150 Infos zu Zola Mennenöh
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- Longing For Belonging
- Veronika Morscher
- Friederike Merz
- Laura Totenhagen
- Gesang
- Rebekka Ziegler
- Cabbages and Kings
33 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Late Night Jazz vom | rbbKulturRundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg
Guardian: Irish drill, jazz violin and supermarket musicals: 30 new artists for 2021www.theguardian.com › music › jan › irish-drill-jaz...· Clockwise from bottom left: KMRU, As Everything Unfolds, Zola Mennenöh, Holly Humberstone, Aquiles Navarro, Enny, Genesis Owusu.
GRÜNKOHL und Mandeln - Potsdam - PNNWeihnachtliche Jazz-Klänge mit der Sängerin Zola Mennenöh und dem Gitarristen Benjamin Attiche sind ab 11 Uhr im Raum F 113 des Bergmann-Klinikums zu erleben.
Fabiana Striffler / Greg Cohen / Guest: Zola Mennenöh - ZITTYFabiana Striffler / Greg Cohen / Guest: Zola Mennenöh. The Duo was born in and the two have maintained a musical collaboration and a close friendship ...
2 Bilder zu Zola Mennenöh

6 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Zola Mennenöh - Home | Facebookwww.facebook.com › ... › Musician/BandMySpace: Zola Mennenöh Quartett (zolamennenoehquartett)Berlin, Berlin, Germany
MySpace: Zola Mennenoeh | Free Music, Tour Dates, Photos, VideosZola Mennenoeh's official profile including the latest music, albums, songs, music videos and more updates.
MySpace: JulianWalleck | Free Music, Tour Dates, Photos, Videos - MySpaceZola Mennenoeh · Adra Karim · John Hondorp · Max Kotzmann · Matthias Beckmann · Ayça Miraç Lazcaz · David Riaño · Capitol Singers · Sin Frontera.
3 Hobbys & Interessen
LIVE CONCERT: Zola Mennenöh (vocals) & Greg Cohen ...Greg Cohen/ Fabiana Striffler/ Zola Mennenöh – Ping Pong @ Donau115Zola Mennenöh Gesang Fabiana Striffler Violine Greg Cohen Bass An diesem Abend dürfen wir wieder einmal die drei Musiker...
Kleinmachnow (14532, Potsdam-Mittelmark) Nachrichtenarchiv von...Mit dem "Zola Mennenöh Trio" erwartet euch diesmal eine Aufführung aus der Kategorie "Vocal Jazz", bevor es dann im November ( ) ...
9 Persönliche Webseiten
Zola Mennenoeh Website — Jazzsängerin© Zola Mennenoeh Impressum
ABOUT — Zola Mennenoeh WebsiteZola Mennenöh ist eine deutsche, im Jazz verwurzelte, Vokalistin, Improvisatorin und Komponistin mit Lebensmittelpunkt in Berlin. Sie wurde in Wuppertal ...
PROJECTS — Zola Mennenoeh WebsiteTell Me a Tale um Sängerin Zola Mennenöh sucht sich ihren Weg zwischen Jazz, Rock, Pop, Song und Improvisation. Unaufdringlich intensiv klingt ihre Stimme ... Es fehlt: diogenes
HOME — Zola Mennenoeh Websitezolamennenoeh.com › home-2HOME · WORKS · MUSIC · VIDEOS · DISCOGRAPHY · CONCERTS · REVIEWS · PRESS · ABOUT · CONTACT. © Zola Mennenoeh Impressum · Datenschutzerklärung.Missing: Diogenes Verlag" HOME · WORKS · MUSIC · VIDEOS · DISCOGRAPHY · CONCERTS · REVIEWS · PRESS · ABOUT · CONTACT. © Zola Mennenoeh Impressum · Datenschutzerklärung. Missing: Diogenes Verlag"
4 Prominente, Sportler & Politiker
Zola Mennenöh | Credits | AllMusicFind Zola Mennenöh credit information on AllMusic
Zola Mennenöh | Diskographie | DiscogsEntdecken Sie Veröffentlichungen von Zola Mennenöh auf Discogs. Kaufen Sie Platten, CDs und mehr von Zola Mennenöh auf dem Discogs-Marktplatz.
1 Projekte
Projekte – Christian Steyer... Samirah Al Amrie | Sarah Kaiser | Sonja Kandels | Stefan Flügel | Thomas Weppel | Till Blumenthal | Uli Vetter | Zola Mennenöh | Zooey Agro, ...
1 Bücher zum Namen
Longing For Belonging (CD), Zola Mennenöh - Hugendubelwww.hugendubel.de › zola_mennenoeh-longing_for_belonging· Das Debütalbum der gelernten Jazzsängerin Zola Mennenöh aus Köln/Berlin vereint Elemente aus Alternative-Folk, Klassik und Jazz zu einem ...
3 Songs & Musik
Zola Mennenöh Concert Setlists | setlist.fmGet Zola Mennenöh setlists - view them, share them, discuss them with other Zola Mennenöh fans for free on setlist.fm!
Longing For Belonging: lyrics and songs | Deezerwww.deezer.com › album· Listen to Longing For Belonging by Zola Mennenöh on Deezer. I Came Here to Stay, I Disappeared Under the Sea, A Piece of Peace...
Zola Mennenöh: Longing For Belonging (CD) - JPCwww.jpc.de › Pop/Rock › Pop16,99 €Das Debütalbum der gelernten Jazzsängerin Zola Mennenöh aus Köln/Berlin vereint Elemente aus Alternative-Folk, Klassik und Jazz zu einem eloquenten ,99 € Das Debütalbum der gelernten Jazzsängerin Zola Mennenöh aus Köln/Berlin vereint Elemente aus Alternative-Folk, Klassik und Jazz zu einem eloquenten ...
1 Dokumente
Download PDF - Universität der Künste BerlinSophie Götte, Lea Hanselmann, Sebastian Leppert, Zola Mennenöh,. Friederike Merz, Nina Rotner, und Instrumentalisten/-innen des JIB.
1 Video- & Audioinhalte
CDs | BuJazzODeutscher Musikrat
5 Meinungen & Artikel
Wikipedia: Zola Mennenöh – WikipediaZola Mennenöh (* in Wuppertal) ist eine deutsche Jazzmusikerin (Gesang), Flötistin und Komponistin. Inhaltsverzeichnis. 1 Leben und Wirken ...
Inhalt nicht mehr vorhanden · ARD AudiothekEs ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Nutzen Sie die Suche oder die Links, um Inhalte zu finden.
Zola Mennenöh – The International Review of MusicPosts about Zola Mennenöh written by irom
New and upcoming releases – Newsletter No.4 – March |New and upcoming releases – Newsletter No.4 – March Website: www.doublemoon.de Contact: ... Zola Mennenöh, Friederike Merz, Mirna …
79 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Oktober Timo Dresenkamp JazzpianistZola Mennenöh und Udo Schräder Münster, Milch und Honig Lounge: Two-4-Jazz feat. Marco Arndt und Markus. Dassmann Enschede, Jazzclub De Tor
Zola Mennenöh - Longing for Belonging / FIGUREIGHT RECORDS ...www.deejay.de › Zola_Mennenoeh_Longing_for_B...Copenhagen / Cologne-based songwriter Zola Mennenöh joins Shahzad Ismaily's figureight records for the release of her eloquent debut album Longing for ...
ZOLA MENNENÖH – Longing For Belonging – www.saitenkult.de· (Figureight Records/Cargo) – Stil: Avant-Pop ~. Zola Mennenöh ist auch gekommen um zu bleiben. Nicht jedoch derart wie einst WIR SIND ...
Zola Mennenöh – Longing For Belonging - ARTNOIRartnoir.ch › zola-mennenoeh-longing-for-belonging· Band: Zola Mennenöh Album: Longing For Belonging Genre: Folk / Experimental. Label: figureight records. VÖ: 13. November 2020
*11 Zola Mennenöh by jardin * Podcast on SoundCloud ...soundcloud.com › jardinpodcast › 11-zola-mennenohjardin * Podcast. *11 Zola Mennenöh | 34:34. Previous track Play or pause track Next track. Enjoy the full SoundCloud experience with our free app.
I Came Here to Stay created by Zola Mennenöh - TikTokwww.tiktok.com › music › I-Came-Here-to-StayI Came Here to Stay is a popular song by Zola Mennenöh | Create your own TikTok videos with the I Came Here to Stay song and explore 0 videos made by new ...
Interscape by Kurt Rosenwinkel, Frederika Krier, Zola Mennenöh Key...Interscape by Kurt Rosenwinkel, Frederika Krier, Zola Mennenöh has a BPM of 128 and the key of D♭ Major (Camelot: 3B). Find out other track data such as ...
Longing For Belonging by Zola Mennenöh - Songwhipsongwhip.com › ... › Longing For BelongingListen to "Longing For Belonging" by Zola Mennenöh on any music platform - Free smart music links by Songwhip.
Sea of Silence-Zola Mennenöh-KKBOXwww.kkbox.com › ... › Sea of SilenceThe song Sea of Silence of Zola Mennenöh is here. Come enjoy at KKBOX!
Zola Mennenöh musician - All About JazzJazz musician Zola Mennenöh's bio, concert & touring information, albums, reviews, videos, photos and more.
Zola MennenöhZola Mennenöh | A UK music PR company
Neuigkeiten aus den Schumann-Orten - Schumann-PortalNeuste Informationen aus den Schumann Städten Zwickau, Leipzig, Heidelberg, Wien, Dresden, Maxen, Kreischa, Düsseldorf, Bonn, Baden-Baden, Berlin, Frankfurt...
Zola Mennenöh - Klangteppichwww.klangteppich.berlin › zola-mennenoh-gesangZola Mennenöh. Mennenöh was born in Wuppertal in and grew up in Remscheid. At the age of eight she started playing classical flute, four years later ...
Sonic-Impulse - Berliner Tonstudio: Jazz, Weltmusik, Klassik, PopBerliner Tonstudio mit Schwerpunkt Jazz und akustische Musik - Tonaufnahmen, Mischung, Editing, Mastering. Studioaufnahmen oder mobil in Kirchen, Sälen,...
Alle Alben - Herzlich Willkommen!Falls Sie Fotos für nicht private Zwecke verwenden wollen, bitte ich um eine Nachricht an .
Bundes Big Band FestivalGesang: Jenny Braunschweig, Zola Mennenöh Technik: Helmut Leser ...
Zola Mennenöh Archives | Nextbopnextbop.com › tag › zola-mennenohFew things can put a smile on your face this year quite like Kurt Rosenwinkel's latest Brazilian-influenced album, Caipi, out now on Sunnyside. The man has ...
Zola Mennenöh | figureightrecordswww.figureightrecords.com › zola-mennenohKnown - and highly in demand - as a session musician in her native Germany and her adoptive second homes in Denmark and Norway, Zola Mennenöh is a singer, ...
Zola Mennenöh – Longing for Belonging - out outwrszw.net › albums › zola-mennenoh-longing-for-b...ARTIST : Zola Mennenöh TITLE : Longing for Belonging LABEL : figureight. RELEASE : GENRE : experimental, ambient, neoclassical, folk, ssw
Feuilleton: Der Bergische Jazz Löwe / Online Musik MagazinDas erste deutschsprachige Musikmagazin im Internet
Bedeutung zum Nachnamen Mennenöh
This is an outline of the family history titled History of manor Mennenoh translated by Sonja Mayrhofer and compiled b Rainer Vormann. The settlement west of Schwelm is currently referred to as Öhde in German legal terminology as well as in colloquial slang. In former times, though, we can see other official terms which were used in administrative lists auf der Mennenöhe, Mennenböhde or Mennenöh. Today, the name Mennenöh is only used as a family name, though. The German term Öhde describes a territory through which a river runs. The property with which we are concerned here was probably situated in this Öhde, and was farmed by man named Tilmann. The term Öhde is still commonly used as a town name. In order to distinguish between the various Öhden (pl.), the name of the property owner or tenant was usually added to the word Öhde as a prefix. Menne is a nickname for the German word Mann (Engl.: man). From 1395-(1401), a family named Tilmann lived on the property on the Öhde, which was then called Meyenbergs Öhde. In 1489, Arndt Mennen came to live on Meyenbergs Öhde. Its seems as though the Mennenöhde and the clan of the Mennenöhs owes their name to Arndts father. Since this mans name ended with the word -mann, one can assume that his name was originally Tilmann, just like the farmers who lived there between 1395-1401. Of course it is unclear whether we can call these farmers the original ancestors of the Mennenöh clan. In 1585 Johann lived on the Mennenöhde. (The name Meyenberg has disappeared. Johann is probably the father of Jaspar or Kaspar, who owned the property during the Thirty Years War.) Kaspar probably died on St. Nicholas Day in 1636 due to the black plague. His son Hermann I was born in April 1636. His mother cared for the property; she died on April 18th 1654. Kaspar married Margaretha Prume on March 6th 1675. Margarethe was born in May 1647. Her father Wilhelm Prumer died in 1656, her mother Liesbeth died in 1677. The children of Hermann I and Margaretha Prume were born and named as follows: 1675 Anna Catharina 1677 Peter 1678 Anna 1679 Anna Maria (died 1680) 1681 Hermann II and 1684 Johannes II Hermann I died on March 26th 1688 and the property was then divided into equal parts among his sons Hermann II and Johann II. There are therefore two separate lines. First Line Hermann II Mennenöh Born on the Mennenöh in 1681 Died on the Mennenöh Married Clara Nölle in 1714 Johann Peter I. Died 1777 Married Anna Marg. Megelskotten in 1738 During Johann Peter Is life, the property served as security for large debts which were incurred during his lifetime, and was for this reason sold at a public auction. Johann Peter I. Son Johann Caspar I. Bought the property back on June 3rd 1774 for 1800 Rtl. Died 1836 Married Maria Anna Höterhof in 1766 Peter Caspar I Born 1788 Died 1859 Married Anna Cath. Beckmann in 1815 He took over the property in 1834. Caspar Friedrich I Born 1830 Died 1908 Married Aug. Henriette Kuhler in 1860 He took over the property in 1882 Ernst Albert Born 1873 Died 1931 Married Emma Berghaus in 1896. He took over the property in 1897. Second Line Johann II. Mennenöh Born 1683 on the Mennenöh Married Agnes Hillrinhaus in 1759 Johann Peter I. Born 1793 Married Maria Cath. Siepmann in 1759 He took over the property in 1798. Johann Peter II. Born 1767 Died 1837 Married Maria Richmuth Sirrenberg in 1799 He took over the property in 1798 Peter I. Born 1804 Died 1883 Married Maria Cath. Püls in 1835 He took over the property in 1837 Friederike Born 1804 Died 1883 The property was passed on to her cousin. Peter Hermann Born 1846 Died 1923 Married Lina Dannenberg Friedrich Heinrich Walther Nota bene: The booklet Die Geschichte des Gutes Mennenöhde (Engl. The History of the Property Mennenöhde) covers the history of the property throughout good and bad times. The booklet therefore also only mentions the owners of the property, but it does not go into detail about whether these owners had siblings or children. The location of the divided part of the property which was passed down through the first line of the Mennenöhs is still known. To my knowledge, it has been sold by the descendants Ernst Albert Mennenöh and Emma Berghaus.
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