341 Infos zu Zeinab Abdullah

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48 Aktuelle Nachrichten

prof-robert-finger-und-prof-zeinab-abdullah-im-laborUKB NewsRoom

prof-robert-finger-und-prof-zeinab-abdullah-im-labor. Prof. Robert Finger und Prof. Zeinab Abdullah. Archiv (168); (252); (236); (224) ... prof-robert-finger-und-prof-zeinab-abdullah-im-labor. Prof. Robert Finger und Prof. Zeinab Abdullah. Archiv (168); (252); (236); (224) ...

Deutsche LeberstiftungHivandmore

— Knolle, Zeinab Abdullah: ”Interferon-induced IL-10 drives systemic T-cell dysfunction during chronic liver injury”, Journal of Hepatology — Knolle, Zeinab Abdullah: ”Interferon-induced IL-10 drives systemic T-cell dysfunction during chronic liver injury”, Journal of Hepatology ...

Bilaterale Meetings, Berichte der DGfI-Stipendiaten,Trillium GmbH

Zeinab Abdullah aus Bonn präsentierte ihre Arbeit zur Rolle der mikrobiellen Translokation im Darm bei Leberzirrhose, die durch chronisches Typ-I-Interferon ... Zeinab Abdullah aus Bonn präsentierte ihre Arbeit zur Rolle der mikrobiellen Translokation im Darm bei Leberzirrhose, die durch chronisches Typ-I-Interferon ...

News – Seite Deutschen Gesellschaft für Immunologiedgfi.org

Zeinab Abdullah und Prof. Robert Finger vom Universitätsklinikum Bonn (UKB) jetzt Immunmechanismen bei der AMD unter die Lupe. Dazu untersuchen sie das ... Zeinab Abdullah und Prof. Robert Finger vom Universitätsklinikum Bonn (UKB) jetzt Immunmechanismen bei der AMD unter die Lupe. Dazu untersuchen sie das ...

59 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

Facebook: Zeinab Abdullah

Facebook: Zeinab Abdullah

Facebook: Zeinab Abdullah | Facebookwww.facebook.com › zeinab.abdullah.3762

LinkedIn: Zeinab Abdullah | LinkedIn

professionelle Netzwerk, das Fach- und Führungskräften wie Zeinab Abdullah ...

3 Hobbys & Interessen

Wiederherstellung der Immunabwehr bei kranker LeberInformationsdienst Wissenschaft

— Zeinab Abdullah vom Institut für Molekulare Medizin und Experimentelle Immunologie des UKB. "Wir haben Interleukin 10 als den — Zeinab Abdullah vom Institut für Molekulare Medizin und Experimentelle Immunologie des UKB. "Wir haben Interleukin 10 als den ...

β1 integrin signaling governs necroptosis via the chromatin ...Cell Press

Cernilogar, Helena Horvatic, Assa Yeroslaviz, Zeinab Abdullah, Gunnar Schotta, Veit Hornung. Cell Reports. Volume 42 Issue 11 (November 2023). DOI: j ... Cernilogar, Helena Horvatic, Assa Yeroslaviz, Zeinab Abdullah, Gunnar Schotta, Veit Hornung. Cell Reports. Volume 42 Issue 11 (November 2023). DOI: j ...

3 Business-Profile

Zeinab Abdullah University of KhartoumResearchGate

Zeinab ABDULLAH, M.S.c student | Cited by 133 | of University of Khartoum, Khartoum | Read 3 publications | Contact Zeinab ABDULLAH. Zeinab ABDULLAH, M.S.c student | Cited by 133 | of University of Khartoum, Khartoum | Read 3 publications | Contact Zeinab ABDULLAH.

Zeinab Abdullah University of BonnResearchGate

Zeinab ABDULLAH, Research Group Leader | Cited by | of University of Bonn, Bonn (Uni Bonn) | Read 79 publications | Contact Zeinab ABDULLAH. Zeinab ABDULLAH, Research Group Leader | Cited by | of University of Bonn, Bonn (Uni Bonn) | Read 79 publications | Contact Zeinab ABDULLAH.

Just a moment...

View Zeinab Abdullah Eissa's business profile as Sales Director, Consumer at Telecom Egypt. Find contact's direct phone number, email address, work history, ...

7 Firmen-Mitarbeiter

Zeinab Abdullah Ebraheem Hafez|Thesesجامعة بنها

Theses of Assist.Zeinab Abdullah Ebraheem Hafez ,Demonstrator at Faculty of Science ,Department of Zoology ,Benha University. Theses of Assist.Zeinab Abdullah Ebraheem Hafez ,Demonstrator at Faculty of Science ,Department of Zoology ,Benha University.

Zeinab Abdullah Ebraheem Hafezجامعة بنها

Staff site of Assist.Zeinab Abdullah Ebraheem Hafez ,Demonstrator at Faculty of Science ,Department of Zoology ,Benha University. Staff site of Assist.Zeinab Abdullah Ebraheem Hafez ,Demonstrator at Faculty of Science ,Department of Zoology ,Benha University.


Zeinab Abdullah Laboratory · Tim Rollenske Laboratory · Janine Becker-Gotot Laboratory · Selina Jorch Laboratory · Teaching · Team · Alumni · Publications ... Zeinab Abdullah Laboratory · Tim Rollenske Laboratory · Janine Becker-Gotot Laboratory · Selina Jorch Laboratory · Teaching · Team · Alumni · Publications ...

Zeinab Abdullah Ebraheem Hafez|Supervised PhDجامعة بنها

Supervised PhD by Assist.Zeinab Abdullah Ebraheem Hafez ,Demonstrator at Faculty of Science ,Department of Zoology ,Benha University. Supervised PhD by Assist.Zeinab Abdullah Ebraheem Hafez ,Demonstrator at Faculty of Science ,Department of Zoology ,Benha University.

1 Infos zur Ausbildung

Lisa Assmus, PhDBonn Melbourne PhD program

When I came across the PhD project in the lab of Dr Zeinab Abdullah at the Institute of Experimental Immunology in Bonn I was immediately interested. When I came across the PhD project in the lab of Dr Zeinab Abdullah at the Institute of Experimental Immunology in Bonn I was immediately interested.

2 Auszeichnungen

Im Labor: Dr. Zeinab Abdullah vom Institut für...Abitur und Studium

Im Labor: Dr. Zeinab Abdullah vom Institut für Experimentelle Immunologie am Universitätsklinikum Bonn. » melden. Artikel. Immunfaktor lässt Virus-Infektionen ... Im Labor: Dr. Zeinab Abdullah vom Institut für Experimentelle Immunologie am Universitätsklinikum Bonn. » melden. Artikel. Immunfaktor lässt Virus-Infektionen ...

Kamen den Mechanismen gefährlicher Infektionen bei...

... gefährlicher Infektionen bei Leberzirrhose-Patienten auf die Spur: Alisa Ismaili, Lisa Mareike Assmus, Carl-Philipp Hackstein, Dr. Zeinab Abdullah (von links).

3 Projekte

Projekt A8SFB 1192

... Zeinab Abdullah, Catherine Meyer-Schwesiger, Sibylle von Vietinghoff, Christian Kurts J Am Soc Nephrol Oct. Drawing a single-cell landscape of the Zeinab Abdullah, Catherine Meyer-Schwesiger, Sibylle von Vietinghoff, Christian Kurts J Am Soc Nephrol Oct. Drawing a single-cell landscape of the ...

Sonderforschungsbereich SFB/TRR57: Projekte

Dr. rer. nat. Zeinab Abdullah. P32 Abdullah. P32 Abdullah. P32 Abdullah. P32 Abdullah. P32 Abdullah. P32 Dr. Abdullah Der Einfluss einer chronischen IFN-Wirkung auf anti-virale Immunantworten im Kontext einer Leberfibrose

15 Bücher zum Namen

Author Info | PLOS ONEPLOS

Zeinab Abdullah. Affiliation Institutes of Molecular Medicine and Experimental Immunology, University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany. Thomas Zillinger. Affiliation ... Zeinab Abdullah. Affiliation Institutes of Molecular Medicine and Experimental Immunology, University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany. Thomas Zillinger. Affiliation ...

Recent Advances in Practical Methods for Liver Cell Biology DOAJdoaj.org › article

Sandra Torres,; Zeinab Abdullah,; Maximilian J Brol,; Claus Hellerbrand,; Mercedes Fernandez,; Romina Fiorotto,; Sabine Klein,; Philipp Königshofer, ...

Browsing by Author "Supervisor, - Zeinab Abdullah"

Awad, Ali Mohammed; Awad, Awad Merghani; Musa, Mohammed Farah; Nasser, Nasser Sharaf-Aldeen; Supervisor, - Zeinab Abdullah (Sudan University of ...

Understanding Arabs: A Guide for Modern Times - Margaret K. Nydell -...

The Fifth Edition of the highly successful guide to Arab society, publishing in line with the Arab Spring. The perfect introduction to contemporary Arab...

8 Dokumente

Zeinab Abdullah KULMIYEH personal appointmentsGOV.UK

Zeinab Abdullah KULMIYEH. Filter appointments. Filter appointments. Current appointments. Total number of appointments 1. Date of birth: December SUNSHINE ... Zeinab Abdullah KULMIYEH. Filter appointments. Filter appointments. Current appointments. Total number of appointments 1. Date of birth: December SUNSHINE ...

Zeinab Abdullah Gradebook | PDF | Statistics Of EducationScribd

zeinab abdullah gradebook - Free download as Excel Spreadsheet (.xls / .xlsx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. zeinab abdullah gradebook - Free download as Excel Spreadsheet (.xls / .xlsx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online.

Infection of Myeloid Dendritic Cells with Listeria AAI JournalsThe American Association of Immunologists

von A Popov · · Zitiert von: 41 — Zeinab Abdullah;. Zeinab Abdullah. †Institute for Medical Microbiology, Immunology and Hygiene,. Search for other works by this author on: This Site · PubMed. von A Popov · · Zitiert von: 41 — Zeinab Abdullah;. Zeinab Abdullah. †Institute for Medical Microbiology, Immunology and Hygiene,. Search for other works by this author on: This Site · PubMed.

Serpin-6 Expression Protects Embryonic Stem Cells from ...The American Association of Immunologists

von Z Abdullah · · Zitiert von: 64 — Serpin-6 Expression Protects Embryonic Stem Cells from Lysis by Antigen-Specific CTL1. Zeinab Abdullah;. Zeinab Abdullah. *Institute for Medical Microbiology ... von Z Abdullah · · Zitiert von: 64 — Serpin-6 Expression Protects Embryonic Stem Cells from Lysis by Antigen-Specific CTL1. Zeinab Abdullah;. Zeinab Abdullah. *Institute for Medical Microbiology ...

22 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Professorin Dr. Zeinab Abdullah - GEPRISDFG - GEPRIS

Professorin Dr. Zeinab Abdullah, Institut für Experimentelle Immunologie, Venusberg Campus 1, Bonn. Professorin Dr. Zeinab Abdullah, Institut für Experimentelle Immunologie, Venusberg Campus 1, Bonn.

Navigationssoftware unterstützt NierenforschungUniversität Bonn

— Zeinab Abdullah, Prof. Christian Kurts und Prof. Martin Rumpf. © Foto: UKB/Alessandro Winkler. Alle Bilder in Originalgröße herunterladen Der — Zeinab Abdullah, Prof. Christian Kurts und Prof. Martin Rumpf. © Foto: UKB/Alessandro Winkler. Alle Bilder in Originalgröße herunterladen Der ...

Prof. Dr. Zeinab AbdullahUniversität Bonn

Zeinab Abdullah. Institut für Experimentelle Immunologie, UKB Medizinische Fakultät Bonn . Tel: (+49) ... Zeinab Abdullah. Institut für Experimentelle Immunologie, UKB Medizinische Fakultät Bonn . Tel: (+49) ...

Determining individual glomerular proteinuria and ...ScienceDirect.com

von AMC Böhner · — Jacob 1 , Karin A.M. Böhner 1 , Zeinab Abdullah 1 , Sebastian Brähler 4 , Ulrike I. Attenberger 2 , Martin Rumpf 5 , Christian Kurts von AMC Böhner · — Jacob 1 , Karin A.M. Böhner 1 , Zeinab Abdullah 1 , Sebastian Brähler 4 , Ulrike I. Attenberger 2 , Martin Rumpf 5 , Christian Kurts 1 6.

6 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

The Second ImmunoSensation²-IFREC日本生化学会

— Zeinab Abdullah. University Hospital Bonn,. ImmunoSensation² (Germany). Matthias Geyer. University Hospital Bonn,. ImmunoSensation² (Germany) — Zeinab Abdullah. University Hospital Bonn,. ImmunoSensation² (Germany). Matthias Geyer. University Hospital Bonn,. ImmunoSensation² (Germany).

Infection of Myeloid Dendritic Cells with Listeria LIMES

Infection of Myeloid Dendritic Cells with Listeria Read more about myeloid, dendritic, listeria, limes and limes-zentrum.uni-bonn.de.

Liver macrophages in healthy and diseased liver | SpringerLinklink.springer.com › article › shared...

Liver macrophages in healthy and diseased liver. Zeinab Abdullah &; Percy A. Knolle. Pflügers Archiv - European Journal of Physiology volume ...

the wedding of Zeinab Abdullah (فرح_زينب_عبد_الله) - wikipe.wikiwww.wikipe.wiki › wiki › فرح_زينب_عبد_الله

the wedding of Zeinab Abdullah. Farah Zeynep Abdullah (Turkish: Farah Zeynep Abdullah) is a Turkish actress, born on August 17, in Istanbul, ...

4 Video- & Audioinhalte

14 - Abdullah Zeinab - Oxidative Potential PodcastYouTube · Oxidative PotentialCa Aufrufe · vor 2 Jahren

On the show today is Abdullah Zeinab. Abdullah, as of late has cut his teeth in the ultra endurance cycling world. On the show today is Abdullah Zeinab. Abdullah, as of late has cut his teeth in the ultra endurance cycling world.

Zeinab AbdullahYouTube · Zeinab AbdullahCa. 20 Follower

Tap to unmute. Your browser can't play this video. Learn more. Zeinab Abdullah. Home. Shorts. Library. Zeinab Abdullah. @zeinababdullah Tap to unmute. Your browser can't play this video. Learn more. Zeinab Abdullah. Home. Shorts. Library. Zeinab Abdullah. @zeinababdullah1667.

Zeinab Abdullah - YouTube

Teile deine Videos mit Freunden, Verwandten oder der ganzen Welt

Miss England Wildcard 2 Introduction Entry - Zeinab Abdullah - YouTube

· Miss England Wildcard 2 Introduction Entry - Zeinab Abdullah. 56 views56 views. Jan 12, Dauer: 1:00Gepostet:

11 Meinungen & Artikel

Twitter-Nachrichten: Bonn & Melbourne Research and Graduate SchoolX · BonnMelbPhDCa. 10 „Gefällt mir“-Angaben · vor 5 Monaten

Big congratulations to @HelenaHorvatic for completing her joint #PhD degree @UniBonn @UniMelb today! ‍ In her PhD in Zeinab Abdullah's lab ... Big congratulations to @HelenaHorvatic for completing her joint #PhD degree @UniBonn @UniMelb today! ‍ In her PhD in Zeinab Abdullah's lab ...

Twitter-Nachrichten: Nirmal RobinsonX · NirmalrobCa. 30 „Gefällt mir“-Angaben · vor 1 Jahr

Great to have Zeinab Abdullah ⁦@Zeinabdu71⁩ ⁦at Centre for Cancer Biology ⁦⁦speak to us on the role of Type I interferons in chronic ... Great to have Zeinab Abdullah ⁦@Zeinabdu71⁩ ⁦at Centre for Cancer Biology ⁦⁦speak to us on the role of Type I interferons in chronic ...

New Doc Tehran University of Medical Sciences

Professor Zeinab Abdullah. ならほ うな a as the TUMS Distinguished Visiting Professor at the School of ... Professor Zeinab Abdullah. ならほ うな a as the TUMS Distinguished Visiting Professor at the School of ...

Wiederherstellung der Immunabwehr bei kranker LeberForum Medizin Verlag

Zeinab Abdullah am Universitätsklinikum Bonn ( UKB ) ist es nun in ... Zeinab Abdullah vom Institut für Molekulare Medizin und Experimentelle Immunologie des UKB ... Zeinab Abdullah am Universitätsklinikum Bonn ( UKB ) ist es nun in ... Zeinab Abdullah vom Institut für Molekulare Medizin und Experimentelle Immunologie des UKB ...

142 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Zeinab Abdullah MPortfolioGoogle Sites

Hello and welcome to my portfolio! My name is Zeinab Abdullah. I am majoring in Elementary Education with a concentration in Language Arts and have started ... Hello and welcome to my portfolio! My name is Zeinab Abdullah. I am majoring in Elementary Education with a concentration in Language Arts and have started ...

Zeinab AbdullahGoogle Scholar

Zeinab Abdullah. Research Group Leader, Institute of Molecular Medicine & Experimental Immunology, Bonn University. Verified email at uni-bonn ... Zeinab Abdullah. Research Group Leader, Institute of Molecular Medicine & Experimental Immunology, Bonn University. Verified email at uni-bonn ...

Zeinab Abdullah - McGrath Canterbury BankstownAllhomes

Zeinab Abdullah is a local real estate agent for McGrath Canterbury Bankstown. View all listings managed by Zeinab Abdullah on Allhomes. Zeinab Abdullah is a local real estate agent for McGrath Canterbury Bankstown. View all listings managed by Zeinab Abdullah on Allhomes.

Zeinab Abdullah - University of Bonn - SFB1454 Metaflammationsfb1454-metaflammation.de

Zeinab Abdullah - Institute of Experimental Immunology - University of Bonn : Principal Investigator of SFB1454 Project 10. Zeinab Abdullah - Institute of Experimental Immunology - University of Bonn : Principal Investigator of SFB1454 Project 10.

Zeinab Abdullah LaboratoryIMMEI

Zeinab Abdullah Laboratory. Back to Research. Research Interests. The overall goal of our research is to understand the molecular and cellular mechanisms by ... Zeinab Abdullah Laboratory. Back to Research. Research Interests. The overall goal of our research is to understand the molecular and cellular mechanisms by ...

Zeinab Abdullah email address & phone numberRocketReach

Zeinab Abdullah, based in Fredericia, DK, is currently a Projekteringsleder ved Anlæg- Geoteknik , jord og afvanding at Banedanmark, bringing experience ... Zeinab Abdullah, based in Fredericia, DK, is currently a Projekteringsleder ved Anlæg- Geoteknik , jord og afvanding at Banedanmark, bringing experience ...

Instagram video by Zeinab Abdullah • Jul 7, at 11: ...Instagram · zeinab_abdullah961 „Gefällt mir“-Angabe · vor 1 Monat

Photo by Zeinab Abdullah on July 19, May be an image of carpet. Photo by Zeinab Abdullah on July 19, May be an image of carpet.

Zeinab Abdullah (@zeinababdullai)'s videos with son originalTikTok · Zeinab Abdullah320+ Aufrufe · vor 1 Monat

85 Likes, TikTok video from Zeinab Abdullah (@zeinababdullai): “”. son original - Afro Stars Music. 85 Likes, TikTok video from Zeinab Abdullah (@zeinababdullai): “”. son original - Afro Stars Music.

Zeinab Abdullah (@zeinababdullah3735)Instagram

0 Followers, 62 Following, 4 Posts - Zeinab Abdullah (@zeinababdullah3735) on Instagram: "" 0 Followers, 62 Following, 4 Posts - Zeinab Abdullah (@zeinababdullah3735) on Instagram: ""

Zeinab Abdullah (@zeinabgallery1) - تطريز يدوىInstagram · zeinabgallery140+ Follower

44 Followers, 18 Following, 27 Posts - Zeinab Abdullah (@zeinabgallery1) on Instagram: "‎تطريز يدوى | embroidery ✨اطرز و ادرب ✨ مناديل كتب كتاب Followers, 18 Following, 27 Posts - Zeinab Abdullah (@zeinabgallery1) on Instagram: "‎تطريز يدوى | embroidery ✨اطرز و ادرب ✨ مناديل كتب كتاب ...

Zeinab Abdullah (@zeinababdullai)'s videos with original ...TikTok · Zeinab AbdullahCa Aufrufe · vor 6 Monaten

84 Likes, TikTok video from Zeinab Abdullah (@zeinababdullai): “”. If I die young | Burry me immediately | Tell my mom not to cry Likes, TikTok video from Zeinab Abdullah (@zeinababdullai): “”. If I die young | Burry me immediately | Tell my mom not to cry ...

Zeinab Abdullah (zeinababdullah733) - ProfilePinterest - Deutschland

See what Zeinab Abdullah (zeinababdullah733) has discovered on Pinterest, the world's biggest collection of ideas. See what Zeinab Abdullah (zeinababdullah733) has discovered on Pinterest, the world's biggest collection of ideas.

Zeinab Abdullah (@zeinabgallery1)Instagram · zeinabgallery1Ca. 40 Follower

44 Followers, 18 Following, 27 Posts - Zeinab Abdullah (@zeinabgallery1) on Instagram: "‎تطريز يدوى | embroidery ✨اطرز و ادرب ✨ مناديل كتب كتاب Followers, 18 Following, 27 Posts - Zeinab Abdullah (@zeinabgallery1) on Instagram: "‎تطريز يدوى | embroidery ✨اطرز و ادرب ✨ مناديل كتب كتاب ...

Zeinab Abdullah - original soundTikTok

original sound song created by Zeinab Abdullah. Watch the latest videos about original sound on TikTok. original sound song created by Zeinab Abdullah. Watch the latest videos about original sound on TikTok.

Zeinab Abdullah | حشاه الكريم حشاهInstagram · zeinab_abdullah96vor 3 Monaten

Photo by Zeinab Abdullah on August 22, May be an image of chocolate. Photo by Zeinab Abdullah on August 22, May be an image of chocolate.

Zeinab Abdullah | ‎جبر قلبي سوف يأتي بإذن اللهInstagram · zeinab_abdullah961 „Gefällt mir“-Angabe · vor 2 Monaten

Zeinab Abdullah | ‎جبر قلبي سوف يأتي بإذن الله ‎ | Instagram. Zeinab Abdullah | ‎جبر قلبي سوف يأتي بإذن الله ‎ | Instagram.

Zeinab Abdullah, University of Bonn (IMAGE)EurekAlert!

Caption. Dr. Zeinab Abdullah is from the Institute of Experimental Immunology at University Hospital Bonn. Credit. (c) Photo: Uniklinik RWTH Aachen ... Caption. Dr. Zeinab Abdullah is from the Institute of Experimental Immunology at University Hospital Bonn. Credit. (c) Photo: Uniklinik RWTH Aachen ...

zeinab Abdullah - original soundTikTok · zeinab AbdullahCa Aufrufe · vor 4 Wochen

37 من تسجيلات الإعجاب،فيديو TikTok(تيك توك) من zeinab Abdullah (@user ).‏original sound - zeinab Abdullah. 37 من تسجيلات الإعجاب،فيديو TikTok(تيك توك) من zeinab Abdullah (@user ).‏original sound - zeinab Abdullah.

فيديوهات أنشأها zeinab Abdullah (@user ) ...TikTok · zeinab AbdullahCa. 50 Aufrufe · vor 5 Monaten

فيديو TikTok(تيك توك) من zeinab Abdullah (@user ).‏original sound - zeinab Abdullah. فيديو TikTok(تيك توك) من zeinab Abdullah (@user ).‏original sound - zeinab Abdullah.

فيديوهات أنشأها zeinab Abdullah (@user ) ...TikTok · zeinab AbdullahCa. 60 Aufrufe · vor 5 Monaten

فيديو TikTok(تيك توك) من zeinab Abdullah (@user ).‏الصوت الأصلي - twitta. فيديو TikTok(تيك توك) من zeinab Abdullah (@user ).‏الصوت الأصلي - twitta.

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Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Zeinab Abdullah und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.