26 Infos zu Wolf Dummann

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1 Aktuelle Nachrichten

1 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

ICQ Benutzer: Wolf Dummann (Wolvä D)

Männlich, Alter: 20, Land: German, English, French

2 Bücher zum Namen

Goldschmidt Conference Archive: All abstracts by Wolf Dummann at...

All abstracts by Wolf Dummann. Release of Pre-Aged Terrestrial Organic Matter from the Amur Watershed during Deglacial Permafrost Thaw Revealed by Aug Aug. Prague Congress Center, Prague, CZ

WISSARD Hot Water Drill | Ice Drilling Program

Da Gong, Xiaopeng Fan, Yazhou Li, Bing Li, Nan Zhang, Raphael Gromig, Emma Smith, Wolf Dummann, Sophie Berger, Olaf Eisen, Jan Tell, Boris Biskaborn, ...

3 Dokumente

Goldschmidt Abstracts: Abstract Details

View PDF · View details. Gesine Mollenhauer View all 2 abstracts at Goldschmidt2015 Wolf Dummann Maria Winterfeld View all 2 abstracts at Goldschmidt2015

Identification of unusual butanetriol dialkyl glycerol tetraether and...

Research Article Received: 29 September Revised: 18 November Accepted: 22 November Published online in Wiley Online Library Rapid Commun. Mass...

Identification of unusual butanetriol dialkyl glycerol tetraether and...

Travis B. Meador, Wolf Dummann and Kai-Uwe Hinrichs. MARUM Center for Marine Environmental Sciences and Department of Geosciences, University of ...

3 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Goethe-Universität —

Dr. Wolf Dummann. . Tel.: + Fax.: + Education – , Wilhelmsgymnasium ...

Coastal erosion in the Arctic intensifies global warming: Sea level...

The loss of arctic permafrost deposits by coastal erosion could amplify climate warming via the greenhouse effect. A study using sediment samples from the Sea...

Registrierte Teilnehmer - ICDP Deutschland

Wolf Dummann (IODP). Walter Düsing (ICDP), Differentiating local from regional climate signals using the ~600 ka Chew Bahir paleoclimate record from South ...

2 Meinungen & Artikel

Impact of climate change and human activity on soil landscapes over...


Deglacial mobilization of pre-aged terrestrial carbon from degrading...

... carbon from degrading permafrost. Maria Winterfeld ,; Gesine Mollenhauer ORCID: orcid.org X 1 ,2 ,3 ,; Wolf Dummann, ...

12 Webfunde aus dem Netz

OLC Fluginformation - WolfDummann (DE)

Copilot: Herbert Horbrügger (DE), Type of glider: table DG m, Takeoff location: Der Dingel (DE / HE), space Download: Google-Earth ...

CO Meeting Organizer EGU2018

Gesine Mollenhauer, Maria Winterfeld, Vera Meyer, Peter Köhler, Wolf Dummann, Hendrik Grotheer, Lester Lembke-Jene, Jens Hefter, Cameron McIntyre, Lukas Wacker, Negar Haghipour, Rainer Gersonde, and Ralf Tiedemann 14:00–14:15 EGU Southern Hemisphere westerlies ...

Küstenerosion in der Arktis verstärkt die globale ...

· Maria Winterfeld, Gesine Mollenhauer, Wolf Dummann, Peter Köhler, Lester Lembke-Jene, Vera D. Meyer, Jens Hefter, Cameron McIntyre, Lukas Wacker, Ulla Kokfelt, Ralf Tiedemann: Deglacial mobilization of pre-aged terrestrial carbon from degrading permafrost.

Anaerobic methane oxidation inducing carbonate precipitation at...

We thank Eskil Salis Gross and Wolf Dummann for sampling support and analysing sediment samples. We thank the MARUM, K.U. Hinrichs ...

Identification of unusual butanetriol dialkyl glycerol tetraether and...

RATIONALE Glycerol serves as the principal backbone moiety bound to various acyl/alkyl chains for membrane lipids of Eukarya, Bacteria, and Archaea. In this...

JMSE | Free Full-Text | Coring of Antarctic Subglacial Sediments

... Emma C. Smith 4, Wolf Dummann 4, Sophie Berger 4, Olaf Eisen 4,5, Jan Tell 4, Boris K. Biskaborn 4,6, Nikola Koglin 7, Frank Wilhelms 4,8, Benjamin Broy 4, ...

Identification of unusual butanetriol dialkyl glycerol tetraether and...

Butanetriol- and pentanetriol-based tetraether lipids occur in modern estuarine and deeply buried subseafloor sediments, suggesting the presence of alternative...

Küstenerosion in der Arktis verstärkt die globale Erwärmung |...

Maria Winterfeld, Gesine Mollenhauer, Wolf Dummann, Peter Köhler, Lester Lembke-Jene, Vera D. Meyer, Jens Hefter, Cameron McIntyre, ...

RAOnline EDU: Permafrost (Dauerfrostboden) in der Arktis -...

Maria Winterfeld, Gesine Mollenhauer, Wolf Dummann, Peter Köhler, Lester Lembke-Jene, Vera D. Meyer, Jens Hefter, Cameron McIntyre, Lukas Wacker, Ulla ...

SSP – Stratigraphy, Sedimentology EGUspherewww.egusphere.net › EGU2018

Wolf Dummann, Sebastian Steinig, Peter Hofmann, Sascha Flögel, Anne Osborne, Thomas Wagner, Jens Olaf Herrle, and Martin Frank. EGU | Oral.


Vladimir Poshibaev (Postdoc, visitor), Now at LukOil Engineering, Moscow. Wolf Dummann (PhD student, visitor), PhD student at University of Cologne ...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Wolf

Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch): Wolf; Althochdeutsch (Verselbständigte Kurzform); wolf = der Wolf; verselbständigte Kurzform von Namen, die mit 'Wolf-' beginnen, vor allem Wolfgang

Verwandte Personensuchen

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