233 Infos zu Yael Politi
Mehr erfahren über Yael Politi
Lebt in
- Dresden
Infos zu
- Max Planck Institute
- Institute of Colloids
- Zitiert
- Colloids and Interfaces
- Peter Fratzl
- Center for Molecular
32 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Meisterstück der Natur: Forscher analysieren Spinnen- ...Tiroler Tageszeitung— ... nie Schaden zu nehmen“, sagte Yael Politi in einer Aussendung des Max-Planck-Institut für Kolloid- und Grenzflächenforschung in Potsdam. › artikel › meisterstueck-der-natur-...
Durchschlagendes Design: die Giftklauen der SpinnenYael Politi, Matthias Priewasser, Eckhard Pippel, Paul Zaslansky, Jürgen Hartmann, Stefan Siegel, Chenghao Li, Friedrich G. Barth, Peter Fratzl
Unveiling the secrets of biofilmsWeb8 févr · Together with Prof. Yael Politi, TU Dresden, an expert in the characterization of biological materials, Chai therefore applied for measurement time at the synchrotron …
Biologie: Spinne bohrt metallverstärkte Giftklauen in Opfer - WELTEine tropische Spinne weckt das Interesse deutscher Materialforscher: Das Tier verfügt über metallverstärkte Beißwerkzeuge, die auch die stabilen Chitinpanzer...
18 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Luana Yael PolitiFacebook: Luana Yael Politi | Facebookwww.facebook.com › lullyLinkedIn: Yael Politi - Deutschland | LinkedInSehen Sie sich das Karriere-Profil von Yael Politi (Deutschland) auf LinkedIn an. LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte professionelle Netzwerk, das Fach- und ...
LinkedIn: Yael Politi – Deutschland | Berufsprofil | LinkedInberuflichen Netzwerk. Yael Politi hat Informationen zur Ausbildung im Profil ...
1 Business-Profile
Yael Politi Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces ...ResearchGate› profile › Yael-Politi
1 Firmen-Mitarbeiter
Montanuniversität Leoben » HartmannFratzl and Yael Politi Structural and mechanical properties of the arthropod cuticle: Comparison between the fang of the spider Cupiennius salei and the carapace of American lobster Homarus americanus. Journal of Structural Biology
1 Persönliche Webseiten
Yael POLITI's Email & Phone - paie adp et rh - ContactOutcontactout.com › Yael-POLITIYael POLITI works in the Human Resources industry. About Yael POLITI. Summary. paie @ ADNEOM Gestionnaire paie @ Kingsway ...
2 Infos zur Ausbildung
Biomineralization sourcebook : characterization of biominerals and...Stanford Libraries' official online search tool for books, media, journals, databases, government documents and more.
Guanine‐Based Photonic Crystals in Fish Scales Form ...Scholars PortalAuthors. Dvir Gur · Yael Politi · Berta Sivan · Peter Fratzl · Steve Weiner · Lia Addadi. Source Information. January 2013, Volume52(Issue1)Pages, ... › ...
8 Bücher zum Namen
Architectured Materials in Nature and Engineering: Archimatsgoogle.deChapter 10 Mechanics of Arthropod Cuticle-Versatility by Structural and Compositional Variation Yael Politi, Benny Bar-On and Helge-Otto Fabritius Abstract ...
Biomineralization Sourcebook: Characterization of ...google.destructure. development: x-ray. absorption. spectroscopy. Yael Politi and Ivo Zizak. 7. Contents Introduction Short history Theory
Biopolymers and Composites: Processing and Characterizationgoogle.de... surface of the fang of the wandering spider Cupiennius salei (courtesy of Yael Politi, Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces, Germany.
Engineering of Crystalline Materials Properties: State of ...google.de... Università degli Studi di Bologna, Via F. Selmi 2, Bologna, Italy Yael Politi Dept of Structural Biology, Weizmann Institute of Science, ...
13 Dokumente
Epidermal Cell Surface Structure and Chitin–Protein Co ...American Chemical Societyvon S Sviben · · Zitiert von: 16 — and; Yael Politi* https://doi.org j.actbio ; Yael Politi, Luca Bertinetti, Peter Fratzl, Friedrich G. Barth. › doi › abs
Additives Influence the Phase Behavior of Calcium Car ...arXivvon Z Zou · · Zitiert von: 32 — Authors:Zhaoyong Zou, Iryna Polishchuk, Luca Bertinetti, Boaz Pokroy, Yael Politi, Peter Fratzl, Wouter J.E.M. Habraken. › physics
Principles of Elastic Bridging in Biological MaterialsSocial Science Research Networkvon AY Uzan · Zitiert von: 1 — Yael Politi. Dresden University of Technology - B CUBE – Center for Molecular Bioengineering. Benny Bar-On. Ben-Gurion University of the ... › papers
die Giftklauen der Spinnen (MPG)Schattenblick— ... bio-inspiriertes Materialdesign hervorbringen", sagt Yael Politi, die gemeinsam mit ihren Kollegen nun Spinnen auf den Zahn gefühlt hat. › biologie › nbfor835
16 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
DFG - GEPRIS - Professorin Yael Politi, Ph.D.Professorin Yael Politi, Ph.D., B CUBE - Center for Molecular Bioengineering, Tatzberg 41, Dresden
Prof. Yael Politi Becomes New B CUBE Director13 de ene. de · Yael Politi is a Chair of Bioprospecting at the TU Dresden and a research group leader at the B CUBE since Her research focuses on biomaterials, materials found in nature …
Professorin Dr. Yael Politi, Ph.D. - GEPRISgepris.dfg.de › gepris › personProfessorin Dr. Yael Politi, Ph.D., B CUBE - Center for Molecular Bioengineering, Tatzberg 41, Dresden.
New DFG Priority Program “Code-χ“: Chitin, chitosan and ...Uni Münster— Yael Politi, Prof. Alexander Weber, and Prof. Bruno Moerschbacher. There will be an open call soon, inviting researchers from all over Germany ... › co...
4 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Overview of the amorphous precursor phase strategy in ...springer.comvon S Weiner · · Zitiert von: 123 — Department of Structural Biology, Weizmann Institute of Science, RehovotIsrael. Steve Weiner, Julia Mahamid, Yael Politi, Yurong Ma ... › article
Integrated Cooling-Vacuum-Assisted Non-Fractional Alma Lasers AustraliaIntegrated Cooling-Vacuum-Assisted Non-Fractional nm. Erbium:Glass Laser Is Effective in Treating Acne Scars. Yael Politi MD,a Assi Levi MD,b and Moshi ... › uploads ›
Overview of the amorphous precursor phase strategy in...It was assumed for a long time that organisms produce minerals directly from a saturated solution. A few exceptions were known, including the well document
8 Meinungen & Artikel
Twitter-Nachrichten: orientation control inTwitterThis summer, Dr. Yael Politi will join the B CUBE and take over the chair for #BioProspecting. Today she has already presented her field of research: ... › status
Twitter-Nachrichten: تويتر \ Center for Molecular Bioengineering at TU Dresden على ...twitter.com › bcube_tudresden › statusThis summer, Dr. Yael Politi will join the B CUBE and take over the chair for #BioProspecting. Today she has already presented her field of research: ...
as a graduate student - Dictionary English-GermanLingueeWorking with graduate student Yael Politi and Eugenia Klein and Talmon Arad of the Chemical Research Support Unit, Professors Addadi and Weiner used four ... › english-german › translation
A vacuole-like compartment concentrates a disordered ...Nature Journalvon S Sviben · · Zitiert von: 121 — Assaf Gal, Matthew A. Hood, Luca Bertinetti, Yael Politi, Mathieu Bennet & Damien Faivre. Carl Zeiss Microscopy GmbH, Global Applications ... › articles
128 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Prof. Dr. Yael Politi - Alexander von Humboldt-FoundationProf. Dr. Yael Politi, Humboldt Research Fellowship, Academic position: Full Professor: Research fields: Biophysics,Medical Physics, Biomedical Engineering
Prof. Dr. Yael Politi - Profil - Alexander von Humboldt-StiftungProf. Dr. Yael Politi, Humboldt-Forschungsstipendium, Derzeitige Stellung: Professor W-3 und Äquivalente: Fachgebiet: Biophysik,Medizinische Physik, Biomedizinische ...
Women and career in natural sciences @ MLU - Prof. Dr. Yael PolitiFlyer Yael Politi The TRR 227 kindly invites you to join our informal career talks during the summer semester of Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg. Successful scientists share their …
2012 | Max Planck Institute of Colloids and InterfacesYael Politi, Matthias Priewasser, Eckhard Pippel, Paul Zaslansky, Jürgen Hartmann, Stefan Siegel, Chenghao Li, Friedrich G. Barth and Peter Fratzl Adv. Funct. Mater. 22 , (2012)
An incisive design solution: the spider’s venomous fang10 de may. de · “In-depth studies of this cuticular armour can provide numerous new ideas for better, bio-inspired material design,” says Yael Politi, who has studied the spider at close …
IMPRS Faculty - Max Planck SocietyDr. Yael Politi, Biological Chitin-based Tools and Sensors (link to webpage) Department of Biomaterials, Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces. Prof. Jürgen Rabe, Physics of …
Magazine | Max Planck Institute of Colloids and InterfacesHowever, the exact chemical make-up and microstructure of the venomous fangs have been optimized to be able to penetrate the armor of the prey. A research team headed by Yael Politi …
Magazine Max Planck SocietyAn Austrian-German research team headed by Yael Politi at the Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces in Potsdam-Golm established that the shape and structure of the fangs have evolved …
Yael Politi | LinkedInView Yael Politi's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Yael Politi discover inside ...
Yael Politi - Google 学术搜索Google› citati...
Yael Politi - Google Scholarscholar.google.de › citationsYael Politi. Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces. Verified email at mpikg.mpg.de - Homepage · Biomaterials. ArticlesCited byPublic access ...
YAEL POLITI - Profil Dogfinancewww.dogfinance.com › yael-politiYAEL POLITI - gestionnaire rh : Découvrez son profil professionnel.
Debatte - Deutsch-Englisch Übersetzung | PONSÜbersetzung Deutsch-Englisch für Debatte im PONS Online-Wörterbuch nachschlagen! Gratis Vokabeltrainer, Verbtabellen, Aussprachefunktion.
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Briefe - tłumaczenie niemiecki-angielski | PONSSprawdź tutaj tłumaczenei niemiecki-angielski słowa Briefe w słowniku online PONS! Gratis trener słownictwa, tabele odmian czasowników, wymowa.
Yael PolitiGoogle› citations
Zhaoyong ZouGoogleWJEMH Zhaoyong Zou, Luca Bertinetti, Yael Politi, Anders C. S. Jensen, Steve ... Chemistry of materials 12 (27), 4237–4246, › citati...
Read Online Olivia Mourning 1 Yael Politis Pdf File FreeDataconomy› blackhole
Yael Politi - Rankings for ScientistAD Scientific Index 2023› ...
Yael Politi Group - DresdenDIGS-BB› research
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Yael
Weiblicher Vorname (Hebräisch, Englisch, Französisch): Yael; Bergziege; Hebräisch (Altes Testament); yael = die Bergziege; in der Bibel tötet Jael einen Feind Israels; Name ist sehr populär unter den JudenMännlicher Vorname (Französisch): Yael; Bergziege; Hebräisch (Altes Testament); yael = die Bergziege; normalerweise weiblich, wird aber in Frankreich auch männlich verwendet
Verwandte Personensuchen
- Luca Bertinetti
- Peter Fratzl
- Jürgen Hartmann
- Eckhard Pippel
- Iddo Pinkas
- Iris Hefetz
- Matthias Priewasser
- Hanna Wiesener
- Manuela Büsse
- Helge-Otto Fabritius
- Stefan Siegel
Personensuche zu Yael Politi & mehr
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