135 Infos zu Yvonne Bohr

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16 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Bridging the therapy gap | The Star

Yvonne Bohr, an associate professor in clinical psychology at York specializes in working with Chinese families. She says Ahmad's work is crucial in order to ...

Mental health-boosting video game Sparx aims to help Indigenous youth...

The video game is designed to teach cognitive behavioural strategies to help youth manage mild to moderate depression and anxiety

Role-playing game aims to help Nunavut Yahoo News Canadaca.news.yahoo.com › role-playing-game-aims-help-...

· ... get beyond feeling hopeless and negative," said Yvonne Bohr, a psychology professor at York University and the project lead for I-SPARX.

Der Untergang des Hauses Usher - Musical & Theater - Kulturdornse,...

Bi uns in' Norden. Events, Tickets und Ausflugsziele Schleswig-Holstein & Hamburg. familienfreundlicher Event- & Veranstaltungskalender für Norddeutschland....

2  Bilder zu Yvonne Bohr

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Bild zu Yvonne Bohr

7 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

: Yvonne Bohr aus Zittau

StayFriends - Schulfreunde wiederfinden

Facebook: Yvonne Bohr Boos, Nahe | Facebook

LinkedIn: Yvonne Bohr – Referentin Projektmanagement-Office - LinkedInde.linkedin.com › yvonne-bohr

Yvonne Bohr. Projektmanagement mit Fokus auf Förderprojekte und UX Design. Deutsche Bahn Connect GmbHIronhack. Metropolregion Berlin/Brandenburg ...

LinkedIn: Yvonne Bohr | LinkedIn

View Yvonne Bohr's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Yvonne Bohr discover inside ...

1 Hobbys & Interessen

Canadian Trademarks Details: THE GREEN HOUSE GAME —


1 Business-Profile

Xing: Yvonne Bohr - Designer - Axel Springer SE | XINGwww.xing.com › profile › Yvonne_Bohr

Berufserfahrung, Kontaktdaten, Portfolio und weitere Infos: Erfahr mehr – oder kontaktier Yvonne Bohr direkt bei XING.

4 Firmen-Mitarbeiter

Yvonne Bohr at York University - Keele Campus - RateMyProfessors.com

Ratings and reviews for Professor Yvonne Bohr from York University Toronto, ON

Team - Naturwald Akademie

Mitarbeiter und Mitarbeiterin der Naturwald Akademie stellen sich vor.

Ansprechpartner | DLRG Ortsgruppe Sulzbach e.V.sulzbach.dlrg.de › die-ortsgruppe › ansprechpartner

Ausbildung, Yvonne Bohr (Leiterin Ausbildung). Einsatz, Felix Burkhard (Leiter Einsatz), Henrik Wunn (Stv. Leiter Einsatz).

2 Persönliche Webseiten

Yvonne Bohr


Impressum | Tanzsportverein Rüdesheim

Angaben gemäß § 5 TMG: Tanzsportverein Rüdesheim e. V Mandel . Vertreten durch: Yvonne von Bohr-Ginz Sabine Schäfer Edda Lechert

2 Infos zur Ausbildung

classmates: Yvonne Bohr, Class of Charlebois High School - Classmates

Yvonne Bohr graduate of Charlebois High School in Ottawa, ON is on Classmates.com. Get caught up with Yvonne Bohr and other high school alumni ...


Torsten Welle, Knut Sturm, Yvonne Bohr: Eine ökosystemare Betrachtung des Zustandes des Deutsches Waldes - Auswertung anhand Daten der 3. Bundeswaldinventur

15 Bücher zum Namen

Yvonne Bohr | XanEdu Customization Platform

Author: Yvonne Bohr. Results. Gray-brown Mouse Lemurs (Microcebus griseorufus) as an Example of Distributional Constraints through Increasing ...

Mobilities of Return: Pacific Perspectives - Google Books

In recent decades, the term ‘mobility’ has emerged as a defining paradigm within the humanities. For scholars engaged in the multidisciplinary topics and...

Parenting From Afar and the Reconfiguration of Family Across Distance...

An increasing number of families around the world are now living apart from one another, subsequently causing the defining and redefining of their...

Der Braune Bär fliegt erst nach Mitternacht: Unsere Naturschätze. Wie...

Aus Liebe zur Natur ist Johanna Romberg vor Jahren aufs Land gezogen. Doch seit einiger Zeit vermisst sie vertraute Vogelstimmen im Garten, Schmetterlinge und...

8 Dokumente

PCIA-II/MAP Treatment Manual - iBrarian.net

Modifying Attributions of Parents Intervention. Yvonne Bohr. York University, Canada. Richard J. Holigrocki. University of Indianapolis, USA. Updated October

2.15 Postsecondary students' information needs and pathways for ...www.shared-care.ca/.../Post_Secondary_Students_Info_Needs_-_...

Madalyn Marcus. ▫ Yvonne Bohr. • McMaster University. ▫ Chuck Cunningham. ▫ Richard Swinson. • Mind Your Mind. ▫ Maria Luisa Contursi. ▫ Christine Garinger ...

Annual Report Aisling Discoveries Child and ...

energy and enthusiasm are invaluable to our work. Donors up to $199. Carol Annett. Anonymous. Zamin Baqar. Bass Associates Ltd. Yvonne Bohr. Nicole Burke.

Saturday-June 16th, Canadian Psychological ...

CURRENT LITERATURE AND. IMPLICATIONS FOR CLINICAL. PRACTICE. (Yvonne Bohr, Jennine Rawana,. Jennifer Connolly, Gordon Flett).

5 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Parent–child inpatient treatment for children with behavioural and...

13 Oct 2015, Reviewed, Reviewer Report - Yvonne Bohr. 29 Oct 2015, Author responded, Author comments - Elena Ise. Resubmission - Version 2.

Abschlussarbeiten : Fachbereich Biologie : Universität Hamburg

Yvonne Bohr. Einfluss der Habitatqualität auf Ökologische Parameter beim Graubraunen Mausmaki (Microcebus griseorufus, Cheirogaleidae) Britta Mareike Bösing.

Predictors of a negative labour and birth experience based on a...

Predictors of a negative labour and birth experience based on a national survey of Canadian women. Andrei Smarandache,; Theresa H. M. KimEmail author,; Yvonne Bohr and; Hala Tamim. BMC Pregnancy and ChildbirthBMC series – open, inclusive and trusted :114. https://doi.org s

Ecology and Evolution

Yvonne Bohr Tel.+ E-mail. Cornelia Plagge Currently Yale, New Haven; c oop. with M. Türkay E-mail . Jonas Jourdan Tel. + , coop. with BiK-F1

4 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Yvonne Bohr | Research in the Faculty of Health - York Universityhealth.research.yorku.ca › six-connected-themes › y...

Yvonne Bohr. How can society best support caregivers and children so that all youth may benefit from equal chances of growing up healthy, optimistic, and ...

Prevalence and Characteristics of Teen Motherhood in Canada |...

The study aims to examine the prevalence and characteristics of adolescent mothers throughout the provinces of Canada. The analysis was based on the Matern

Faculty of Health

Faculty & School/Dept. Faculty of Health - Department of Psychology. Degrees. Doctorate - University of Toronto Toronto. Selected Publications. Bohr, Y., Liu, C.

The Role of Romantic Involvement and Social Support in Italian...

This study examined the experience of mothering in adolescence in the context of romantic involvement and social support. 30 adolescent mothers completed m

1 Video- & Audioinhalte

Yvonne Bohr - YouTubewww.youtube.com › channel

AboutPressCopyrightContact usCreatorsAdvertiseDevelopersTermsPrivacyPolicy & SafetyHow YouTube worksTest new features. © Google LLC ...

9 Meinungen & Artikel

Google Groups: Stellenausschreibung

· Yvonne Bohr. -- Naturwald Akademie gGmbH. Wissenschaft & Forschung Alt Lauerhof Lübeck Tel.: (+49) (0) Email: lue.

answers.com: What has the author Yvonne Bohr written? - Answers

Yvonne Bohr has written: 'Children with physical dis...

Yvonne Bohr – russian ramblings

Posts about Yvonne Bohr written by Arina

2500 Kassetten und 500 Platten zu verkaufen!

· Yvonne Bohr 20:54: (0) Re: Kassetten und 500 Platten zu verkaufen! mroli 16:17: (0) Re: Kassetten und 500 Platten zu verkaufen!

52 Webfunde aus dem Netz

The effects of trans-nationalism on infant development: - ppt...

Acknowledgments The parents who shared their stories York University lab: Natasha Mullen Jessica Chan At Aisling Discoveries Child & Family Centre: Connie Tse...

Dr. Yvonne Bohr | PREVNet - Canada's authority on bullying

Her research team is currently involved in the following initiatives: a collaboration with Inuit youth In Nunavut designed to develop culturally specific...

Indigenous Parenting | 5 | v3 | Handbook of Parenting | Nicole M. Muir

This chapter aims to contextualize Indigenous parenting customs by discussing the historical trauma context which affects many diverse Indigenous cultures

Yvonne Bohr - FCP - Formazione Continua in Psicologia

Yvonne Bohr. Professore associato dal al Clinical Developmental Psychology, della York University di Toronto. Direttrice del LaMarsh Centre for Child ...

Bohr, Yvonne O | Psychiatric Medical Associates | Iceland - OMICS ...biography.omicsonline.org › iceland › bohr-yvonne...

... Yvonne Bohr, Yvonne A Bohr, Yvonne B Bohr, Yvonne C Bohr, Yvonne D Bohr, Yvonne E Bohr, Yvonne F Bohr, Yvonne G Bohr, Yvonne H Bohr, Yvonne I Bohr, ...

LandOfFree - Public Servant - Yvonne M Bohr

Public sector salary disclosure for Yvonne M Bohr. Check how much Yvonne M Bohr made in 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, Rate this public servant and...

Researcher: Yvonne M Bohr. Fields of Research (ANZSRC 2020):

Re-imagining discovery and access to research: grants, datasets, publications, citations, clinical trials, patents and policy documents in one place.

Alternativer Waldzustandsbericht – Wälder in DeutschlandWälder in...

Den Bericht von Torsten Welle, Knut Sturm und Yvonne Bohr finden Sie hier: Alternativer Waldzustandsbericht – Deutschlands Wäldern geht es schlecht.

People following Yvonne Bohr - Mediummedium.com › followers

Interior designer born and raised in Rome. Starting a new journey to become UX/UI designer. Currently based in Berlin. Follow ...

Mein Gästebuch

Name: Armin und Yvonne Bohr: Eintrag: Wir wünschen Euch frohe Feiertage und einen guten Rutsch ins Jahr 2016

Gasthaus mit persönlicher Note - Pirmasens - DIE RHEINPFALZ

„Ihr liewe Leit, des könnt ihr glaawe,/vom bis komme leckre Sache in de Hawe. Der Anlass is’ unn des is wohr/die Waldesruh werd schunn

PCIA-II/MAP Treatment Manual: Modifying Attributions of Parents...

1 PCIA-II/MAP Treatment Manual: Modifying Attributions of Parents Intervention Yvonne Bohr York University, Canada Richard J. Holigrocki University of ...

GOTTESDIENSTE UND VERANSTALTUNGEN Uhr Trauung von Jochen Geiger und...

GOTTESDIENSTE UND VERANSTALTUNGEN Samstag : vom Uhr Trauung von Jochen Geiger und Yvonne Bohr und Tauffeier von Lena Bohr Beichtgelegenheit Vorabendmesse ...

Zug der Erinnerung

Zug der Erinnerung e.V. - Deutsche Bürgerinitiativen lassen einen Zug durch Deutschland fahren, damit das Gedenken konkret und praktisch werden kann. Mit Ihrer...


a r t i c l e satellite babies in transnational families: a study of parents decision to separate from their infants yvonne bohr york university connie tse aisling ...

Academic Sector – Institute for Social Research

Principal Investigator: Dr. Yvonne Bohr, C.Psych. York University Co-Investigators: Candice Waddell – Government of Nunavut, Gwen Healey – Qaujigiartiit ...

Alkohollabor - Rechtsmedizin Homburgwww.rechtsmedizin-homburg.de › Alkohollabor html

Alkohollabor. Unsere Mitarbeiter im Alkohollabor: Yvonne Bohr Tanja Geyer Stefan Kunz. Tele

Handbook of Parentingwww.routledgehandbooks.com › doi

Indigenous Parenting. Authored by: Nicole M. Muir , Yvonne Bohr , Matthew J. Shepherd , ...

Altmetric – Adolescent Daughters’ Romantic Competence: The Role of...

Shmuel Shulman, Aynat Zlotnik, Lital Shachar-Shapira, Jennifer Connolly, Yvonne Bohr. Abstract. This study examined the links between parental divorce, ...

I-Sparx – Computers For Success Nunavut

Testimony provided by: Dr. Yvonne Bohr, C. Psych. Associate Professor of Psychology. LaMarsh Centre for Child and Youth Research, Faculty of Health, ...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Yvonne

Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch, Französisch): Yvonne; die Bogenschützin (?); Althochdeutsch (Wortzusammensetzung); iwa = die Eibe, Bogen aus Eibenholz, der Pfeilbogen; Information zur männlichen Form Ivo:; geht auf das Wort 'iwa' (Eibe) zurück, das auch '(Pfeil-)Bogen aus Eibenholz' bedeuten kann; der Name bedeutete darum vielleicht im übertragenen Sinn 'der Bogenschütze'

Bedeutung zum Nachnamen Bohr

- Kurzform zum Rufnamen "Borislav" - urslaw. "borti" -> "kämpfen" - Bor (um 1071), Bohr (um 1658)- Borisen (um 1006), Borisch (um 1203)

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