105 Infos zu Yaatsil Guevara González

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2 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Programm - Aktuelles - Deutsche Gesellschaft für SoziologieDeutsche Gesellschaft für Soziologie

— Yaatsil Guevara Gonzalez (Mainz): Transiting and waiting: Migrant's caravans crossing Mexico as a symbol of collective disobedience. Julia — Yaatsil Guevara Gonzalez (Mainz): Transiting and waiting: Migrant's caravans crossing Mexico as a symbol of collective disobedience. Julia ...

Food Security Among Latin American Adolescent Migrants ...Balsillie School of International Affairs

— Yaatsil Guevara González. Dr. González is the Junior Professor for “Migration and the Americas” at the Heidelberg University Center for — Yaatsil Guevara González. Dr. González is the Junior Professor for “Migration and the Americas” at the Heidelberg University Center for ...

8 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

Facebook: Yaatsil Guevara González - Facebooken-gb.facebook.com › yaatsil

LinkedIn: Yaatsil Guevara González | LinkedIn

Yaatsil Guevara González. PhD Student en Bielefeld Graduate School in History and Sociology. Ort Bielefeld und Umgebung, Deutschland Branche Forschung

LinkedIn: Yaatsil Guevara González - PhD Student - University of LinkedIn

View Yaatsil Guevara González's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Yaatsil has 3 jobs listed on their profile. See the complete ...

Twitter Profil: Julia Roth (@JuliaRoth_ole) / XX · JuliaRoth_ole130+ Follower

... our new HCIAS Junior Professor of Migration and the Americas Yaatsil Guevara González More about Yaatsil Guevara González https://buff.ly/3LuaXbj. Image our new HCIAS Junior Professor of Migration and the Americas Yaatsil Guevara González More about Yaatsil Guevara González https://buff.ly/3LuaXbj. Image. 2.

1 Hobbys & Interessen

Informationsdienst Wissenschaft

— Yaatsil Guevara González (Bielefeld, Sebastián Martínez Fernández (Bielefeld), Joachim Michael (Bielefeld), Andreas Zick (Bielefeld) ...

1 Business-Profile

Yaatsil GUEVARA | Junior Professor | Doctor of Philosophy -...

Yaatsil Guevara González is an anthropologist and an ethnographer. Through her academic training, she has worked in diverse disciplines such as area studies, sociology of migration, and ...

1 Firmen-Mitarbeiter

Team - ATXCA Trajectories Central Americatrajectories-central-america.de

Yaatsil Guevara González. is employed in this project as researcher and coordinator since May Her research focuses on the entanglements of time, place, ... Yaatsil Guevara González. is employed in this project as researcher and coordinator since May Her research focuses on the entanglements of time, place, ...

2 Infos zur Ausbildung

Columbia University

- Yaatsil Guevara González, Instituto de Etnología y Estudios Africanos (IFEAS)-Universitaet Mainz. *Este evento será en Español. Contact Information. ILAS.

Interconexiones entre el ambiente, migración y alimentaciónColumbia University

— - Yaatsil Guevara González, Instituto de Etnología y Estudios Africanos (IFEAS)-Universitaet Mainz. *Este evento será en Español. Contact — - Yaatsil Guevara González, Instituto de Etnología y Estudios Africanos (IFEAS)-Universitaet Mainz. *Este evento será en Español. Contact ...

1 Auszeichnungen

Yaatsil Guevara González und Prof. Dr. Andreas Zick...Abitur und Studium

Yaatsil Guevara González (li.) und Prof. Dr. Andreas Zick (re.) gehören zum Leitungsteam der digitalen Konferenz „Peace and Fear“, die den Zusammenhang von ... Yaatsil Guevara González (li.) und Prof. Dr. Andreas Zick (re.) gehören zum Leitungsteam der digitalen Konferenz „Peace and Fear“, die den Zusammenhang von ...

24 Bücher zum Namen

List of books by Eva YoukhanaAllBookstores.com

Author: Eva Youkhana (Editor), Uwe Baumann (Consultant Editor), Yaatsil Guevara Gonzalez (Contributor). Hardcover: Oct List Price: $ Author: Eva Youkhana (Editor), Uwe Baumann (Consultant Editor), Yaatsil Guevara Gonzalez (Contributor). Hardcover: Oct List Price: $

La muerte tiene permiso».Dialnet

von RM Rivera · — machines. Page 3. | «La muerte tiene permiso». Ensayo sobre las medidas de contención… | | Yaatsil Guevara González, Rodrigo Megchún Rivera. «La muerte ... von RM Rivera · — machines. Page 3. | «La muerte tiene permiso». Ensayo sobre las medidas de contención… | | Yaatsil Guevara González, Rodrigo Megchún Rivera. «La muerte ...

Yaatsil Guevara GonzálezGoodreads

Yaatsil Guevara González's Books · Border Transgression by Eva Youkhana Border Transgression: Mobility and Mobilization in Crisis (In ratings 0 reviews. Yaatsil Guevara González's Books · Border Transgression by Eva Youkhana Border Transgression: Mobility and Mobilization in Crisis (In ratings 0 reviews.


... Yaatsil Guevara Gonzalez (Contributions ) Maria Jose Guerra Palmero (Contributions )Buy . Books online: Border Transgression: Mobility and Mobilization in ...

1 Songs & Musik

Movilidades humanas y nuevas geografías - VI Temporada ...Spotify - Web Player

... Yaatsil Guevara González y Carmen Fernández Casanueva acerca de este tema. El Zapato Aprieta, el primer podcast sobre desigualdad en Costa Rica. Síganos en Yaatsil Guevara González y Carmen Fernández Casanueva acerca de este tema. El Zapato Aprieta, el primer podcast sobre desigualdad en Costa Rica. Síganos en ...

4 Dokumente

Ad interim:Internet Archive Scholar

von YG González · · Zitiert von: 4 — ... Yaatsil Guevara González. Dissertation submitted to the Faculty of Sociology at Bielefeld University for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy ... von YG González · · Zitiert von: 4 — ... Yaatsil Guevara González. Dissertation submitted to the Faculty of Sociology at Bielefeld University for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy ...

Done with Eurocentrism?BieJournals

von M Mayar — Mahshid Mayar and Yaatsil Guevara González. Eurocentrism and the »post ... Yaatsil Guevara González, Bielefeld Graduate School of History and Sociology,. von M Mayar — Mahshid Mayar and Yaatsil Guevara González. Eurocentrism and the »post ... Yaatsil Guevara González, Bielefeld Graduate School of History and Sociology,.

Für einen Menschenrechtspakt in der FlüchtlingspolitikViFa Recht

— Yaatsil Guevara González, Heidelberg Center für Ibero-Amerika. Studien, Universität Heidelberg Prof. Dr. Alisha M. B. Heinemann — Yaatsil Guevara González, Heidelberg Center für Ibero-Amerika. Studien, Universität Heidelberg Prof. Dr. Alisha M. B. Heinemann ...

place-making amidst migrant trajectoriesJohannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz

border”- Yaatsil Guevara González, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz. “Disruptions in Making Time and Making Place in a German Refugee Shelter ... border”- Yaatsil Guevara González, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz. “Disruptions in Making Time and Making Place in a German Refugee Shelter ...

5 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Material Culture and (Forced) Migrationjstor

Yaatsil Guevara González. https://www.jstor.org/stable/j.ctv1wdvx As I was finishing this chapter, in October 2020, a caravan COMPOSED of thousands of ... Yaatsil Guevara González. https://www.jstor.org/stable/j.ctv1wdvx As I was finishing this chapter, in October 2020, a caravan COMPOSED of thousands of ...

African trajectories across Central America: displacements ...Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz

Yaatsil Guevara González, M.A.. Elena Reichl, B.A.. Pablo Matthias Delgado Faust. Assoziierte Projektmitarbeiterin Dr. Nanneke Winters. Laufzeit – Yaatsil Guevara González, M.A.. Elena Reichl, B.A.. Pablo Matthias Delgado Faust. Assoziierte Projektmitarbeiterin Dr. Nanneke Winters. Laufzeit –

jstorhttps://www.jstor.org › stableVol. 676, March 2018, Migrant Smuggling as a Collective Strategy ...

YAATSIL GUEVARA GONZÁLEZ. https://www.jstor.org/stable Save. xml · Historicizing Mobility: Coyoterismo in the Indigenous Ecuadorian Migration Industry.

Die Kernbotschaften des »Reports Globale Flucht 2023Universität Osnabrück

Yaatsil Guevara González: Venezuela. Fluchtziel Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Geflüchtete sind bei der Arbeitsmarktintegration strukturell stark benachteiligt ... Yaatsil Guevara González: Venezuela. Fluchtziel Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Geflüchtete sind bei der Arbeitsmarktintegration strukturell stark benachteiligt ...

2 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

(PDF) Ad interim: Everyday life of Central American ...ResearchGate

... Yaatsil Guevara González investigated the daily lives of Central American migrants on the move, asylum seekers, and recognized refugees in a migrant shelter Yaatsil Guevara González investigated the daily lives of Central American migrants on the move, asylum seekers, and recognized refugees in a migrant shelter ...

Kopfbogen hochHCIAS Symposium 2023

— Yaatsil Guevara González. Populism vs. the dark forces in Mexico: Conspiracy narratives in the communicational strategy of Andrés Manuel — Yaatsil Guevara González. Populism vs. the dark forces in Mexico: Conspiracy narratives in the communicational strategy of Andrés Manuel ...

1 Video- & Audioinhalte

Sobreviviendo a la necropolítica del refugioYouTube · CIHAC - UCR40+ Aufrufe · vor 1 Jahr

... migrantes en tránsito por México y Costa Rica" por las Fellows de CALAS: Dra. Yaatsil Guevara González y Dra. Carmen Fernández Casanueva.

2 Meinungen & Artikel

Twitter-Nachrichten: GE SanchezX · _gesanchez3 „Gefällt mir“-Angaben · vor 2 Jahren

Yaatsil Guevara González @ Alexandra Elena Lestón show how efforts to provide migrant children with asylum in Mexico often dismiss their own ... Yaatsil Guevara González @ Alexandra Elena Lestón show how efforts to provide migrant children with asylum in Mexico often dismiss their own ...

Twitter-Nachrichten: X

... resistance to non-violent coexistence" at @UniversidadCR co-organized by HCIAS Jun.-Prof. Yaatsil Guevara González More https://t.co/oISuMCWavI.

46 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Yaatsil Guevara González - PhD Student - University of Bielefeld ...

View Yaatsil Guevara González's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Yaatsil has 3 jobs listed on their profile. See the complete ...

Yaatsil Guevara González's PostLinkedIn

— Yaatsil Guevara González's Post ... PhD Position at the Heidelberg Center for Ibero-American Studies!!! in a PDF file by e-mail to the — Yaatsil Guevara González's Post ... PhD Position at the Heidelberg Center for Ibero-American Studies!!! in a PDF file by e-mail to the ...

Yaatsil Guevara González - Post doctoral researcher - Institute for ...

Interdisciplinary research on Conflicht and Violenc. Bielefeld Area, Germany. Research.

LinkedIn · Yaatsil Guevara González5 Reaktionen · vor 5 Monaten5th Conference of the German Network for Forced Migration

Yaatsil Guevara González's Post. View profile for Yaatsil Guevara González, graphic · Yaatsil Guevara González. Assistant Professor "Migration ...

Diverse and Divergent Place-Making of People on the MoveGoogle Play

(Un)Settling Place: Diverse and Divergent Place-Making of People on the Move - Nanneke Winters, Heike Drotbohm, Yaatsil Guevara González ਦੀ ਲਿਖੀ ਈ-ਕਿਤਾਬ। (Un)Settling Place: Diverse and Divergent Place-Making of People on the Move - Nanneke Winters, Heike Drotbohm, Yaatsil Guevara González ਦੀ ਲਿਖੀ ਈ-ਕਿਤਾਬ।

Yaatsil Guevara GonzálezGoogle Scholar

Yaatsil Guevara González. Autres noms Yaatsil Guevara, Yaatsil Guevara G. University of Mainz. Adresse e-mail validée de uni-mainz.de ... Yaatsil Guevara González. Autres noms Yaatsil Guevara, Yaatsil Guevara G. University of Mainz. Adresse e-mail validée de uni-mainz.de ...

Yaatsil Guevara González - ATXCA Trajectories Central America

Yaatsil Guevara González. is employed in this project as researcher and coordinator since May Her research focuses on the entanglements of time, place, and everyday life of refugees in transit. She has conducted ethnographic research in the United States, Mexico, and Central America.

Guevara González, Yaatsil, Dr. des.Netzwerk Fluchtforschung

Yaatsil Guevara González is PhD candidate in Sociology at the Bielefeld Graduate School in History and Sociology. She is research fellow at the Insitute for ... Yaatsil Guevara González is PhD candidate in Sociology at the Bielefeld Graduate School in History and Sociology. She is research fellow at the Insitute for ...

Yaatsil Guevara González | Universität HeidelbergAcademia.edu

Yaatsil Guevara González, Universität Heidelberg, Heidelberg Center for Ibero-American Studies (HCIAS), Department Member. Studies Anthropology, Migration ...

CALAS | Centro Maria Sibylla Merian

Yaatsil Guevara González holds a PhD in sociology from Bielefeld University. She has worked at the Department of Anthropology and African Studies (ifeas) at ...

yaatsil guevara gonzalez con - 三民網路 ...三民網路書店

三民網路書店>搜尋結果>yaatsil,guevara,gonzalez,con. 三民網路書店>搜尋結果>yaatsil,guevara,gonzalez,con.

Yaatsil Guevara GonzalezPlatekompaniet

... Yaatsil Guevara Gonzalez. Yaatsil Guevara Gonzalez. Sortering. 0 resultater. Vis flere filtre. Bunntekst. Alltid gode tilbud. PlateKompaniet. Gratis frakt over Yaatsil Guevara Gonzalez. Yaatsil Guevara Gonzalez. Sortering. 0 resultater. Vis flere filtre. Bunntekst. Alltid gode tilbud. PlateKompaniet. Gratis frakt over ...


Yaatsil Guevara González, Universität Heidelberg, Heidelberg Center for Ibero-American Studies (HCIAS), Department ...

Allegra Lab

in Mexico, by YAATSIL GUEVARA GONZÁLEZ. The call to become a smuggler, by LUIGI ACHILLI. Precarious livelihoods in eastern Indonesia: of fishermen and people.

Yaatsil Guevara GonzálezMuck Rack

Yaatsil Guevara González on Muck Rack. Yaatsil Guevara González. As seen in: Carta Económica Regional, Dialnet - Universidad de La Rioja. Is this you? As a ... Yaatsil Guevara González on Muck Rack. Yaatsil Guevara González. As seen in: Carta Económica Regional, Dialnet - Universidad de La Rioja. Is this you? As a ...

Berghahn Books

Edited by Nanneke Winters, Heike Drotbohm, and Yaatsil Guevara González. Published: 2024; Finding Home in Europe Volume 13. Finding Home in Europe. Chronicles ...

CSUCAhttps://catalogosiidca.csuca.org › De...Vista Equipo: Ráfagas y vientos de un sur global :

... Yaatsil Guevara González, Heather Wurtz, Luis Alfredo Arriola Vega, Suleikys Guerra Domínguez]. 250, |a 1. edición. 260, |a Chiapas, México : |b El Colegio de ...

PhD Thesis Guevara González-Yaatsil - Academia.eduAcademia.edu

... Yaatsil Guevara González Dissertation submitted to the Faculty of Sociology at Bielefeld University for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Dr. phil.) First ...

(Un)Settling Place - Winters, Nanneke; Drotbohm, HeikeHugendubel Fachinformationen

González, Yaatsil GuevaraHrsg. Yaatsil Guevara González is a Junior Professor of Migration and the Americas at the Heidelberg Center for Ibero-American ... González, Yaatsil GuevaraHrsg. Yaatsil Guevara González is a Junior Professor of Migration and the Americas at the Heidelberg Center for Ibero-American ...

(Un)Settling Place af Nanneke Winters, Heike Drotbohm ...Academicbooks.dk |

Køb (Un)Settling Place af Nanneke Winters, Heike Drotbohm, Yaatsil Guevara González (red.) på Academicbooks.dk. Køb (Un)Settling Place af Nanneke Winters, Heike Drotbohm, Yaatsil Guevara González (red.) på Academicbooks.dk.

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