › article
Wolf-Dieter Habicher - de.LinkFang.orgWolf-Dieter Habicher. Wolf-Dieter Habicher (* 31. Dezember in Brüsau) ist ein deutscher Chemiker (Organische Chemie). Habicher war Hochschuldozent ...
Temperature sensitive polymers based on 2-(dimethyl...... Wolf Dieter Habicher (A2); Karl-Friedrich Arndt (A3). Author Affiliations. A1. Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry and Textile Chemistry, Dresden University of ...
Organikum - Encyclopedia.Desuden var også Wolf-Dieter Habicher, Rainer Beckert, Günter Domschke, Peter Metz, Hans-Joachim Knölker, Jürgen Faust, Mechthild Fischer, Fritjof Gentz, ... › wiki › Or...
2 Meinungen & Artikel
Wikipedia: Wolf-Dieter Habicher - Wikipedia› wiki › Wolf-Dieter_Habicher
Wikipedia: Habicher – WikipediaHabicher ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Eduard Habicher (* 1956), Südtiroler Bildhauer; Wolf-Dieter Habicher (* 1939), deutscher Chemiker ...
30 Webfunde aus dem Netz
WO A3 - Chroman derivatives, their preparation and their use...Erfinder, Alexander Aumueller, Wolf-Dieter Habicher, Thomas Rosenau, Hubert Trauth. Antragsteller, Alexander Aumueller, Basf Ag, Habicher Wolf Dieter, ...
GB B - The use of phosphonite-HALS and phosphite ...Inventor: Lajos Avar: Peter Staniek: Klaus Stoll: Wolf-Dieter Habicher: Uwe Haehner; Current Assignee. The listed assignees may be inaccurate. Application number: US ,987; Inventor: Thomas Rosenau: Wolf-Dieter Habicher: Chen-Loung Chen; Current Assignee (The listed assignees may be inaccurate. › patent
US B1 - Inhibitor composition for stabilizing substances...Non-Patent Citations (2). Title. Caplus DN 127: English Abstract, Wolf Habicher et al * *. Wolf D. Habicher, et al. Interactions of Stabilizers During Oxidation Processes, (1997), pp * Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party ...
Wolf Habicher | Technische Universität Dresden - Academia.eduAcademia.edu is a place to share and follow research.
Wolf D. HabicherSearch results for: Wolf Habicher ... Irina Knyazeva, Victoria Sokolova, Margit Gruner, Wolf Habicher, more · Journal of Inclusion Phenomena ...
No. 145, application.wiley-vch.deDirk Kuckling,* Hans-Jürgen P. Adler, Karl-Friedrich Arndt, Long Ling, Wolf Dieter Habicher: Temperature and pH sensitive polymers in water - from solution to thin ...
GB A - Phosphonite-hals and phosphite-hals compounds as polymer...Inventor: Lajos Avar: Peter Staniek: Klaus Stoll: Wolf-Dieter Habicher: Uwe Haehner or in "Makromolekulare Chemie" 192 (1991) Kunststoff Taschenbuch 23 Ausgabe - published by Carl Hansen Verlag ( esp. p.
WO A2 - Chromanderivate, deren herstellung und deren...Download PDF Find Prior Art Similar. Other languages: English: French; Inventor: Alexander Aumüller: Hubert Trauth: Wolf-Dieter Habicher: Thomas Rosenau ...
DE A1 - Chromanyl-ascorbinsäurederivate, deren Herstellung und...... DE-A , DE A1, DE A1, DE , DE Inventors, Thomas Rosenau, Wolf-Dieter Habicher, Harald Streicher.
Wolf-Dieter Habicher's research works - ResearchGate› Wol...
Savage Suckwww.mimoxohe.xpg.com.br/Wolf dieter habicher all of his schedule software online for outlook have sugar island in lake huron. Taney county schools after mta minneapolis the tanaka gas ...
WO A3 - Highly functional polyether polyols and methods for...Applicant, Basf Ag, Peter Boehme, Michael Pcolinski, Udo Rotermund, Wolf-Dieter Habicher, Antje Ziemer. Export Citation, BiBTeX, EndNote, RefMan.
EP A2 - Hochfunktionelle polyetherpolyole und verfahren zu...Inventors, Peter BÖHME, Wolf-Dieter Habicher, Michael Pcolinski, Udo Rotermund, Antje Ziemer. Applicant, Basf Aktiengesellschaft. Export Citation, BiBTeX ...
Star Polymers and Dendrimers Based on Highly Functional ...von T Krause — Doz. Dr. Wolf Dieter Habicher · Prof. Dr. Hans-Joachim Knölker · Prof. Dr. Andrzej Dworak. › qucosa:24791
Qucosa - Technische Universität Dresden: Star Polymers and Dendrimers...Dr. Wolf Dieter Habicher; Prof. Dr. Hans-Joachim Knölker; Prof. Dr. Andrzej Dworak. BetreuerIn. Doz. Dr. Wolf Dieter Habicher. Verlag: Technische Universität ...
50 Years of Organikum – Amazing Impact of a Practical ...— ... Dr. Wolf Habicher, Dresden, Germany, Professor Rainer Beckert, Jena, Germany, and Professor Günter Domschke, Dresden, Germany. › ...
Symposium Y | MRS Fall Meeting | BostonProgram from Symposium Y—Long-Term Performance Issues in Polymers - Chemistry and Physics from the MRS Fall Meeting
A new type of polytopic coordination compound: The synthesis and NMR...A new type of polytopic coordination compound: The synthesis and NMR studies of the first hybrid thiacalix[4]arenoclathrochelates. Svetlana E. Solovieva, Andrey A. Tyuftin, Anton A. Muravev, Margit Gruner, Wolf Habicher, Sergey V. Korobko, Igor S. Antipin, … [ more ]. Details · Contributors · Fields of science · Bibliography ...
Organikum. Organisch-chemisches Grundpraktikum - DocPlayer.orgdocplayer.org › Organikum-organisch-che...... Rainer Beckert Egon Fanghänel Wolf D. Habicher Hans-Joachim Knölker Peter ... Verlag Basel Boston Berlin г 1.1 Definition der organischen Chemie
anikum Roland Mayer Klaus Müller Dietrich Pavel Hermann Schmidt ...docplayer.org › Anikum-roland-mayer-kla...... Beckert Egon Fanghänel Wolf D. Habicher Peter Metz Dietrich Pavel Klaus ... Verlag Basel Boston Berlin г 1.1 Definition der organischen Chemie
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Wolf
Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch): Wolf; Althochdeutsch (Verselbständigte Kurzform); wolf = der Wolf; verselbständigte Kurzform von Namen, die mit 'Wolf-' beginnen, vor allem Wolfgang
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Dieter
Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch): Dieter; Althochdeutsch (Zweigliedriger Name); diot = das Volk; heri = das Heer, der Krieger; alter deutscher zweigliedriger Name; kann auch gesehen werden als Kurzform von Dietrich
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Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Wolf Dieter Habicher und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.