149 Infos zu Wolf Reik
Mehr erfahren über Wolf Reik
Infos zu
- Professor
- Research
- Epigenetics Programme
- Biology
- Babraham Institute Cambridge
- Publications
- University of Cambridge
26 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Heise.de: Epigenetische Veränderungen sind für Missbildungen bei Klontieren...Science gibt Sonderheft zu Epigenetik heraus
Silicon Valley start-up funded by billionaires hires top 'anti-aging ...english.elpais.com › Usa· German biologist Wolf Reik, who resigned in July as director of the Babraham Institute in Cambridge, is another Altos Labs recruit, ...
Guardian: Ageing process may be reversible, scientists claim | Ageing | The...New form of gene therapy shown to produce rejuvenating effect in mice, although scientists say human clinical applications are decade away
The key to staying forever young could reside in a lab in Cambridgewww.independent.co.uk › ... › Long Reads· Andy Martin would like to be 39 again. He talks to Wolf Reik about epigenetics, the science of cellular rejuvenation, and getting old ...
3 Bilder zu Wolf Reik

13 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Wolf Reik - Abcam - Facebookwww.facebook.com › ... › Videos › Wolf ReikLinkedIn: Wolf Reik - Head of Department and Associate Director - The ...View Wolf Reik's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Wolf has 1 job listed on their profile. See the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover Wolf's connections and jobs at similar companies.
Wolf Reik - FilmwebWolf Reik - profil osoby w bazie Filmweb.pl. Filmografia, nagrody, biografia, wiadomości, ciekawostki.
Wolf Reik | Biolelectronics at MITbioelectronics.mit.edu › author › wolf-reikWolf Reik. Latest. Voices in methods development. Published with Wowchemy — the free, open source website builder that empowers creators. Cite.
3 Hobbys & Interessen
Nick Allen & Wolf Reik, What the papers say. Imprintor or imprinted?...Anne Gabory, Hélène Jammes & Luisa Dandolo (2010). The H19 Locus: Role of an Imprinted Non‐Coding RNA in Growth and Development. Bioessays
DEFINE_MEEpigenetics Programme, The Babraham Institute, Cambridge CB22 3AT, UK. ,. Wolf Reik. x. Wolf Reik. Search for articles by this author ...
Epigenetik lang, aber interessant | Forenarchiv | Alle Antworten...ausgemachter blödsinn, oder ist das möglich ? BBC Dokumentation zur Epigenetik In einem Filmbeitrag der BBC, welche in der deutschen Fassung unter dem Titel...
2 Prominente, Sportler & Politiker
IMDB Filmographie: Wolf ReikSelf, Horizon
IMDB Filmographie: "Horizon" The Ghost in Your Genes (TV Episode 2005) - IMDbThe Ghost in Your Genes: Directed by Nigel Paterson. With Marcus Pembrey, Wolf Reik, Jonathan Seckl, Michael Skinner. Biology stands on the brink of a shift in...
16 Bücher zum Namen
(GENOMIC IMPRINTING) BY Reik, Wolf(Author)Paperback Dec-1997von Wolf Reik, Oxford University Press, USATaschenbuch
Wolf Reik (Author of Genomic Imprinting)Wolf Reik is the author of Genomic Imprinting (3.00 avg rating, 1 rating, 0 reviews, published 1997) and Genomic Imprinting (0.0 avg rating, 0 ratings, 0...
Wolf Reik - Agenda Contributor | World Economic ForumWolf Reik is Professor of Epigenetics at the Department of Physiology, Development and Neuroscience, University of Cambridge
Genomic Imprinting - Google BooksGenomic imprinting has been recognized since the late 1970's and known to be involved in several inherited diseases, but only recently have the questions...
1 Dokumente
Reik, Wolf [WorldCat Identities]www.worldcat.org › identities › lccn-nMost widely held works by Wolf Reik. Genomic imprinting : papers presented at a meeting of the British Society for Developmental Biology at the University ...
9 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Speakers — TRR81 - Transregional Collaborative Research Centre 81Wolf Reik - Cambridge. Claire Rougeulle - Paris. Michael Rudnicki - Ottawa. Lienhard Schmitz - Giessen. Dirk Schübeler - Basel. Ralph Stadhouders - Rotterdam. Bastian Stielow - Marburg. Debbie van den Berg - Rotterdam. Fred van Leeuwen - Amsterdam. Eva van Rooij - Utrecht. Kerstin Wendt - …
Wolf Reik, German geneticist - Stock Image - C Science...Wolf Reik, German geneticist. Reik is leader of the Epigenetics ISP (Institute Strategic Programme) at the Babraham Institute, in Babraham, Cambridgeshire, UK. The Institute, founded in 1948, acquired its current name in It is a major research centre for epigenetics. Reik's research group studies epigenetic ...
Active demethylation in mouse zygotes involves cytosine deamination...... cytosine deamination and base excision repair. Fátima Santos*, Julian Peat, Heather Burgess, Cristina Rada, Wolf Reik and Wendy Dean.
Research | Max Planck Institute for Biology of Ageing, CologneFirst results of this research area/topic have been published in Slack, C., Alic, N., Foley, A., Cabecinha, M., Hoddinott, M.P. & Partridge, L The Ras-Erk-ETS signalling pathway is a drug target for longevity This work is done in collaboration with Professors Wolf Reik (Babraham Institute, UK) and Andreas Bayer (CECAD, University of ...
5 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Common polymorphism in H19 associated with birthweight and cord blood...Background Common genetic variation at genes that are imprinted and exclusively maternally expressed could explain the apparent maternal-specific inheritance...
Wolf ReikWolf Reik FRS is a molecular biologist, senior group leader and associate director at the Babraham Institute, professor of Epigenetics at the University of Cambridge and associate faculty at the Sanger Institute. Wolf Reik studies how additional information can be added to the genome through a range of processes ...
Genome-wide distribution of 5-formylcytosine in embryonic stem cells...Other actions Online Date: August 2012; DOI: gb r69; Online ISSN: ; Publisher: BioMed ... (1); Wolf Reik · .uk ... Physiology Building, Downing Street, Cambridge, CB2 3EG, UK; Earth Sciences & Geography · Economics · Education & Language ...
Wolf Reik - Wikidatawww.wikidata.org › wiki· W. Reik; W Reik; Reik; Reik W; Reik W. In more languages. Spanish. Wolf Reik. científico alemán. Traditional Chinese. No label defined.
12 Meinungen & Artikel
Wikipedia: Wolf Reik - Wikipediaen.wikipedia.org › wiki › Wolf_ReikWolf Reik FRS is a German molecular biologist, senior group leader and associate director at the Babraham Institute, professor of Epigenetics at the ...
Standing on the Gene: an interview with Professor Wolf Reik | Bluesciwww.bluesci.co.uk › posts › standing-on-the-gene-a...· Jiali Gao and Salvador Buse discuss the emerging field of epigenetic modification, and ask Professor Wolf Reik where it might take us.
Interview with Connson Locke | Times Higher Education (THE)www.timeshighereducation.com › people › intervie...· Wolf Reik has been appointed the director of the Babraham Institute. He has held the position of acting director since the death of Michael ...
Artificial sperm and epigenetic reprogramming | Nature BiotechnologySperm cells derived from embryonic stem cells give rise to mice with genetic imprinting defects.
55 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Wolf Reik - اقتباسات الباحث العلمي من GoogleWolf Reik. Head, Epigenetics Programme, Babraham Institute Cambridge, UK. Epigenetics, reprogramming, development. بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على ...
Wolf Reik - Google Scholar -sitaatitPeruuta. Wolf Reik. Head, Epigenetics Programme, Babraham Institute Cambridge, UK. Epigenetics, reprogramming, development. Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite ...
Wolf Reik - Google ScholarHead, Epigenetics Programme, Babraham Institute Cambridge, UK - Cited by - Epigenetics - reprogramming - development
Wissenschaft_Kunst_und_Philosophie : Beitrag: "Nature" beschäftigt ...MIGUEL CONSTÂNCIA, GAVIN KELSEY & WOLF REIK A child's genes are not all equal: in some cases, the copy from either the mother or the ...
Wolf Reik - BuchrezensionenWolf Reik (2013) : "Genomic Imprinting", "Genomic Genomic Imprinting (Frontiers in Molecular Biology) Wolf Reik Genomic Imprinting: Frontiers in Molecular Biology (Frontiers in ... Wolf Reik
Reik - Names EncyclopediaWriters: Theodore Reik, Cynthia Reik, Wolf Reik, Robin Reikes, G. Reik, Theodor Reik, Louis Reik, Reik V. Donner, Miriam M. Reik, Ursula Golisz Reikes, Vicki ...
Wolf Reik - Cytowania w Google ScholarScalone cytowania. Ta liczba prac z cytatami obejmuje odwołania do następujących dokumentów w usłudze Scholar. Te, które oznaczono symbolem *, mogą ...
Wolf Reik Inheritance beyond DNA - Technische Informationsbibliothek...Wolf Reik: Inheritance beyond DNA. Author / Creator: LeBrasseur, N. In: JOURNAL OF CELL BIOLOGY; 188, 3; Supplier: ROCKEFELLER ...
Professor Wolf Reik - Fellow - The Academy of Medical Sciencesacmedsci.ac.uk › Wolf-Reik-0033z00002qIIZzAAOProfessor Wolf Reik FRS FMedSci. Job Title Head of Epigenetics Programme Institution Babraham Institute Year elected Interests. Specialities.
Professor Wolf Reik | The Academy of Medical SciencesProfessor Wolf Reik FRS FMedSci. Job Title Head of Epigenetics Programme Institution Babraham Institute Year elected Interests. Specialities. developmental genetics, imprinting and reprogramming in mammalian development and disease. Section committee elected by. Genetics, cellular and developmental biology ...
Q&A: Babraham Institute's Wolf Reik on a Long Non-Coding RNA...Name: Wolf Reik Position: Head of epigenetics, associate director of research, Babraham Institute
Wolf Reik - Babraham Institutewww.babraham.ac.uk › our-research › epigeneticsOur lab is interested in epigenetic gene regulation in mammalian development and in ageing. Global epigenetic reprogramming occurs at fertilisation and ... Members · Publications · Research
WikiZero - Wolf ReikWolf Reik FRS is a molecular biologist, senior group leader and associate director at the Babraham Institute, professor of Epigenetics at the University of Cambridge and associate faculty at the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute.
Wolf Reik Lab Plasmids - Addgenewww.addgene.org › Wolf_ReikThe Wolf Reik Lab has deposited plasmids at Addgene for distribution to the research community. Addgene is a nonprofit plasmid repository dedicated to ...
Wolf Reik | VIB Conferenceswww.vibconferences.be › speaker › wolf-reikWolf Reik obtained his MD from the University of Hamburg. He did his thesis work with Rudolf Jaenisch, and postdoctoral work with Azim Surani in Cambridge.
wolf reik – Institute of Genetics and Cancer - blogs - The University ...blogs.ed.ac.uk › institute-genetics-cancer › tag › wol...In January, Wolf Reik came to the IGMM to speak at the weekly seminar series. Wolf is a leading scientist in the field of epigenetics.
Wolf Reik Discusses 5mc and 5hmC Sequencing and the FutureDr. Wolf Reik discusses the challenges in DNA methylation sequencing and the next big swings in epigenetic modification sequencing and discovery. This...
Karolinska Research Lectures – Wolf Reik – The Nobel Prize in...· Wolf Reik Title:“Epigenetic reprogramming in mammalian development” Head of the Epigenetics Programme, The Babraham Institute Cambridge, ...
Wolf Reik Quotes, Sayings, Remarks, Thoughts and SpeechesComplete list of quotes and quotations by Wolf Reik.
Epigenetik? - Wolf Reik - Epigenome NOEWolf Reik. The Babraham Institute, Cambridge, Großbritannien. www.babraham.ac.uk. Seit Dolly, dem Schaf, sind viele Organismen geklont worden. Es fehlt: asieg import export
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Wolf
Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch): Wolf; Althochdeutsch (Verselbständigte Kurzform); wolf = der Wolf; verselbständigte Kurzform von Namen, die mit 'Wolf-' beginnen, vor allem Wolfgang
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