61 Infos zu Wolfgang Eicheler

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3 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Veranstaltungskalender | DGMP.de

Der Veranstaltungskalender der DGMP gibt einen Überblick über Veranstaltungen im Bereich der Medizinischen Physik.

Meinungen STRAHLENSCHUTZ UND OncoRaywww.oncoray.de › Flyer_Aktualisierungskurs_2020

Dr. Wolfgang Enghardt. Organisation der Veranstaltung: Dr. Wolfgang Eicheler. Kontakt: ,. Tel.: +


Dr. Wolfgang Enghardt. Organisation der Veranstaltung: Dr. Wolfgang Eicheler. PD Dr. Steffen Löck. Kontakt: ,.

2 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

LinkedIn: Wolfgang Eicheler | LinkedIn

Wolfgang Eichelers berufliches Profil anzeigen LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte berufliche Netzwerk, das Fach- und Führungskräften wie Wolfgang Eicheler ...

LinkedIn: Wolfgang Eicheler | LinkedIn

Sehen Sie sich das berufliche Profil von Wolfgang Eicheler (Deutschland) auf LinkedIn an. LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte professionelle Netzwerk, das Fach- ...

1 Firmen-Mitarbeiter

Team: OncoRay - Center for Radiation Research in Oncology

OncoRay, the Center for Radiation Research in Oncology represents a new, future-oriented research effort in the field of radiation research in oncology.

3 Bücher zum Namen

authors:"Wolfgang Eicheler" - Search | Paperity

Paperity: the 1st multidisciplinary aggregator of Open Access journals & papers. Free fulltext PDF articles from hundreds of disciplines, all in one place

Wolfgang Eicheler | XanEdu Customization Platform

Author: Wolfgang Eicheler. Results. Experimental Evaluation of Functional Imagingfor Radiotherapy Springer Science+Business Media

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6 Dokumente

Combination of EGFR/HER2 Tyrosine Kinase Inhibition by BIBW and...

... Annegret Dörfler , Wolfgang Eicheler , Daniel Zips , Sandra Hering , Flavio Solca , 1, 4 1 Michael Baumann , Mechthild Krause Purpose: To ...

Analysis of chemokine and chemokine receptor expression in squamous...

Authors: Hendrik A. Wolff , David Rolke , Margret Rave-Fränk Markus Schirmer , Wolfgang Eicheler , Annegret Doerfler , Andrea Hille ...

Interleukin-Ij8—Induced Inhibition of Hair Gro^vth In ebscosearch.ebscohost.com › login

Rolf HofFmann, Wolfgang Eicheler, Elke Wenzel, and Rudolf Happle. Department of Dermatology, Philipp University, Marburg, Germany. Interleukin (IL )-l has ...

Epidermal growth factor receptor inhibitors for radiotherapy:...

Wolfgang Eicheler, Christina Schütze, Kristin Gurtner. and Michael Baumann. Abstract. Blocking the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) represents a role ...

4 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

The Green Journal | Radiotherapy and Oncology | Vol 81, Issue 2,...

Original Research Article; Pages ; Ala Yaromina, Daniel Zips, Howard D. Thames, Wolfgang Eicheler, Mechthild Krause, Andrea Rosner, Michael ...

Breast Cancer Research | Articles

Breast Cancer Research is the highest ranking breast cancer-specific title in the top quartile of oncology journals worldwide. Primarily publishing original ...

Effect of combined irradiation and EGFR/Erb-B inhibition with BIBW...

Kristin Gurtner, Nadja Ebert, Dorothee Pfitzmann, Wolfgang Eicheler, Michael Baumann & Mechthild Krause. Department of Radiation ...

Impact of oncogenic K-RASon YB-1 phosphorylation induced by ionizing...

Tim-Andre Schickfluß ,; Wolfgang Eicheler ,; Rainer Kehlbach ,; […] ...

3 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Cytokines and growth factors influence hair growth in vitro. Possible...

Factors that influence the growth of the anagen hair follicle or initiate the switch to a catagen growth pattern have so far not been definitely determined

Analysis of chemokine and chemokine receptor BioMedSearchwww.biomedsearch.com _2010_Article_341.pdf

Wolfgang Eicheler · Annegret DoerXer · Andrea Hille · Clemens F. Hess ·. Christoph Matthias · Ralph M. W. Rödel · Hans Christiansen.

Effect of combined irradiation and EGFR/Erb-B inhibition with BIBW...

(1) (2); Wolfgang Eicheler · -dresden.de (1) (2); Daniel Zips · -tuebingen.de (3); Michael Baumann · Michael.

34 Webfunde aus dem Netz

McKay and Leigh,Growth Factors,1993 GF etkileri -GF ler hücre...

McKay and Leigh,Growth Factors,1993 GF etkileri - Bazı GF ler ve/ veya mRNAları hızla yapılır ve yıkılırlar. -mRNA veya protein stabilizasyon veya degredasyonu...

Wolfgang Eicheler

Effect of cetuximab and fractionated irradiation on tumour micro-environment · Alina Santiago, Wolfgang Eicheler, Jan Bussink, Paul Rijken, ...

Impact of oncogenic K-RAS on YB-1 phosphorylation induced by ionizing...

These pathways can be activated by growth factors and by exposure to ionizing radiation (IR). So far, however, no studies have been conducted on IR-induced YB-1 phosphorylation. Mahmoud Toulany, Tim-Andre Schickfluß, Wolfgang Eicheler, Rainer Kehlbach, Birgit Schittek and …

Additional file 8 of Impact of oncogenic K-RASon YB-1 phosphorylation...

presentation. posted on , 06:41 by Mahmoud Toulany, Tim-Andre Schickfluß, Wolfgang Eicheler, Rainer Kehlbach, Birgit Schittek, H Peter Rodemann.

Analysis of chemokine and chemokine receptor expression in squamous...

Hendrik A. Wolff • David Rolke • Margret Rave-Fränk • Markus Schirmer • Wolfgang Eicheler • Annegret Doerfler • Andrea Hille • Clemens F. Hess • Christoph ...

About this file - European Patent Register

[A] - WOLFGANG EICHELER ET AL, "5[alpha]-Reductase activity in the human hair follicle concentrates in the dermal papilla", ARCHIVES OF ...

European Graduates | Deutschland

Graduates from Deutschland - the names, photos, skill, job, location.

Core needle biopsies for determination of the microenvironment in...

Ala Yaromina, Anja Eckardt, Daniel Zips, Wolfgang Eicheler, Christina Schuetze, Howard Thames, Michael Baumann. Radiotherapy and Oncology: Journal of ...


EP A METHODS FOR ISOLATING NON-BULBAR DERMAL SHEATH CELLS AND COMPOSITIONS - The present invention relates to compositions and...

Effect of combined irradiation and EGFR/Erb-B inhibition with BIBW...

... of scientific paper in Veterinary science , author of scholarly article — Kristin Gurtner, Nadja Ebert, Dorothee Pfitzmann, Wolfgang Eicheler, Daniel Zips, et al.

Effect of combined irradiation and EGFR/Erb-B inhibition with BIBW...

includes Effect of combined irradiation and EGFR/Erb-B inhibitio by Kristin Gurtner, Nadja Ebert, Dorothee . Click to explore.

Experimental Evaluation of Functional Imagingfor Radiotherapy

Kristin Gurtner,Franziska Hessel,Wolfgang Eicheler,Annegret Dörfler,Daniel Zips, Karl-Heinz Heider,Mechthild Krause,Michael Baumann. Radiotherapy and ...

Impact of oncogenic K-RASon YB-1 phosphorylation induced by ionizing...

MT. Mahmoud Toulany. TS. Tim-Andre Schickfluß. WE. Wolfgang Eicheler. RK. Rainer Kehlbach. BS. Birgit Schittek. HR. H Peter Rodemann ...

Dresden - Teilnehmerübersicht - PDF Free Download

... P. D, mechthild dominiak, Wolfgang Eicheler, H. E, T. F, G. F, K. F, P. F., Y. F, D. G, Otte Geraldine, K. G., C. G., Axel Heller, Doreen Hensel, Kevin Hädrich, E. J, ...

Ionizing radiation induces neuronal differentiation of Neuro-2a cells...

Mahmoud Toulany, Tim-Andre Schickfluss, Wolfgang Eicheler, Rainer Kehlbach, Birgit Schittek, H Peter Rodemann Breast Cancer Research: BCR 2011, 13 (2): ...

Prediction of clonogenic cell survival curves based on the number of...

Apostolos Menegakis, Ala Yaromina, Wolfgang Eicheler, Annegret Dörfler, Bettina Beuthien-Baumann, Howard D Thames, Michael Baumann, Mechthild Krause.

Selection of Genetically Distinct, Rapidly Proliferating Clones does...

Radiation Research publishes work dealing with radiation effects and related subjects in the areas of physics, chemistry, biology and medicine.

Papers in the shared collection Head and Neck cancer (Page 33) | Read...

Mahmoud Toulany, Minjmaa Minjgee, Mohammad Saki, Marina Holler, Friedegund Meier, Wolfgang Eicheler, H Peter Rodemann. K-RAS mutated (K-RASmut) ...

Michael Schütze: free download. Ebooks library. On-line ...booksc.org › ...

Christina Schütze, Annegret Dörfler, Wolfgang Eicheler, Daniel Zips, Sandra Hering, Flavio Solca, Michael Baumann, Mechthild Krause. Journal:.


By: Mahmoud Toulany, Tim-Andre Schickfluss, Wolfgang Eicheler, Rainer Kehlbach, Birgit Schittek and H Peter Rodemann Breast Cancer ...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Wolfgang

Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch): Wolfgang; der Wolfsgänger; Althochdeutsch (Wortzusammensetzung); wolf = der Wolf; ganc = der Ansturm, der Angriff, der Waffengang; alter deutscher zweigliedriger Name; hatte die Bedeutung 'Wolfsgänger' d.h. Krieger in Tierverkleidung; verbreitet durch die Verehrung des hl. Wolfgang, Bischof von Regensburg (10. Jh.)

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