160 Infos zu Yul Koh

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18 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Yul Koh Archive

Schlagwort: Yul Koh. Artikel — Artikel. Utopie statt Heimat. Wer hat das Recht zu bestimmen, was Heimat bedeuten soll – und was wäre eigentlich ... Schlagwort: Yul Koh. Artikel — Artikel. Utopie statt Heimat. Wer hat das Recht zu bestimmen, was Heimat bedeuten soll – und was wäre eigentlich ...

Yul Koh: Ausstellungen - Auktionen - Kunstmessen

Yul Koh. Yul Koh · maybe manifested Bildende Meets Kunsthistorisches - Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien Die Akademie der bildenden ... Yul Koh. Yul Koh · maybe manifested Bildende Meets Kunsthistorisches - Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien Die Akademie der bildenden ...

Alison Nguyen | gdm

Robert Birchbauer, Albrecht Dürer, Francesco Finizio, Ulrich Formann with Yul Koh, Elisa Giardina Papa, Liv Schulman, Steffi Stanković, Sophia Stolz, Ana ... Robert Birchbauer, Albrecht Dürer, Francesco Finizio, Ulrich Formann with Yul Koh, Elisa Giardina Papa, Liv Schulman, Steffi Stanković, Sophia Stolz, Ana ...

Bitte seien sie achtsam. Andere brauchen ihren Karlsplatz ...

... Yul Koh, Marta Grace Latigo, Cathérine Lehnerer, Dean Maassen, Valentin Pfenniger, Manuel Prammer, Xhejlane Rexhepi, Julien Segarra, Sophie Anna Stadler Yul Koh, Marta Grace Latigo, Cathérine Lehnerer, Dean Maassen, Valentin Pfenniger, Manuel Prammer, Xhejlane Rexhepi, Julien Segarra, Sophie Anna Stadler ...

14 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

Facebook: The Real Office - Alfredo Cöloma & Yul Koh & Valentin... | Facebookwww.facebook.com › realofficestuttgart › photos

Facebook: Facebook · Kunstverein Kärnten4 Reaktionen · vor 3 JahrenKunstverein Kärnten - Yul Koh und Rebecca Fuxen, die beiden ...

Facebook: Yul Koh und Rebecca Fuxen, die beiden Jungkuratorinnen ...Facebook · Kunstverein Kärnten4 Reaktionen

LinkedIn: LinkedIn · Yul Koh110+ FollowerYul Koh – Jena, Thüringen, Deutschland | Berufliches Profil

Sehen Sie sich das Profil von Yul Koh auf LinkedIn an. Als weltweit größtes Business-Netzwerk hilft LinkedIn Menschen wie Yul Koh dabei, Kontakte zu finden, ...

4 Hobbys & Interessen

Yul Koh | Curator

Curator. Yul Koh. profile; analytics; exhibitions · PREVIOUS SHOW. Genealogie der Dinge. 11 Sep Oct Klagenfurt / Austria · Yul Koh ... Curator. Yul Koh. profile; analytics; exhibitions · PREVIOUS SHOW. Genealogie der Dinge. 11 Sep Oct Klagenfurt / Austria · Yul Koh ...

Yul Koh | Artist

— Kunstverein Wagenhalle1. Most Exhibitions With. Rank. №. Show More. About Yul Koh. YK. Artfacts Summary. Yul Koh's first verified exhibition was — Kunstverein Wagenhalle1. Most Exhibitions With. Rank. №. Show More. About Yul Koh. YK. Artfacts Summary. Yul Koh's first verified exhibition was ...

1 Business-Profile

Yul Koh Seoul National University | SNU

Yul KOH | Cited by 97 | of Seoul National University, Seoul (SNU) | Read 11 publications | Contact Yul KOH. Yul KOH | Cited by 97 | of Seoul National University, Seoul (SNU) | Read 11 publications | Contact Yul KOH.

2 Persönliche Webseiten


Curated by Vincent Maurer, Enrique Torres, Yul Koh Trafo Jena, Germany. Digital Media Hochschulpreis (Third Prize) Jury: Iulia Radu, Daria Sazanovich ... Curated by Vincent Maurer, Enrique Torres, Yul Koh Trafo Jena, Germany. Digital Media Hochschulpreis (Third Prize) Jury: Iulia Radu, Daria Sazanovich ...

[:de]Über uns[:en]About[:] — Künstlerische TatsachenKünstlerische Tatsachen

Yul Koh Galerie. [:en]. Yul Koh Gallery. [:]. Foto: Hanna Döring. [:de]. Newsletter. [:en]. Newsletter. [:]. [:de]. Wollen Sie künftig als Erstes ... Yul Koh Galerie. [:en]. Yul Koh Gallery. [:]. Foto: Hanna Döring. [:de]. Newsletter. [:en]. Newsletter. [:]. [:de]. Wollen Sie künftig als Erstes ...

1 Infos zur Ausbildung

: Principle of Equality–Open Studio – Education

... Yul Koh, Anthia Loizou, Dean Maassen, Paul Makowsky, Swarnaly Mitra Rini, Lorena Moreno Vera, Kamryn Pariso, Laura Pirgie, Ursula Pokorny, Michael Reindel Yul Koh, Anthia Loizou, Dean Maassen, Paul Makowsky, Swarnaly Mitra Rini, Lorena Moreno Vera, Kamryn Pariso, Laura Pirgie, Ursula Pokorny, Michael Reindel ...

6 Prominente, Sportler & Politiker

IMDB Filmographie: Yul Koh - News

Yul Koh - News - IMDb - Movies, TV, Celebs, and more... Yul Koh - News - IMDb - Movies, TV, Celebs, and more...

Yul Koh - Infos und Filme


1 Traueranzeigen

findagrave: Moon Yul Koh ( ) – Find a Grave Gedenkstätte

Geboren in 10 Dez and gestorben in 6 Okt San Jose, California Moon Yul Koh

4 Angaben zur Herkunft

Aktuelle Ausstellungen

Kuratiert von Yul Koh, Rebecca Fuxen und Maximilian Gallo. Vernissage 10. September 2020, 19:00. Begrüssung — pozdravni nagovor. Gilbert Isep, Präsident ... Kuratiert von Yul Koh, Rebecca Fuxen und Maximilian Gallo. Vernissage 10. September 2020, 19:00. Begrüssung — pozdravni nagovor. Gilbert Isep, Präsident ...

Genealogie der Dinge - samsonow.net

... Yul Koh, Rebecca Fuxen und Maximilian Gallo. Vernissage: 10. September 2020, 19:00. Elisabeth Von Samsonow The Parents' Bedroom Show (2020) Installation mit Yul Koh, Rebecca Fuxen und Maximilian Gallo. Vernissage: 10. September 2020, 19:00. Elisabeth Von Samsonow The Parents' Bedroom Show (2020) Installation mit ...

KSV Literaturfrühstück Genealogie der Dinge – Der Kärntner ...kaerntner-schriftsteller.at › ksv-literaturfruehstueck-gen...

Kuratiert von Yul Koh und Rebecca Fuxen (junge Kuratorinnen aus Berlin, derzeit in Wien tätig). KünstlerInnen: Deichkind, Sophie Dvořák ...

Wörthersee - Genealogie der Dinge

Kuratiert von Yul Koh, Rebecca Fuxen und Maximilian GalloKLEINE GALERIE: Elisabeth Wedenig & Judith Saupper - LandvermessungenEine ...

9 Bücher zum Namen

Konspirative Dokumentarfilme. Geschichte und ...

Yul Koh. Konspirative Dokumentarfilme. Geschichte und Verbreitung am Beispiel "VaxXed" (eBook, PDF). Nicht lieferbar. Konspirative Dokumentarfilme. Geschichte ... Yul Koh. Konspirative Dokumentarfilme. Geschichte und Verbreitung am Beispiel "VaxXed" (eBook, PDF). Nicht lieferbar. Konspirative Dokumentarfilme. Geschichte ...

Yul Koh scite author profile

Supporting: Contrasting: 2 - Mentioning: Smart Citations for Yul Koh. Supporting: Contrasting: 2 - Mentioning: Smart Citations for Yul Koh.


... Yul Koh, Joshua E.-Y. Lee, IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS). 22 Feb 2023, SERC · Institute of Microelectronics · Microfabricated Yul Koh, Joshua E.-Y. Lee, IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS). 22 Feb 2023, SERC · Institute of Microelectronics · Microfabricated ...

Yul Koh: Konspirative Dokumentarfilme. Geschichte und …

WEBKonspirative Dokumentarfilme. Geschichte und Verbreitung am Beispiel

1 Songs & Musik

imPACT: Diálogos

Sound design and mixing: Ignacio Albornoz Fariña Cover image: Yul Koh Special thanks to: Steffi da Silva, Julius Haferkorn, Gabriele Höffner, Michael Butter ... Sound design and mixing: Ignacio Albornoz Fariña Cover image: Yul Koh Special thanks to: Steffi da Silva, Julius Haferkorn, Gabriele Höffner, Michael Butter ...

5 Dokumente

Joong Yul KOH personal appointments - Companies House

Joong Yul KOH. Filter appointments. Filter appointments. Current appointments. Total number of appointments 1. Date of birth: January KEXIM BANK (UK) ... Joong Yul KOH. Filter appointments. Filter appointments. Current appointments. Total number of appointments 1. Date of birth: January KEXIM BANK (UK) ...

Kollektiv saft: BURNING TISSUES Bring your emotion into ...

Sie veröffentlichte. Texte bei MISSY MAGAZIN sowie litradio und kuratierte mit Yul Koh die Ausstellung Genealo- gie der Dinge im Kunstverein Kärnten. In ... Sie veröffentlichte. Texte bei MISSY MAGAZIN sowie litradio und kuratierte mit Yul Koh die Ausstellung Genealo- gie der Dinge im Kunstverein Kärnten. In ...

KEXIM BANK (UK) LIMITED filing history - Companies House

27 Sep 2018, TM01, Termination of appointment of Joong Yul Koh as a director on 23 July ; 27 Sep 2018, TM01, Termination of appointment of Jong-Min Hong as Sep 2018, TM01, Termination of appointment of Joong Yul Koh as a director on 23 July ; 27 Sep 2018, TM01, Termination of appointment of Jong-Min Hong as ...

Konspirative Dokumentarfilme. Geschichte und ...

Yul Koh (Autor:in), 2022, Konspirative Dokumentarfilme. Geschichte und Verbreitung am Beispiel "VaxXed", München, Page::Imprint:: GRINVerlagOHG, https://www ... Yul Koh (Autor:in), 2022, Konspirative Dokumentarfilme. Geschichte und Verbreitung am Beispiel "VaxXed", München, Page::Imprint:: GRINVerlagOHG, https://www ,99 $

6 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Konspirative Dokumentarfilme. Geschichte und Verbreitung am

WEBYul Koh (Autor:in), 2022, Konspirative Dokumentarfilme. Geschichte und Verbreitung am Beispiel "VaxXed", München, GRIN Verlag, https://www.grin.com/document …

Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical | Vol 303, 15 January ...ScienceDirect.com

Graphical and SERS dual-modal identifier for encoding OBOC library. Homan Kang, Yul Koh, Sinyoung Jeong, Chulhwan Jeong, ... Yoon-Sik Lee. Article : View ... Graphical and SERS dual-modal identifier for encoding OBOC library. Homan Kang, Yul Koh, Sinyoung Jeong, Chulhwan Jeong, ... Yoon-Sik Lee. Article : View ...

Amit LalDBLP

AP — Yul Koh, Duan Jian Goh, Sagnik Ghosh, Han Xuan Wong, Jaibir Sharma, Amit Lal, Eldwin Jiaqiang Ng, Joshua En-Yuan Lee: Nano-Gap Contact MEMS AP — Yul Koh, Duan Jian Goh, Sagnik Ghosh, Han Xuan Wong, Jaibir Sharma, Amit Lal, Eldwin Jiaqiang Ng, Joshua En-Yuan Lee: Nano-Gap Contact MEMS ...

2 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

High Resolution, High Frequency Ultrasonic Ranging in Air ...ResearchGate

Request PDF | On Sep 11, 2021, Yul Koh and others published High Resolution, High Frequency Ultrasonic Ranging in Air with pMUTs | Find, read and cite all ... Request PDF | On Sep 11, 2021, Yul Koh and others published High Resolution, High Frequency Ultrasonic Ranging in Air with pMUTs | Find, read and cite all ...


Request PDF | On Nov 1, 2012, Yul Koh and others published Supplementary Material | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate.

4 Video- & Audioinhalte

Yul Koh

Tap to unmute. Your browser can't play this video. Learn more. Yul Koh. Home. Shorts. Library. Yul Koh. @yulkoh More about this channel ...more ...more. Tap to unmute. Your browser can't play this video. Learn more. Yul Koh. Home. Shorts. Library. Yul Koh. @yulkoh More about this channel ...more ...more.

re:publica x Reeperbahn Festival 2023: Mong Sum "Joseph ...

re:publica x Reeperbahn Festival 2023: Mong Sum "Joseph" Leung – Post-digital Angst ; re:publica x Reeperbahn Festival 2023: Yul Koh – Eine sehr ...


re:publica x Reeperbahn Festival 2023: Yul Koh – Eine sehr kurze Einführung: Verschwörungstheorien views. 7 months ago · 25:09. re:publica x Reeperbahn ...

11 Meinungen & Artikel

Twitter-Nachrichten: kuenstlerische_tatsachen

Yul Koh has been working as an academic researcher in the field of art history and art studies since and is writing her PhD on ... Yul Koh has been working as an academic researcher in the field of art history and art studies since and is writing her PhD on ...

Cavity-agnostic acoustofluidic manipulations enabled by ...

von P Vachon · — Ng, Yul Koh & Joshua E.-Y. Lee. SonicMEMS Laboratory, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA. Amit ... von P Vachon · — Ng, Yul Koh & Joshua E.-Y. Lee. SonicMEMS Laboratory, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA. Amit ...

What does listening sound like? und RADIOKE 2.0

... Yul Koh, Michael Gärtner, Paul Smith, Simranpreet Anand, Vaida Stepanovaité und Yuyen Lin. Die Veranstaltung besteht aus einer einstündigen Aufnahme mit dem Yul Koh, Michael Gärtner, Paul Smith, Simranpreet Anand, Vaida Stepanovaité und Yuyen Lin. Die Veranstaltung besteht aus einer einstündigen Aufnahme mit dem ...

What does listening sound like? and RADIOKE 2.0

... Yul Koh, Michael Gärtner, Paul Smith, Simranpreet Anand, Vaida Stepanovaitė, and Yuyen Lin. The event features an hour-long recording entitled What made you Yul Koh, Michael Gärtner, Paul Smith, Simranpreet Anand, Vaida Stepanovaitė, and Yuyen Lin. The event features an hour-long recording entitled What made you ...

70 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Instagram video by Yul Koh • Sep 7, at 8:22 PM

Paddle boarding at Bear Creek Provincial Camp Ground · Photo by Yul Koh on August 03, May be an image of 2 · Photo by Yul Koh on August 03, ...

Yul Koh (@yul_koh) • Instagram photos and videos

147 Followers, 294 Following, 28 Posts - Yul Koh (@yul_koh) on Instagram: "14 years junior golfer ⛳️ " 147 Followers, 294 Following, 28 Posts - Yul Koh (@yul_koh) on Instagram: "14 years junior golfer ⛳️ "

Yul Koh - researchr alias

Yul Koh, Duan Jian Goh, Sagnik Ghosh, Han Xuan Wong, Jaibir Sharma, Amit Lal, Eldwin J. Ng, Joshua En-Yuan Lee. ieeesensors 2022: 1-4 [doi] · Silicon ... Yul Koh, Duan Jian Goh, Sagnik Ghosh, Han Xuan Wong, Jaibir Sharma, Amit Lal, Eldwin J. Ng, Joshua En-Yuan Lee. ieeesensors 2022: 1-4 [doi] · Silicon ...

Yul Koh | Happy Christmas to everyone!

Photo by Yul Koh on December 24, likes · yul_koh. Happy Christmas to everyone! more. grigo_tailor. 메리크리스마스 ^^. December 24, Photo by Yul Koh on December 24, likes · yul_koh. Happy Christmas to everyone! more. grigo_tailor. 메리크리스마스 ^^. December 24,

Yul Koh

Yul Koh. art disciplines. mostly. Bildende Kunst. arts (general). Theorie. Zeitgenössische Kunst. Relations. artist at. ev Donnerstagabend im Museum: Maybe I ... Yul Koh. art disciplines. mostly. Bildende Kunst. arts (general). Theorie. Zeitgenössische Kunst. Relations. artist at. ev Donnerstagabend im Museum: Maybe I ...

Acoustic & Ultrasonic Sensors

Mantalena Sarafianou, Gaia Giubilei, David Sze Wai Choong, Duan Jian Goh, Yul Koh, Alberto Leotti, Carla Lazzari, Jas · 7, Self-Referencing MEMS ... Mantalena Sarafianou, Gaia Giubilei, David Sze Wai Choong, Duan Jian Goh, Yul Koh, Alberto Leotti, Carla Lazzari, Jas · 7, Self-Referencing MEMS ...

Bildende Meets Kunsthistorisches

— Yul Koh & Sophie Anna Stadler, Definitionen der Deutungsmacht I "Maybe I manifested it"Foto: Laura Ettel. Maybe I manifested it — Yul Koh & Sophie Anna Stadler, Definitionen der Deutungsmacht I "Maybe I manifested it"Foto: Laura Ettel. Maybe I manifested it.

Carmen Westermeier | Akademie der Bildenden Künste Stuttgart

Mitarbeit: Yul Koh. Publication Date: Research Interests: Contemporary Art, Art and Design Education, and Antiracism. (). Download (.pdf) · -. by 30-day ... Mitarbeit: Yul Koh. Publication Date: Research Interests: Contemporary Art, Art and Design Education, and Antiracism. (). Download (.pdf) · -. by 30-day ...

Cavity-agnostic acoustofluidic manipulations enabled by ...

von P Vachon · — Yul Koh. 2Institute of Microelectronics, Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), Singapore, Singapore. Find articles by Yul Koh ... von P Vachon · — Yul Koh. 2Institute of Microelectronics, Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), Singapore, Singapore. Find articles by Yul Koh ...

Concentration of Microparticles Using Flexural Acoustic ...

Ng, Yul Koh, Joshua E.-Y. Lee, Chengkuo Lee. https://doi.org s · , Microsystems & Nanoengineering, № 1. Scopus. WoS. Crossref ... Ng, Yul Koh, Joshua E.-Y. Lee, Chengkuo Lee. https://doi.org s · , Microsystems & Nanoengineering, № 1. Scopus. WoS. Crossref ...

Effect of Noise Exposure and Psychosocial Factors ...

von BS Cha · Zitiert von: 13 — ... Yul Koh: DOI: https://doi.org kjoem Published online: June 30, Author Affiliations; Article notes. 1Department of Preventive ... von BS Cha · Zitiert von: 13 — ... Yul Koh: DOI: https://doi.org kjoem Published online: June 30, Author Affiliations; Article notes. 1Department of Preventive ...


— ... Yul Koh and Sophie Anna Stadler find emotional and intellectual connection through a series of letters ignited by a mutual love of trees — ... Yul Koh and Sophie Anna Stadler find emotional and intellectual connection through a series of letters ignited by a mutual love of trees.


Professor Yul KOH. Agency for Science, Technology and Research, Singapore. Presentation Title: Piezoelectric Silicon-on-Nothing Process: Versatile process ... Professor Yul KOH. Agency for Science, Technology and Research, Singapore. Presentation Title: Piezoelectric Silicon-on-Nothing Process: Versatile process ...

MEDIA | PACT: Populism and Conspiracy Theory

Sound design and mixing: Ignacio Albornoz Fariña Cover image: Yul Koh ... Cover image: Yul Koh. Listen on Apple Podcasts. Bei Google Podcasts anhören. Sound design and mixing: Ignacio Albornoz Fariña Cover image: Yul Koh ... Cover image: Yul Koh. Listen on Apple Podcasts. Bei Google Podcasts anhören.

MJT Order of Merit MJT Ford Series at Mayfair ...

M, 13, Imran Cavas, Vancouver, BC, M, 14, Markus Wu, Surrey, BC, M, 13, Yul Koh, Surrey, BC, M, 13, 75. Hongzhao Xu, Vancouver, BC, M, 14, 75. M, 13, Imran Cavas, Vancouver, BC, M, 14, Markus Wu, Surrey, BC, M, 13, Yul Koh, Surrey, BC, M, 13, 75. Hongzhao Xu, Vancouver, BC, M, 14, 75.

Microfabricated acoustofluidic membrane acoustic ...

von P Vachon · · Zitiert von: 8 — ... Yul Koh , Joshua E-Y Lee , Chengkuo Lee. Affiliations. 1 Institute of Microelectronics, A*STAR, Singapore. 2 Department of Electrical ... von P Vachon · · Zitiert von: 8 — ... Yul Koh , Joshua E-Y Lee , Chengkuo Lee. Affiliations. 1 Institute of Microelectronics, A*STAR, Singapore. 2 Department of Electrical ...

Monitoring of doors, door handles and windows using ...

Ultra-Low Power MEMS Inertial Switch Based Wake-Up Wireless Sensing Node for Door Lock Monitoring · Sagnik GhoshD. J. Goh +12 authors. Yul Koh. Engineering. Ultra-Low Power MEMS Inertial Switch Based Wake-Up Wireless Sensing Node for Door Lock Monitoring · Sagnik GhoshD. J. Goh +12 authors. Yul Koh. Engineering.

Residency 2023

... um png. Kuration. Yul Koh. . Förderer Logo_UniJena.svg.png. Download.jpeg. uli_logos_edited_edited_edited.png um png. Kuration. Yul Koh. . Förderer Logo_UniJena.svg.png. Download.jpeg. uli_logos_edited_edited_edited.png ...

Philipp Spillmann | University of Cambridge - Academia.edu

Uploads. Books. Research paper thumbnail of Dating the Chorus I · Dating the Chorus I. by Chorus Magazine, Maximilian Gallo, Philipp Spillmann, and Yul Koh. Uploads. Books. Research paper thumbnail of Dating the Chorus I · Dating the Chorus I. by Chorus Magazine, Maximilian Gallo, Philipp Spillmann, and Yul Koh.

Piezoelectric MEMS Platform for Sensing and RF ...

Yul Koh photo. Dr. Yul Koh. Senior Scientist. A*Star IME. Biography. Graduated from the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Seoul National ... Yul Koh photo. Dr. Yul Koh. Senior Scientist. A*Star IME. Biography. Graduated from the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Seoul National ...

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Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Yul Koh und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.